/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #ifndef _PUBLIC_CERTMAP_H #define _PUBLIC_CERTMAP_H #include #ifndef NSAPI_PUBLIC #if defined( _WINDOWS ) || defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( XP_WIN32 ) #define NSAPI_PUBLIC __declspec(dllexport) #else #define NSAPI_PUBLIC #endif #endif #define LDAPU_ATTR_INITFN "InitFn" #define LDAPU_ATTR_LIBRARY "library" #define LDAPU_ATTR_DNCOMPS "DNComps" #define LDAPU_ATTR_FILTERCOMPS "FilterComps" #define LDAPU_ATTR_VERIFYCERT "VerifyCert" #define LDAPU_ATTR_CERTMAP_LDAP_ATTR "CmapLdapAttr" /* Error/Success codes */ #define LDAPU_SUCCESS 0 #define LDAPU_FAILED -1 #define LDAPU_CERT_MAP_FUNCTION_FAILED -2 #define LDAPU_CERT_SEARCH_FUNCTION_FAILED -3 #define LDAPU_CERT_VERIFY_FUNCTION_FAILED -4 #define LDAPU_CERT_MAP_INITFN_FAILED -5 /* * CertMapFn_t - * This is a typedef for cert mapping function. The mapping function is * called by the function ldapu_cert_to_ldap_entry. * Parameters: * cert - cert to be mapped. You can pass this to * functions ldapu_get_cert_XYZ. * ld - Handle to the connection to the directory server. * certmap_info - This structure contains information about the * configuration parameters for the cert's issuer (CA). * This structure can be passed to the function * ldapu_certmap_info_attrval to get value for a particular * configuration attribute (or a property). * ldapdn - The mapping function should allocate memory for ldapdn * using malloc and set this variable using the 'cert' and * 'certmap_info'. This DN will be used for ldap lookup. * filter - The mapping function should allocate memory for filter * using malloc and set this variable using the 'cert' and * 'certmap_info'. This will be used as ldap filter for ldap * lookup of the ldapdn. * * Return Value: * return LDAPU_SUCCESS upon successful completion (cert is mapped) * return LDAPU_FAILED there is no unexpected error but cert could not * mapped (probably because ldap entry doesn't exist). * otherwise return LDAPU_CERT_MAP_FUNCTION_FAILED. */ typedef int (*CertMapFn_t)(void *cert, LDAP *ld, void *certmap_info, char **ldapdn, char **filter); /* * CertSearchFn_t - * This is a typedef for cert search function. The search function is * called by the function ldapu_cert_to_ldap_entry after calling the mapping * function. The candidate 'dn' and 'filter' returned by the mapping * function is passed to this function. * The default search function works as follows: * 1. If the 'filter' is NULL, default it to 'objectclass=*'. * 2. If the 'dn' is non-NULL, do a base level search with the 'dn' and * 'filter'. If it succeeds, we are done. If there is no serious * error (LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT is not serious error yet), continue. * 3. If the 'dn' is NULL, default it to 'basedn'. * 4. Perform a 'subtree' search in LDAP for the 'dn' and the 'filter'. * 5. Return the results of the last search. * Parameters: * cert - cert to be mapped. You can pass this to * functions ldapu_get_cert_XYZ. * ld - Handle to the connection to the directory server. * certmap_info - This structure contains information about the * configuration parameters for the cert's issuer (CA). * This structure can be passed to the function * ldapu_certmap_info_attrval to get value for a particular * configuration attribute (or a property). * suffix - If the ldapdn is empty then use this DN to begin the * search. This is the DN of the root object in LDAP * Directory. * ldapdn - candidate 'dn' returned by the mapping function. * filter - returned by the mapping function. * attrs - list of attributes to return from the search. If this is * NULL, all attributes are returned. * res - result of the search which is passed to the verify * function. * * Return Value: * return LDAPU_SUCCESS upon successful completion * return LDAPU_FAILED there is no unexpected error but entries matching the * 'dn' and 'filter' doesn't exist. * otherwise return LDAPU_CERT_SEARCH_FUNCTION_FAILED. */ typedef int (*CertSearchFn_t)(void *cert, LDAP *ld, void *certmap_info, const char *suffix, const char *ldapdn, const char *filter, const char **attrs, LDAPMessage ***res); /* * CertVerifyFn_t - * This is a typedef for cert verify function. The verify function is * called by the function ldapu_cert_to_ldap_entry after the cert is * successfully mapped to ldapdn and filter, and an entry matching that * exists in the directory server. The verify fn may get called for * multiple matched entries. This function must go through all the entries * and check which one is appropriate. The pointer to that entry must be * passed back in the 'LDAPMessage **entry' parameter. * Parameters: * cert - Original cert to be mapped. You can pass this to * functions ldapu_get_cert_XYZ. * ld - Handle to the connection to the directory server. * certmap_info - This structure contains information about the * configuration parameters for the cert's issuer (CA). * This structure can be passed to the function * ldapu_certmap_info_attrval to get value for a particular * configuration attribute (or a property). * res - cert is first mapped to ldapdn and filter. 'res' is the * result of ldap search using the ldapdn and filter. * 'ld' and 'res' can be used in the calls to ldapsdk API. * entry - pointer to the entry from 'res' which is the correct match * according to the verify function. * * Return Values: * return LDAPU_SUCCESS upon successful completion (cert is verified) * return LDAPU_FAILED there is no unexpected error but cert could not * verified (probably because it was revoked). * otherwise return LDAPU_CERT_VERIFY_FUNCTION_FAILED. */ typedef int (*CertVerifyFn_t)(void *cert, LDAP *ld, void *certmap_info, LDAPMessage *res, LDAPMessage **entry); /* * CertmapInitFn_t - * This is a typedef for user defined init function. An init function can be * specified in the config file (/userdb/certmap.conf) per issuer * of a certificate. This init function must from the user's library, also * loaded from the config file using the 'library' property. The init * function is specified in the config file using the 'InitFn' property. * When the config file is loaded, any user defined init functions will be * called with the certmap_info pertaining to the issuer (CA). * Parameters: * certmap_info - This structure contains information about the * configuration parameters for the cert's issuer (CA). * This structure can be passed to the function * ldapu_certmap_info_attrval to get value for a particular * configuration attribute (or a property). * * Return Value: * return LDAPU_SUCCESS upon successful completion * otherwise return LDAPU_CERT_MAP_INITFN_FAILED. The server startup will be * aborted if the return value is not LDAPU_SUCCESS. */ typedef int (*CertMapInitFn_t)(void *certmap_info, const char *issuerName, const char *issuerDN, const char *libname); /* * Refer to the description of the function ldapu_get_cert_ava_val */ enum { LDAPU_SUBJECT_DN, LDAPU_ISSUER_DN }; /* ldapu_cert_to_ldap_entry */ typedef int (*t_ldapu_cert_to_ldap_entry)(void *cert, LDAP *ld, const char *suffix, LDAPMessage **res); /* ldapu_set_cert_mapfn */ typedef int (*t_ldapu_set_cert_mapfn)(const char *issuerDN, CertMapFn_t mapfn); /* ldapu_get_cert_mapfn */ typedef CertMapFn_t (*t_ldapu_get_cert_mapfn) (const char *issuerDN); /* ldapu_set_cert_searchfn */ typedef int (*t_ldapu_set_cert_searchfn) (const char *issuerDN, CertSearchFn_t searchfn); /* ldapu_get_cert_searchfn */ typedef CertSearchFn_t (*t_ldapu_get_cert_searchfn) (const char *issuerDN); /* ldapu_set_cert_verifyfn */ typedef int (*t_ldapu_set_cert_verifyfn) (const char *issuerDN, CertVerifyFn_t verifyFn); /* ldapu_get_cert_verifyfn */ typedef CertVerifyFn_t (*t_ldapu_get_cert_verifyfn) (const char *issuerDN); /* ldapu_get_cert_subject_dn */ typedef int (*t_ldapu_get_cert_subject_dn) (void *cert, char **subjectDN); /* ldapu_get_cert_issuer_dn */ typedef int (*t_ldapu_get_cert_issuer_dn) (void *cert, char **issuerDN); /* ldapu_get_cert_ava_val */ typedef int (*t_ldapu_get_cert_ava_val) (void *cert, int which_dn, const char *attr, char ***val); /* ldapu_free_cert_ava_val */ typedef int (*t_ldapu_free_cert_ava_val) (char **val); /* ldapu_get_cert_der */ typedef int (*t_ldapu_get_cert_der) (void *cert, unsigned char **derCert, unsigned int *len); /* ldapu_issuer_certinfo */ typedef int (*t_ldapu_issuer_certinfo) (const char *issuerDN, void **certmap_info); /* ldapu_certmap_info_attrval */ typedef int (*t_ldapu_certmap_info_attrval) (void *certmap_info, const char *attr, char **val); /* ldapu_err2string */ typedef char * (*t_ldapu_err2string) (int err); /* ldapu_free */ typedef void (*t_ldapu_free_old) (char *ptr); typedef void (*t_ldapu_free) (void *ptr); /* ldapu_malloc */ typedef void *(*t_ldapu_malloc) (int size); /* ldapu_strdup */ typedef char *(*t_ldapu_strdup) (const char *ptr); typedef struct LDAPUDispatchVector LDAPUDispatchVector_t; struct LDAPUDispatchVector { t_ldapu_cert_to_ldap_entry f_ldapu_cert_to_ldap_entry; t_ldapu_set_cert_mapfn f_ldapu_set_cert_mapfn; t_ldapu_get_cert_mapfn f_ldapu_get_cert_mapfn; t_ldapu_set_cert_searchfn f_ldapu_set_cert_searchfn; t_ldapu_get_cert_searchfn f_ldapu_get_cert_searchfn; t_ldapu_set_cert_verifyfn f_ldapu_set_cert_verifyfn; t_ldapu_get_cert_verifyfn f_ldapu_get_cert_verifyfn; t_ldapu_get_cert_subject_dn f_ldapu_get_cert_subject_dn; t_ldapu_get_cert_issuer_dn f_ldapu_get_cert_issuer_dn; t_ldapu_get_cert_ava_val f_ldapu_get_cert_ava_val; t_ldapu_free_cert_ava_val f_ldapu_free_cert_ava_val; t_ldapu_get_cert_der f_ldapu_get_cert_der; t_ldapu_issuer_certinfo f_ldapu_issuer_certinfo; t_ldapu_certmap_info_attrval f_ldapu_certmap_info_attrval; t_ldapu_err2string f_ldapu_err2string; t_ldapu_free_old f_ldapu_free_old; t_ldapu_malloc f_ldapu_malloc; t_ldapu_strdup f_ldapu_strdup; t_ldapu_free f_ldapu_free; }; #ifdef INTLDAPU NSAPI_PUBLIC extern LDAPUDispatchVector_t *__ldapu_table; #else typedef int (*CertMapDLLInitFn_t)(LDAPUDispatchVector_t **table); NSAPI_PUBLIC extern int CertMapDLLInitFn(LDAPUDispatchVector_t **table); extern LDAPUDispatchVector_t *__ldapu_table; #if defined( _WINDOWS ) || defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( XP_WIN32 ) #define CertmapDLLInitFnTbl LDAPUDispatchVector_t *__ldapu_table; #define CertmapDLLInit(rv, libname) \ {\ HANDLE h = LoadLibrary((libname)); \ CertMapDLLInitFn_t init_fn; \ if (!h) return LDAPU_CERT_MAP_INITFN_FAILED; \ init_fn = (CertMapDLLInitFn_t)GetProcAddress(h, "CertMapDLLInitFn"); \ rv = init_fn(&__ldapu_table); \ } #else #define CertmapDLLInit(rv, libname) #define CertmapDLLInitFnTbl #endif #endif /* INTLDAPU */ #ifndef INTLDAPU /* * ldapu_cert_to_ldap_entry - * This function is called to map a cert to an ldap entry. It extracts the * cert issuer information from the given cert. The mapping function set for * the issuer (if any) or the default mapping function is called to map the * subject DN from the cert to a candidate ldap DN and filter for ldap * search. If the mapped ldap DN is NULL, the 'basedn' passed into this * function is used as a starting place for the search. If the mapped filter * is NULL, "objectclass=*" is used as a filter. A base level search is * performed to see if the candidate DN exists in the LDAP database matching * the filter. If there is no match, a scoped search (sub-tree search) is * performed. If at least one entry matched the mapped DN and filter, the * result is passed to the appropriate verify function. The verify function * is called only if 'VerifyCert' parameter has been set for the cert issuer * in the certmap.conf file. * If the verify function succeeds, it must return the pointer to the matched * 'entry'. If at the end, there is only one matching entry, the mapping is * successful. * Parameters: * cert - cert to be mapped. You can pass this to * functions ldapu_get_cert_XYZ. * ld - Handle to the connection to the directory server. * suffix - If the subject dn is mapped to empty LDAP DN then use this * DN to begin the search. This is the DN of the root object * in LDAP Directory. * res - cert is first mapped to ldapdn and filter. 'res' is the * result of ldap search using the ldapdn and filter. * 'ld' and 'res' can be used in the calls to ldapsdk API. * When done with 'res', free it using ldap_msgfree(res) * * Return Value: * return LDAPU_SUCCESS upon successful completion * otherwise returns an error code that can be passed to ldapu_err2string. */ #define ldapu_cert_to_ldap_entry (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_cert_to_ldap_entry) /* * ldapu_set_cert_mapfn - * This function can be used to set the cert mapping function for the given * issuer (CA). If the mapping information doesn't exist for the given * issuer then a new one will be created and the mapping function will be * set. When creating the new mapping information, the default mapping * information is copied. * Parameters: * issuerDN - DN of the cert issuer. This mapping function will be used * for all certs issued by this issuer. If the issuerDN is * NULL, the given 'mapfn' becomes the default mapping * function (which is used when no mapping function has been * set for the cert's issuer). * mapfn - the mapping function. Look at the desciption of * CertMapFn_t to find out more about the mapping functions. * * Return Value: * return LDAPU_SUCCESS upon successful completion * otherwise returns an error code that can be passed to ldapu_err2string. */ #define ldapu_set_cert_mapfn (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_set_cert_mapfn) /* * ldapu_get_cert_mapfn - * This function can be used to get the cert mapping function for the given * issuer (CA). This will always return a non-NULL function. * Parameters: * issuerDN - DN of the cert issuer for which the mapping function is to * be retrieved. If this is NULL, default mapping function * is returned. * * Return Value: * The mapping function set for the issuer is returned. If the issuerDN is * NULL or if no specific mapping function has been set for the issuer, the * default mapping function is returned. */ #define ldapu_get_cert_mapfn (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_get_cert_mapfn) /* * ldapu_set_cert_searchfn - * This function can be used to set the cert search function for the given * issuer (CA). * Parameters: * issuerDN - DN of the cert issuer. This search function will be used * for all certs issued by this issuer. If the issuerDN is * NULL, the given 'searchfn' becomes the default search * function (which is used when no search function has been * set for the cert's issuer). * searchfn - the search function. Look at the desciption of * CertSearchFn_t to find out more about the search functions. * * Return Value: * return LDAPU_SUCCESS upon successful completion * otherwise returns an error code that can be passed to ldapu_err2string. */ #define ldapu_set_cert_searchfn (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_set_cert_searchfn) /* * ldapu_get_cert_searchfn - * This function can be used to get the cert search function for the given * issuer (CA). This will always return a non-NULL function. * Parameters: * issuerDN - DN of the cert issuer for which the search function is to * be retrieved. If this is NULL, the default search * function is returned. * * Return Value: * The search function set for the issuer is returned. If the issuerDN is * NULL or if no specific search function has been set for the issuer, the * default search function is returned. */ #define ldapu_get_cert_searchfn (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_get_cert_searchfn) /* * ldapu_set_cert_verifyfn - * This function can be used to set the cert verify function for the given * issuer (CA). If the mapping information doesn't exist for the given * issuer then a new one will be created and the verify function will be * set. When creating the new mapping information, the default mapping * information is copied. * Parameters: * issuerDN - DN of the cert issuer. This verify function will be used * for all certs issued by this issuer. If the issuerDN is * NULL, the given 'verifyFn' becomes the default verify * function (which is used when no verify function has been * set for the cert's issuer). * verifyFn - the verify function. Look at the desciption of * CertMapFn_t to find out more about the verify functions. * * Return Value: * return LDAPU_SUCCESS upon successful completion * otherwise returns an error code that can be passed to ldapu_err2string. */ #define ldapu_set_cert_verifyfn (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_set_cert_verifyfn) /* * ldapu_get_cert_verifyfn - * This function can be used to get the cert verify function for the given * issuer (CA). This function can return NULL when there is no applicable * verify function. * Parameters: * issuerDN - DN of the cert issuer for which the verify function is to * be retrieved. If this is NULL, default verify function * is returned. * * Return Value: * The verify function set for the issuer is returned. If the issuerDN is * NULL or if no specific verify function has been set for the issuer, the * default verify function is returned. This function can return NULL when * there is no applicable verify function. */ #define ldapu_get_cert_verifyfn (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_get_cert_verifyfn) /* * ldapu_get_cert_subject_dn - * This function can be used to get the subject DN from the cert. Free the * subjectDN using 'free' after you are done using it. * Parameters: * cert - cert from which the DN is to be extracted. * subjectDN - subjectDN extracted from the cert. Free it using 'free' * after it is no longer required. * * Return Value: * return LDAPU_SUCCESS upon successful completion * otherwise returns an error code that can be passed to ldapu_err2string. */ #define ldapu_get_cert_subject_dn (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_get_cert_subject_dn) /* * ldapu_get_cert_issuer_dn - * This function can be used to get the issuer DN from the cert. Free the * issuerDN using 'free' after you are done using it. * Parameters: * cert - cert from which the DN is to be extracted. * issuerDN - issuerDN extracted from the cert. Free it using 'free' * after it is no longer required. * * Return Value: * return LDAPU_SUCCESS upon successful completion * otherwise returns an error code that can be passed to ldapu_err2string. */ #define ldapu_get_cert_issuer_dn (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_get_cert_issuer_dn) /* * ldapu_get_cert_ava_val - * This function can be used to get value of the given attribute from either * the subject DN or the issuer DN from the cert. * Parameters: * cert - cert from which the values are to be extracted. * which_dn - Should be either LDAPU_ISSUER_DN or LDAPU_SUBJECT_DN. * attr - Should be one of "CN", "OU", "O", "C", "UID", "MAIL", * "E", "L", and "ST". * val - An array of attribute values extracted from the cert. * There could be multiple values. The last entry in the * array is NULL. You must free this array of strings after * you are done with it (using the function * ldapu_free_cert_ava_val). 'val' is initialized to NULL if * there is an error. * * Return Value: * return LDAPU_SUCCESS upon successful completion * otherwise returns an error code that can be passed to ldapu_err2string. */ #define ldapu_get_cert_ava_val (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_get_cert_ava_val) /* * ldapu_free_cert_ava_val - * This function can be used to free the array returned by the * ldapu_get_cert_ava_val function. * Parameters: * val - An array of attribute values returned by * ldapu_get_cert_ava_val. * * Return Value: * return LDAPU_SUCCESS upon successful completion * otherwise returns an error code that can be passed to ldapu_err2string. */ #define ldapu_free_cert_ava_val (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_free_cert_ava_val) /* * ldapu_get_cert_der - * This function can be used to get the original DER encoded cert for the * given cert. * Parameters: * cert - cert from which the original DER is to be extracted. * derCert - the original DER encoded cert * len - length of derCert * * Return Value: * return LDAPU_SUCCESS upon successful completion * otherwise returns an error code that can be passed to ldapu_err2string. */ #define ldapu_get_cert_der (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_get_cert_der) /* * ldapu_issuer_certinfo - * This function can be used to get the handle on the internal structure for * the given issuer. This handle can be passed to ldapu_certmap_info_attrval * to get configuration attribute values for the issuer. * Parameters: * issuerDN - DN of the issuer for whom the handle on internal structure * is requested. If issuerDN is NULL, the handle to the * default configuration information is returned. * certmap_info - This structure contains information about the * configuration parameters for the cert's issuer (CA). * This structure can be passed to the function * ldapu_certmap_info_attrval to get value for a particular * configuration attribute (or a property). * * Return Value: * return LDAPU_SUCCESS upon successful completion * otherwise returns an error code that can be passed to ldapu_err2string. * CAUTION: DON'T FREE THE 'certmap_info' STRUCTURE. */ #define ldapu_issuer_certinfo (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_issuer_certinfo) /* * ldapu_certmap_info_attrval - * This function can be used to get values for the given attribute/property * from the given certmap_info. You can get handle on the certmap_info by * calling the ldapu_issuer_certinfo function. Free the 'val' using 'free' * after it is no longer required. * Parameters: * certmap_info - This structure contains information about the * configuration parameters for the cert's issuer (CA). * attr - name of the attribute/property for which the value is to * be returned. The attribute can be one of the attributes * listed above (LDAPU_ATTR_XYZ). User defined attributes * can also be used. * val - Value of the 'attr' from the 'certmap_info'. * * Return Value: * return LDAPU_SUCCESS upon successful completion * otherwise returns an error code that can be passed to ldapu_err2string. */ #define ldapu_certmap_info_attrval (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_certmap_info_attrval) /* * ldapu_err2string - * This function can be used to print any of the ldaputil or LDAP error * code. * Parameters: * err - error code to be converted to printable string. * * Return Value: * Printable representation of the given error code. */ #define ldapu_err2string (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_err2string) /* * ldapu_free - * This function should be used to free the memory allocated by * ldapu_* functions if the ldapu_* function doesn't have a corresponding * 'free' function. Use this function for free'ing the memory allocated by * the following functions: * ldapu_get_cert_subject_dn * ldapu_get_cert_issuer_dn * ldapu_get_cert_der * ldapu_certmap_info_attrval * To free memory allocated by ldapu_get_cert_ava_val, use * ldapu_free_cert_ava_val. Do not free the certmap_info pointer returned by * ldapu_issuer_certinfo. * Parameters: * ptr - pointer returned by ldapu_get_cert_* functions. */ #define ldapu_free (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_free) /* * ldapu_malloc - * This function is a cover function for the 'malloc' system call. On NT, it * is best to alloc & free the memory in the same DLL. * Parameters: * size - size of the memory to be allocated * Return Value: * same as 'malloc' -- pointer to the allocated memory or NULL on failure. */ #define ldapu_malloc (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_malloc) /* * ldapu_strdup - * This function is a cover function for the 'strdup' system call. On NT, it * is best to alloc & free the memory in the same DLL. * Parameters: * ptr - Pointer to the string to be copied * Return Value: * same as 'strdup' -- pointer to the copied string or NULL on failure. */ #define ldapu_strdup (*__ldapu_table->f_ldapu_strdup) #endif /* !INTLDAPU */ #endif /* _PUBLIC_CERTMAP_H */