# # BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK # This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple # Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. # # In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional # right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU # General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations # including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code # permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program # through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION # found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of # Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from # the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by # the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or # additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General # Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used # in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this # exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your # version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to # provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception # statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without # exception. # # # Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. # Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # END COPYRIGHT BLOCK # # this file contains definitions for component macros used during the build # process. Things like the component location in the build tree, etc. # this file should be included by nsconfig.mk after it figures out all # of the OS, architecture, security, and other platform and build related # macros. This file also contains the instructions for making the component # up to date e.g. copying the files from their repository to an area where # the build process has access to it. For some components and OS's, this may # be as simple as creating a symbolic link to the repository # Each component should define a COMPONENT_DEP macro which can be used in # other makefiles for dependency checking e.g. # target: $(COMPONENT1_DEP) $(COMPONENT2_DEP) ... # This macro should evaluate to the name of a single file which must be # present for the package to be complete e.g. some library or include # file name # Each component then should define a target for that dependency which will # bring the component up to date if that target does not exist e.g. # $(COMPONENT1_DEP): # use ftp or symlinks or ??? to get the necessary files to the build # area # Each component should define a COMPONENT_LINK macro which can be used to # link the component's libraries with the target. For NT, this will typically # be something like # /LIBPATH:path_to_library lib1 lib2 lib3 /LIBPATH:more_libs lib4 lib5 ... # On Unix, this will be something like # -Lpath_to_library -l1 -l2 -l3 -Lmore_libs -l4 -l5 ... # Each component should define a COMPONENT_INCLUDE macro which can be used # to compile using the component's header files e.g. # -Ipath_to_include_files -Ipath_to_more_include_files # Once this file is working, I will DELETE compvers.sh and ns_ftp.sh # from the tree, so help me god. # this macro contains a list of source files and directories to copy to # the directory where DLLs/SOs go at runtime; each component will add the files/dirs to # this macro that it needs to package; not all components will have # files which need packaging # if you need some other behavior, see PACKAGE_SRC_DEST below LIBS_TO_PKG = # this macro contains a list of source files and directories to copy to # the directory where DLLs/SOs go at runtime; each component will add the files/dirs to # this macro that it needs to package; this is for DLLs/SOs for the shared/bin # directory where the ldap c sdk command line tools, some security tools, and # the i18n conversion tools live LIBS_TO_PKG_SHARED = # this macro contains a list of source files and directories to copy to # the shared tools directory - things like the ldap c sdk command line # tools, shared security tools, etc. BINS_TO_PKG_SHARED = # this macro contains a list of shared libraries/dlls needed during # setup to run the setup pre-install program on unix (ns-config) or # the slapd plugin on NT (DSINST_PreInstall) PACKAGE_SETUP_LIBS = # this macro contains a list of libraries/dlls to copy to the clients # library directory LIBS_TO_PKG_CLIENTS = # this macro contains a list of source files and directories to copy to # the release/java directory; usually a list of jar files PACKAGE_UNDER_JAVA = # this macro contains a list of pairs of source and dest files and directories # the source is where to find the item in the build tree, and the dest is # the place in the release to put the item, relative to the server root e.g. # nls locale files are in libnls31/locale, but for packaging they need to # go into lib/nls, not just lib; the destination should be a directory name; # separate the src from the dest with a single space PACKAGE_SRC_DEST = # this macro contains a list of pairs of source and dest files, not directories # the source is where to find the item in the build tree, and the dest is # the place in the release to put the item, relative to the server root e.g. # nls locale files are in libnls31/locale, but for packaging they need to # go into lib/nls, not just lib; the destination should be a file name; # separate the src from the dest with a single space PACKAGE_SRC_DESTFILE = # these defs are useful for doing pattern search/replace COMMA := , NULLSTRING := SPACE := $(NULLSTRING) # the space is between the ) and the # DS_BRAND := fedora ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) EXE_SUFFIX = .exe else # unix - windows has no lib name prefix, except for nspr LIB_PREFIX = lib endif ifeq ($(INTERNAL_BUILD), 1) include $(BUILD_ROOT)/internal_buildpaths.mk else include $(BUILD_ROOT)/buildpaths.mk endif # NSPR20 Library NSPR_LIBNAMES = plc4 plds4 ifeq ($(ARCH), SOLARIS) ifeq ($(NSPR_RELDATE), v4.2.2) # no need after v4.4.1 NSPR_LIBNAMES += ultrasparc4 # just need ultrasparc for now LIBS_TO_PKG += $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX),$(addprefix $(NSPR_LIBPATH)/lib,ultrasparc4)) endif endif NSPR_LIBNAMES += nspr4 ifdef NSPR_SOURCE_ROOT NSPR_LIBPATH = $(NSPR_SOURCE_ROOT)/dist/$(MOZ_OBJDIR_NAME)/lib NSPR_INCDIR = $(NSPR_SOURCE_ROOT)/dist/$(MOZ_OBJDIR_NAME)/include else NSPR_LIBPATH = $(NSPR_BUILD_DIR)/lib NSPR_INCDIR = $(NSPR_BUILD_DIR)/include endif NSPR_INCLUDE = -I$(NSPR_INCDIR) NSPR_LIBS_TO_PKG = $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX),$(addprefix $(NSPR_LIBPATH)/lib,$(NSPR_LIBNAMES))) LIBS_TO_PKG += $(NSPR_LIBS_TO_PKG) LIBS_TO_PKG_SHARED += $(NSPR_LIBS_TO_PKG) # needed for cmd line tools ifeq ($(USE_SETUPUTIL), 1) PACKAGE_SETUP_LIBS += $(NSPR_LIBS_TO_PKG) endif ifeq ($(USE_DSGW), 1) LIBS_TO_PKG_CLIENTS += $(NSPR_LIBS_TO_PKG) # for dsgw endif ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) NSPRDLL_NAME = $(addprefix lib, $(NSPR_LIBNAMES)) NSPROBJNAME = $(addsuffix .lib, $(NSPRDLL_NAME)) NSPRLINK = /LIBPATH:$(NSPR_LIBPATH) $(NSPROBJNAME) LIBNSPRDLL_NAMES = $(addsuffix .dll, $(addprefix $(NSPR_LIBPATH)/, \ $(addprefix lib, $(NSPR_LIBNAMES)))) else NSPR_SOLIBS = $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX), $(addprefix $(LIB_PREFIX), $(NSPR_LIBNAMES))) NSPROBJNAME = $(addsuffix .a, $(addprefix $(LIB_PREFIX), $(NSPR_LIBNAMES)) LIBNSPR = $(addprefix $(NSPR_LIBPATH)/, $(NSPR_SOLIBS)) NSPRLINK = -L$(NSPR_LIBPATH) $(addprefix -l, $(NSPR_LIBNAMES)) endif ### SECURITY ############################# ifdef SECURITY_SOURCE_ROOT SECURITY_LIBPATH = $(SECURITY_SOURCE_ROOT)/dist/$(MOZ_OBJDIR_NAME)/lib SECURITY_BINPATH = $(SECURITY_SOURCE_ROOT)/dist/$(MOZ_OBJDIR_NAME)/bin SECURITY_INCDIR = $(SECURITY_SOURCE_ROOT)/dist/public/nss else SECURITY_LIBPATH = $(SECURITY_BUILD_DIR)/lib SECURITY_BINPATH = $(SECURITY_BUILD_DIR)/bin SECURITY_INCDIR = $(SECURITY_BUILD_DIR)/include endif SECURITY_INCLUDE = -I$(SECURITY_INCDIR) # add crlutil and ocspclnt when we support CRL and OCSP cert checking in DS SECURITY_BINNAMES = certutil derdump pp pk12util ssltap modutil shlibsign SECURITY_LIBNAMES = ssl3 nss3 softokn3 # these libs have a corresponding .chk file SECURITY_NEED_CHK = softokn3 # these are the libs we need at runtime SECURITY_LIBNAMES.pkg = $(SECURITY_LIBNAMES) smime3 # freebl for all platforms is new for NSS 3.11 # there are some platform specific versions as well FREEBL_LIBS = freebl3 ifeq ($(USE_64), 1) ifeq ($(ARCH), SOLARIS) FREEBL_LIBS = freebl_64fpu_3 freebl_64int_3 endif else # USE_64 ifeq ($(ARCH), SOLARIS) FREEBL_LIBS = freebl_32fpu_3 freebl_32int64_3 freebl_32int_3 endif # SOLARIS ifeq ($(ARCH), HPUX) FREEBL_LIBS = freebl_32fpu_3 freebl_32int_3 endif # HPUX endif # USE_64 SECURITY_LIBNAMES.pkg += $(FREEBL_LIBS) SECURITY_NEED_CHK += $(FREEBL_LIBS) SECURITY_TOOLS = $(addsuffix $(EXE_SUFFIX),$(SECURITY_BINNAMES)) SECURITY_TOOLS_FULLPATH = $(addprefix $(SECURITY_BINPATH)/, $(SECURITY_TOOLS)) SECURITY_LIBS_TO_PKG = $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX),$(addprefix $(SECURITY_LIBPATH)/$(LIB_PREFIX),$(SECURITY_LIBNAMES.pkg))) SECURITY_LIBS_TO_PKG += $(addsuffix .chk,$(addprefix $(SECURITY_LIBPATH)/$(LIB_PREFIX),$(SECURITY_NEED_CHK))) LIBS_TO_PKG += $(SECURITY_LIBS_TO_PKG) LIBS_TO_PKG_SHARED += $(SECURITY_LIBS_TO_PKG) # for cmd line tools ifeq ($(USE_SETUPUTIL), 1) PACKAGE_SETUP_LIBS += $(SECURITY_LIBS_TO_PKG) # for the setup programs endif ifeq ($(USE_DSGW), 1) LIBS_TO_PKG_CLIENTS += $(SECURITY_LIBS_TO_PKG) # for dsgw endif ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) SECURITYOBJNAME = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), $(SECURITY_LIBNAMES)) LIBSECURITY = $(addprefix $(SECURITY_LIBPATH)/, $(SECURITYOBJNAME)) SECURITYLINK = /LIBPATH:$(SECURITY_LIBPATH) $(SECURITYOBJNAME) else SECURITYOBJNAME = $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX), $(addprefix $(LIB_PREFIX), $(SECURITY_LIBNAMES))) LIBSECURITY = $(addprefix $(SECURITY_LIBPATH)/, $(SECURITYOBJNAME)) SECURITYLINK = -L$(SECURITY_LIBPATH) $(addprefix -l, $(SECURITY_LIBNAMES)) endif # we need to package the root cert file in the alias directory PACKAGE_SRC_DEST += $(SECURITY_LIBPATH)/$(LIB_PREFIX)nssckbi.$(DLL_SUFFIX) alias # the security tools are wrapped with shell scripts so that the correct ld libpath can be set # so, when we package them, we rename them with a -bin extension e.g. certutil -> shared/bin/certutil-bin # the actual certutil will be an executable shell script that points to certutil-bin PACKAGE_SRC_DESTFILE += $(foreach prog,$(SECURITY_TOOLS),$(SECURITY_BINPATH)/$(prog)$(SPACE)shared/bin/$(prog)-bin) ### SECURITY END ############################# ### SVRCORE ############################# ifdef SVRCORE_SOURCE_ROOT SVRCORE_LIBPATH = $(SVRCORE_SOURCE_ROOT)/dist/$(MOZ_OBJDIR_NAME)/lib SVRCORE_INCDIR = $(SVRCORE_SOURCE_ROOT)/dist/public/svrcore else SVRCORE_LIBPATH = $(SVRCORE_BUILD_DIR)/lib SVRCORE_INCDIR = $(SVRCORE_BUILD_DIR)/include endif SVRCORE_INCLUDE = -I$(SVRCORE_INCDIR) SVRCORE_LIBNAMES = svrcore ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) SVRCOREOBJNAME = $(addsuffix .lib, $(SVRCORE_LIBNAMES)) LIBSVRCORE = $(addprefix $(SVRCORE_LIBPATH)/, $(SVRCOREOBJNAME)) SVRCORELINK = /LIBPATH:$(SVRCORE_LIBPATH) $(SVRCOREOBJNAME) else SVRCOREOBJNAME = $(addsuffix .a, $(addprefix $(LIB_PREFIX), $(SVRCORE_LIBNAMES))) LIBSVRCORE = $(addprefix $(SVRCORE_LIBPATH)/, $(SVRCOREOBJNAME)) SVRCORELINK = -L$(SVRCORE_LIBPATH) $(addprefix -l, $(SVRCORE_LIBNAMES)) endif ### SVRCORE END ############################# #################################################### # LDAP SDK ################################################### ifdef LDAPSDK_SOURCE_ROOT LDAPSDK_LIBPATH = $(LDAPSDK_SOURCE_ROOT)/dist/lib LDAPSDK_INCDIR = $(LDAPSDK_SOURCE_ROOT)/dist/public/ldap LDAPSDK_BINPATH = $(LDAPSDK_SOURCE_ROOT)/dist/bin else LDAPSDK_LIBPATH = $(LDAP_ROOT)/lib LDAPSDK_INCDIR = $(LDAP_ROOT)/include LDAPSDK_BINPATH = $(LDAP_ROOT)/bin endif LDAPSDK_INCLUDE = -I$(LDAPSDK_INCDIR) # package the command line programs LDAPSDK_TOOLS = $(wildcard $(LDAPSDK_BINPATH)/ldap*$(EXE_SUFFIX)) BINS_TO_PKG_SHARED += $(LDAPSDK_TOOLS) # package the include files - needed for the plugin API LDAPSDK_INCLUDE_FILES = $(wildcard $(LDAPSDK_INCDIR)/*.h) PACKAGE_SRC_DEST += $(subst $(SPACE),$(SPACE)plugins/slapd/slapi/include$(SPACE),$(LDAPSDK_INCLUDE_FILES)) PACKAGE_SRC_DEST += plugins/slapd/slapi/include ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_LIBNAMES = ldapssl32v$(LDAP_SUF) ldap32v$(LDAP_SUF) ldappr32v$(LDAP_SUF) LDAPDLL_NAME = $(addprefix ns, $(LDAP_LIBNAMES)) LDAPOBJNAME = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), $(LDAPDLL_NAME)) LDAPLINK = /LIBPATH:$(LDAPSDK_LIBPATH) $(LDAPOBJNAME) LDAP_NOSSL_LINK = /LIBPATH:$(LDAPSDK_LIBPATH) nsldap32v$(LDAP_SUF).$(LIB_SUFFIX) LIBLDAPDLL_NAMES = $(addsuffix .dll, $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBPATH)/, $(LDAPDLL_NAME))) LIBS_TO_PKG += $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX),$(addprefix $(LDAPSDK_LIBPATH)/,$(LDAPDLL_NAME))) LIBS_TO_PKG_SHARED += $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX),$(addprefix $(LDAPSDK_LIBPATH)/,$(LDAPDLL_NAME))) ifeq ($(USE_SETUPUTIL), 1) PACKAGE_SETUP_LIBS += $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX),$(addprefix $(LDAPSDK_LIBPATH)/,$(LDAPDLL_NAME))) endif ifeq ($(USE_DSGW), 1) LIBS_TO_PKG_CLIENTS += $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX),$(addprefix $(LDAPSDK_LIBPATH)/,$(LDAPDLL_NAME))) endif else # not WINNT LDAP_SOLIB_NAMES = ssldap$(LDAP_SUF)$(LDAP_DLL_PRESUF) ldap$(LDAP_SUF)$(LDAP_DLL_PRESUF) prldap$(LDAP_SUF)$(LDAP_DLL_PRESUF) ifndef LDAP_NO_LIBLCACHE LDAP_SOLIB_NAMES += lcache30$(LDAP_DLL_PRESUF) endif LDAP_DOTALIB_NAMES = LDAP_LIBNAMES = $(LDAP_DOTALIB_NAMES) $(LDAP_SOLIB_NAMES) LDAP_SOLIBS = $(addsuffix .$(LDAP_DLL_SUFFIX), $(addprefix $(LIB_PREFIX), $(LDAP_SOLIB_NAMES))) LDAPOBJNAME = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), $(addprefix $(LIB_PREFIX), $(LDAP_DOTALIB_NAMES))) \ $(LDAP_SOLIBS) LDAPLINK = -L$(LDAPSDK_LIBPATH) $(addprefix -l,$(LDAP_SOLIB_NAMES)) LDAP_NOSSL_LINK = -L$(LDAPSDK_LIBPATH) -lldap$(LDAP_SUF)$(LDAP_DLL_PRESUF) LIBS_TO_PKG += $(addprefix $(LDAPSDK_LIBPATH)/,$(LDAP_SOLIBS)) LIBS_TO_PKG_SHARED += $(addprefix $(LDAPSDK_LIBPATH)/,$(LDAP_SOLIBS)) ifeq ($(USE_SETUPUTIL), 1) PACKAGE_SETUP_LIBS += $(addprefix $(LDAPSDK_LIBPATH)/,$(LDAP_SOLIBS)) endif ifeq ($(USE_DSGW), 1) LIBS_TO_PKG_CLIENTS += $(addprefix $(LDAPSDK_LIBPATH)/,$(LDAP_SOLIBS)) endif endif LDAP_LIBPATH = $(LDAPSDK_LIBPATH) LDAP_INCLUDE = $(LDAPSDK_INCDIR) LDAP_TOOLDIR = $(LDAPSDK_BINPATH) LIBLDAP = $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBPATH)/, $(LDAPOBJNAME)) ### SASL package ########################################## ifeq ($(ARCH), Linux) ifeq ($(BUILD_ARCH), RHEL3) SASL_LIBPATH = /usr/kerberos/lib else SASL_LIBPATH = /usr/lib endif SASL_INCDIR = /usr/include/sasl else ifdef SASL_SOURCE_ROOT SASL_LIBPATH = $(SASL_SOURCE_ROOT)/lib SASL_INCDIR = $(SASL_SOURCE_ROOT)/include/sasl else SASL_LIBPATH = $(SASL_BUILD_DIR)/lib SASL_INCDIR = $(SASL_BUILD_DIR)/include endif endif SASL_INCLUDE = $(SASL_INCDIR) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) SASL_LIB_ROOT_NAME = sasl SASL_LINK = /LIBPATH:$(SASL_LIBPATH) lib$(SASL_LIB_ROOT_NAME).lib SASL_LIBS = lib$(SASL_LIB_ROOT_NAME).lib,lib$(SASL_LIB_ROOT_NAME).dll,saslDIGESTMD5.dll else # for cyrus it's sasl2 SASL_LIB_ROOT_NAME = sasl2 SASL_LIBS = lib$(SASL_LIB_ROOT_NAME).a ifeq ($(ARCH), Linux) GSSAPI_LIBS=-lgssapi_krb5 endif ifeq ($(ARCH), SOLARIS) GSSAPI_LIBS=-lgss endif ifeq ($(ARCH), HPUX) GSSAPI_LIBS=-lgss ifeq ($(USE_64),1) GSSAPI_LIBS=-lgss endif endif SASL_LINK = -L$(SASL_LIBPATH) -l$(SASL_LIB_ROOT_NAME) $(GSSAPI_LIBS) endif ########################################################### ### Net-SNMP package ###################################### ifdef NETSNMP_SOURCE_ROOT NETSNMP_LIBPATH = $(NETSNMP_SOURCE_ROOT)/built/lib NETSNMP_INCDIR = $(NETSNMP_SOURCE_ROOT)/built/include NETSNMP_BINDIR = $(NETSNMP_SOURCE_ROOT)/built/bin else NETSNMP_LIBPATH = $(NETSNMP_BUILD_DIR)/lib NETSNMP_INCDIR = $(NETSNMP_BUILD_DIR)/include NETSNMP_BINDIR = $(NETSNMP_BUILD_DIR)/bin endif NETSNMP_INCLUDE = -I$(NETSNMP_INCDIR) NETSNMP_LIBNAMES = netsnmp netsnmpagent netsnmpmibs netsnmphelpers NETSNMP_LINK = -L$(NETSNMP_LIBPATH) $(addprefix -l, $(NETSNMP_LIBNAMES)) ifneq ($(ARCH), WINNT) ifeq ($(ARCH), HPUX) NETSNMP_SOLIBS = $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX).7, $(addprefix $(LIB_PREFIX), $(NETSNMP_LIBNAMES))) else NETSNMP_SOLIBS = $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX).5, $(addprefix $(LIB_PREFIX), $(NETSNMP_LIBNAMES))) endif LIBS_TO_PKG += $(addprefix $(NETSNMP_LIBPATH)/,$(NETSNMP_SOLIBS)) endif ########################################################### ### ICU package ########################################## ICU_LIB_VERSION = 34 ifdef ICU_SOURCE_ROOT ICU_LIBPATH = $(ICU_SOURCE_ROOT)/built/lib ICU_BINPATH = $(ICU_SOURCE_ROOT)/built/bin ICU_INCPATH = $(ICU_SOURCE_ROOT)/built/include else ICU_LIBPATH = $(ICU_BUILD_DIR)/lib ICU_BINPATH = $(ICU_BUILD_DIR)/bin ICU_INCPATH = $(ICU_BUILD_DIR)/include endif ICU_INCLUDE = -I$(ICU_INCPATH) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) ifeq ($(BUILD_DEBUG), optimize) ICU_LIB_SUF= else ICU_LIB_SUF=d endif ICU_LIBNAMES = icuin$(ICU_LIB_SUF) icuuc$(ICU_LIB_SUF) icudata ICU_DLLNAMES = icuin$(ICU_LIB_VERSION)$(ICU_LIB_SUF) icuuc$(ICU_LIB_VERSION)$(ICU_LIB_SUF) icudt$(ICU_LIB_VERSION)l ICULINK = /LIBPATH:$(ICU_LIBPATH) $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX),$(ICU_LIBNAMES)) LIBS_TO_PKG += $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX),$(addprefix $(ICU_BINPATH)/,$(ICU_DLLNAMES))) LIBS_TO_PKG_SHARED += $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX),$(addprefix $(ICU_BINPATH)/,$(ICU_DLLNAMES))) ifeq ($(USE_DSGW), 1) LIBS_TO_PKG_CLIENTS += $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX),$(addprefix $(ICU_BINPATH)/,$(ICU_DLLNAMES))) endif else ICU_LIBNAMES = icui18n icuuc icudata ICULINK = -L$(ICU_LIBPATH) $(addprefix -l, $(ICU_LIBNAMES)) LIBS_TO_PKG += $(addsuffix .$(ICU_LIB_VERSION),$(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX),$(addprefix $(ICU_LIBPATH)/,$(addprefix lib,$(ICU_LIBNAMES))))) LIBS_TO_PKG_SHARED += $(addsuffix .$(ICU_LIB_VERSION),$(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX),$(addprefix $(ICU_LIBPATH)/,$(addprefix lib,$(ICU_LIBNAMES))))) ifeq ($(USE_DSGW), 1) LIBS_TO_PKG_CLIENTS += $(addsuffix .$(ICU_LIB_VERSION),$(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX),$(addprefix $(ICU_LIBPATH)/,$(addprefix lib,$(ICU_LIBNAMES))))) endif #LIBS_TO_PKG = $(addsuffix $(addprefix lib,$(ICU_LIBNAMES)) endif BINS_TO_PKG_SHARED += $(ICU_BINPATH)/uconv$(EXE_SUFFIX) ########################################################### ### DB component (Berkeley DB) ############################ DB_LIBNAME=lib$(DB_MAJOR_MINOR) ifdef DB_SOURCE_ROOT DB_INCLUDE =$(DB_SOURCE_ROOT)/built DB_LIBPATH =$(DB_SOURCE_ROOT)/built/.libs DB_BINPATH =$(DB_SOURCE_ROOT)/built else DB_INCLUDE =$(db_path_config)/include DB_LIBPATH =$(db_path_config)/lib DB_BINPATH =$(db_path_config)/bin endif ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) db_import_lib_suffix =$(LIB_SUFFIX) DB_LIB =$(DB_LIBPATH)/$(DB_LIBNAME).$(db_import_lib_suffix) DB_STATIC_LIB =$(DB_LIBPATH)/$(DB_LIBNAME).$(LIB_SUFFIX) else # not WINNT db_import_lib_suffix =$(DLL_SUFFIX) DB_LIB =-L$(DB_LIBPATH) -l$(DB_MAJOR_MINOR) # XXXsspitzer: we need the spinlock symbols staticly linked in to libdb DB_STATIC_LIB =-L$(DB_LIBPATH) -ldbs endif # not WINNT # libdb only needs to be in the server directory since only the server uses it PACKAGE_SRC_DEST += $(wildcard $(DB_LIBPATH)/*.$(DLL_SUFFIX)) bin/slapd/server ### DB component (Berkeley DB) ############################ ########################################### # SETUPUTIL ########################################## ifdef SETUPUTIL_SOURCE_ROOT SETUPUTIL_LIBPATH = $(SETUPUTIL_SOURCE_ROOT)/built/package/$(COMPONENT_OBJDIR)/lib SETUPUTIL_INCDIR = $(SETUPUTIL_SOURCE_ROOT)/built/package/$(COMPONENT_OBJDIR)/include SETUPUTIL_BINPATH = $(SETUPUTIL_SOURCE_ROOT)/built/package/$(COMPONENT_OBJDIR)/bin else SETUPUTIL_LIBPATH = $(SETUPUTIL_BUILD_DIR)/lib SETUPUTIL_INCDIR = $(SETUPUTIL_BUILD_DIR)/include SETUPUTIL_BINPATH = $(SETUPUTIL_BUILD_DIR)/bin endif SETUPUTIL_INCLUDE = -I$(SETUPUTIL_INCDIR) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) SETUPUTILLINK = /LIBPATH:$(SETUPUTIL_LIBPATH) nssetup32.$(LIB_SUFFIX) SETUPUTIL_S_LINK = /LIBPATH:$(SETUPUTIL_LIBPATH) nssetup32_s.$(LIB_SUFFIX) else SETUPUTILLINK = -L$(SETUPUTIL_LIBPATH) -linstall SETUPUTIL_S_LINK = $(SETUPUTILLINK) endif # this is the base directory under which the component's files will be found # during the build process ifdef ADMINUTIL_SOURCE_ROOT ADMINUTIL_LIBPATH = $(ADMINUTIL_SOURCE_ROOT)/built/adminutil/$(COMPONENT_OBJDIR)/lib ADMINUTIL_INCPATH = $(ADMINUTIL_SOURCE_ROOT)/built/adminutil/$(COMPONENT_OBJDIR)/include/adminutil-$(ADMINUTIL_DOT_VER) else ADMINUTIL_LIBPATH = $(ADMINUTIL_BUILD_DIR)/lib ADMINUTIL_INCPATH = $(ADMINUTIL_BUILD_DIR)/include/adminutil-$(ADMINUTIL_DOT_VER) endif PACKAGE_SRC_DEST += $(ADMINUTIL_LIBPATH)/adminutil-properties bin/slapd/lib LIBS_TO_PKG += $(wildcard $(ADMINUTIL_LIBPATH)/*.$(DLL_SUFFIX)) LIBS_TO_PKG_CLIENTS += $(wildcard $(ADMINUTIL_LIBPATH)/*.$(DLL_SUFFIX)) ifeq ($(ARCH),WINNT) ADMINUTIL_LINK = /LIBPATH:$(ADMINUTIL_LIBPATH) libadminutil.$(LIB_SUFFIX) ADMINUTIL_S_LINK = /LIBPATH:$(ADMINUTIL_LIBPATH) libadminutil_s.$(LIB_SUFFIX) LIBADMINUTILDLL_NAMES = $(ADMINUTIL_LIBPATH)/libadminutil.$(DLL_SUFFIX) else ADMINUTIL_LINK=-L$(ADMINUTIL_LIBPATH) -ladminutil endif ADMINUTIL_INCLUDE=-I$(ADMINUTIL_INCPATH) -I$(ADMINUTIL_INCPATH)/libadminutil \ -I$(ADMINUTIL_INCPATH)/libadmsslutil ######################################### # LDAPJDK ######################################### LDAPJDK = ldapjdk.jar ifdef LDAPJDK_SOURCE_DIR LDAPJDK_DIR = $(LDAPJDK_SOURCE_DIR)/directory/java-sdk/dist/packages endif ifndef LDAPJDK_DIR LDAPJDK_DIR = $(CLASS_DEST) endif LDAPJARFILE=$(LDAPJDK_DIR)/ldapjdk.jar AXIS = axis-$(AXIS_VERSION).zip AXIS_FILES = $(AXIS) AXIS_FILE = $(CLASS_DEST)/$(AXIS) DSMLJAR = activation.jar,jaxrpc-api.jar,jaxrpc.jar,saaj.jar,xercesImpl.jar,xml-apis.jar,jakarta-commons-codec.jar DSMLJAR_FILE = $(CLASS_DEST) CRIMSON_LICENSE = LICENSE.crimson CRIMSONJAR = crimson.jar ifdef CRIMSON_SOURCE_DIR CRIMSONJAR_BUILD_DIR = $(CRIMSON_SOURCE_DIR) endif ifndef CRIMSONJAR_BUILD_DIR CRIMSONJAR_BUILD_DIR = $(CLASS_DEST) endif CRIMSONJAR_FILE = $(CRIMSONJAR_BUILD_DIR)/$(CRIMSONJAR) ifdef ADMINSERVER_SOURCE_ROOT ADMSERV_DIR = $(ADMINSERVER_SOURCE_ROOT)/built/package/$(COMPONENT_OBJDIR) # else set in internal_buildpaths.mk endif ADMINSERVER_PKG:=admserv.tar.gz # these are the subcomponents we use from the adminserver package ADMINSERVER_SUBCOMPS:=admin base ifdef LDAPCONSOLE_SOURCE_ROOT LDAPCONSOLE_DIR = $(ABS_ROOT)/../built/package else LDAPCONSOLE_DIR = $(CLASS_DEST) endif LDAPCONSOLEJAR = $(DS_BRAND)-ds-$(LDAPCONSOLE_REL).jar LDAPCONSOLEJAR_EN = $(DS_BRAND)-ds-$(LDAPCONSOLE_REL)_en.jar LDAPCONSOLEGENJAR = $(DS_BRAND)-ds-$(LDAPCONSOLE_GENREL).jar LDAPCONSOLEGENJAR_EN = $(DS_BRAND)-ds-$(LDAPCONSOLE_GENREL)_en.jar #### online help docs ###### ifndef ONLINEHELP_SOURCE_ROOT DSDOC_DIR = $(ABS_ROOT)/../dist/dsdoc else DSDOC_DIR = $(ONLINEHELP_SOURCE_ROOT) endif DSDOC_CLIENTS = slapd_clients.zip DSDOC_COPYRIGHT = slapd_copyright.zip ########### PerLDAP ############# ifdef PERLDAP_SOURCE_ROOT PERLDAP_BUILT_DIR = $(PERLDAP_SOURCE_ROOT)/directory/perldap/blib # else set in internal_buildpaths.mk and pulled in internal_comp_deps.mk endif PERLDAP_ARCHLIB_DIR = $(PERLDAP_BUILT_DIR)/arch PERLDAP_LIB_DIR = $(PERLDAP_BUILT_DIR)/lib/Mozilla PERLDAP_AUTOLIB_DIR = $(PERLDAP_BUILT_DIR)/lib/auto # under the serverroot/lib directory, we should have a perl directory which contains arch/, auto/, and Mozilla/ PACKAGE_SRC_DEST += $(PERLDAP_ARCHLIB_DIR) lib/perl PACKAGE_SRC_DEST += $(PERLDAP_LIB_DIR) lib/perl PACKAGE_SRC_DEST += $(PERLDAP_AUTOLIB_DIR) lib/perl # must define dependencies last because they depend on the definitions above ifeq ($(INTERNAL_BUILD), 1) include $(BUILD_ROOT)/internal_comp_deps.mk endif ################################################# # User Sync Components ################################################# # WIX MSI Tool kit ##################### WIX = wix-$(WIX_VERSION).zip WIX_DEST = $(NSCP_DISTDIR_FULL_RTL)/wix WIX_FILE = $(WIX_DEST)/$(WIX) WIX_FILES = $(WIX) WIX_RELEASE = $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/wix WIX_DIR = $(WIX_RELEASE)/$(WIX_VERSION) WIX_DEP = $(WIX_FILE) WIX_REL_DIR=$(subst -bin,,$(subst .zip,,$(WIX))) ifndef WIX_PULL_METHOD WIX_PULL_METHOD = $(COMPONENT_PULL_METHOD) endif $(WIX_DEP): $(NSCP_DISTDIR_FULL_RTL) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) ifdef COMPONENT_DEPS echo "Inside ftppull" $(FTP_PULL) -method $(COMPONENT_PULL_METHOD) \ -objdir $(WIX_DEST) -componentdir $(WIX_DIR) \ -files $(WIX_FILES) -unzip $(WIX_DEST) endif -@if [ ! -f $@ ] ; \ then echo "Error: could not get component WIX files $@" ; \ fi else -@echo "WIX is not required except on Windows." endif #WINNT # java service wrapper for Password Sync ##################### WRAPPER = wrapper_win32_$(WRAPPER_VERSION).zip WRAPPER_DEST = $(NSCP_DISTDIR_FULL_RTL)/wrapper WRAPPER_FILE = $(WRAPPER_DEST)/$(WRAPPER) WRAPPER_FILES = $(WRAPPER) WRAPPER_RELEASE = $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/wrapper WRAPPER_DIR = $(WRAPPER_RELEASE)/$(WRAPPER_VERSION) WRAPPER_DEP = $(WRAPPER_FILE) WRAPPER_REL_DIR=$(subst -bin,,$(subst .zip,,$(WRAPPER))) ifndef WRAPPER_PULL_METHOD WRAPPER_PULL_METHOD = $(COMPONENT_PULL_METHOD) endif $(WRAPPER_DEP): $(NSCP_DISTDIR_FULL_RTL) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) ifdef COMPONENT_DEPS echo "Inside ftppull" $(FTP_PULL) -method $(COMPONENT_PULL_METHOD) \ -objdir $(WRAPPER_DEST) -componentdir $(WRAPPER_DIR) \ -files $(WRAPPER_FILES) -unzip $(WRAPPER_DEST) endif -@if [ ! -f $@ ] ; \ then echo "Error: could not get component WRAPPER files $@" ; \ fi else -@echo "WRAPPER is not required except on Windows." endif #WINNT # swig for Password Sync ##################### SWIG = swigwin-$(SWIG_VERSION).zip SWIG_DEST = $(NSCP_DISTDIR_FULL_RTL)/swig SWIG_FILE = $(SWIG_DEST)/$(SWIG) SWIG_FILES = $(SWIG) SWIG_RELEASE = $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/swig SWIG_DIR = $(SWIG_RELEASE)/$(SWIG_VERSION) SWIG_DEP = $(SWIG_FILE) SWIG_REL_DIR=$(subst -bin,,$(subst .zip,,$(SWIG))) SWIG_EXE = $(SWIG_DEST)/SWIG-$(SWIG_VERSION)/swig.exe ifndef SWIG_PULL_METHOD SWIG_PULL_METHOD = $(COMPONENT_PULL_METHOD) endif $(SWIG_DEP): $(NSCP_DISTDIR_FULL_RTL) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) ifdef COMPONENT_DEPS echo "Inside ftppull" $(FTP_PULL) -method $(COMPONENT_PULL_METHOD) \ -objdir $(SWIG_DEST) -componentdir $(SWIG_DIR) \ -files $(SWIG_FILES) -unzip $(SWIG_DEST) endif -@if [ ! -f $@ ] ; \ then echo "Error: could not get component SWIG files $@" ; \ fi else -@echo "SWIG is not required except on Windows." endif #WINNT # apache ds for Password Sync ##################### APACHEDS = apacheds-main-$(APACHEDS_VERSION).jar APACHEDSSRC = apacheds-$(APACHEDS_VERSION)-src.zip APACHEDS_DEST = $(NSCP_DISTDIR_FULL_RTL)/apacheds APACHEDS_FILE = $(APACHEDS_DEST)/$(APACHEDS) APACHEDS_FILES = $(APACHEDS) APACHEDSSRC_FILES = $(APACHEDSSRC) APACHEDS_RELEASE = $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/apacheds APACHEDS_DIR = $(APACHEDS_RELEASE)/$(APACHEDS_VERSION) APACHEDS_DEP = $(APACHEDS_FILE) APACHEDS_REL_DIR=$(subst -bin,,$(subst .jar,,$(APACHEDS))) APACHEDSSOURCE = $(NSCP_DISTDIR_FULL_RTL)/apacheds/apacheds-$(APACHEDS_VERSION) ifndef APACHEDS_PULL_METHOD APACHEDS_PULL_METHOD = $(COMPONENT_PULL_METHOD) endif $(APACHEDS_DEP) : $(NSCP_DISTDIR_FULL_RTL) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) ifdef COMPONENT_DEPS echo "Inside ftppull" $(FTP_PULL) -method $(COMPONENT_PULL_METHOD) \ -objdir $(APACHEDS_DEST) -componentdir $(APACHEDS_DIR) \ -files $(APACHEDS_FILES) $(FTP_PULL) -method $(COMPONENT_PULL_METHOD) \ -objdir $(APACHEDS_DEST) -componentdir $(APACHEDS_DIR) \ -files $(APACHEDSSRC_FILES) -unzip $(APACHEDS_DEST) endif -@if [ ! -f $@ ] ; \ then echo "Error: could not get component APACHEDS files $@" ; \ fi else -@echo "APACHEDS is not required except on Windows." endif #WINNT # MAVEN for Password Sync ##################### MAVEN = maven-$(MAVEN_VERSION).zip MAVEN_DEST = $(NSCP_DISTDIR_FULL_RTL)/maven MAVEN_FILE = $(MAVEN_DEST)/$(MAVEN) MAVEN_FILES = $(MAVEN) MAVEN_RELEASE = $(COMPONENTS_DIR)/maven MAVEN_DIR = $(MAVEN_RELEASE)/$(MAVEN_VERSION) MAVEN_DEP = $(MAVEN_FILE) MAVEN_REL_DIR=$(subst -bin,,$(subst .zip,,$(MAVEN))) # CMD does not like the '/' in NSCP_DISTDIR_FULL_RTL, therefore the # slashes need swapped to '\\' MAVEN_EXE=cmd /c `echo $(NSCP_DISTDIR_FULL_RTL) | sed 's/\//\\\\/g'`\\maven\\$(MAVEN_REL_DIR)\\bin\\maven.bat MAVEN_HOME=$(NSCP_DISTDIR_FULL_RTL)/maven/$(MAVEN_REL_DIR) ifndef MAVEN_PULL_METHOD MAVEN_PULL_METHOD = $(COMPONENT_PULL_METHOD) endif $(MAVEN_DEP): $(NSCP_DISTDIR_FULL_RTL) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) ifdef COMPONENT_DEPS echo "Inside ftppull" $(FTP_PULL) -method $(COMPONENT_PULL_METHOD) \ -objdir $(MAVEN_DEST) -componentdir $(MAVEN_DIR) \ -files $(MAVEN_FILES) -unzip $(MAVEN_DEST) endif -@if [ ! -f $@ ] ; \ then echo "Error: could not get component MAVEN files $@" ; \ fi else -@echo "MAVEN is not required except on Windows." endif #WINNT