path: root/ldap/cm/v1confs/slapd.oc.conf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ldap/cm/v1confs/slapd.oc.conf')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1109 deletions
diff --git a/ldap/cm/v1confs/slapd.oc.conf b/ldap/cm/v1confs/slapd.oc.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 649def18..00000000
--- a/ldap/cm/v1confs/slapd.oc.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1109 +0,0 @@
-# This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-# Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
-# Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
-# In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional
-# right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU
-# General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations
-# including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code
-# permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program
-# through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION
-# found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of
-# Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from
-# the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by
-# the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or
-# additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General
-# Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used
-# in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this
-# exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your
-# version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to
-# provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception
-# statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without
-# exception.
-# Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission.
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-# slapd.oc.conf
-objectclass top
- requires
- objectClass
-objectclass alias
- requires
- aliasedObjectName,
- objectClass
-objectclass country
- requires
- objectClass,
- c
- allows
- searchGuide,
- description
-objectclass locality
- requires
- objectClass
- allows
- description,
- l,
- searchGuide,
- seeAlso,
- st,
- street
-objectclass organization
- requires
- objectClass,
- o
- allows
- businessCategory,
- description,
- destinationIndicator,
- facsimileTelephoneNumber,
- internationaliSDNNumber,
- l,
- physicalDeliveryOfficeName,
- postOfficeBox,
- postalAddress,
- postalCode,
- preferredDeliveryMethod,
- registeredAddress,
- searchGuide,
- seeAlso,
- st,
- street,
- telephoneNumber,
- teletexTerminalIdentifier,
- telexNumber,
- userPassword,
- x121Address
-objectclass organizationalUnit
- requires
- objectClass,
- ou
- allows
- businessCategory,
- description,
- destinationIndicator,
- facsimileTelephoneNumber,
- internationaliSDNNumber,
- l,
- physicalDeliveryOfficeName,
- postOfficeBox,
- postalAddress,
- postalCode,
- preferredDeliveryMethod,
- registeredAddress,
- searchGuide,
- seeAlso,
- st,
- street,
- telephoneNumber,
- teletexTerminalIdentifier,
- telexNumber,
- userPassword,
- x121Address
-objectclass person
- requires
- objectClass,
- sn,
- cn
- allows
- description,
- seeAlso,
- telephoneNumber,
- userPassword
-objectclass organizationalPerson
- requires
- objectClass,
- sn,
- cn
- allows
- description,
- destinationIndicator,
- facsimileTelephoneNumber,
- internationaliSDNNumber,
- l,
- ou,
- physicalDeliveryOfficeName,
- postOfficeBox,
- postalAddress,
- postalCode,
- preferredDeliveryMethod,
- registeredAddress,
- seeAlso,
- st,
- street,
- telephoneNumber,
- teletexTerminalIdentifier,
- telexNumber,
- title,
- userPassword,
- x121Address
-objectclass inetOrgPerson
- requires
- objectClass,
- sn,
- cn
- allows
- audio,
- businessCategory,
- carLicense,
- departmentNumber,
- description,
- destinationIndicator,
- employeeType,
- employeeNumber,
- facsimileTelephoneNumber,
- givenName,
- homePhone,
- homePostalAddress,
- initials,
- internationaliSDNNumber,
- jpegPhoto,
- l,
- labeledURI,
- ou,
- manager,
- mobile,
- pager,
- photo,
- physicalDeliveryOfficeName,
- postOfficeBox,
- postalAddress,
- postalCode,
- preferredDeliveryMethod,
- preferredLanguage,
- registeredAddress,
- mail,
- roomNumber,
- secretary,
- seeAlso,
- st,
- street,
- telephoneNumber,
- teletexTerminalIdentifier,
- telexNumber,
- title,
- uid,
- x500uniqueIdentifier,
- userPassword,
- userCertificate,
- userCertificate;binary,
- userSMimeCertificate;binary,
- x121Address
-objectclass ntUser
- requires
- objectClass,
- ntUserDomainId
- allows
- description,
- l,
- ou,
- seeAlso,
- ntUserPriv,
- ntUserHomeDir,
- ntUserComment,
- ntUserFlags,
- ntUserScriptPath,
- ntUserAuthFlags,
- ntUserUsrComment,
- ntUserParms,
- ntUserWorkstations,
- ntUserLastLogon,
- ntUserLastLogoff,
- ntUserAcctExpires,
- ntUserMaxStorage,
- ntUserUnitsPerWeek,
- ntUserLogonHours,
- ntUserBadPwCount,
- ntUserNumLogons,
- ntUserLogonServer,
- ntUserCountryCode,
- ntUserCodePage,
- ntUserUniqueId,
- ntUserPrimaryGroupId,
- ntUserProfile,
- ntUserHomeDirDrive,
- ntUserPasswordExpired,
- ntUserCreateNewAccount,
- ntUserDeleteAccount
-objectclass organizationalRole
- requires
- objectClass,
- cn
- allows
- description,
- destinationIndicator,
- facsimileTelephoneNumber,
- internationaliSDNNumber,
- l,
- ou,
- physicalDeliveryOfficeName,
- postOfficeBox,
- postalAddress,
- postalCode,
- preferredDeliveryMethod,
- registeredAddress,
- roleOccupant,
- seeAlso,
- st,
- street,
- telephoneNumber,
- teletexTerminalIdentifier,
- telexNumber,
- x121Address
-objectclass groupOfNames
- requires
- objectClass,
- cn
- allows
- member,
- businessCategory,
- description,
- o,
- ou,
- owner,
- seeAlso
-objectclass groupOfUniqueNames
- requires
- objectClass,
- cn
- allows
- uniqueMember,
- businessCategory,
- description,
- o,
- ou,
- owner,
- seeAlso
-objectclass residentialPerson
- requires
- objectClass,
- sn,
- cn,
- l
- allows
- businessCategory,
- description,
- destinationIndicator,
- facsimileTelephoneNumber,
- internationaliSDNNumber,
- l,
- physicalDeliveryOfficeName,
- postOfficeBox,
- postalAddress,
- postalCode,
- preferredDeliveryMethod,
- registeredAddress,
- seeAlso,
- st,
- street,
- telephoneNumber,
- teletexTerminalIdentifier,
- telexNumber,
- userPassword,
- x121Address
-objectclass applicationProcess
- requires
- objectClass,
- cn
- allows
- description,
- l,
- ou,
- seeAlso
-objectclass LDAPServer
- requires
- objectClass,
- cn
- allows
- description,
- l,
- ou,
- seeAlso,
- generation,
- changeLogMaximumAge,
- changeLogMaximumSize
-objectclass LDAPReplica
- requires
- objectClass,
- cn
- allows
- description,
- l,
- ou,
- seeAlso,
- replicaRoot,
- replicaHost,
- replicaPort,
- replicaBinddn,
- replicaCredentials,
- replicaBindMethod,
- replicaUseSSL,
- replicaUpdateSchedule,
- replicaUpdateReplayed,
- replicaUpdateFailedAt
-objectclass applicationEntity
- requires
- objectClass,
- presentationAddress,
- cn
- allows
- description,
- l,
- o,
- ou,
- seeAlso,
- supportedApplicationContext
-objectclass dSA
- requires
- objectClass,
- presentationAddress,
- cn
- allows
- knowledgeInformation
-objectclass device
- requires
- objectClass,
- cn
- allows
- description,
- l,
- o,
- ou,
- owner,
- seeAlso,
- serialNumber
-objectclass strongAuthenticationUser
- requires
- objectClass,
- userCertificate,
- userCertificate;binary
-objectclass certificationAuthority
- requires
- objectClass,
- cACertificate;binary
- allows
- authorityRevocationList;binary,
- certificateRevocationList;binary,
- crossCertificatePair;binary
-objectclass pilotObject
- requires
- objectClass
- allows
- audio,
- dITRedirect,
- info,
- jpegPhoto,
- lastModifiedBy,
- lastModifiedTime,
- manager,
- photo,
- uniqueIdentifier
-objectclass newPilotPerson
- requires
- objectClass,
- sn,
- cn
- allows
- businessCategory,
- description,
- drink,
- homePhone,
- homePostalAddress,
- janetMailbox,
- mail,
- mailPreferenceOption,
- mobile,
- organizationalStatus,
- otherMailbox,
- pager,
- personalSignature,
- personalTitle,
- preferredDeliveryMethod,
- roomNumber,
- secretary,
- seeAlso,
- telephoneNumber,
- textEncodedORaddress,
- uid,
- userClass,
- userPassword
-objectclass account
- requires
- objectClass,
- uid
- allows
- description,
- host,
- l,
- o,
- ou,
- seeAlso
-objectclass document
- requires
- objectClass,
- documentIdentifier
- allows
- abstract,
- audio,
- authorCN,
- authorSN,
- cn,
- dITRedirect,
- description,
- documentAuthor,
- documentLocation,
- documentPublisher,
- documentStore,
- documentTitle,
- documentVersion,
- info,
- jpegPhoto,
- keywords,
- l,
- lastModifiedBy,
- lastModifiedTime,
- manager,
- o,
- obsoletedByDocument,
- obsoletesDocument,
- ou,
- photo,
- seeAlso,
- subject,
- uniqueIdentifier,
- updatedByDocument,
- updatesDocument
-objectclass room
- requires
- objectClass,
- cn
- allows
- description,
- roomNumber,
- seeAlso,
- telephoneNumber
-objectclass documentSeries
- requires
- objectClass,
- cn
- allows
- description,
- l,
- o,
- ou,
- seeAlso,
- telephoneNumber
-objectclass domain
- requires
- objectClass,
- dc
- allows
- associatedName,
- businessCategory,
- description,
- destinationIndicator,
- facsimileTelephoneNumber,
- internationaliSDNNumber,
- l,
- manager,
- o,
- physicalDeliveryOfficeName,
- postOfficeBox,
- postalAddress,
- postalCode,
- preferredDeliveryMethod,
- registeredAddress,
- searchGuide,
- seeAlso,
- st,
- street,
- telephoneNumber,
- teletexTerminalIdentifier,
- telexNumber,
- userPassword,
- x121Address
-objectclass RFC822localPart
- requires
- objectClass,
- dc
- allows
- associatedName,
- businessCategory,
- cn,
- description,
- destinationIndicator,
- facsimileTelephoneNumber,
- internationaliSDNNumber,
- l,
- o,
- physicalDeliveryOfficeName,
- postOfficeBox,
- postalAddress,
- postalCode,
- preferredDeliveryMethod,
- registeredAddress,
- searchGuide,
- seeAlso,
- sn,
- st,
- street,
- telephoneNumber,
- teletexTerminalIdentifier,
- telexNumber,
- userPassword,
- x121Address
-objectclass DNSDomain
- requires
- objectClass,
- dc
- allows
- associatedName,
- businessCategory,
- dNSRecord,
- description,
- destinationIndicator,
- facsimileTelephoneNumber,
- internationaliSDNNumber,
- l,
- o,
- physicalDeliveryOfficeName,
- postOfficeBox,
- postalAddress,
- postalCode,
- preferredDeliveryMethod,
- registeredAddress,
- searchGuide,
- seeAlso,
- st,
- street,
- telephoneNumber,
- teletexTerminalIdentifier,
- telexNumber,
- userPassword,
- x121Address
-objectclass domainRelatedObject
- requires
- objectClass,
- associatedDomain
-objectclass friendlyCountry
- requires
- objectClass,
- c,
- co
- allows
- description,
- searchGuide
-objectclass simpleSecurityObject
- requires
- objectClass,
- userPassword
-objectclass pilotOrganization
- requires
- objectClass,
- ou,
- o
- allows
- buildingName,
- businessCategory,
- description,
- destinationIndicator,
- facsimileTelephoneNumber,
- internationaliSDNNumber,
- l,
- physicalDeliveryOfficeName,
- postOfficeBox,
- postalAddress,
- postalCode,
- preferredDeliveryMethod,
- registeredAddress,
- searchGuide,
- seeAlso,
- st,
- street,
- telephoneNumber,
- teletexTerminalIdentifier,
- telexNumber,
- userPassword,
- x121Address
-objectclass nadfObject
- requires
- objectClass
- allows
- lastModifiedTime,
- nadfSearchGuide,
- supplementaryInformation
-objectclass usStateOrEquivalent
- requires
- objectClass,
- st,
- fipsStateAlphaCode,
- fipsStateNumericCode,
- l
- allows
- description,
- lastModifiedTime,
- nadfSearchGuide,
- searchGuide,
- seeAlso,
- street,
- supplementaryInformation
-objectclass usPlace
- requires
- objectClass,
- fips55,
- l
- allows
- description,
- lastModifiedTime,
- nadfSearchGuide,
- searchGuide,
- seeAlso,
- st,
- street,
- supplementaryInformation
-objectclass usCountyOrEquivalent
- requires
- objectClass,
- fipsCountyNumericCode,
- fips55,
- l
- allows
- description,
- lastModifiedTime,
- nadfSearchGuide,
- searchGuide,
- seeAlso,
- st,
- street,
- supplementaryInformation
-objectclass ansiOrgObject
- requires
- objectClass,
- ansiOrgNumericCode
-objectclass nadfApplicationEntity
- requires
- objectClass,
- supportedApplicationContext,
- presentationAddress,
- cn
- allows
- description,
- l,
- o,
- ou,
- seeAlso,
- supportedApplicationContext
-objectclass nadfADDMD
- requires
- objectClass,
- ad
- allows
- businessCategory,
- description,
- destinationIndicator,
- facsimileTelephoneNumber,
- internationaliSDNNumber,
- l,
- lastModifiedTime,
- nadfSearchGuide,
- o,
- physicalDeliveryOfficeName,
- postOfficeBox,
- postalAddress,
- postalCode,
- preferredDeliveryMethod,
- registeredAddress,
- searchGuide,
- seeAlso,
- st,
- street,
- supplementaryInformation,
- telephoneNumber,
- teletexTerminalIdentifier,
- telexNumber,
- userPassword,
- x121Address
-objectclass publicObject
- requires
- objectClass,
- namingLink
-objectclass providerObject
- requires
- objectClass,
- reciprocalNamingLink
-objectclass nationalObject
- requires
- objectClass,
- c
-objectclass fips55Object
- requires
- objectClass,
- fips55
- allows
- st
-objectclass restaurant
- requires
- objectClass,
- description,
- telephoneNumber,
- street
- allows
- Ambiance,
- Appearance,
- Average-price,
- Closed,
- CreditCardsAccepted,
- Kosher,
- Max-price,
- MaximumInParty,
- Min-price,
- Music,
- NotRecommended,
- OutdoorSeating,
- Parking,
- QualityOfService,
- QualityPriceRatio,
- Recommended,
- RecommendedBy,
- Reservation,
- ServiceSpeed,
- Specialty,
- Taux-de-frequentation,
- TransportationMeans,
- facsimileTelephoneNumber,
- postalAddress
-objectclass kerberosSecurityObject
- requires
- objectClass,
- krbName
-objectclass umichPerson
- requires
- objectClass,
- sn,
- cn,
- universityID
- allows
- affiliationCode,
- audio,
- businessCategory,
- classStanding,
- description,
- destinationIndicator,
- doNotDelete,
- doNotMove,
- drink,
- expire,
- facsimileTelephoneNumber,
- homePhone,
- homePostalAddress,
- internationaliSDNNumber,
- janetMailbox,
- jpegPhoto,
- keepNames,
- krbName,
- l,
- labeledURI,
- mail,
- mailPreferenceOption,
- memberOfGroup,
- mobile,
- multiLineDescription,
- noBatchUpdates,
- notRegistered,
- notice,
- onVacation,
- organizationalStatus,
- otherMailbox,
- ou,
- pager,
- personalSignature,
- personalTitle,
- photo,
- physicalDeliveryOfficeName,
- postOfficeBox,
- postalAddress,
- postalCode,
- preferredDeliveryMethod,
- proxy,
- registeredAddress,
- registrationStatus,
- roomNumber,
- secretary,
- seeAlso,
- st,
- street,
- telephoneNumber,
- teletexTerminalIdentifier,
- telexNumber,
- textEncodedORaddress,
- title,
- uid,
- updateSource,
- userCertificate,
- userCertificate;binary,
- userClass,
- userPassword,
- vacationMessage,
- x121Address,
- xacl
-objectclass rfc822MailGroup
- requires
- objectClass,
- owner,
- cn
- allows
- associatedDomain,
- autoMgt,
- description,
- destinationIndicator,
- errorsTo,
- facsimileTelephoneNumber,
- internationaliSDNNumber,
- joinable,
- krbName,
- labeledURI,
- mail,
- member,
- memberOfGroup,
- moderator,
- multiLineDescription,
- notice,
- physicalDeliveryOfficeName,
- postOfficeBox,
- postalAddress,
- postalCode,
- preferredDeliveryMethod,
- registeredAddress,
- requestsTo,
- rfc822ErrorsTo,
- rfc822RequestsTo,
- seeAlso,
- street,
- suppressNoEmailError,
- telephoneNumber,
- teletexTerminalIdentifier,
- telexNumber,
- userPassword,
- x121Address,
- xacl
-objectclass image
- requires
- objectClass,
- cn
- allows
- citation,
- copyright,
- imageFiles,
- jpegPhoto,
- keywords,
- multiLineDescription,
- owner,
- predominantColor
-objectclass imageFile
- requires
- objectClass,
- cn
- allows
- colorDepth,
- documentLocation,
- fileFormat,
- fileSize,
- height,
- resolution,
- seeAlso,
- width
-objectclass service
- requires
- objectClass,
- cn
- allows
- category,
- dependentUpon,
- destinationIndicator,
- facsimileTelephoneNumber,
- hoursOfOperation,
- internationaliSDNNumber,
- jpegPhoto,
- keywords,
- labeledURI,
- mail,
- multiLineDescription,
- owner,
- physicalDeliveryOfficeName,
- platform,
- postOfficeBox,
- postalAddress,
- postalCode,
- preferredDeliveryMethod,
- product,
- provider,
- ratingDescription,
- ratingTime,
- registeredAddress,
- seeAlso,
- serviceArea,
- serviceRating,
- street,
- telephoneNumber,
- teletexTerminalIdentifier,
- telexNumber,
- x121Address
-objectclass umichDocument
- requires
- objectClass,
- documentIdentifier
- allows
- abstract,
- audio,
- authorCN,
- authorSN,
- category,
- cn,
- dITRedirect,
- description,
- documentAuthor,
- documentAvailable,
- documentLocation,
- documentPublisher,
- documentSeriesTitle,
- documentStore,
- documentTitle,
- documentVersion,
- info,
- jpegPhoto,
- keywords,
- l,
- labeledURI,
- lastModifiedBy,
- lastModifiedTime,
- manager,
- multiLineAbstract,
- o,
- obsoletedByDocument,
- obsoletesDocument,
- ou,
- owner,
- photo,
- platform,
- product,
- seeAlso,
- serviceArea,
- subject,
- uniqueIdentifier,
- updatedByDocument,
- updatesDocument
-objectclass documentDescription
- requires
- objectClass,
- cn
- allows
- labeledURI,
- multiLineDescription,
- owner
-objectclass labeledURIObject
- requires
- objectClass
- allows
- labeledURI
-objectclass cacheObject
- requires
- objectClass
- allows
- ttl
-# objectclasses below added for Netscape Directory Server 1.02
-objectclass netscapeServer
- requires
- objectClass,
- cn
- allows
- description,
- serverRoot,
- serverProductName,
- serverVersionNumber,
- installationTimeStamp,
- administratorContactInfo,
- userpassword,
- adminURL,
- serverHostName
-objectclass nsLicenseUser
- requires
- objectClass
- allows
- nsLicensedFor,
- nsLicenseStartTime,
- nsLicenseEndTime