path: root/lib/libadmin/template.c
diff options
authorRob Crittenden <>2005-02-23 18:19:13 +0000
committerRob Crittenden <>2005-02-23 18:19:13 +0000
commit21305115e547133a0122c44b7e9956ef78dc94be (patch)
treeb72f28ba737b35c0f13003478f5e777146789ef3 /lib/libadmin/template.c
parentf64e827b9c3011b07b5d78dd52466236dc77346e (diff)
Strip down ACL code and support libraries to the bare minimum.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/libadmin/template.c')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 761 deletions
diff --git a/lib/libadmin/template.c b/lib/libadmin/template.c
index a689d3b5..71e576cb 100644
--- a/lib/libadmin/template.c
+++ b/lib/libadmin/template.c
@@ -12,560 +12,13 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
-#include "template.h"
#include "libadmin/libadmin.h"
-#include "libadmin/dbtlibadmin.h"
-#include "base/util.h"
-/* If you add something to this structure, don't forget to document it
- * in templates.h, and increase MAXTEMPLATE!
- *
- * Also, save yourself a lot of grief and put a space after the name.
- */
-static struct template_s templates[MAXTEMPLATE] = {
- {"IF ", "FUNC conditional"},
- {"ELSE ", "FUNC conditional"},
- {"ENDIF ", "FUNC conditional"},
- "<BODY bgcolor=\"#C0C0C0\" link=\"#0000EE\" "
- "vlink=\"#551A8B\" alink=\"#FF0000\" %s>\n"},
- {"PAGEHEADER ", "FUNC pageheader"},
- {"DOCSWITCHER ", ""},
- {"COPYRIGHT ", ""},
- {"RESOURCEPICKER ", "FUNC respicker"},
- {"BOOKTRACK ", "FUNC booktrack"},
- {"BEGININFO ", "<table border=2 width=100%% cellpadding=2>\n"
- "<tr><td align=center colspan=2>"
- "<b><FONT size=+1>%s</FONT></b></td></tr>"
-#if 0
- "<tr><td>"
- "<IMG src=\"../icons/b-open.gif\" hspace=8 alt=\"*\""
- "height=26 width=55></td>"
- "<td>\n"},
- "<td colspan=2>\n"},
- {"ADDINFO ", "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>"},
- {"ENDINFO ", "</td></tr></table>\n<hr width=10%%>\n"},
- {"SUBMIT ", "FUNC submit\n"},
- {"DOCUMENTROOT ", "FUNC docroot"},
- {"BEGINELEM ", "<pre>"},
-/* {"ELEM ", "<hr width=100%%><b>%s</b>"}, */
- {"ELEM ", "\n<b>%s</b>"},
-/* {"ENDELEM ", "<hr width=100%%></pre>\n"}, */
- {"ENDELEM ", "</pre>\n"},
- {"ELEMADD ", "<b>%s</b>"},
-/* {"ELEMDIV ", "<hr width=100%%>"}, */
- {"ELEMDIV ", "\n"},
- {"REFERER ", "FUNC link_referer"},
- {"INDEX ", "<a href=\"index\">%s</a>\n"},
- {"SERVERROOT ", "FUNC serverroot"},
- {"RESTART ", "<a href=\"pcontrol\">%s</a>\n"},
- {"ACCESS ", "FUNC makeurl"},
- {"COMMIT ", "<a href=\"commit?commit\">%s</a>\n"},
- {"BACKOUT ", "<center>If you don't want to %s, you can <a href=index>"
- "return to the server manager.</a></center>\n"},
- {"CURSERVNAME", "FUNC curservname"},
- {"VERIFY ", "FUNC verify"},
- {"HELPBUTTON", "FUNC helpbutton"},
- {"DIALOGSUBMIT", "FUNC dialogsubmit"},
- {"HELPJSFN", "FUNC helpjsfn"}
-int get_directive(char *string);
-void conditional(char *input, char **vars, int index);
-void respicker(char **config);
-void currentres(char **config);
-void prevres(char **config);
-void booktrack(char *input, char **vars);
-void docswitcher(char *input);
-void docroot(char **vars);
-void link_referer(char **input, char **vars);
-void serverroot(char **vars);
-char **get_vars(char *string);
-static void output(char *string);
-void makeurl(char **vars);
-void curservname(void);
-void pageheader(char **vars, char **config);
-void submit(int verify, char **vars);
-void helpbutton(char *topic);
-void dialogsubmit(char *topic);
-static int status = -1;
-/* Filter a page. Takes the page to filter as an argument. Uses above
- * filters to process.
- */
-NSAPI_PUBLIC int parse_line(char *line_input, char **input)
- register int index;
- char *position;
- int dirlen = strlen(DIRECTIVE_START);
- char **vars;
- if(!strncmp(line_input, DIRECTIVE_START, dirlen)) {
- position = (char *) (line_input + dirlen);
- index = get_directive(position);
- /* did we get one? */
- if(index != -1) {
- /* if so, get the vars. */
- position += strlen(templates[index].name);
- vars = get_vars(position);
- /* Dispatch the correct function (done for readability,
- * although I'm starting to wonder if I should bother)
- */
- if(!strncmp(templates[index].format, "FUNC ", 5)) {
- if(!strncmp(templates[index].format+5, "conditional", 11))
- conditional(input[0], vars, index);
- else if(!strncmp(templates[index].format+5, "respicker", 9))
- respicker(input);
- else if(!strncmp(templates[index].format+5, "booktrack", 9))
- booktrack(input[0], vars);
- else if(!strncmp(templates[index].format+5, "docswitcher", 11))
- docswitcher(input[0]);
- else if(!strncmp(templates[index].format+5, "docroot", 7))
- docroot(vars);
- else if(!strncmp(templates[index].format+5, "link_referer",12))
- link_referer(input, vars);
- else if(!strncmp(templates[index].format+5, "serverroot",10))
- serverroot(vars);
- else if(!strncmp(templates[index].format+5, "makeurl",7))
- makeurl(vars);
- else if(!strncmp(templates[index].format+5, "curservname",11))
- curservname();
- else if(!strncmp(templates[index].format+5, "pageheader",10))
- pageheader(vars, input);
- else if(!strncmp(templates[index].format+5, "submit",6))
- submit(0, vars);
- else if(!strncmp(templates[index].format+5, "verify",6))
- submit(1, vars);
- else if(!strncmp(templates[index].format+5, "helpbutton",10))
- helpbutton(vars[0]);
- else if(!strncmp(templates[index].format+5, "dialogsubmit",12))
- dialogsubmit(vars[0]);
- /* We don't know what this template is. Send it back. */
- else return -1;
- } else {
- /* I just can't believe there's no easy way to create
- * a va_list. */
- char line[BIG_LINE];
- sprintf(line, templates[index].format,
- (vars[0] != NULL) ? vars[0]: "",
- (vars[1] != NULL) ? vars[1]: "",
- (vars[2] != NULL) ? vars[2]: "",
- (vars[3] != NULL) ? vars[3]: "");
- output(line);
- }
- } else {
- /* We found a directive, but we can't identify it. Send it back.*/
- /* Check status first; if we're not supposed to be outputing */
- /* because of an "IF" block, don't tell the program to */
- /* try and cope with it. */
- if(status)
- return -1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- } else
- /* We found no directive. The line is normal. */
- output(line_input);
- /* If we're here, we either handled it correctly or the line was benign.*/
- return 0;
-void conditional(char *input, char **vars, int index)
- if((!strncmp(templates[index].name, "IF", 2)) &&
- (vars[0] != NULL)) {
- status = input[atoi(vars[0])] - '0';
- } else
- if((!strncmp(templates[index].name, "ELSE", 4)) &&
- (status != -1)) {
- status ^= 1;
- } else
- if(!strncmp(templates[index].name, "ENDIF", 5))
- status = -1;
-void respicker(char **config)
- output("<FORM action=rsrcpckr method=GET>\n");
- output("<hr size=4><center>\n");
- prevres(config);
- output("</center><hr size=4>\n");
- output("</FORM>\n");
-void currentres(char **config)
- int l;
- char line[BIG_LINE];
- char *resname, *restype;
- resname = get_current_resource(config);
- restype = get_current_typestr(config);
- if(!strcmp(restype, NAME)) {
- if(!strcmp(resname, "default"))
- sprintf(line, "<font size=+1>Modifying: "
- "<b>the entire server</b>.</font>");
- else
- sprintf(line, "<font size=+1>Modifying: "
- "<b>the object named %s</b>.</font>", resname);
- }
- else if(!strcmp(restype, FILE_OR_DIR)) {
- l = strlen(resname) - 1;
- if(resname[l] == '*') {
- sprintf(line, "<font size=+1>Modifying: <b>the directory "
- "%s</b></font>",
- resname);
- } else {
- sprintf(line, "<font size=+1>Modifying: <b>%s %s</b></font>",
- (strchr(resname, '*')) ? "files matching" : "the file",
- resname);
- }
- }
- else if(!strcmp(restype, TEMPLATE)) {
- sprintf(line, "<font size=+1>Modifying: <b>the template %s</b></font>",
- resname);
- }
- else if(!strcmp(restype, WILDCARD)) {
-#ifdef MCC_PROXY
- sprintf(line, "<font size=+1>Modifying: <b>URLs matching RE %s"
- sprintf(line, "<font size=+1>Modifying: <b>files matching %s"
- "</b></font>",
- resname);
- }
- output(line);
-void prevres(char **config)
-#ifndef MCC_NEWS
- char *res = get_current_resource(config);
- int rtype = get_current_restype(config);
- if(status) {
- char **options = NULL;
- register int x=0;
- int found=0;
- int option_cnt = total_object_count();
- fprintf(stdout, "<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>\n");
- fprintf(stdout, "function checkForClick() {\n");
- fprintf(stdout, " document.forms[0].resource.blur();\n");
- fprintf(stdout, " var idx=document.forms[0]."
- "resource.options.selectedIndex;\n");
- fprintf(stdout, " if(document.forms[0].resource."
- "options[idx].defaultSelected == 0) {\n");
- fprintf(stdout, " document.forms[0].submit();\n");
- fprintf(stdout, " return 1;\n");
- fprintf(stdout, " } else return 0;\n");
- fprintf(stdout, "}\n");
- fprintf(stdout, "</SCRIPT>\n");
-#ifdef MCC_PROXY
- fprintf(stdout, "<TABLE BORDER=0>\n");
- fprintf(stdout, "<TR><TD><font size=+1>Editing:</font></TD>\n");
- fprintf(stdout,
- "<TD><SELECT name=\"resource\" onChange=\"checkForClick()\" SIZE=\"%d\">\n",
- option_cnt <= 20 ? 1 : 5);
- output("<nobr>");
- fputs("<font size=+1>Editing:</font>\n", stdout);
- fprintf(stdout, "<SELECT name=\"resource\" "
- "onChange=\"checkForClick()\" %s>\n",
- option_cnt <=20 ? "" : "size=5");
-#ifdef MCC_HTTPD /* template->styles nightmare */
- if((rtype==PB_NAME) && (strcmp(res, "default"))) {
- /* enter: STYLES MODE */
- fprintf(stdout, "<OPTION value=ndefault>Exit styles mode\n");
- } else {
- fprintf(stdout, "<OPTION value=ndefault %s>The entire server\n",
- (!strcmp(res, "default")) ? "SELECTED" : "");
- }
- fprintf(stdout, "<OPTION value=ndefault %s>The entire server\n",
- (!strcmp(res, "default")) ? "SELECTED" : "");
- if(!strcmp(res, "default")) found=1;
- options = list_objects(PB_PATH);
-#ifdef MCC_HTTPD /* template->styles nightmare */
- if((options) && !((rtype==PB_NAME) && (strcmp(res, "default"))) ) {
- if(options) {
- for(x=0; options[x]; x++) {
- fprintf(stdout, "<OPTION value=f%s %s>%s\n",
- options[x],
- (!strcmp(options[x], res)) ? "SELECTED" : "",
- options[x]);
- if(!strcmp(options[x], res)) found=1;
- }
- }
- options=list_objects(PB_NAME);
-#ifdef MCC_HTTPD /* template->styles nightmare */
- if((options) && ((rtype==PB_NAME) && (strcmp(res, "default"))) ) {
- if(options) {
- for(x=0; options[x]; x++) {
- if(!strcmp(options[x], "default") ||
- !strcmp(options[x], "cgi"))
- continue;
-#ifdef MCC_HTTPD /* template->style usability */
- fprintf(stdout, "<OPTION value=n%s %s>The style '%s'\n",
- options[x],
- (!strcmp(options[x], res)) ? "SELECTED":"",
- options[x]);
- fprintf(stdout, "<OPTION value=n%s %s>The template '%s'\n",
- options[x],
- (!strcmp(options[x], res)) ? "SELECTED":"",
- options[x]);
- if(!strcmp(options[x], res)) found=1;
- }
- }
- if(!found) {
- if(rtype==PB_NAME) {
- fprintf(stdout, "<OPTION value=n%s SELECTED>The template %s\n",
- res, res);
- } else {
- fprintf(stdout, "<OPTION value=f%s SELECTED>%s\n",
- res, res);
- }
- }
- fputs("</SELECT></nobr>\n", stdout);
- fputs("<nobr>", stdout);
-#ifndef MCC_PROXY
- fprintf(stdout, "<INPUT type=button value=\"Browse...\" "
- "onClick=\"window.location='rsrcpckr?b'\"> ");
-#ifdef MCC_PROXY
- fprintf(stdout, "</TD>\n<TD>");
- fprintf(stdout, "<INPUT type=button value=\"Regular Expression...\" "
- "onClick=\"var pat="
- "prompt('Enter the regular expression to edit:', ''); "
- fprintf(stdout, "<INPUT type=button value=\"Wildcard...\" "
- "onClick=\"var pat="
- "prompt('Enter the wildcard pattern to edit:', ''); "
- "if(pat!=null) window.location='rsrcpckr?"
- "type="WILDCARD"&resource='+escape(pat);\">");
-#ifdef MCC_PROXY
- fprintf(stdout, "</TD>\n</TR>\n</TABLE>\n");
- fputs("</nobr>", stdout);
- /* output("</td></tr>\n"); */
- }
-void booktrack(char *input, char **vars)
- char line[BIG_LINE];
- if((vars[0] != NULL) && (vars[1] != NULL)) {
- sprintf(line, "<a href=index?0>"
- "<img src=\"%s\" hspace=8 align=%s alt=\"\"></a>",
- (input[0] - '0') ? vars[0] : vars[1],
- (vars[2] != NULL) ? vars[2] : "none");
- output(line);
- }
-void docswitcher(char *input)
- char line[BIG_LINE];
- char *whichimg, *whatmode;
- char *qs = getenv("QUERY_STRING");
- char *sname = getenv("SCRIPT_NAME");
- char *mtmp;
- char *tmp = getenv("SERVER_NAMES");
- char *servers = NULL;
- if(tmp) servers = STRDUP(tmp);
- if(!(input[0] - '0')) {
- whichimg = "b-clsd.gif";
- whatmode = "Express mode";
- } else {
- whichimg = "b-open.gif";
- whatmode = "Full docs";
- }
- mtmp = (char *) MALLOC( (sname? strlen(sname) : 0) +
- (qs? strlen(qs) : 0) +
- (strlen(whichimg) + strlen(whatmode)) +
- 1024);
- sprintf(mtmp, "<center><table border=2 width=95%%>\n"
- "<tr><td rowspan=2><a href=index%s>"
- "<img src=\"../icons/%s\" "
- "alt=\"[%s] \" border=2>"
- "</td>\n",
- (qs ? "?0" : sname),
- whichimg, whatmode);
- output(mtmp);
- if(!servers) {
- sprintf(line, "<td width=100%% align=center rowspan=2><b>%s</b></td>\n",
- whatmode);
- output(line);
- } else
- if(servers[0] == '(') {
- sprintf(line, "<td width=100%% align=center>Current servers:<br>\n");
- output(line);
- output("<b>");
- tmp=strtok(++servers, "|)");
- while(tmp) {
- char *tmp2;
- output("<nobr>");
- tmp2=strchr(tmp, '-');
- tmp2++;
- output(tmp2);
- tmp=strtok(NULL, "|)");
- if(tmp)
- output(",");
- output("</nobr>\n");
- }
- output("</b></td>\n");
- } else {
- sprintf(line, "<td width=100%% align=center>Current server: ");
- output(line);
- output("<b>");
- tmp = strchr(servers, '-');
- *tmp++ = '\0';
- output(tmp);
- output("</b>");
- output("</td>\n");
- }
- sprintf(mtmp, "<td rowspan=2><a href=index%s>"
- "<img src=\"../icons/%s\" "
- "alt=\"\" border=2></a></td></tr>\n",
- (qs? "?0" : sname),
- whichimg);
- output(mtmp);
- if(servers) {
- sprintf(line, "<tr><td align=center>"
- "<a href=\"/admin-serv/bin/chooser\">"
- "Choose</a> a new server or set of servers</a></td>\n");
- output(line);
- }
- sprintf(line, "</tr></table></center>\n");
- output(line);
- output("<hr width=10%%>\n");
-void docroot(char **vars)
-#ifndef MCC_NEWS
- char line[BIG_LINE];
- pblock *pb = grab_pblock(PB_NAME, "default", "NameTrans", "document-root",
- char *docroot = "";
- if(pb)
- docroot = pblock_findval("root", pb);
- sprintf(line, "<b>%s%s</b>\n", docroot, (vars[0] != NULL) ? vars[0] : "");
- output(line);
-void serverroot(char **vars)
- char line[BIG_LINE];
- char *sroot = getenv("NETSITE_ROOT");
- char *sroot = get_mag_var("#ServerRoot");
- sprintf(line, "%s%s", (sroot) ? sroot : "", (vars[0]) ? vars[0] : "");
- output(line);
-void makeurl(char **vars)
- char line[BIG_LINE];
- sprintf(line,"<a href=%s target=_blank>%s</a>\n",
- get_serv_url(), vars[0] ? vars[0] : "");
- output(line);
-void curservname(void)
- output(get_srvname(0));
-void pageheader(char **vars, char **config)
- char line[BIG_LINE];
-#if 0 /* MLM - put in to have non-working Back button */
- char *ref=get_referer(config);
- char *t;
- output("<center><table border=2 width=100%%>\n");
- util_snprintf(line, BIG_LINE, "<tr>");
- output(line);
- util_snprintf(line, BIG_LINE, "<td align=center width=100%%>");
- output(line);
- util_snprintf(line, BIG_LINE, "<hr size=0 width=0>");
- output(line);
-#if 0 /* MLM - put in to have non-working Back button */
- t=strrchr(ref, '/');
- *t++='\0';
- util_snprintf(line, BIG_LINE, "<a href=\"%s/index/%s\">", ref, t);
- output(line);
- util_snprintf(line, BIG_LINE, "<img align=right src=../icons/back.gif "
- "width=41 height=26 border=0></a>\n");
- output(line);
- util_snprintf(line, BIG_LINE, "<FONT size=+2><b>%s</b></FONT>"
- "<hr size=0 width=0>"
- "</td>", vars[2]);
- output(line);
- output("</tr></table></center>\n");
-char *_get_help_button(char *topic)
- char line[BIG_LINE];
- util_snprintf( line, BIG_LINE,
- "<input type=button value=\"%s\" "
- "onClick=\"%s\">", XP_GetAdminStr(DBT_help_),
- topic ? helpJavaScriptForTopic( topic ) : helpJavaScript() );
- return(STRDUP(line));
NSAPI_PUBLIC char *helpJavaScriptForTopic( char *topic )
char *tmp;
char line[BIG_LINE];
- char *server=get_srvname(0);
+ char *server="admserv";
char *type;
int typeLen;
@@ -605,216 +58,3 @@ NSAPI_PUBLIC char *helpJavaScript()
return helpJavaScriptForTopic( sn );
-void submit(int verify, char **vars)
- char line[BIG_LINE];
- char outline[BIG_LINE];
- if(verify) {
- util_snprintf(line, BIG_LINE, "<SCRIPT language="MOCHA_NAME">\n"
- "function verify(form) {\n"
- " if(confirm('Do you really want to %s?'))\n"
- " form.submit();\n"
- "}\n"
- "</SCRIPT>\n", vars[0]);
- output(line);
- }
- output("<center><table border=2 width=100%%><tr>");
- if(!verify) {
- util_snprintf(outline, BIG_LINE, "%s%s%s%s%s",
- "<td width=33%% align=center>",
- "<input type=submit value=\"",
- XP_GetAdminStr(DBT_ok_),
- "\">",
- "</td>\n");
- } else {
- util_snprintf(outline, BIG_LINE, "%s%s%s%s%s%s",
- "<td width=33%% align=center>",
- "<input type=button value=\"",
- XP_GetAdminStr(DBT_ok_),
- "\" ",
- "onclick=\"verify(this.form)\">",
- "</td>\n");
- }
- output(outline);
- util_snprintf(outline, BIG_LINE, "%s%s%s%s",
- "<td width=34%% align=center>",
- "<input type=reset value=\"",
- XP_GetAdminStr(DBT_reset_),
- "\"></td>\n");
- output(outline);
- util_snprintf(line, BIG_LINE, "<td width=33%% align=center>%s</td>\n",
- _get_help_button( vars[0] ));
- output(line);
- output("</tr></table></center>\n");
- output("</form>\n");
- output("<SCRIPT language="MOCHA_NAME">\n");
- output("</SCRIPT>\n");
-void helpbutton(char *topic)
- output("<form><p><div align=right><table width=33%% border=2>"
- "<tr><td align=center>");
- output(_get_help_button(topic));
- output("</td></tr></table></div></form>\n");
- output("<SCRIPT language="MOCHA_NAME">\n");
- output("</SCRIPT>\n");
-void dialogsubmit(char *topic)
- char line[BIG_LINE];
- char outline[BIG_LINE];
- output("<center><table border=2 width=100%%><tr>");
- util_snprintf(outline, BIG_LINE, "%s%s%s%s%s",
- "<td width=33%% align=center>",
- "<input type=submit value=\"",
- XP_GetAdminStr(DBT_done_),
- "\">",
- "</td>\n");
- output(outline);
- util_snprintf(outline, BIG_LINE, "%s%s%s%s%s",
- "<td width=34%% align=center>",
- "<input type=button value=\"",
- XP_GetAdminStr(DBT_cancel_),
- "\" "
- "onClick=\"top.close()\"></td>\n");
- output(outline);
- util_snprintf(line, BIG_LINE, "<td width=33%% align=center>%s</td>\n",
- _get_help_button(topic));
- output(line);
- output("</tr></table></center>\n");
- output("</form>\n");
- output("<SCRIPT language="MOCHA_NAME">\n");
- output("</SCRIPT>\n");
-void helpjsfn(void)
- char *tmp;
- char line[BIG_LINE];
- char *server=get_srvname(0);
- char *type;
- int typeLen;
- /* Get the server type, without the instance name into type */
- tmp = strchr( server, '-' );
- typeLen = tmp - server;
- type = (char *)MALLOC( typeLen + 1 );
- type[typeLen] = '\0';
- while ( typeLen-- ) {
- type[typeLen] = server[typeLen];
- }
- output("function displayHelpTopic(topic)\n");
- output("{\n");
- util_snprintf(line, BIG_LINE,
- " if (top.helpwin) {\n"
- " top.helpwin.focus();\n"
- " top.helpwin.infotopic.location='%s/%s/admin/tutor?!' + topic;\n"
- " } else {\n"
- "'%s/%s/admin/tutor?' + topic, '"
- INFO_IDX_NAME"_%s', "
- " }\n"
- "}\n",
- getenv("SERVER_URL"), server,
- getenv("SERVER_URL"), server,
- type );
- output(line);
-void link_referer(char **input, char **vars)
- char line[BIG_LINE];
- sprintf( line, "<SCRIPT language="MOCHA_NAME">\n"
- "document.writeln( '%s'.link( '%s' ) );\n"
- "</SCRIPT>\n", ( vars[0] ? vars[0] : getenv( "SCRIPT_NAME" ) ),
- cookieValue( "adminReferer", NULL ) );
- output( line );
-int get_directive(char *string)
- int index = -1;
- register int x;
- for(x=0; x < MAXTEMPLATE; x++) {
- if(!strncmp(string, templates[x].name,
- strlen(templates[x].name))) {
- index = x;
- break;
- }
- }
- return index;
-NSAPI_PUBLIC int directive_is(char *target, char *directive)
- char *position = (target + strlen(DIRECTIVE_START));
- return(!(strncmp(directive, position, strlen(directive))));
-char **get_vars(char *string)
- char **vars;
- register int x;
- int isvar;
- char scratch[BIG_LINE];
- char lastchar;
-/* Initialize the vars array.
- */
- vars = (char **) MALLOC((MAXVARS)*(sizeof(char *)));
- for(x=0; x< MAXVARS; x++)
- vars[x] = NULL;
- isvar = -1;
- x = 0;
- scratch[0] = '\0';
- lastchar = ' ';
- while(*string != '\0') {
- if((*string == '\"') && (lastchar != '\\'))
- if(isvar != -1) {
- vars[x++] = (char *)STRDUP(scratch);
- isvar = -1;
- if(x == MAXVARS)
- break;
- } else
- isvar = 0;
- else
- if(isvar != -1) {
- scratch[isvar++] = *string;
- scratch[isvar] = '\0';
- }
- else
- if(*string == DIRECTIVE_END)
- break;
- lastchar = *string;
- string++;
- }
- return vars;
-static void output(char *line)
- if(status)
- fputs(line, stdout);