path: root/ldap
diff options
authorNathan Kinder <>2009-03-23 20:13:06 +0000
committerNathan Kinder <>2009-03-23 20:13:06 +0000
commit12568dfd5b4c9920d41827d5bd7d62b339fdd179 (patch)
tree3b46f1cf192cf376dad3dd38eaba20f34c9d8717 /ldap
parent0e8dbf40b28d0e4ece97bfdf95cefae418cb609c (diff)
Summary: Fixup replicated schema during migration.
Diffstat (limited to 'ldap')
2 files changed, 148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ldap/admin/src/scripts/ b/ldap/admin/src/scripts/
index dfd4021c..69e12882 100644
--- a/ldap/admin/src/scripts/
+++ b/ldap/admin/src/scripts/
@@ -820,12 +820,152 @@ my %intattrstoskip = (
'hassubordinates' => 'hasSubordinates'
+sub fixup99user {
+ my $mig = shift; # the Migration object
+ my $inst = shift; # The name of the instance
+ my $newschemadir = shift; # the new instance's schema path
+ my %attrstoskip = ();
+ my %objclassestoskip = ();
+ my $uid;
+ my $gid;
+ my $mode;
+ # Read every schema file in the legacy server's schema directory
+ for (glob("$mig->{oldsroot}/$inst/config/schema/*.ldif")) {
+ if (!open( OLDSCHEMA, $_ )) {
+ debug(0, "Can't open schema file $_: $!\n");
+ next;
+ }
+ # Read attributes from each file, looking for ones that contain
+ # the string "DESC ''".
+ my $in = new Mozilla::LDAP::LDIF(*OLDSCHEMA);
+ while (my $ent = readOneEntry $in) {
+ my @attrs = $ent->getValues('attributeTypes');
+ my @objclasses = $ent->getValues('objectClasses');
+ foreach my $attr (@attrs) {
+ debug(4, "Checking if attribute should be added to skip list ($attr)\n");
+ if ($attr =~ /\(\s*(\S*)\s*NAME .* DESC \'\'/) {
+ # Store the OID of those in an associative array for
+ # quick lookups later.
+ debug(3, "Adding attribute to list to skip (OID $1)\n");
+ $attrstoskip{"$1"} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $objclass (@objclasses) {
+ debug(4, "Checking if objectclass should be added to skip list ($objclass)\n");
+ if ($objclass =~ /\(\s*(\S*)\s*NAME .* DESC \'\'/) {
+ # Store the OID of those in an associative array for
+ # quick lookups later.
+ debug(3, "Adding objectclass to list to skip (OID $1)\n");
+ $objclassestoskip{"$1"} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(OLDSCHEMA);
+ }
+ # Open the 99user.ldif file in the new server schema directory, which is a
+ # copy of the one in the legacy server. Also open a tempfile.
+ if (!open(USERSCHEMA, "$newschemadir/99user.ldif")) {
+ return ("error_opening_schema", "$newschemadir/99user.ldif", $!);
+ }
+ # Open a tempfile to write the cleaned 99user.ldif to
+ if (!open(TMPSCHEMA, ">$newschemadir/99user.ldif.tmp")) {
+ close(USERSCHEMA);
+ return ("error_opening_schema", "$newschemadir/99user.ldif.tmp", $!);
+ }
+ # Iterate through every attribute in the 99user.ldif file and write them to the
+ # tempfile if their OID doesn't exist in the "bad schema" array.
+ my $in = new Mozilla::LDAP::LDIF(*USERSCHEMA);
+ while (my $ent = readOneEntry $in) {
+ my @attrs = $ent->getValues('attributeTypes');
+ my @objclasses = $ent->getValues('objectClasses');
+ my @keepattrs;
+ my @keepobjclasses;
+ foreach my $attr (@attrs) {
+ if ($attr =~ /\(\s*(\S*)\s*NAME/) {
+ debug(3, "Checking if attribute should be trimmed (OID $1)\n");
+ # See if this OID is in our list of attrs to skip
+ if ($attrstoskip{"$1"}) {
+ debug(2, "Trimming attribute from 99user.ldif (OID $1)\n");
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ # Keep this value
+ debug(3, "Keeping attribute in 99user.ldif (OID $1)\n");
+ push @keepattrs, $attr;
+ }
+ foreach my $objclass (@objclasses) {
+ if ($objclass =~ /\(\s*(\S*)\s*NAME/) {
+ debug(3, "Checking if objectclass should be trimmed (OID $1)\n");
+ # See if this OID is in our list of objectclasses to skip
+ if ($objclassestoskip{"$1"}) {
+ debug(2, "Trimming objectclass from 99user.ldif (OID $1)\n");
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ # Keep this value
+ debug(3, "Keeping objectclass in 99user.ldif (OID $1)\n");
+ push @keepobjclasses, $objclass;
+ }
+ # Update the entry with the values we want to keep
+ if ($#keepattrs >= $[) {
+ $ent->setValues("attributetypes", @keepattrs);
+ } else {
+ $ent->remove("attributetypes");
+ }
+ if ($#keepobjclasses >= $[) {
+ $ent->setValues("objectclasses", @keepobjclasses);
+ } else {
+ $ent->remove("objectclasses");
+ }
+ # Write the entry to temp schema file
+ my $oldfh = select(TMPSCHEMA);
+ $ent->printLDIF();
+ select($oldfh);
+ }
+ close(USERSCHEMA);
+ close(TMPSCHEMA);
+ # Make the ownership and permissions on the temp schema file
+ # the same as the copied 99user.ldif.
+ ($mode, $uid, $gid) = (stat("$newschemadir/99user.ldif"))[2,4,5];
+ if ((chown $uid, $gid, "$newschemadir/99user.ldif.tmp") != 1) {
+ return ("error_schema_permissions", "$newschemadir/99user.ldif.tmp", $!);
+ }
+ if ((chmod $mode, "$newschemadir/99user.ldif.tmp") != 1) {
+ return ("error_schema_permissions", "$newschemadir/99user.ldif.tmp", $!);
+ }
+ # Replace the copied 99user.ldif with the trimmed file.
+ if ((rename "$newschemadir/99user.ldif.tmp", "$newschemadir/99user.ldif") != 1) {
+ return ("error_renaming_schema", "$newschemadir/99user.ldif.tmp", "$newschemadir/99user.ldif", $!);
+ }
+ return();
sub migrateSchema {
my $mig = shift; # the Migration object
my $inst = shift; # the instance name (e.g. slapd-instance)
my $src = shift; # a Conn to the source
my $dest = shift; # a Conn to the dest
+ my @errs;
my $cfgent = $dest->search("cn=config", "base", "(objectclass=*)");
my $newschemadir = $cfgent->getValues('nsslapd-schemadir') ||
@@ -840,6 +980,11 @@ sub migrateSchema {
+ # fixup any attributes with missing descriptions in 99user.ldif
+ if (@errs = fixup99user($mig, $inst, $newschemadir)) {
+ return @errs;
+ }
if (!$mig->{crossplatform}) {
# now, for all of the new schema, we need to get the list of attribute
# types with INTEGER syntax, including derived types (e.g. SUP 'attr')
diff --git a/ldap/admin/src/scripts/migrate-ds.res b/ldap/admin/src/scripts/migrate-ds.res
index b9a95bd6..3d01f0f3 100644
--- a/ldap/admin/src/scripts/migrate-ds.res
+++ b/ldap/admin/src/scripts/migrate-ds.res
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ error_updating_merge_entry = Could not %s the migrated entry '%s' in the target
error_importing_migrated_db = Could not import the LDIF file '%s' for the migrated database. Error: %s. Output: %s\n
error_reading_olddbconfig = Could not read the old database configuration information. Error: %s\n
error_migrating_schema = Could not copy old schema file '%s'. Error: %s\n
+error_opening_schema = Could not open new schema file '%s'. Error: %s\n
+error_schema_permissions = Could not reset permissions on schema file '%s'. Error: %s\n
+error_renaming_schema = Could not rename schema file '%s' tp '%s'. Error: %s\n
error_copying_dbdir = Could not copy database directory '%s' to '%s'. Error: %s\n
error_copying_dbfile = Could not copy database file '%s' to '%s'. Error: %s\n
error_dbsrcdir_not_exist = Could not copy from the database source directory '%s' because it does not exist. Please check your configuration.\n