path: root/ldap/cm/newinst/
diff options
authorRich Megginson <>2007-06-20 22:08:44 +0000
committerRich Megginson <>2007-06-20 22:08:44 +0000
commit21a720bdde2fcd98ad8e6ea23bda1a7b503120c4 (patch)
tree0a6ed117ff9e621d583143afb534f213e39e264e /ldap/cm/newinst/
parent58beff0b8a06fa37ba459d978ed16a93c6a2f55f (diff)
remove obsolete files
Diffstat (limited to 'ldap/cm/newinst/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 4346 deletions
diff --git a/ldap/cm/newinst/ b/ldap/cm/newinst/
deleted file mode 100644
index a66b5939..00000000
--- a/ldap/cm/newinst/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4346 +0,0 @@
- * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- *
- * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
- *
- * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional
- * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU
- * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations
- * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code
- * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program
- * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION
- * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of
- * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from
- * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by
- * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or
- * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General
- * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used
- * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this
- * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your
- * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to
- * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception
- * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without
- * exception.
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission.
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
-# include <config.h>
-** NAME:
-** Netscape Directory Server Pre-installation Program
-** Definitions for UI dialogs.
-** NOTES:
-#if !defined(HPUX) || defined(_HP_NAMESPACE_STD)
-#include <iostream>
-#include <strstream>
-#include <fstream>
-using namespace std;
-using std::ostrstream;
-/* older HP-UX compiler, using libstd 1 (no -AA) */
-#include <iostream.h> /* use old name on older systems */
-#include <strstream.h>
-#include <fstream.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <strings.h>
-#include "utf8.h"
-#include "ux-util.h"
-#include "dialog.h"
-#include "ux-dialog.h"
-#include "ux-config.h"
-#include "install_keywords.h"
-extern "C" {
-#include "dsalib.h"
-#include "nspr.h"
-#include "plstr.h"
-static const char *DEFAULT_SLAPDUSER = "cn=Directory Manager";
-// #define DEBUG 2
-** Forward References
-static DialogAction askSlapdPortSetup (Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSlapdPortNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSlapdServerIDSetup (Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSlapdServerIDNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSlapdRootDNSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSlapdRootDNNext (Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askMCAdminIDSetup (Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askMCAdminIDNext (Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askReconfigMCAdminPwdSetup (Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askReconfigMCAdminPwdNext (Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSlapdSuffixSetup (Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSlapdSuffixNext (Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSampleSetup (Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSampleNext (Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askPopulateSetup (Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askPopulateNext (Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askOrgSizeSetup (Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askOrgSizeNext (Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRHostSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRHostNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRPortSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRPortNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRDNSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRDNNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRSuffixSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRSuffixNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRSSLSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRSSLNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRIntervalSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRIntervalNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRDaysSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRDaysNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRTimesSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askCIRTimesNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSIRSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSIRNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askChangeLogSuffixSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askChangeLogSuffixNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askChangeLogDirSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askChangeLogDirNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askReplicationDNSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askReplicationDNNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askReplicationSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askReplicationNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askConsumerDNSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askConsumerDNNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSIRHostSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSIRHostNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSIRPortSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSIRPortNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSIRDNSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSIRDNNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSIRSuffixSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSIRSuffixNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSIRSSLSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSIRSSLNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSIRDaysSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSIRDaysNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSIRTimesSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askSIRTimesNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askUseExistingMCSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askUseExistingMCNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askMCHostSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askMCHostNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askMCPortSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askMCPortNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askMCDNSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askMCDNNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askDisableSchemaCheckingSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askDisableSchemaCheckingNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askMCAdminDomainSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askMCAdminDomainNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askAdminDomainSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askAdminDomainNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askUseExistingUGSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askUseExistingUGNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askUGHostSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askUGHostNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askUGPortSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askUGPortNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askUGDNSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askUGDNNext(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askUGSuffixSetup(Dialog *me);
-static DialogAction askUGSuffixNext(Dialog *me);
-static int
-isAValidDN(const char *dn_to_test)
- int ret = 1;
- if (!dn_to_test || !*dn_to_test)
- {
- ret = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- char **rdnList = ldap_explode_dn(dn_to_test, 0);
- char **rdnNoTypes = ldap_explode_dn(dn_to_test, 1);
- if (!rdnList || !rdnList[0] || !rdnNoTypes || !rdnNoTypes[0] ||
- !*rdnNoTypes[0] || !strcasecmp(rdnList[0], rdnNoTypes[0]))
- {
- ret = 0;
- }
- if (rdnList)
- ldap_value_free(rdnList);
- if (rdnNoTypes)
- ldap_value_free(rdnNoTypes);
- }
- if ((ret == 1) && ds_dn_uses_LDAPv2_quoting(dn_to_test))
- {
- char *newdn = strdup(dn_to_test);
- dn_normalize_convert(newdn);
- char *oldlocaldn = UTF8ToLocal(dn_to_test);
- char *newlocaldn = UTF8ToLocal(newdn);
- free(newdn);
- NSString msg = NSString(
- "The given value [") + oldlocaldn + "] is quoted in the deprecated LDAPv2 style\n" +
- "quoting format. It will be automatically converted to use the\n" +
- "LDAPv3 style escaped format [" + newlocaldn + "].";
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(msg);
- nsSetupFree(oldlocaldn);
- nsSetupFree(newlocaldn);
- }
- return ret;
-static int
-contains8BitChars(const char *s)
- int ret = 0;
- if (s && *s)
- {
- for (; !ret && *s; ++s)
- {
- ret = (*s & 0x80);
- }
- }
- return ret;
-static int
-rootDNPwdIsValid(const char *pwd)
- if (!pwd || !*pwd || (strlen(pwd) < 8))
- return 0;
- return !contains8BitChars(pwd);
-static int
-isValid(const char *s)
- if (!s)
- return 1; // null is a valid response (means to accept default)
- int ret = 1;
- char *ncs = (char *)s; // cast away const-ness for ldaputf8 stuff
- // trim spaces from the beginning of the string
- while (*ncs && ldap_utf8isspace(ncs))
- LDAP_UTF8INC(ncs);
- if (!*ncs) // empty string or all spaces
- ret = 0;
- return ret;
-static int
-isValidServerID(const char *s)
- if (!s || !*s)
- return 0;
- if (!isValid(s))
- return 0;
- if (contains8BitChars(s))
- return 0;
- // server ID should contain alphanum, _, -, . since it will
- // be used for both a filename and a DN component
- const char *badChars = "`~!@#$%^&*()[]|\\\"\':;,+=/<>?";
- const char *p = s;
- for (; *p && !strchr(badChars, *p); ++p)
- ;
- if (!*p) // the string contains all valid chars
- return 1;
- return 0;
-static int
-isValidYesNo(const char *s)
- if (!s)
- return 1; // null means accept default
- const char *msg = 0;
- if (isValid(s))
- {
- int len = strlen(s);
- if (strncasecmp(s, "yes", len) && strncasecmp(s, "no", len))
- {
- msg = "Please type yes or no.";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- msg = "Please specify a valid string.";
- }
- if (msg)
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(msg);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-static int
-dialogSetup (Dialog *me, const char *which, const char *defaultAns)
- const char *ans = getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(which);
- if (!ans)
- ans = getManager(me)->getAdminScript()->get(which);
- if (!ans)
- ans = getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(which);
- int status;
- if (ans == NULL)
- status = 0;
- else
- status = 1;
- int status = (int)ans; // 0 - there was already a value in the script
- // not zero - no value already in script
- if (ans)
- me->setDefaultAns(ans);
- else if (defaultAns)
- me->setDefaultAns(defaultAns);
- return status;
-DialogInput askSlapdPort(
-"The standard directory server network port number is 389. However, if\n"
-"you are not logged as the superuser, or port 389 is in use, the\n"
-"default value will be a random unused port number greater than 1024.\n"
-"If you want to use port 389, make sure that you are logged in as the\n"
-"superuser, that port 389 is not in use, and that you run the admin\n"
-"server as the superuser.\n",
-"Directory server network port",
-static DialogAction
-askSlapdPortSetup(Dialog *me)
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Entering askSlapdPortSetup" << endl;
- char tmp[10];
- int port = 389;
- const char *defPort =
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_PORT);
- if (defPort && *defPort && atoi(defPort) > 0)
- {
- PL_strncpyz(tmp, defPort, sizeof(tmp));
- port = atoi(defPort);
- }
- else
- PR_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d", port);
- // see if default port is available
- if (InstUtil::portAvailable(port) == False)
- {
- // start with a random port number, and keep going until we find
- // an available port
- int origport = port = InstUtil::guessPort();
- while (InstUtil::portAvailable(port) == False)
- {
- ++port;
- if (port > MAXPORT)
- port = MINPORT;
- if (port == origport)
- {
- port = -1; // NO AVAILABLE PORTS!!!!!!!
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (port == -1) // NO AVAILABLE PORTS!!!!!!!
- {
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askSlapdPortSetup DIALOG_ERROR" << endl;
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_PORT, (long)port);
- dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_PORT, tmp);
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- {
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askSlapdPortSetup DIALOG_NEXT" << endl;
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- }
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askSlapdPortSetup DIALOG_SAME" << endl;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askSlapdPortNext(Dialog *me)
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Entering askSlapdPortNext" << endl;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- const char *tmp;
- char testbuf[1024];
- int port, err = 0;
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- tmp = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- tmp = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_PORT, tmp);
- port = atoi(tmp);
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "%d", port);
- if (strncmp(testbuf, tmp, 6) || port > MAXPORT || port < 1)
- {
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "OVERFLOW ERROR: Unable to bind to port %d\n"
- "Please choose another port between 1 and %d.\n\n",
- port, MAXPORT);
- err = -1;
- }
- else if (InstUtil::portAvailable(port) == False)
- {
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "ERROR: Unable to bind to port %d\n"
- "Please choose another port.\n\n", port);
- err = -1;
- }
- if (err)
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(testbuf);
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askSlapdPortNext" << endl;
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askSlapdServerID(
-"Each instance of a directory server requires a unique identifier.\n"
-"Press Enter to accept the default, or type in another name and press\n"
-"Directory server identifier",
-static DialogAction
-askSlapdServerIDSetup(Dialog *me)
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Entering askSlapdServerIDSetup" << endl;
- // extract the hostname part of the FQDN
- const char *tmp = 0;
- char *basehost = 0;
- if ((tmp = getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_FULL_MACHINE_NAME))) {
- basehost = strdup(tmp);
- } else {
- basehost = strdup(InstUtil::guessHostname());
- }
- if (!basehost)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- char *ptr = strchr(basehost, '.');
- if (ptr)
- {
- *ptr = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- free(basehost);
- basehost = 0;
- }
- const char *ans =
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_IDENTIFIER);
- if (!ans && basehost)
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_IDENTIFIER,
- basehost);
- else if (!ans && !basehost)
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_IDENTIFIER,
- InstUtil::guessHostname());
- if (ans)
- {
- me->setDefaultAns(ans);
- }
- else if (basehost)
- {
- me->setDefaultAns(basehost);
- }
- else
- {
- me->setDefaultAns(InstUtil::guessHostname());
- }
- if (basehost)
- free(basehost);
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- {
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askSlapdServerIDSetup DIALOG_SAME" << endl;
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- }
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askSlapdServerIDSetup DIALOG_SAME" << endl;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askSlapdServerIDNext(Dialog *me)
- const char *buf = me->input();
- const char *tmp;
- char testbuf[1024];
- int err = 0;
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- tmp = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- tmp = buf;
- }
- if (!tmp)
- {
- err = -1;
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "The name must not be empty");
- }
- else if (!isValid(tmp))
- {
- err = -1;
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "Please specify a valid value for the name.");
- }
- else if (contains8BitChars(tmp))
- {
- err = -1;
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "The server ID must contain 7 bit ascii only.");
- }
- else if (!isValidServerID(tmp))
- {
- err = -1;
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "The server ID must be a valid filename and DN component.");
- }
- if (!err)
- {
- // see if an instance by the same name already exists
- NSString instanceDir = NSString(
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ROOT)
- ) + "/slapd-" + tmp;
- if (InstUtil::fileExists(instanceDir))
- {
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "ERROR: a server instance named [%s] already exists."
- " Please choose a unique name.\n", tmp);
- err = -1;
- }
- }
- if (tmp)
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_IDENTIFIER, tmp);
- if (err)
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(testbuf);
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askMCAdminID(
-"Please enter the administrator ID for the Fedora configuration\n"
-"directory server. This is the ID typically used to log in to the\n"
-"console. You will also be prompted for the password.\n",
-"Fedora configuration directory server\nadministrator ID",
-static DialogAction
-askMCAdminIDSetup(Dialog *me)
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Entering askMCAdminIDSetup" << endl;
- if (getManager(me)->getAdminScript() &&
- getManager(me)->getAdminScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_ADMIN_SERVER_ID) &&
- getManager(me)->getAdminScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_ADMIN_SERVER_PWD))
- {
- // see if the MC Admin ID has been provided
- if (getManager(me)->getBaseScript() &&
- !(getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ADMIN_ID) &&
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ADMIN_PWD)))
- {
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(
- getManager(me)->getAdminScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_ADMIN_SERVER_ID)
- );
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(
- getManager(me)->getAdminScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_ADMIN_SERVER_PWD)
- );
- }
- }
- dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ADMIN_ID, "admin");
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- {
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askMCAdminIDSetup setup DIALOG_NEXT" << endl;
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- }
- // this dialog is only used for creating the MC Admin; don't use it if
- // we will be using an existing MC i.e. we are not creating the MC host
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_MC))
- {
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askMCAdminIDSetup DIALOG_NEXT" << endl;
- return action;
- }
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askMCAdminIDSetup DIALOG_SAME" << endl;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askMCAdminIDNext(Dialog *me)
- if (getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_MC))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- {
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askMCAdminIDNext setup DIALOG_NEXT" << endl;
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- }
- const char *adminUser;
- const char *adminPwd;
- const char *buf;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- adminUser = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- adminUser = buf;
- }
- if (!isValid(adminUser))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid ID.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if (!isAValidDN(adminUser) && contains8BitChars(adminUser))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("The user ID value must be 7 bit ASCII only.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ADMIN_ID, adminUser);
- while (1)
- {
-// cerr << "before password in askMCAdminIDNext" << endl;
- me->showString("Password: ");
-// cerr << "after password in askMCAdminIDNext" << endl;
- if (me->getPassword () == 0)
- {
- return DIALOG_PREV;
- }
- else
- {
- char *inp = strdup(me->input());
- if (inp[0] == 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- else if (contains8BitChars(inp))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Password must contain 7 bit characters only.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if (!isValid(inp))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid password.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else
- {
- me->showString("Password (again): ");
- if (me->getPassword() == 0)
- {
- return DIALOG_PREV;
- }
- else
- {
- adminPwd = me->input();
- if (strcmp(inp,adminPwd))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Passwords don't match.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- free(inp);
- }
- }
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ADMIN_PWD, adminPwd);
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askSlapdSuffix(
-"The suffix is the root of your directory tree. You may have more than\n"
-"one suffix.\n",
-static DialogAction
-askSlapdSuffixSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_UG))
- return action;
- if (!getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SUFFIX)) {
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(
- SLAPD_KEY_SUFFIX, getManager(me)->getDefaultSuffix());
- }
- dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_SUFFIX, getManager(me)->getDefaultSuffix());
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askSlapdSuffixNext(Dialog *me)
- const char *buf;
- NSString val;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- val = me->defaultAns();
- else
- val = buf;
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SUFFIX, val);
- // check the value to see if it is a valid DN
- if (!isAValidDN(val))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("A suffix must be a valid DN.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if (!isValid(val))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid string.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askSlapdRootDN(
-"Certain directory server operations require an administrative user.\n"
-"This user is referred to as the Directory Manager and typically has a\n"
-"bind Distinguished Name (DN) of cn=Directory Manager. Press Enter to\n"
-"accept the default value, or enter another DN. In either case, you\n"
-"will be prompted for the password for this user. The password must\n"
-"be at least 8 characters long.\n",
-"Directory Manager DN",
-static DialogAction
-askSlapdRootDNSetup(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_ROOTDN))
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_ROOTDN,
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askSlapdRootDNNext(Dialog *me)
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- {
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askSlapdRootDNNext setup DIALOG_NEXT" << endl;
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- }
- const char *slapdUser;
- const char *slapdPwd;
- const char *buf;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- slapdUser = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- slapdUser = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_ROOTDN, slapdUser);
- // check the value to see if it is a valid DN
- if (!isAValidDN(slapdUser))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("The Directory Manager must be a valid DN.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if (!isValid(slapdUser))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid string.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- while (1)
- {
-// cerr << "before password in askSlapdRootDNNext" << endl;
- me->showString("Password: ");
-// cerr << "after password in askSlapdRootDNNext" << endl;
- if (me->getPassword () == 0)
- {
- return DIALOG_PREV;
- }
- else
- {
- char *inp = strdup(me->input());
- if (inp[0] == 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- else if (contains8BitChars(inp))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Password must contain 7 bit characters only.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if (!isValid(inp))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid password.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else
- {
- me->showString("Password (again): ");
- if (me->getPassword() == 0)
- {
- return DIALOG_PREV;
- }
- else
- {
- slapdPwd = me->input();
- if (strcmp(inp,slapdPwd))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Passwords don't match.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if (!rootDNPwdIsValid(inp))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Password must be at least 8 characters long");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- free(inp);
- }
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_ROOTDNPWD, slapdPwd);
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogYesNo askSample(
-"You may install some sample entries in this directory instance. These\n"
-"entries will be installed in a separate suffix and will not interfere\n"
-"with the normal operation of the directory server.\n",
-"Do you want to install the sample entries?",
-static DialogAction
-askSampleSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER))
- return action;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askSampleNext(Dialog *me)
- const char *buf = me->input();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- {
- buf = me->defaultAns();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- buf = "No";
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_ADD_SAMPLE_ENTRIES, buf);
- if (!isValidYesNo(buf))
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askPopulate(
-"You may wish to populate your new directory instance with some data.\n"
-"You may already have a file in LDIF format to use or some suggested\n"
-"entries can be added. If you want to import entries from an LDIF\n"
-"file, you may type in the full path and filename at the prompt. If\n"
-"you want the install program to add the suggested entries, type the\n"
-"word suggest at the prompt. The suggested entries are common\n"
-"container entries under your specified suffix, such as ou=People and\n"
-"ou=Groups, which are commonly used to hold the entries for the persons\n"
-"and groups in your organization. If you do not want to add any of\n"
-"these entries, type the word none at the prompt.\n",
-"Type the full path and filename, the word suggest, or the word none\n",
-static DialogAction
-askPopulateSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER))
- return action;
- // if setting up a UG host, by default setup the suggested entries
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_UG))
- {
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_INSTALL_LDIF_FILE,
- "suggest");
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_ADD_ORG_ENTRIES,
- "Yes");
- }
- dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_INSTALL_LDIF_FILE, "none");
- // max input buffer size is sizeof(Dialog::_buf)-1
- // Dialog::_buf is defined as char[MED_BUF]
- me->setInputLen(MED_BUF-1); // it seems to get reset somewhere . . .
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askPopulateNext(Dialog *me)
- if (getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- {
- buf = me->defaultAns();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- buf = "No";
- }
- if (buf && !strncasecmp(buf, "none", strlen(buf)))
- {
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_ADD_ORG_ENTRIES, "No");
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->
- }
- else if (buf && !strncasecmp(buf, "suggest", strlen(buf)))
- {
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->
- set(SLAPD_KEY_INSTALL_LDIF_FILE, "suggest");
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_ADD_ORG_ENTRIES, "Yes");
- } else {
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_INSTALL_LDIF_FILE, buf);
- if (!InstUtil::fileExists(buf))
- {
- NSString msg = NSString("The specified filename ") + buf + "\n" +
- "does not exist. Please try again.\n";
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(msg);
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else
- {
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->
- }
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askOrgSize(
-"Your directory will be populated with entries based on the size of\n"
-"your organization. The choices are small or large. Please specify 1\n"
-"for small and 2 for large.\n",
-"Organization size (1 or 2)",
-static DialogAction
-askOrgSizeSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER))
- return action;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_ADD_ORG_ENTRIES))
- return action;
- else if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_ORG_SIZE, "1") &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askOrgSizeNext(Dialog *me)
- if (getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_ADD_ORG_ENTRIES))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- const char *tmp;
- char testbuf[1024];
- int num, err = 0;
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- tmp = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- tmp = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_ORG_SIZE, tmp);
- num = atoi(tmp);
- if (num != 1 && num != 2)
- {
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "Please enter a 1 or a 2\n\n");
- err = -1;
- }
- if (err)
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(testbuf);
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogYesNo askReplication(
-"Replication is used to duplicate all or part of a directory server to\n"
-"another directory server. This can be used for failsafe purposes, to\n"
-"ensure that the directory data is always online and up-to-date in case\n"
-"one server goes down. It is also useful for distributing directory\n"
-"data from a central main repository to remote directory servers.\n",
-"Do you want to configure this directory server\nto use replication?",
-static DialogAction
-askReplicationSetup(Dialog *me)
- me = me;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askReplicationNext(Dialog *me)
- const char *buf = me->input();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- {
- buf = me->defaultAns();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- buf = "No";
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_USE_REPLICATION, buf);
- if (!isValidYesNo(buf))
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_REPLICATION))
- {
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER, "No");
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER, "No");
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogYesNo askCIR(
-"You may want to set up your directory server as a consumer server to\n"
-"receive replicated entries from another directory server. The first\n"
-"two of the following methods configure this server as a consumer:\n\n"
-"1) The supplier server will push its entries to this server (SIR)\n"
-"2) This server will pull the entries from the supplier (CIR)\n"
-"3) This server will not be a consumer for replication (NONE)\n",
-"Do you want to set up this server as a consumer\n"
-"for replication? (1, 2, or 3)",
-static DialogAction
-askCIRSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_REPLICATION))
- return action;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askCIRNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_REPLICATION))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- {
- buf = me->defaultAns();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- buf = "3";
- }
- int val = atoi(buf);
- if (!val || val < 1 || val > 3)
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a 1, 2, or 3.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if (val == 3)
- {
- buf = "No";
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER, buf);
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogYesNo askSIR(
-"You may want to set up your directory server as a supplier server to\n"
-"replicate its entries to another directory server. The first two of\n"
-"the following methods configure this server as a supplier:\n\n"
-"1) This server will push its entries to another one (SIR)\n"
-"2) Another server will pull entries from this one (CIR)\n"
-"3) This server will not be a supplier for replication (NONE)\n",
-"Do you want to set up this server as a supplier\n"
-"for replication? (1, 2, or 3)",
-static DialogAction
-askSIRSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_REPLICATION))
- return action;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askSIRNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_REPLICATION))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- {
- buf = me->defaultAns();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- buf = "3";
- }
- int val = atoi(buf);
- if (!val || val < 1 || val > 3)
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a 1, 2, or 3.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if (val == 3)
- {
- buf = "No";
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER, buf);
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askCIRHost(
-"Please specify the host name of the server from which the replicated\n"
-"entries will be copied.\n",
-"Supplier host name",
-static DialogAction
-askCIRHostSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "2"))
- return action;
- else if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_CIR_HOST, 0) &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askCIRHostNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "2"))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- const char *tmp;
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- tmp = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- tmp = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_CIR_HOST, tmp);
- if (!tmp || !isValid(tmp))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid hostname");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askCIRPort(
-"Please specify the port of the server from which the replicated\n"
-"entries will be copied.\n",
-"Supplier port",
-static DialogAction
-askCIRPortSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "2"))
- return action;
- const char *defaultPort = "389";
- if (getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_CIR_SECURITY_ON))
- defaultPort = "636";
- if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_CIR_PORT, defaultPort) &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askCIRPortNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "2"))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- const char *tmp;
- char testbuf[1024];
- int port, err = 0;
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- tmp = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- tmp = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_CIR_PORT, tmp);
- port = atoi(tmp);
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "%d", port);
- if (strncmp(testbuf, tmp, 6) || port > MAXPORT || port < 1)
- {
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "OVERFLOW ERROR: Unable to bind to port %d\n"
- "Please choose another port between 1 and %d.\n\n",
- port, MAXPORT);
- err = -1;
- }
- if (err)
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(testbuf);
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askCIRDN(
-"Replication requires that this consumer has access to the portion of\n"
-"the remote directory to be replicated. This requires a bind DN and\n"
-"password for access to the supplier. You will first be asked for the\n"
-"bind DN, then the password.\n",
-"Replication DN",
-static DialogAction
-askCIRDNSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "2"))
- return action;
- if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_CIR_BINDDN, getManager(me)->getConsumerDN()) &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askCIRDNNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "2"))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *slapdUser;
- char *slapdPwd = 0;
- const char *buf;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- slapdUser = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- slapdUser = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_CIR_BINDDN, slapdUser);
- // check to see if it is a valid DN
- if (!isAValidDN(slapdUser))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("The consumer must be a valid DN.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if (!isValid(slapdUser))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid string.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- while (1)
- {
- me->showString("Password: ");
- if (me->getPassword () == 0)
- {
- return DIALOG_PREV;
- }
- else
- {
- char *inp = strdup(me->input());
- if (inp[0] == 0)
- {
- free(inp);
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- slapdPwd = inp;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (slapdPwd)
- {
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_CIR_BINDDNPWD, slapdPwd);
- free(slapdPwd);
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askCIRSuffix(
-"Please enter the full DN of the part of the tree to replicate,\n"
-"including the suffix (e.g. ou=People,\n",
-"Enter the directory path",
-static DialogAction
-askCIRSuffixSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "2"))
- return action;
- if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_CIR_SUFFIX, getManager(me)->getDefaultSuffix()) &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askCIRSuffixNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "2"))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf;
- NSString val;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- val = me->defaultAns();
- else
- val = buf;
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_CIR_SUFFIX, val);
- // check val to see if it is a valid DN
- if (!isAValidDN(val))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("The suffix must be a valid DN.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- if (!isValid(val))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid string.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- int status;
- if ((status = getManager(me)->verifyRemoteLdap(
- ))
- )
- {
- ostrstream msg;
- msg << "Could not connect to ldap://"
- << getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_CIR_HOST)
- << ":"
- << getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_CIR_PORT)
- << "/"
- << getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_CIR_SUFFIX)
- << endl << "for bind DN "
- << getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_CIR_BINDDN)
- << " status = " << status << endl
- << "Please check your typing. If you have mis-typed, you can backup"
- << endl
- << "and retype. Otherwise, the remote server may be down at this time."
- << endl
- << "The replication agreement will be created anyway. Proceeding..."
- << endl << ends;
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(msg.str());
- delete [] msg.str();
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogYesNo askCIRSSL(
-"You may use SSL authentication for replication if you have enabled it\n"
-"on the remote server.\n",
-"Do you want to use SSL?",
-static DialogAction
-askCIRSSLSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "2"))
- return action;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askCIRSSLNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "2"))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- {
- buf = me->defaultAns();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- buf = "No";
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_CIR_SECURITY_ON, buf);
- if (!isValidYesNo(buf))
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askCIRInterval(
-"Please specify the time interval to check the remote server for new\n"
-"entries to be replicated. Use the directory server console to set up\n"
-"more fine-grained control. Specify the time in minutes. Use a 0\n"
-"(zero) to indicate that changes should be propagated immediately all\n"
-"the time.\n",
-"Replication Sync Interval (in minutes)",
-static DialogAction
-askCIRIntervalSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "2"))
- return action;
- if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_CIR_INTERVAL, "10") &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askCIRIntervalNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "2"))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- const char *tmp;
- char testbuf[1024];
- int interval, err = 0;
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- tmp = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- tmp = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_CIR_INTERVAL, tmp);
- interval = atoi(tmp);
- if (!isdigit((*tmp)) || interval < 0)
- {
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "Please specify an integer greater than or equal to 0");
- err = -1;
- }
- if (err)
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(testbuf);
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askChangeLogSuffix(
-"Changes to the database will be kept under a separate suffix in the\n"
-"directory tree. These changes are used to replicate changes to other\n"
-"directory servers.\n",
-"Changelog suffix",
-static DialogAction
-askChangeLogSuffixSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER))
- return action;
- if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_CHANGELOGSUFFIX, "cn=changelog") &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askChangeLogSuffixNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf;
- NSString val;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- val = me->defaultAns();
- else
- val = buf;
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_CHANGELOGSUFFIX, val);
- // check to see if val is a valid DN
- if (!isAValidDN(val))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("The ChangeLog suffix must be a valid DN");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if (!isValid(val))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid string.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askChangeLogDir(
-"Changes to the main database will be kept in a separate database\n"
-"stored in a separate directory path, usually under your server\n"
-"instance directory.\n",
-"Changelog database\n"
-static DialogAction
-askChangeLogDirSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER))
- return action;
- NSString dir = NSString(
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ROOT)
- ) + "/slapd-" +
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_IDENTIFIER) +
- "/logs/changelogdb";
- if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_CHANGELOGDIR, dir) &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askChangeLogDirNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf;
- NSString val;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- val = me->defaultAns();
- else
- val = buf;
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_CHANGELOGDIR, val);
- if (InstUtil::dirExists(val) && !InstUtil::dirWritable(val))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("You do not have access to that directory. Please try again.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askReplicationDN(
-"In order to allow remote servers to replicate new entries to this\n"
-"server, the remote server must have the ability to bind to this server\n"
-"as some entity with permission to do so. The Supplier DN is the DN of\n"
-"the entity the remote server will use to connect to this server to\n"
-"supply updates. The Supplier DN also requires a password which you\n"
-"will be prompted for after the DN.\n",
-"Supplier Bind DN",
-static DialogAction
-askReplicationDNSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "1"))
- return action;
- if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_REPLICATIONDN, "cn=supplier") &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askReplicationDNNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "1"))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *replicationdn;
- const char *replicationpw;
- const char *buf;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- replicationdn = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- replicationdn = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_REPLICATIONDN, replicationdn);
- // check to see if it is a valid DN
- if (!isAValidDN(replicationdn))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("The Supplier Bind DN must be a valid DN");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- if (!isValid(replicationdn))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid string.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- while (1)
- {
- me->showString("Password: ");
- if (me->getPassword () == 0)
- {
- return DIALOG_PREV;
- }
- else
- {
- char *inp = strdup(me->input());
- if (inp[0] == 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- else if (contains8BitChars(inp))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Password must contain 7 bit characters only.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if (!isValid(inp))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid password.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else
- {
- me->showString("Password (again): ");
- if (me->getPassword() == 0)
- {
- return DIALOG_PREV;
- }
- else
- {
- replicationpw = me->input();
- if (strcmp(inp,replicationpw))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Passwords don't match.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- free(inp);
- }
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_REPLICATIONPWD, replicationpw);
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askConsumerDN(
-"In order to allow remote servers to replicate new entries from this\n"
-"server, the remote server must have the ability to bind to this server\n"
-"as some entity with permission to do so. The Consumer DN is the DN of\n"
-"the entity the remote server will use to connect to this server to\n"
-"pull the new entries. This entity will have access to the entire\n"
-"database as well as the changelog entries. The Consumer DN also\n"
-"requires a password which you will be prompted for after the DN. If\n"
-"you leave this entry blank, no consumer bind DN will be created. The\n"
-"default is no consumer bind DN.\n",
-"Consumer Bind DN",
-static DialogAction
-askConsumerDNSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER), "2"))
- return action;
- if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_CONSUMERDN, 0) &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askConsumerDNNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER), "2"))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *consumerdn;
- const char *consumerpw;
- const char *buf;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- consumerdn = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- consumerdn = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_CONSUMERDN, consumerdn);
- if (!consumerdn || !*consumerdn ||
- !strncasecmp(consumerdn, "none", strlen(consumerdn)))
- {
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->remove(SLAPD_KEY_CONSUMERDN);
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- }
- // check to see if it is a valid dn
- if (!isAValidDN(consumerdn))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("The Consumer Bind DN must be a valid DN");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if (!isValid(consumerdn))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid string.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- while (1)
- {
- me->showString("Password: ");
- if (me->getPassword () == 0)
- {
- return DIALOG_PREV;
- }
- else
- {
- char *inp = strdup(me->input());
- if (inp[0] == 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- else if (contains8BitChars(inp))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Password must contain 7 bit characters only.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if (!isValid(inp))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid password.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else
- {
- me->showString("Password (again): ");
- if (me->getPassword() == 0)
- {
- return DIALOG_PREV;
- }
- else
- {
- consumerpw = me->input();
- if (strcmp(inp,consumerpw))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Passwords don't match.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- free(inp);
- }
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_CONSUMERPWD, consumerpw);
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askSIRHost(
-"Please specify the host name of the server to which the replicated\n"
-"entries will be pushed.\n",
-"Consumer host name",
-static DialogAction
-askSIRHostSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER), "1"))
- return action;
- else if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_SIR_HOST, 0) &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askSIRHostNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER), "1"))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- const char *tmp;
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- tmp = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- tmp = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SIR_HOST, tmp);
- if (!tmp || !isValid(tmp))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid hostname");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askSIRPort(
-"Please specify the port of the server to which the replicated entries\n"
-"will be pushed.\n",
-"Consumer port",
-static DialogAction
-askSIRPortSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER), "1"))
- return action;
- const char *defaultPort = "389";
- if (getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SIR_SECURITY_ON))
- defaultPort = "636";
- if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_SIR_PORT, defaultPort) &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askSIRPortNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER), "1"))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- const char *tmp;
- char testbuf[1024];
- int port, err = 0;
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- tmp = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- tmp = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SIR_PORT, tmp);
- port = atoi(tmp);
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "%d", port);
- if (strncmp(testbuf, tmp, 6) || port > MAXPORT || port < 1)
- {
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "OVERFLOW ERROR: Unable to bind to port %d\n"
- "Please choose another port between 1 and %d.\n\n",
- port, MAXPORT);
- err = -1;
- }
- if (err)
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(testbuf);
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askSIRDN(
-"Replication requires that this supplier has access to the portion of\n"
-"the remote directory to be replicated. This requires a bind DN and\n"
-"password for access to the consumer. You will first be asked for the\n"
-"bind DN, then the password. This is the same as the Supplier DN on\n"
-"the consumer.\n",
-"Replication DN on the Consumer",
-static DialogAction
-askSIRDNSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER), "1"))
- return action;
- if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_SIR_BINDDN, "cn=supplier") &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askSIRDNNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER), "1"))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *slapdUser;
- char *slapdPwd = 0;
- const char *buf;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- slapdUser = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- slapdUser = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SIR_BINDDN, slapdUser);
- // check to see if it is a valid dn
- if (!isAValidDN(slapdUser))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("The Consumer Replication DN must be a valid DN");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if (!isValid(slapdUser))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid string.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- while (1)
- {
- me->showString("Password: ");
- if (me->getPassword () == 0)
- {
- return DIALOG_PREV;
- }
- else
- {
- char *inp = strdup(me->input());
- if (inp[0] == 0)
- {
- free(inp);
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- slapdPwd = inp;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (slapdPwd)
- {
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SIR_BINDDNPWD, slapdPwd);
- free(slapdPwd);
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askSIRSuffix(
-"Please enter the full DN of the part of the tree to replicate,\n"
-"including the suffix (e.g. ou=People,\n",
-"Directory path (DN)",
-static DialogAction
-askSIRSuffixSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER), "1"))
- return action;
- if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_SIR_SUFFIX, getManager(me)->getDefaultSuffix()) &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askSIRSuffixNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER), "1"))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf;
- NSString val;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- val = me->defaultAns();
- else
- val = buf;
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SIR_SUFFIX, val);
- // check to see if it is a valid dn
- if (!isAValidDN(val))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("The suffix must be a valid DN");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if (!isValid(val))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid string.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- int status;
- if ((status = getManager(me)->verifyRemoteLdap(
- ))
- )
- {
- ostrstream msg;
- msg << "Could not connect to ldap://"
- << getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SIR_HOST)
- << ":"
- << getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SIR_PORT)
- << "/"
- << getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SIR_SUFFIX)
- << endl << "for bind DN "
- << getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SIR_BINDDN)
- << " status = " << status << endl
- << "Please check your typing. If you have mis-typed, you can backup"
- << endl
- << "and retype. Otherwise, the remote server may be down at this time."
- << endl
- << "The replication agreement will be created anyway. Proceeding..."
- << endl << ends;
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(msg.str());
- delete [] msg.str();
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogYesNo askSIRSSL(
-"You may use SSL authentication for replication if you have enabled it\n"
-"on the remote server.\n",
-"Do you want to use SSL?",
-static DialogAction
-askSIRSSLSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER), "1"))
- return action;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askSIRSSLNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER), "1"))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- {
- buf = me->defaultAns();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- buf = "No";
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SIR_SECURITY_ON, buf);
- if (!isValidYesNo(buf))
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askCIRDays(
-"Please enter the days of the week on which you would like replication\n"
-"to occur. The days are specified by a number. For example, use 0 for\n"
-"Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc. Use 6 for Saturday. You may not specify a\n"
-"number greater than 6 or less than 0. The numbers should be entered\n"
-"one after another in a list. For example, 0123 would be Sunday,\n"
-"Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. 06 would be Sunday and Saturday. The\n"
-"default is everyday.\n",
-"Enter the replication days",
-static DialogAction
-askCIRDaysSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "2"))
- return action;
- if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_CIR_DAYS, "all") &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- const char *tmp;
- if ((tmp = getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SIR_DAYS)) &&
- !*tmp)
- me->setDefaultAns("all");
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askCIRDaysNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "2"))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf;
- NSString val;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- val = me->defaultAns();
- else
- val = buf;
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_CIR_DAYS, val);
- int status = 0;
- ostrstream msg;
- char realval[8] = "-------";
- if (!strncasecmp(val, "all", strlen(val)))
- strcpy(realval, ""); // default is everyday
- else
- {
- for (const char *ptr = val; *ptr; ++ptr)
- {
- if (!isdigit(*ptr))
- {
- msg << "The string [" << val << "] contains non-digit characters."
- << " Please re enter the string." << ends;
- status = 1;
- break;
- }
- int ival = (int)(*ptr) - (int)'0';
- if (ival > 6)
- {
- msg << "The string contains an invalid value [" << ival << "]."
- << " Please re enter the string." << ends;
- status = 2;
- break;
- }
- // this step makes sure we get the numbers in order with no duplicates
- realval[ival] = *ptr;
- }
- if (status)
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(msg.str());
- delete [] msg.str();
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- // realval now contains a string like
- // 0---4-6, but we really want 046
- int index = 0;
- for (char *p2 = realval; *p2; ++p2)
- {
- if (*p2 != '-')
- realval[index++] = *p2;
- }
- realval[index] = 0;
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_CIR_DAYS, realval);
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askSIRDays(
-"Please enter the days of the week on which you would like replication\n"
-"to occur. The days are specified by a number. For example, use 0 for\n"
-"Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc. Use 6 for Saturday. You may not specify a\n"
-"number greater than 6 or less than 0. The numbers should be entered\n"
-"one after another in a list. For example, 0123 would be Sunday,\n"
-"Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. 06 would be Sunday and Saturday. The\n"
-"default is everyday.\n",
-"Enter the replication days",
-static DialogAction
-askSIRDaysSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER), "1"))
- return action;
- if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_SIR_DAYS, "all") &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- const char *tmp;
- if ((tmp = getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SIR_DAYS)) &&
- !*tmp)
- me->setDefaultAns("all");
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askSIRDaysNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER), "1"))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf;
- NSString val;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- val = me->defaultAns();
- else
- val = buf;
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SIR_DAYS, val);
- int status = 0;
- ostrstream msg;
- char realval[8] = "-------";
- if (!strncasecmp(val, "all", strlen(val)))
- strcpy(realval, ""); // default is everyday
- else
- {
- for (const char *ptr = val; *ptr; ++ptr)
- {
- if (!isdigit(*ptr))
- {
- msg << "The string [" << val << "] contains non-digit characters."
- << " Please re enter the string." << ends;
- status = 1;
- break;
- }
- int ival = (int)(*ptr) - (int)'0';
- if (ival > 6)
- {
- msg << "The string contains an invalid value [" << ival << "]."
- << " Please re enter the string." << ends;
- status = 2;
- break;
- }
- // this step makes sure we get the numbers in order with no duplicates
- realval[ival] = *ptr;
- }
- if (status)
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(msg.str());
- delete [] msg.str();
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- // realval now contains a string like
- // 0---4-6, but we really want 046
- int index = 0;
- for (char *p2 = realval; *p2; ++p2)
- {
- if (*p2 != '-')
- realval[index++] = *p2;
- }
- realval[index] = 0;
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SIR_DAYS, realval);
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askCIRTimes(
-"Please enter the time of day you would like replication to occur. The\n"
-"time is specified as a range in the form HHMM-HHMM in 24 hour time.\n"
-"HH represents the hour portion of the time, and MM the minutes.\n"
-"Numbers less than 10 should be preceeded by a 0. For example, to\n"
-"enable replication between 1 am and 4:30 am, specify 0100-0430. To\n"
-"specify 11 am to 9 pm, use 1100-2100. 12 am to 12:59 am is specified\n"
-"as 0000-0059. The default is all day.\n",
-"Enter the replication times",
-"all day",
-static DialogAction
-askCIRTimesSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "2"))
- return action;
- if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_CIR_TIMES, "all day") &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askCIRTimesNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_CONSUMER), "2"))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf;
- NSString val;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- val = me->defaultAns();
- else
- val = buf;
- if (!strncasecmp(val, "all day", strlen(val)))
- {
- val = "";
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_CIR_TIMES, val);
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- }
- int status = 0;
- ostrstream msg;
- int pos = 0;
- // format should be HHMM-HHMM
- int maxvals[9] = {0, 23, 0, 59, 0, 0, 23, 0, 59};
- char teststr[3]; // 2 digits plus \0
- int testindex = 0;
- for (const char *ptr = val; *ptr; ++ptr, ++pos)
- {
- // position 4 should contain the '-'
- if (pos == 4 && *ptr != '-')
- {
- msg << "The time specification [" << val << "] is invalid.\n"
- << "Please re enter the string." << ends;
- status = 1;
- break;
- }
- else if (pos == 4)
- continue;
- if (!isdigit(*ptr) && pos != 4)
- {
- msg << "The time specification [" << val << "] contains non-digit characters.\n"
- << "Please re enter the string." << ends;
- status = 2;
- break;
- }
- teststr[testindex++] = *ptr;
- if (pos == 1 || pos == 3 || pos == 6 || pos == 8)
- {
- teststr[testindex] = 0;
- testindex = 0;
- if (teststr[0] == '0')
- teststr[0] = ' ';
- int ival = atoi(teststr);
- if (ival > maxvals[pos])
- {
- msg << "The string contains an invalid value [" << ival << "].\n"
- << "Please re enter the string." << ends;
- status = 3;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (pos != 9)
- {
- msg << "The string [" << val << "] is invalid.\n"
- << "Please re enter the string." << ends;
- status = 4;
- }
- if (status)
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(msg.str());
- delete [] msg.str();
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askSIRTimes(
-"Please enter the time of day you would like replication to occur. The\n"
-"time is specified as a range in the form HHMM-HHMM in 24 hour time.\n"
-"HH represents the hour portion of the time, and MM the minutes.\n"
-"Numbers less than 10 should be preceeded by a 0. For example, to\n"
-"enable replication between 1 am and 4:30 am, specify 0100-0430. To\n"
-"specify 11 am to 9 pm, use 1100-2100. 12 am to 12:59 am is specified\n"
-"as 0000-0059. The default is all day.\n",
-"Enter the replication times",
-"all day",
-static DialogAction
-askSIRTimesSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER), "1"))
- return action;
- if (dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_SIR_TIMES, "all day") &&
- getManager(me)->installMode() == Silent)
- return DIALOG_ERROR;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askSIRTimesNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER) ||
- strcmp(getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SETUP_SUPPLIER), "1"))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf;
- NSString val;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- val = me->defaultAns();
- else
- val = buf;
- if (!strncasecmp(val, "all day", strlen(val)))
- {
- val = "";
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SIR_TIMES, val);
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- }
- int status = 0;
- ostrstream msg;
- int pos = 0;
- // format should be HHMM-HHMM
- int maxvals[9] = {0, 23, 0, 59, 0, 0, 23, 0, 59};
- char teststr[3]; // 2 digits plus \0
- int testindex = 0;
- for (const char *ptr = val; *ptr; ++ptr, ++pos)
- {
- // position 4 should contain the '-'
- if (pos == 4 && *ptr != '-')
- {
- msg << "The time specification [" << val << "] is invalid.\n"
- << "Please re enter the string." << ends;
- status = 1;
- break;
- }
- else if (pos == 4)
- continue;
- if (!isdigit(*ptr) && pos != 4)
- {
- msg << "The time specification [" << val << "] contains non-digit characters.\n"
- << "Please re enter the string." << ends;
- status = 2;
- break;
- }
- teststr[testindex++] = *ptr;
- if (pos == 1 || pos == 3 || pos == 6 || pos == 8)
- {
- teststr[testindex] = 0;
- testindex = 0;
- if (teststr[0] == '0')
- teststr[0] = ' ';
- int ival = atoi(teststr);
- if (ival > maxvals[pos])
- {
- msg << "The string contains an invalid value [" << ival << "].\n"
- << "Please re enter the string." << ends;
- status = 3;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (pos != 9)
- {
- msg << "The string [" << val << "] is invalid.\n"
- << "Please re enter the string." << ends;
- status = 4;
- }
- if (status)
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(msg.str());
- delete [] msg.str();
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogYesNo askUseExistingMC(
-"Fedora server information is stored in the Fedora configuration\n"
-"directory server, which you may have already set up. If so, you\n"
-"should configure this server to be managed by the configuration\n"
-"server. To do so, the following information about the configuration\n"
-"server is required: the fully qualified host name of the form\n"
-"<hostname>.<domainname>(e.g., the port number,\n"
-"the suffix, and the DN and password of a user having permission to\n"
-"write the configuration information, usually the Fedora\n"
-"configuration directory administrator.\n\n"
-"If you want to install this software as a standalone server, or if you\n"
-"want this instance to serve as your Fedora configuration directory\n"
-"server, press Enter.\n",
-"Do you want to register this software with an existing\n"
-"Fedora configuration directory server?",
-static DialogAction
-askUseExistingMCSetup(Dialog *me)
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Entering askUseExistingMCSetup" << endl;
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (action != DIALOG_PREV)
- {
- if (getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_K_LDAP_URL))
- {
- // tell the instance creator not to create the Config entries
- // new instance
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(
- }
- else
- {
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(
- }
- }
- dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_MC, "No");
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- {
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askUseExistingMCSetup DIALOG_NEXT" << endl;
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- }
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askUseExistingMCSetup DIALOG_SAME" << endl;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askUseExistingMCNext(Dialog *me)
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Entering askUseExistingMCNext" << endl;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- {
- buf = me->defaultAns();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- buf = "No";
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_MC, buf);
- if (!isValidYesNo(buf))
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askUseExistingMCNext" << endl;
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askMCHost(
-"Enter the fully qualified domain name of the Fedora configuration\n"
-"directory server host in the form <hostname>.<domainname>\n"
-"Fedora configuration directory server\nhost name",
-static DialogAction
-askMCHostSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_MC))
- return action;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askMCHostNext(Dialog *me)
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_MC))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- const char *tmp;
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- tmp = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- tmp = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_K_LDAP_HOST, tmp);
- if (!tmp || !isValid(tmp))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid hostname");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askMCPort(
-"Please specify the port number on which the Fedora configuration\n"
-"directory server listens.\n",
-"Fedora configuration directory server\nport number",
-static DialogAction
-askMCPortSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_MC))
- return action;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askMCPortNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_MC))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- const char *tmp;
- char testbuf[1024];
- int port, err = 0;
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- tmp = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- tmp = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_K_LDAP_PORT, tmp);
- port = atoi(tmp);
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "%d", port);
- if (strncmp(testbuf, tmp, 6) || port > MAXPORT || port < 1)
- {
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "OVERFLOW ERROR: Unable to bind to port %d\n"
- "Please choose another port between 1 and %d.\n\n",
- port, MAXPORT);
- err = -1;
- }
- if (err)
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(testbuf);
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askMCDN(
-"To write configuration information into the Fedora configuration\n"
-"directory, you must bind to the server as an entity with the\n"
-"appropriate permissions. Usually, the Fedora configuration\n"
-"directory administrator is used for this purpose, although you can\n"
-"give other directory accounts the proper access.\n",
-"Fedora configuration directory server\nadministrator ID",
-static DialogAction
-askMCDNSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_MC))
- return action;
- dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ADMIN_ID, "admin");
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askMCDNNext(Dialog *me)
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_MC))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *slapdUser;
- char *slapdPwd = 0;
- const char *buf;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- slapdUser = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- slapdUser = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ADMIN_ID, slapdUser);
- if (!isValid(slapdUser))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid string.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- while (1)
- {
- me->showString("Password: ");
- if (me->getPassword () == 0)
- {
- return DIALOG_PREV;
- }
- else
- {
- char *inp = strdup(me->input());
- if (inp[0] == 0)
- {
- free(inp);
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- slapdPwd = inp;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (slapdPwd)
- {
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ADMIN_PWD, slapdPwd);
- free(slapdPwd);
- int status;
- if ((status = getManager(me)->verifyRemoteLdap(
- ))
- )
- {
- ostrstream msg;
- msg << "Could not connect to ldap://"
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_K_LDAP_HOST)
- << ":"
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_K_LDAP_PORT)
- << "/"
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_BASE_SUFFIX)
- << endl << "for bind DN "
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ADMIN_ID)
- << " status = " << status << endl
- << "Please check your typing. If you have mis-typed, you can backup"
- << endl
- << "and retype. Otherwise, the remote server may be down at this time."
- << endl
- << "The installation cannot proceed."
- << endl << ends;
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(msg.str());
- delete [] msg.str();
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if ((getManager(me)->installType() < Custom) &&
- (status = getManager(me)->verifyAdminDomain(
- ))
- )
- {
- ostrstream msg;
- msg << "Could not find the Admin Domain "
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_ADMIN_DOMAIN)
- << " in the server" << endl << "ldap://"
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_K_LDAP_HOST)
- << ":"
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_K_LDAP_PORT)
- << "/"
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_BASE_SUFFIX)
- << endl << "for bind DN "
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ADMIN_ID)
- << " status = " << status << endl
- << "You may need to re-run setup in Custom mode in order to specify"
- << endl
- << "the correct Admin Domain."
- << endl
- << "The installation cannot proceed."
- << endl << ends;
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(msg.str());
- delete [] msg.str();
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- }
- // tell the instance creator not to create the config entries in the
- // new instance
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SLAPD_CONFIG_FOR_MC, "No");
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogYesNo askDisableSchemaChecking(
-"If you are going to import an old database immediately after or during\n"
-"installation, and you think you may have problems with your old\n"
-"schema, you may want to turn off schema checking until after the\n"
-"import. If you choose to do this, schema checking will remain off\n"
-"until you manually turn it back on. Fedora recommends that you turn\n"
-"it back on as soon as possible.\n",
-"Do you want to disable schema checking?",
-static DialogAction
-askDisableSchemaCheckingSetup(Dialog *me)
- me = me;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askDisableSchemaCheckingNext(Dialog *me)
- const char *buf = me->input();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- {
- buf = me->defaultAns();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- buf = "No";
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_DISABLE_SCHEMA_CHECKING, buf);
- if (!isValidYesNo(buf))
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askMCAdminDomain(
-"The Administration Domain is a part of the configuration directory\n"
-"server used to store information about Fedora software. If you are\n"
-"managing multiple software releases at the same time, or managing\n"
-"information about multiple domains, you may use the Administration\n"
-"Domain to keep them separate.\n\n"
-"If you are not using administrative domains, press Enter to select the\n"
-"default. Otherwise, enter some descriptive, unique name for the\n"
-"administration domain, such as the name of the organization responsible\n"
-"for managing the domain.\n",
-"Administration Domain",
-static DialogAction
-askMCAdminDomainSetup(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_ADMIN_DOMAIN)) {
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(
- SLAPD_KEY_ADMIN_DOMAIN, getManager(me)->getDNSDomain());
- }
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_MC))
- {
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "leaving askMCAdminDomainSetup " << action << endl;
- return action;
- }
- // if we are creating the Configuration server, the admin domain will not
- // yet exist, and we need to ask the user to create one. Otherwise, we are
- // installing into an existing one
- dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_ADMIN_DOMAIN, getManager(me)->getDNSDomain());
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askMCAdminDomainNext(Dialog *me)
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_MC))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf;
- int status = 0;
- NSString val;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- val = me->defaultAns();
- else
- val = buf;
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_ADMIN_DOMAIN, val);
- if (!isValid(val))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid string.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if (isAValidDN(val))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("A DN is not allowed here. Please enter a valid string.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if ((status = getManager(me)->verifyAdminDomain(
- ))
- )
- {
- ostrstream msg;
- msg << "Could not find the Admin Domain "
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_ADMIN_DOMAIN)
- << " in the server" << endl << "ldap://"
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_K_LDAP_HOST)
- << ":"
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_K_LDAP_PORT)
- << "/"
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_BASE_SUFFIX)
- << endl << "for bind DN "
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ADMIN_ID)
- << " status = " << status << endl
- << "Please check your typing. If you have mis-typed, you can backup"
- << endl
- << "and retype. Otherwise, the remote server may be down at this time."
- << endl
- << "The installation cannot proceed."
- << endl << ends;
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(msg.str());
- delete [] msg.str();
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askAdminDomain(
-"The Administration Domain is a part of the configuration directory\n"
-"server used to store information about Fedora software. If you are\n"
-"managing multiple software releases at the same time, or managing\n"
-"information about multiple domains, you may use the Administration\n"
-"Domain to keep them separate.\n\n"
-"If you are not using administrative domains, press Enter to select the\n"
-"default. Otherwise, enter some descriptive, unique name for the\n"
-"administration domain, such as the name of the organization responsible\n"
-"for managing the domain.\n",
-"Administration Domain",
-static DialogAction
-askAdminDomainSetup(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_ADMIN_DOMAIN)) {
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(
- SLAPD_KEY_ADMIN_DOMAIN, getManager(me)->getDNSDomain());
- }
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_MC))
- return action;
- // if we are creating the Configuration server, the admin domain will not
- // yet exist, and we need to ask the user to create one. Otherwise, we are
- // installing into an existing one
- dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_ADMIN_DOMAIN, getManager(me)->getDNSDomain());
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askAdminDomainNext(Dialog *me)
- if (getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_MC))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf;
- NSString val;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- val = me->defaultAns();
- else
- val = buf;
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_ADMIN_DOMAIN, val);
- if (!isValid(val))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid string.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- if (isAValidDN(val))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("A DN is not allowed here. Please enter a valid string.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogYesNo askUseExistingUG(
-"If you already have a directory server you want to use to store your\n"
-"data, such as user and group information, answer Yes to the following\n"
-"question. You will be prompted for the host, port, suffix, and bind\n"
-"DN to use for that directory server.\n\n"
-"If you want this directory server to store your data, answer No.\n",
-"Do you want to use another directory to store your data?",
-static DialogAction
-askUseExistingUGSetup(Dialog *me)
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Entering askUseExistingUGSetup" << endl;
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- // if this server is not an MC host, it must be a UG host
- if (getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_MC))
- {
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askUseExistingUGSetup DIALOG_NEXT" << endl;
- return action;
- }
- else if (getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_USER_GROUP_LDAP_URL))
- {
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(
- }
- else
- {
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(
- }
- dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_UG, "No");
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- {
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askUseExistingUGSetup DIALOG_NEXT" << endl;
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- }
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askUseExistingUGSetup DIALOG_SAME" << endl;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askUseExistingUGNext(Dialog *me)
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Entering askUseExistingUGNext" << endl;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- {
- buf = me->defaultAns();
- if (!buf || !*buf)
- buf = "No";
- }
- getManager(me)->getDefaultScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_UG, buf);
- if (!isValidYesNo(buf))
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askUseExistingUGNext DIALOG_NEXT" << endl;
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askUGHost(
-"Enter the fully qualified domain name of the user directory host of\n"
-"the form <hostname>.<domainname> (e.g.\n",
-"User directory host name",
-static DialogAction
-askUGHostSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_UG))
- return action;
- dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_UG_HOST, 0);
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askUGHostNext(Dialog *me)
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_UG))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- const char *tmp;
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- tmp = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- tmp = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_UG_HOST, tmp);
- if (!tmp || !isValid(tmp))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid hostname");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askUGPort(
-"Please specify the port number on which the user directory listens.\n",
-"User directory port number",
-static DialogAction
-askUGPortSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_UG))
- return action;
- dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_UG_PORT, me->defaultAns());
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askUGPortNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_UG))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf = me->input();
- const char *tmp;
- char testbuf[1024];
- int port, err = 0;
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- tmp = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- tmp = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_UG_PORT, tmp);
- port = atoi(tmp);
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "%d", port);
- if (strncmp(testbuf, tmp, 6) || port > MAXPORT || port < 1)
- {
- PR_snprintf(testbuf, sizeof(testbuf), "OVERFLOW ERROR: Unable to bind to port %d\n"
- "Please choose another port between 1 and %d.\n\n",
- port, MAXPORT);
- err = -1;
- }
- if (err)
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(testbuf);
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askUGDN(
-"In order to add and modify information in the user directory, you must\n"
-"be able to bind to the server as an entity with the correct\n"
-"permissions. This user is usually the Directory Manager, although\n"
-"other users may be given the proper access. You will also be asked to\n"
-"provide the password.\n",
-"User directory administrator ID",
-static DialogAction
-askUGDNSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_UG))
- return action;
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askUGDNNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_UG))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *slapdUser;
- char *slapdPwd = 0;
- const char *buf;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- {
- slapdUser = me->defaultAns();
- }
- else
- {
- slapdUser = buf;
- }
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_USER_GROUP_ADMIN_ID, slapdUser);
- if (!isValid(slapdUser))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid string.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- while (1)
- {
- me->showString("Password: ");
- if (me->getPassword () == 0)
- {
- return DIALOG_PREV;
- }
- else
- {
- char *inp = strdup(me->input());
- if (inp[0] == 0)
- {
- free(inp);
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- slapdPwd = inp;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (slapdPwd)
- {
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_USER_GROUP_ADMIN_PWD, slapdPwd);
- free(slapdPwd);
- int status;
- if ((status = getManager(me)->verifyRemoteLdap(
- ))
- )
- {
- ostrstream msg;
- msg << "Could not connect to ldap://"
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_UG_HOST)
- << ":"
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_UG_PORT)
- << "/"
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_UG_SUFFIX)
- << endl << "for bind DN "
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_USER_GROUP_ADMIN_ID)
- << " status = " << status << endl
- << "Please check your typing. If you have mis-typed, you can backup"
- << endl
- << "and retype. Otherwise, the remote server may be down at this time."
- << endl
- << "The installation cannot proceed."
- << endl << ends;
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(msg.str());
- delete [] msg.str();
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askUGSuffix(
-"Please specify the suffix for the user directory server.\n",
-"User directory server suffix",
-static DialogAction
-askUGSuffixSetup(Dialog *me)
- DialogAction action = DIALOG_NEXT;
- long actionval = 0;
- me->getUserData(ACTION, actionval);
- action = (DialogAction)actionval;
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_UG))
- return action;
- dialogSetup(me, SLAPD_KEY_UG_SUFFIX, getManager(me)->getDefaultSuffix());
- long setupval = 0;
- if (me->getUserData(SETUP_DEFAULTS, setupval) == SETUP_ONLY ||
- setupval == SETUP_ONLY)
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askUGSuffixNext(Dialog *me)
- if (!getManager(me)->featureIsEnabled(SLAPD_KEY_USE_EXISTING_UG))
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
- const char *buf;
- NSString val;
- buf = me->input();
- if (buf[0] == 0)
- val = me->defaultAns();
- else
- val = buf;
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_UG_SUFFIX, val);
- // check to see if it is a valid dn
- if (!isAValidDN(val))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("The suffix must be a valid DN");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- if (!isValid(val))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid string.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;
-DialogInput askReconfigMCAdminPwd(
-(const char*)0,
-"Fedora configuration directory server\nadministrator ID",
-(const char*)0,
-static DialogAction
-askReconfigMCAdminPwdSetup(Dialog *me)
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Entering askReconfigMCAdminPwdSetup" << endl;
- NSString msg = NSString(
-"In order to reconfigure your installation, the Configuration Directory\n"
-"Administrator password is required. Here is your current information:\n\n"
-"Configuration Directory: ") +
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_K_LDAP_URL) + "\n" +
-"Configuration Administrator ID: " +
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ADMIN_ID) + "\n" +
-"\nAt the prompt, please enter the password for the Configuration Administrator.\n";
- me->setText(msg);
- me->setDefaultAns(getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ADMIN_ID));
-#if DEBUG > 1
- cerr << "Leaving askReconfigMCAdminPwdSetup" << endl;
- return DIALOG_SAME;
-static DialogAction
-askReconfigMCAdminPwdNext(Dialog *me)
- const char *buf;
- buf = me->input();
- if (!buf || buf[0] == 0)
- {
- buf = me->defaultAns();
- }
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ADMIN_ID, buf);
- if (!isValid(buf))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid string.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- me->showString("Password: ");
- while (1)
- {
- if (me->getPassword () == 0)
- {
- return DIALOG_PREV;
- }
- else
- {
- char *inp = strdup(me->input());
- if (inp[0] == 0)
- {
- me->showString("Password: ");
- continue;
- }
- else if (contains8BitChars(inp))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Password must contain 7 bit characters only.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else if (!isValid(inp))
- {
- DialogManagerType::showAlert("Please enter a valid password.");
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- else
- {
- int status;
- if ((status = authLdapUser(
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_K_LDAP_URL),
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ADMIN_ID),
- inp, 0, 0)))
- {
- ostrstream msg;
- msg << "Could not connect to "
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_K_LDAP_URL)
- << endl << "for ID "
- << getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->get(SLAPD_KEY_USER_GROUP_ADMIN_ID)
- << " status = " << status << endl
- << "Please check your typing. If you have mis-typed, you can backup"
- << endl
- << "and retype. Otherwise, the remote server may be down at this time."
- << endl
- << "The reconfiguration cannot proceed."
- << endl << ends;
- DialogManagerType::showAlert(msg.str());
- delete [] msg.str();
- return DIALOG_SAME;
- }
- }
- getManager(me)->getBaseScript()->set(SLAPD_KEY_SERVER_ADMIN_PWD, inp);
- free(inp);
- break;
- }
- }
- return DIALOG_NEXT;