(** 'df' command for virtual domains. *) (* (C) Copyright 2007-2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc. http://libvirt.org/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *) (** This module (Virt_df) contains functions and values which are used throughout the plug-ins and main code. *) val debug : bool (** If true, emit logs of debugging information to stderr. *) val ( +* ) : int32 -> int32 -> int32 val ( -* ) : int32 -> int32 -> int32 val ( ** ) : int32 -> int32 -> int32 val ( /* ) : int32 -> int32 -> int32 val ( +^ ) : int64 -> int64 -> int64 val ( -^ ) : int64 -> int64 -> int64 val ( *^ ) : int64 -> int64 -> int64 val ( /^ ) : int64 -> int64 -> int64 (** int32 and int64 infix operators for convenience. *) val uri : string option ref (** Hypervisor/libvirt URI. *) val inodes : bool ref (** Display inodes. *) val human : bool ref (** Display human-readable. *) val all : bool ref (** Show all or just active domains. *) val test_files : string list ref (** In test mode (-t) list of files. *) (** State of command line arguments. *) (** {2 Domain/device model} The "domain/device model" that we currently understand looks like this: {v domains | \--- host partitions / disk image files || guest block devices | +--> guest partitions (eg. using MBR) | | \-(1)->+--- filesystems (eg. ext3) | \--- PVs for LVM ||| VGs and LVs v} (1) Filesystems and PVs may also appear directly on guest block devices. Partition schemes (eg. MBR) and filesystems register themselves with this main module and they are queried first to get an idea of the physical devices, partitions and filesystems potentially available to the guest. Volume management schemes (eg. LVM2) register themselves here and are called later with "spare" physical devices and partitions to see if they contain LVM data. If this results in additional logical volumes then these are checked for filesystems. Swap space is considered to be a dumb filesystem for the purposes of this discussion. *) class virtual device : object method virtual name : string method virtual read : int64 -> int -> string method read_bitstring : int64 -> int -> string * int * int method virtual size : int64 end (** A virtual (or physical!) device, encapsulating any translation that has to be done to access the device. eg. For partitions there is a simple offset, but for LVM you may need complicated table lookups. We keep the underlying file descriptors open for the duration of the program. There aren't likely to be many of them, and the program is short-lived, and it's easier than trying to track which device is using what fd. As a result, there is no need for any close/deallocation function. Note the very rare use of OOP in OCaml! *) class block_device : string -> object method name : string method read : int64 -> int -> string method read_bitstring : int64 -> int -> string * int * int method size : int64 end (** A concrete device which just direct-maps a file or /dev device. *) val null_device : device (** The null device. Any attempt to read generates an error. *) type domain = { dom_name : string; (** Domain name. *) dom_id : int option; (** Domain ID (if running). *) dom_disks : disk list; (** Domain disks. *) } and disk = { d_type : string option; (** The *) d_device : string; (** The (eg "disk") *) d_source : string; (** The *) d_target : string; (** The (eg "hda") *) d_dev : device; (** Disk device. *) d_content : disk_content; (** What's on it. *) } and disk_content = [ `Filesystem of filesystem (** Contains a direct filesystem. *) | `Partitions of partitions (** Contains partitions. *) | `PhysicalVolume of string (** Contains an LVM PV. *) | `Unknown (** Not probed or unknown. *) ] and partitions = { parts_name : string; (** Name of partitioning scheme. *) parts : partition list; (** Partitions. *) } and partition = { part_status : partition_status; (** Bootable, etc. *) part_type : int; (** Partition filesystem type. *) part_dev : device; (** Partition device. *) part_content : partition_content; (** What's on it. *) } and partition_status = Bootable | Nonbootable | Malformed | NullEntry and partition_content = [ `Filesystem of filesystem (** Filesystem. *) | `PhysicalVolume of string (** Contains an LVM PV. *) | `Unknown (** Not probed or unknown. *) ] and filesystem = { fs_name : string; (** Name of filesystem. *) fs_block_size : int64; (** Block size (bytes). *) fs_blocks_total : int64; (** Total blocks. *) fs_is_swap : bool; (** If swap, following not valid. *) fs_blocks_reserved : int64; (** Blocks reserved for super-user. *) fs_blocks_avail : int64; (** Blocks free (available). *) fs_blocks_used : int64; (** Blocks in use. *) fs_inodes_total : int64; (** Total inodes. *) fs_inodes_reserved : int64; (** Inodes reserved for super-user. *) fs_inodes_avail : int64; (** Inodes free (available). *) fs_inodes_used : int64; (** Inodes in use. *) } val string_of_partition : partition -> string val string_of_filesystem : filesystem -> string (** Convert a partition or filesystem struct to a string (for debugging). *) val partition_type_register : string -> (device -> partitions) -> unit (** Register a partition probing plugin. *) val probe_for_partitions : device -> partitions option (** Do a partition probe on a device. Returns [Some partitions] or [None]. *) val filesystem_type_register : string -> (device -> filesystem) -> unit (** Register a filesystem probing plugin. *) val probe_for_filesystem : device -> filesystem option (** Do a filesystem probe on a device. Returns [Some filesystem] or [None]. *) val lvm_type_register : string -> (device -> bool) -> (device list -> device list) -> unit (** [lvm_type_register lvm_name probe_fn list_lvs_fn] registers a new LVM type. [probe_fn] is a function which should probe a device to find out if it contains a PV. [list_lvs_fn] is a function which should take a list of devices (PVs) and construct a list of LV devices. *) val probe_for_pv : device -> string option (** Do a PV probe on a device. Returns [Some lvm_name] or [None]. *)