(** OCaml bindings for libvirt. (C) Copyright 2007 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc. http://libvirt.org/ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) type uuid = string (** This is a "raw" UUID, ie. a packed string of bytes. *) type xml = string (** Type of XML (an uninterpreted string of bytes). Use PXP, expat, xml-light, etc. if you want to do anything useful with the XML. *) type filename = string (** A filename. *) val get_version : ?driver:string -> unit -> int * int (** [get_version ()] returns the library version in the first part of the tuple, and [0] in the second part. [get_version ~driver ()] returns the library version in the first part of the tuple, and the version of the driver called [driver] in the second part. The version numbers are encoded as 1,000,000 * major + 1,000 * minor + release. *) val uuid_length : int (** Length of packed UUIDs. *) val uuid_string_length : int (** Length of UUID strings. *) (* These phantom types are used to ensure the type-safety of read-only * versus read-write connections. For more information see: * http://caml.inria.fr/pub/ml-archives/caml-list/2004/07/80683af867cce6bf8fff273973f70c95.en.html *) type rw = [`R|`W] type ro = [`R] module Connect : sig type 'rw t (** Connection. Read-only connections have type [ro Connect.t] and read-write connections have type [rw Connect.t]. *) type node_info = { model : string; (** CPU model *) memory : int64; (** memory size in kilobytes *) cpus : int; (** number of active CPUs *) mhz : int; (** expected CPU frequency *) nodes : int; (** number of NUMA nodes (1 = UMA) *) sockets : int; (** number of CPU sockets per node *) cores : int; (** number of cores per socket *) threads : int; (** number of threads per core *) } val connect : ?name:string -> unit -> rw t val connect_readonly : ?name:string -> unit -> ro t (** [connect ~name ()] connects to the hypervisor with URI [name]. [connect ()] connects to the default hypervisor. [connect_readonly] is the same but connects in read-only mode. *) val close : [>`R] t -> unit (** [close conn] closes and frees the connection object in memory. The connection is automatically closed if it is garbage collected. This function just forces it to be closed and freed right away. *) val get_type : [>`R] t -> string (** Returns the name of the driver (hypervisor). *) val get_version : [>`R] t -> int (** Returns the driver version [major * 1_000_000 + minor * 1000 + release] *) val get_hostname : [>`R] t -> string (** Returns the hostname of the physical server. *) val get_uri : [>`R] t -> string (** Returns the canonical connection URI. *) val get_max_vcpus : [>`R] t -> ?type_:string -> unit -> int (** Returns the maximum number of virtual CPUs supported by a guest VM of a particular type. *) val list_domains : [>`R] t -> int -> int array (** [list_domains conn max] returns the running domain IDs, up to a maximum of [max] entries. Call {!num_of_domains} first to get a value for [max]. *) val num_of_domains : [>`R] t -> int (** Returns the number of running domains. *) val get_capabilities : [>`R] t -> xml (** Returns the hypervisor capabilities (as XML). *) val num_of_defined_domains : [>`R] t -> int (** Returns the number of inactive (shutdown) domains. *) val list_defined_domains : [>`R] t -> int -> string array (** [list_defined_domains conn max] returns the names of the inactive domains, up to a maximum of [max] entries. Call {!num_of_defined_domains} first to get a value for [max]. *) val num_of_networks : [>`R] t -> int (** Returns the number of networks. *) val list_networks : [>`R] t -> int -> string array (** [list_networks conn max] returns the names of the networks, up to a maximum of [max] entries. Call {!num_of_networks} first to get a value for [max]. *) val num_of_defined_networks : [>`R] t -> int (** Returns the number of inactive networks. *) val list_defined_networks : [>`R] t -> int -> string array (** [list_defined_networks conn max] returns the names of the inactive networks, up to a maximum of [max] entries. Call {!num_of_defined_networks} first to get a value for [max]. *) (* The name of this function is inconsistent, but the inconsistency * is really in libvirt itself. *) val get_node_info : [>`R] t -> node_info (** Return information about the physical server. *) val node_get_free_memory : [> `R] t -> int64 (** [node_get_free_memory conn] returns the amount of free memory (not allocated to any guest) in the machine. *) val node_get_cells_free_memory : [> `R] t -> int -> int -> int64 array (** [node_get_cells_free_memory conn start max] returns the amount of free memory on each NUMA cell in kilobytes. [start] is the first cell for which we return free memory. [max] is the maximum number of cells for which we return free memory. Returns an array of up to [max] entries in length. *) val maxcpus_of_node_info : node_info -> int (** Calculate the total number of CPUs supported (but not necessarily active) in the host. *) val cpumaplen : int -> int (** Calculate the length (in bytes) required to store the complete CPU map between a single virtual and all physical CPUs of a domain. *) val use_cpu : string -> int -> unit (** [use_cpu cpumap cpu] marks [cpu] as usable in [cpumap]. *) val unuse_cpu : string -> int -> unit (** [unuse_cpu cpumap cpu] marks [cpu] as not usable in [cpumap]. *) val cpu_usable : string -> int -> int -> int -> bool (** [cpu_usable cpumaps maplen vcpu cpu] checks returns true iff the [cpu] is usable by [vcpu]. *) external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity" (** [const conn] turns a read/write connection into a read-only connection. Note that the opposite operation is impossible. *) end (** Module dealing with connections. [Connect.t] is the connection object. *) module Domain : sig type 'rw t (** Domain handle. Read-only handles have type [ro Domain.t] and read-write handles have type [rw Domain.t]. *) type state = | InfoNoState | InfoRunning | InfoBlocked | InfoPaused | InfoShutdown | InfoShutoff | InfoCrashed type info = { state : state; (** running state *) max_mem : int64; (** maximum memory in kilobytes *) memory : int64; (** memory used in kilobytes *) nr_virt_cpu : int; (** number of virtual CPUs *) cpu_time : int64; (** CPU time used in nanoseconds *) } type vcpu_state = VcpuOffline | VcpuRunning | VcpuBlocked type vcpu_info = { number : int; (** virtual CPU number *) vcpu_state : vcpu_state; (** state *) vcpu_time : int64; (** CPU time used in nanoseconds *) cpu : int; (** real CPU number, -1 if offline *) } type sched_param = string * sched_param_value and sched_param_value = | SchedFieldInt32 of int32 | SchedFieldUInt32 of int32 | SchedFieldInt64 of int64 | SchedFieldUInt64 of int64 | SchedFieldFloat of float | SchedFieldBool of bool type migrate_flag = Live type block_stats = { rd_req : int64; rd_bytes : int64; wr_req : int64; wr_bytes : int64; errs : int64; } type interface_stats = { rx_bytes : int64; rx_packets : int64; rx_errs : int64; rx_drop : int64; tx_bytes : int64; tx_packets : int64; tx_errs : int64; tx_drop : int64; } val create_linux : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t (** Create a new guest domain (not necessarily a Linux one) from the given XML. *) val lookup_by_id : 'a Connect.t -> int -> 'a t (** Lookup a domain by ID. *) val lookup_by_uuid : 'a Connect.t -> uuid -> 'a t (** Lookup a domain by UUID. This uses the packed byte array UUID. *) val lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t (** Lookup a domain by (string) UUID. *) val lookup_by_name : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t (** Lookup a domain by name. *) val destroy : [>`W] t -> unit (** Abruptly destroy a domain. *) val free : [>`R] t -> unit (** [free domain] frees the domain object in memory. The domain object is automatically freed if it is garbage collected. This function just forces it to be freed right away. *) val suspend : [>`W] t -> unit (** Suspend a domain. *) val resume : [>`W] t -> unit (** Resume a domain. *) val save : [>`W] t -> filename -> unit (** Suspend a domain, then save it to the file. *) val restore : [>`W] Connect.t -> filename -> unit (** Restore a domain from a file. *) val core_dump : [>`W] t -> filename -> unit (** Force a domain to core dump to the named file. *) val shutdown : [>`W] t -> unit (** Shutdown a domain. *) val reboot : [>`W] t -> unit (** Reboot a domain. *) val get_name : [>`R] t -> string (** Get the domain name. *) val get_uuid : [>`R] t -> uuid (** Get the domain UUID (as a packed byte array). *) val get_uuid_string : [>`R] t -> string (** Get the domain UUID (as a printable string). *) val get_id : [>`R] t -> int (** [getid dom] returns the ID of the domain. Do not call this on a defined but not running domain. Those domains don't have IDs, and you'll get an error here. *) val get_os_type : [>`R] t -> string (** Get the operating system type. *) val get_max_memory : [>`R] t -> int64 (** Get the maximum memory allocation. *) val set_max_memory : [>`W] t -> int64 -> unit (** Set the maximum memory allocation. *) val set_memory : [>`W] t -> int64 -> unit (** Set the normal memory allocation. *) val get_info : [>`R] t -> info (** Get information about a domain. *) val get_xml_desc : [>`R] t -> xml (** Get the XML description of a domain. *) val get_scheduler_type : [>`R] t -> string * int (** Get the scheduler type. *) val get_scheduler_parameters : [>`R] t -> int -> sched_param array (** Get the array of scheduler parameters. *) val set_scheduler_parameters : [>`W] t -> sched_param array -> unit (** Set the array of scheduler parameters. *) val define_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t (** Define a new domain (but don't start it up) from the XML. *) val undefine : [>`W] t -> unit (** Undefine a domain - removes its configuration. *) val create : [>`W] t -> unit (** Launch a defined (inactive) domain. *) val get_autostart : [>`R] t -> bool (** Get the autostart flag for a domain. *) val set_autostart : [>`W] t -> bool -> unit (** Set the autostart flag for a domain. *) val set_vcpus : [>`W] t -> int -> unit (** Change the number of vCPUs available to a domain. *) val pin_vcpu : [>`W] t -> int -> string -> unit (** [pin_vcpu dom vcpu bitmap] pins a domain vCPU to a bitmap of physical CPUs. See the libvirt documentation for details of the layout of the bitmap. *) val get_vcpus : [>`R] t -> int -> int -> int * vcpu_info array * string (** [get_vcpus dom maxinfo maplen] returns the pinning information for a domain. See the libvirt documentation for details of the array and bitmap returned from this function. *) val get_max_vcpus : [>`R] t -> int (** Returns the maximum number of vCPUs supported for this domain. *) val attach_device : [>`W] t -> xml -> unit (** Attach a device (described by the device XML) to a domain. *) val detach_device : [>`W] t -> xml -> unit (** Detach a device (described by the device XML) from a domain. *) val migrate : [>`W] t -> [>`W] Connect.t -> migrate_flag list -> ?dname:string -> ?uri:string -> ?bandwidth:int -> unit -> rw t (** [migrate dom dconn flags ()] migrates a domain to a destination host described by [dconn]. The optional flag [?dname] is used to rename the domain. The optional flag [?uri] is used to route the migration. The optional flag [?bandwidth] is used to limit the bandwidth used for migration (in Mbps). *) val block_stats : [>`R] t -> string -> block_stats (** Returns block device stats. *) val interface_stats : [>`R] t -> string -> interface_stats (** Returns network interface stats. *) external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity" (** [const dom] turns a read/write domain handle into a read-only domain handle. Note that the opposite operation is impossible. *) end (** Module dealing with domains. [Domain.t] is the domain object. *) module Network : sig type 'rw t (** Network handle. Read-only handles have type [ro Network.t] and read-write handles have type [rw Network.t]. *) val lookup_by_name : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t (** Lookup a network by name. *) val lookup_by_uuid : 'a Connect.t -> uuid -> 'a t (** Lookup a network by (packed) UUID. *) val lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t (** Lookup a network by UUID string. *) val create_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t (** Create a network. *) val define_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t (** Define but don't activate a network. *) val undefine : [>`W] t -> unit (** Undefine configuration of a network. *) val create : [>`W] t -> unit (** Start up a defined (inactive) network. *) val destroy : [>`W] t -> unit (** Destroy a network. *) val free : [>`R] t -> unit (** [free network] frees the network object in memory. The network object is automatically freed if it is garbage collected. This function just forces it to be freed right away. *) val get_name : [>`R] t -> string (** Get network name. *) val get_uuid : [>`R] t -> uuid (** Get network packed UUID. *) val get_uuid_string : [>`R] t -> string (** Get network UUID as a printable string. *) val get_xml_desc : [>`R] t -> xml (** Get XML description of a network. *) val get_bridge_name : [>`R] t -> string (** Get bridge device name of a network. *) val get_autostart : [>`R] t -> bool (** Get the autostart flag for a network. *) val set_autostart : [>`W] t -> bool -> unit (** Set the autostart flag for a network. *) external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity" (** [const network] turns a read/write network handle into a read-only network handle. Note that the opposite operation is impossible. *) end (** Module dealing with networks. [Network.t] is the network object. *) module Virterror : sig type code = | VIR_ERR_OK | VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR | VIR_ERR_NO_MEMORY | VIR_ERR_NO_SUPPORT | VIR_ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST | VIR_ERR_NO_CONNECT | VIR_ERR_INVALID_CONN | VIR_ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN | VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG | VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED | VIR_ERR_GET_FAILED | VIR_ERR_POST_FAILED | VIR_ERR_HTTP_ERROR | VIR_ERR_SEXPR_SERIAL | VIR_ERR_NO_XEN | VIR_ERR_XEN_CALL | VIR_ERR_OS_TYPE | VIR_ERR_NO_KERNEL | VIR_ERR_NO_ROOT | VIR_ERR_NO_SOURCE | VIR_ERR_NO_TARGET | VIR_ERR_NO_NAME | VIR_ERR_NO_OS | VIR_ERR_NO_DEVICE | VIR_ERR_NO_XENSTORE | VIR_ERR_DRIVER_FULL | VIR_ERR_CALL_FAILED | VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR | VIR_ERR_DOM_EXIST | VIR_ERR_OPERATION_DENIED | VIR_ERR_OPEN_FAILED | VIR_ERR_READ_FAILED | VIR_ERR_PARSE_FAILED | VIR_ERR_CONF_SYNTAX | VIR_ERR_WRITE_FAILED | VIR_ERR_XML_DETAIL | VIR_ERR_INVALID_NETWORK | VIR_ERR_NETWORK_EXIST | VIR_ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR | VIR_ERR_RPC | VIR_ERR_GNUTLS_ERROR | VIR_WAR_NO_NETWORK | VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN | VIR_ERR_NO_NETWORK (** See [] for meaning of these codes. *) val string_of_code : code -> string type level = | VIR_ERR_NONE | VIR_ERR_WARNING | VIR_ERR_ERROR (** No error, a warning or an error. *) val string_of_level : level -> string type domain = | VIR_FROM_NONE | VIR_FROM_XEN | VIR_FROM_XEND | VIR_FROM_XENSTORE | VIR_FROM_SEXPR | VIR_FROM_XML | VIR_FROM_DOM | VIR_FROM_RPC | VIR_FROM_PROXY | VIR_FROM_CONF | VIR_FROM_QEMU | VIR_FROM_NET | VIR_FROM_TEST | VIR_FROM_REMOTE | VIR_FROM_OPENVZ (** Subsystem / driver which produced the error. *) val string_of_domain : domain -> string type t = { code : code; (** Error code. *) domain : domain; (** Origin of the error. *) message : string option; (** Human-readable message. *) level : level; (** Error or warning. *) conn : ro Connect.t option; (** Associated connection. *) dom : ro Domain.t option; (** Associated domain. *) str1 : string option; (** Informational string. *) str2 : string option; (** Informational string. *) str3 : string option; (** Informational string. *) int1 : int32; (** Informational integer. *) int2 : int32; (** Informational integer. *) net : ro Network.t option; (** Associated network. *) } (** An error object. *) val to_string : t -> string (** Turn the exception into a printable string. *) val get_last_error : unit -> t option val get_last_conn_error : [>`R] Connect.t -> t option (** Get the last error at a global or connection level. Normally you do not need to use these functions because the library automatically turns errors into exceptions. *) val reset_last_error : unit -> unit val reset_last_conn_error : [>`R] Connect.t -> unit (** Reset the error at a global or connection level. Normally you do not need to use these functions. *) val no_error : unit -> t (** Creates an empty error message. Normally you do not need to use this function. *) end (** Module dealing with errors. *) exception Virterror of Virterror.t (** This exception can be raised by any library function that detects an error. To get a printable error message, call {!Virterror.to_string} on the content of this exception. Note that functions may also raise [Invalid_argument "virFoo not supported"] (where virFoo is the libvirt function name) if a function is not supported at either compile or runtime. This applies to any libvirt function added after version 0.2.1. See also [http://libvirt.org/hvsupport.html] *)