path: root/virt-df/
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1 files changed, 7 insertions, 459 deletions
diff --git a/virt-df/ b/virt-df/
index b972837..c61f6df 100644
--- a/virt-df/
+++ b/virt-df/
@@ -23,79 +23,24 @@ open Unix
open Virt_df_gettext.Gettext
-module C = Libvirt.Connect
-module D = Libvirt.Domain
+let debug = true (* If true emit lots of debugging information. *)
-(* If set to true, then emit lots of debugging information. *)
-let debug = true
-(* Int32 infix operators for convenience. *)
let ( +* ) = Int32.add
let ( -* ) = Int32.sub
let ( ** ) = Int32.mul
let ( /* ) = Int32.div
-(* Int64 infix operators for convenience. *)
let ( +^ ) = Int64.add
let ( -^ ) = Int64.sub
let ( *^ ) = Int64.mul
let ( /^ ) = Int64.div
-(* State of command line arguments. *)
-let uri = ref None (* Hypervisor/libvirt URI. *)
-let inodes = ref false (* Display inodes. *)
-let human = ref false (* Display human-readable. *)
-let all = ref false (* Show all/active domains. *)
-let test_files = ref [] (* Used for test mode only. *)
-(* The "domain/device model" that we currently understand looks
- * like this:
- *
- * domains
- * |
- * \--- host partitions / disk image files
- * ||
- * guest block devices
- * |
- * +--> guest partitions (eg. using MBR)
- * | |
- * \-(1)->+--- filesystems (eg. ext3)
- * |
- * \--- PVs for LVM
- * |||
- * VGs and LVs
- *
- * (1) Filesystems and PVs may also appear directly on guest
- * block devices.
- *
- * Partition schemes (eg. MBR) and filesystems register themselves
- * with this main module and they are queried first to get an idea
- * of the physical devices, partitions and filesystems potentially
- * available to the guest.
- *
- * Volume management schemes (eg. LVM) register themselves here
- * and are called later with "spare" physical devices and partitions
- * to see if they contain LVM data. If this results in additional
- * logical volumes then these are checked for filesystems.
- *
- * Swap space is considered to be a dumb filesystem for the purposes
- * of this discussion.
- *)
+let uri = ref None
+let inodes = ref false
+let human = ref false
+let all = ref false
+let test_files = ref []
-(* A virtual (or physical!) device, encapsulating any translation
- * that has to be done to access the device. eg. For partitions
- * there is a simple offset, but for LVM you may need complicated
- * table lookups.
- *
- * We keep the underlying file descriptors open for the duration
- * of the program. There aren't likely to be many of them, and
- * the program is short-lived, and it's easier than trying to
- * track which device is using what fd. As a result, there is no
- * need for any close/deallocation function.
- *
- * Note the very rare use of OOP in OCaml!
- *)
class virtual device =
object (self)
method virtual read : int64 -> int -> string
@@ -123,7 +68,7 @@ object (self)
method name = filename
-(* A null device. Any attempt to read generates an error. *)
+(* The null device. Any attempt to read generates an error. *)
let null_device : device =
inherit device
@@ -132,8 +77,6 @@ object
method name = "null"
-(* Domains and candidate guest block devices. *)
type domain = {
dom_name : string; (* Domain name. *)
dom_id : int option; (* Domain ID (if running). *)
@@ -262,398 +205,3 @@ let lvm_types = ref []
let lvm_type_register (lvm_name : string) probe_fn =
lvm_types := (lvm_name, probe_fn) :: !lvm_types
-let main () =
- (* Command line argument parsing. *)
- let set_uri = function "" -> uri := None | u -> uri := Some u in
- let version () =
- printf "virt-df %s\n" (Libvirt_version.version);
- let major, minor, release =
- let v, _ = Libvirt.get_version () in
- v / 1_000_000, (v / 1_000) mod 1_000, v mod 1_000 in
- printf "libvirt %d.%d.%d\n" major minor release;
- exit 0
- in
- let test_mode filename =
- test_files := filename :: !test_files
- in
- let argspec = Arg.align [
- "-a", Arg.Set all,
- " " ^ s_ "Show all domains (default: only active domains)";
- "--all", Arg.Set all,
- " " ^ s_ "Show all domains (default: only active domains)";
- "-c", Arg.String set_uri,
- "uri " ^ s_ "Connect to URI (default: Xen)";
- "--connect", Arg.String set_uri,
- "uri " ^ s_ "Connect to URI (default: Xen)";
- "-h", Arg.Set human,
- " " ^ s_ "Print sizes in human-readable format";
- "--human-readable", Arg.Set human,
- " " ^ s_ "Print sizes in human-readable format";
- "-i", Arg.Set inodes,
- " " ^ s_ "Show inodes instead of blocks";
- "--inodes", Arg.Set inodes,
- " " ^ s_ "Show inodes instead of blocks";
- "-t", Arg.String test_mode,
- "dev" ^ s_ "(Test mode) Display contents of block device or file";
- "--version", Arg.Unit version,
- " " ^ s_ "Display version and exit";
- ] in
- let anon_fun str =
- raise (Arg.Bad (sprintf (f_ "%s: unknown parameter") str)) in
- let usage_msg = s_ "virt-df : like 'df', shows disk space used in guests
- virt-df [-options]
- Arg.parse argspec anon_fun usage_msg;
- let doms : domain list =
- if !test_files = [] then (
- let xmls =
- (* Connect to the hypervisor. *)
- let conn =
- let name = !uri in
- try C.connect_readonly ?name ()
- with
- Libvirt.Virterror err ->
- prerr_endline (Libvirt.Virterror.to_string err);
- (* If non-root and no explicit connection URI, print a warning. *)
- if geteuid () <> 0 && name = None then (
- print_endline (s_ "NB: If you want to monitor a local Xen hypervisor, you usually need to be root");
- );
- exit 1 in
- (* Get the list of active & inactive domains. *)
- let doms =
- let nr_active_doms = C.num_of_domains conn in
- let active_doms =
- Array.to_list (C.list_domains conn nr_active_doms) in
- let active_doms =
- (D.lookup_by_id conn) active_doms in
- if not !all then
- active_doms
- else (
- let nr_inactive_doms = C.num_of_defined_domains conn in
- let inactive_doms =
- Array.to_list (C.list_defined_domains conn nr_inactive_doms) in
- let inactive_doms =
- (D.lookup_by_name conn) inactive_doms in
- active_doms @ inactive_doms
- ) in
- (* Get their XML. *)
- let xmls = D.get_xml_desc doms in
- (* Parse the XML. *)
- let xmls = Xml.parse_string xmls in
- (* Return just the XML documents - everything else will be closed
- * and freed including the connection to the hypervisor.
- *)
- xmls in
- (* Grr.. Need to use a library which has XPATH support (or cduce). *)
- (
- fun xml ->
- let nodes, domain_attrs =
- match xml with
- | Xml.Element ("domain", attrs, children) -> children, attrs
- | _ -> failwith (s_ "get_xml_desc didn't return <domain/>") in
- let domid =
- try Some (int_of_string (List.assoc "id" domain_attrs))
- with Not_found -> None in
- let rec loop = function
- | [] ->
- failwith (s_ "get_xml_desc returned no <name> node in XML")
- | Xml.Element ("name", _, [Xml.PCData name]) :: _ -> name
- | Xml.Element ("name", _, _) :: _ ->
- failwith (s_ "get_xml_desc returned strange <name> node")
- | _ :: rest -> loop rest
- in
- let name = loop nodes in
- let devices =
- let devices =
- List.filter_map (
- function
- | Xml.Element ("devices", _, devices) -> Some devices
- | _ -> None
- ) nodes in
- List.concat devices in
- let rec target_dev_of = function
- | [] -> None
- | Xml.Element ("target", attrs, _) :: rest ->
- (try Some (List.assoc "dev" attrs)
- with Not_found -> target_dev_of rest)
- | _ :: rest -> target_dev_of rest
- in
- let rec source_file_of = function
- | [] -> None
- | Xml.Element ("source", attrs, _) :: rest ->
- (try Some (List.assoc "file" attrs)
- with Not_found -> source_file_of rest)
- | _ :: rest -> source_file_of rest
- in
- let rec source_dev_of = function
- | [] -> None
- | Xml.Element ("source", attrs, _) :: rest ->
- (try Some (List.assoc "dev" attrs)
- with Not_found -> source_dev_of rest)
- | _ :: rest -> source_dev_of rest
- in
- let disks =
- List.filter_map (
- function
- | Xml.Element ("disk", attrs, children) ->
- let typ =
- try Some (List.assoc "type" attrs)
- with Not_found -> None in
- let device =
- try Some (List.assoc "device" attrs)
- with Not_found -> None in
- let source =
- match source_file_of children with
- | (Some _) as source -> source
- | None -> source_dev_of children in
- let target = target_dev_of children in
- (* We only care about devices where we have
- * source and target. Ignore CD-ROM devices.
- *)
- (match source, target, device with
- | _, _, Some "cdrom" -> None (* ignore *)
- | Some source, Some target, Some device ->
- (* Try to create a 'device' object for this
- * device. If it fails, print a warning
- * and ignore the device.
- *)
- (try
- let dev = new block_device source in
- Some {
- d_type = typ; d_device = device;
- d_source = source; d_target = target;
- d_dev = dev; d_content = `Unknown
- }
- with
- Unix_error (err, func, param) ->
- eprintf "%s:%s: %s" func param (error_message err);
- None
- )
- | _ -> None (* ignore anything else *)
- )
- | _ -> None
- ) devices in
- { dom_name = name; dom_id = domid; dom_disks = disks }
- ) xmls
- ) else (
- (* In test mode (-t option) the user can pass one or more
- * block devices or filenames (containing partitions/filesystems/etc)
- * which we use for testing virt-df itself. We create fake domains
- * from these.
- *)
- (
- fun filename ->
- {
- dom_name = filename; dom_id = None;
- dom_disks = [
- {
- d_type = Some "disk"; d_device = "disk";
- d_source = filename; d_target = "hda";
- d_dev = new block_device filename; d_content = `Unknown;
- }
- ]
- }
- ) !test_files
- ) in
- (* HOF to map over disks. *)
- let map_over_disks doms f =
- (
- fun ({ dom_disks = disks } as dom) ->
- let disks = f disks in
- { dom with dom_disks = disks }
- ) doms
- in
- (* 'doms' is our list of domains and their guest block devices, and
- * we've successfully opened each block device. Now probe them
- * to find out what they contain.
- *)
- let doms = map_over_disks doms (
- fun ({ d_dev = dev } as disk) ->
- (* See if it is partitioned first. *)
- let parts = probe_for_partitions dev in
- match parts with
- | Some parts ->
- { disk with d_content = `Partitions parts }
- | None ->
- (* Not partitioned. Does it contain a filesystem? *)
- let fs = probe_for_filesystems dev in
- match fs with
- | Some fs ->
- { disk with d_content = `Filesystem fs }
- | None ->
- (* Not partitioned, no filesystem, so it's spare. *)
- disk
- ) in
- (* Now we have either detected partitions or a filesystem on each
- * physical device (or perhaps neither). See what is on those
- * partitions.
- *)
- let doms = map_over_disks doms (
- function
- | ({ d_dev = dev; d_content = `Partitions parts } as disk) ->
- let ps = (
- fun p ->
- if p.part_status = Bootable || p.part_status = Nonbootable then (
- let fs = probe_for_filesystems p.part_dev in
- match fs with
- | Some fs ->
- { p with part_content = `Filesystem fs }
- | None ->
- p
- ) else p
- ) in
- let parts = { parts with parts = ps } in
- { disk with d_content = `Partitions parts }
- | disk -> disk
- ) in
- (* XXX LVM stuff here. *)
- (* Print the title. *)
- let () =
- let total, used, avail =
- match !inodes, !human with
- | false, false -> s_ "1K-blocks", s_ "Used", s_ "Available"
- | false, true -> s_ "Size", s_ "Used", s_ "Available"
- | true, _ -> s_ "Inodes", s_ "IUse", s_ "IFree" in
- printf "%-20s %10s %10s %10s %s\n%!"
- (s_ "Filesystem") total used avail (s_ "Type") in
- let printable_size bytes =
- if bytes < 1024L *^ 1024L then
- sprintf "%Ld bytes" bytes
- else if bytes < 1024L *^ 1024L *^ 1024L then
- sprintf "%.1f MiB" (Int64.to_float (bytes /^ 1024L) /. 1024.)
- else
- sprintf "%.1f GiB" (Int64.to_float (bytes /^ 1024L /^ 1024L) /. 1024.)
- in
- (* HOF to iterate over filesystems. *)
- let iter_over_filesystems doms f =
- List.iter (
- fun ({ dom_disks = disks } as dom) ->
- List.iter (
- function
- | ({ d_content = `Filesystem fs } as disk) ->
- f dom disk None fs
- | ({ d_content = `Partitions partitions } as disk) ->
- List.iteri (
- fun i ->
- function
- | ({ part_content = `Filesystem fs } as part) ->
- f dom disk (Some (part, i)) fs
- | _ -> ()
- )
- | _ -> ()
- ) disks
- ) doms
- in
- (* Print stats for each recognized filesystem. *)
- let print_stats dom disk part fs =
- (* Printable name is like "domain:hda" or "domain:hda1". *)
- let name =
- let dom_name = dom.dom_name in
- let d_target = disk.d_target in
- match part with
- | None ->
- dom_name ^ ":" ^ d_target
- | Some (_, pnum) ->
- dom_name ^ ":" ^ d_target ^ string_of_int pnum in
- printf "%-20s " name;
- if fs.fs_is_swap then (
- (* Swap partition. *)
- if not !human then
- printf "%10Ld %s\n"
- (fs.fs_block_size *^ fs.fs_blocks_total /^ 1024L) fs.fs_name
- else
- printf "%10s %s\n"
- (printable_size (fs.fs_block_size *^ fs.fs_blocks_total)) fs.fs_name
- ) else (
- (* Ordinary filesystem. *)
- if not !inodes then ( (* Block display. *)
- (* 'df' doesn't count the restricted blocks. *)
- let blocks_total = fs.fs_blocks_total -^ fs.fs_blocks_reserved in
- let blocks_avail = fs.fs_blocks_avail -^ fs.fs_blocks_reserved in
- let blocks_avail = if blocks_avail < 0L then 0L else blocks_avail in
- if not !human then ( (* Display 1K blocks. *)
- printf "%10Ld %10Ld %10Ld %s\n"
- (blocks_total *^ fs.fs_block_size /^ 1024L)
- (fs.fs_blocks_used *^ fs.fs_block_size /^ 1024L)
- (blocks_avail *^ fs.fs_block_size /^ 1024L)
- fs.fs_name
- ) else ( (* Human-readable blocks. *)
- printf "%10s %10s %10s %s\n"
- (printable_size (blocks_total *^ fs.fs_block_size))
- (printable_size (fs.fs_blocks_used *^ fs.fs_block_size))
- (printable_size (blocks_avail *^ fs.fs_block_size))
- fs.fs_name
- )
- ) else ( (* Inodes display. *)
- printf "%10Ld %10Ld %10Ld %s\n"
- fs.fs_inodes_total fs.fs_inodes_used fs.fs_inodes_avail
- fs.fs_name
- )
- )
- in
- iter_over_filesystems doms print_stats
-(* Probe a single partition, which we assume contains either a
- * filesystem or is a PV.
- * - target will be something like "hda" or "hda1"
- * - part_type will be the partition type if known, or None
- * - fd is a file descriptor opened on the device
- * - start & size are where we think the start and size of the
- * partition is within the file descriptor (in SECTORS)
- *)
-and probe_partition target part_type fd start size =
- match part_type with
- | None ->
- ProbeFailed (s_ "detection of unpartitioned devices not yet supported")
- | Some 0x05 ->
- ProbeIgnore (* Extended partition - ignore it. *)
- | Some part_type ->
- try
- let probe_fn = Hashtbl.find filesystems part_type in
- probe_fn target part_type fd start size
- with
- Not_found ->
- ProbeFailed
- (sprintf (f_ "unsupported partition type %02x") part_type)