path: root/virt-ctrl/
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1 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/virt-ctrl/ b/virt-ctrl/
index 5117482..278b1fc 100644
--- a/virt-ctrl/
+++ b/virt-ctrl/
@@ -19,3 +19,293 @@
This file contains any code which needs optional package OCaml-DBUS.
+(* There is *zero* documentation for this. I examined a lot of code
+ * to do this, and the following page was also very helpful:
+ *
+ * See also the DBus API reference:
+ *
+ * See also Dan Berrange's Perl bindings:
+ *
+ *
+ * This code is a complicated state machine because that's what
+ * D-Bus requires. Enable debugging below to trace messages.
+ *
+ * It's also very unelegant and leaks memory.
+ *
+ * The code connects to D-Bus only the first time that the
+ * connection dialog is opened, and thereafter it attaches itself
+ * to the Gtk main loop, waiting for events. It's probably not
+ * safe if the avahi or dbus daemon restarts.
+ *)
+open Printf
+open DBus
+let debug = true
+let service = "_libvirt._tcp"
+let rec print_msg msg =
+ (match Message.get_type msg with
+ | Message.Invalid ->
+ eprintf "Invalid";
+ | Message.Method_call ->
+ eprintf "Method_call";
+ | Message.Method_return ->
+ eprintf "Method_return";
+ | Message.Error ->
+ eprintf "Error";
+ | Message.Signal ->
+ eprintf "Signal");
+ let print_opt f name =
+ match f msg with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some value -> eprintf "\n\t%s=%S" name value
+ in
+ print_opt Message.get_member "member";
+ print_opt Message.get_path "path";
+ print_opt Message.get_interface "interface";
+ print_opt Message.get_sender "sender";
+ let fields = Message.get msg in
+ eprintf "\n\t[";
+ print_fields fields;
+ eprintf "]\n%!";
+and print_fields fields =
+ eprintf "%s" (String.concat ", " ( string_of_ty fields))
+(* Perform a synchronous call to an object method. *)
+let call_method ~bus ~err ~name ~path ~interface ~methd args =
+ (* Create the method_call message. *)
+ let msg = Message.new_method_call name path interface methd in
+ Message.append msg args;
+ (* Send the message, get reply. *)
+ let r = Connection.send_with_reply_and_block bus msg (-1) err in
+ Message.get r
+(* Services we've found.
+ * This is a map from name -> URI.
+ * XXX We just assume Xen at the moment.
+ * XXX The same machine can appear on multiple interfaces, so this
+ * isn't right.
+ *)
+let services : (string, string) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 13
+(* Process a Found message, indicating that we've found and fully
+ * resolved a new service.
+ *)
+let add_service bus err msg =
+ (* match fields in the Found message from ServiceResolver. *)
+ match Message.get msg with
+ | Int32 _ :: (* interface *)
+ Int32 (*protocol*)_ :: (* 0 = IPv4, 1=IPv6 *)
+ String name :: (* "Virtualization Host foo" *)
+ String _ :: (* "_libvirt._tcp" *)
+ String _ :: (* domain name *)
+ String hostname :: (* this is the hostname as a string *)
+ Int32 _ :: (* ? aprotocol *)
+ String address :: (* IP address as a string *)
+ UInt16 (*port*)_ :: _ -> (* port is set to 0 by libvirtd *)
+ let hostname = if hostname <> "" then hostname else address in
+ (*let protocol = if protocol = 1_l then IPv6 else IPv4 in*)
+ (* XXX *)
+ let uri = "xen://" ^ hostname ^ "/" in
+ if debug then eprintf "adding %s %s\n%!" name uri;
+ Hashtbl.replace services name uri
+ | _ ->
+ prerr_endline "warning: unexpected message contents of Found signal"
+(* Process an ItemRemove message, indicating that a service has
+ * gone away.
+ *)
+let remove_service bus err msg =
+ (* match fields in the ItemRemove message from ServiceBrowser. *)
+ match Message.get msg with
+ | Int32 _ :: (* interface *)
+ Int32 _ :: (* protocol *)
+ String name :: _ -> (* name *)
+ if debug then eprintf "removing %s\n%!" name;
+ Hashtbl.remove services name
+ | _ ->
+ prerr_endline "warning: unexpected message contents of ItemRemove signal"
+(* A service has appeared on the network. Resolve its IP address, etc. *)
+let start_resolve_service bus err sb_path msg =
+ (* match fields in the ItemNew message from ServiceBrowser. *)
+ match Message.get msg with
+ | ((Int32 _) as interface) ::
+ ((Int32 _) as protocol) ::
+ ((String _) as name) ::
+ ((String _) as service) ::
+ ((String _) as domain) :: _ ->
+ (* Create a new ServiceResolver object which is used to resolve
+ * the actual locations of network services found by the ServiceBrowser.
+ *)
+ let sr =
+ call_method ~bus ~err
+ ~name:"org.freedesktop.Avahi"
+ ~path:"/"
+ ~interface:"org.freedesktop.Avahi.Server"
+ ~methd:"ServiceResolverNew"
+ [
+ interface;
+ protocol;
+ name;
+ service;
+ domain;
+ Int32 (-1_l); (* AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC *)
+ UInt32 0_l; (* flags *)
+ ] in
+ let sr_path =
+ match sr with
+ | [ ObjectPath path ] -> path
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ if debug then eprintf "ServiceResolver path = %S\n%!" sr_path;
+ (* Add a match rule so we see these all signals of interest. *)
+ Bus.add_match bus
+ (String.concat "," [
+ "type='signal'";
+ "sender='org.freedesktop.Avahi.ServiceResolver'";
+ "path='" ^ sr_path ^ "'";
+ ]) err;
+ ()
+ | _ ->
+ prerr_endline "warning: unexpected message contents of ItemNew signal"
+(* This is called when we get a message/signal. Could be from the
+ * (global) ServiceBrowser or any of the ServiceResolver objects.
+ *)
+let got_message bus err sb_path msg =
+ if debug then print_msg msg;
+ let typ = Message.get_type msg in
+ let member = match Message.get_member msg with None -> "" | Some m -> m in
+ let interface =
+ match Message.get_interface msg with None -> "" | Some m -> m in
+ if typ = Message.Signal then (
+ match interface, member with
+ | "org.freedesktop.Avahi.ServiceBrowser", "CacheExhausted" -> ()
+ | "org.freedesktop.Avahi.ServiceBrowser", "AllForNow" -> ()
+ | "org.freedesktop.Avahi.ServiceBrowser", "ItemNew" ->
+ (* New service has appeared, start to resolve it. *)
+ start_resolve_service bus err sb_path msg
+ | "org.freedesktop.Avahi.ServiceResolver", "Found" ->
+ (* Resolver has finished resolving the name of a previously
+ * appearing service.
+ *)
+ add_service bus err msg
+ | "org.freedesktop.Avahi.ServiceBrowser", "ItemRemove" ->
+ (* Service has disappeared. *)
+ remove_service bus err msg
+ | "org.freedesktop.DBus", _ -> ()
+ | interface, member ->
+ eprintf "warning: ignored unknown message %s from %s\n%!"
+ member interface
+ );
+ true
+(* Store the connection ((bus, err, io_id) tuple). However don't bother
+ * connecting to D-Bus at all until the user opens the connection
+ * dialog for the first time.
+ *)
+let connection = ref None
+(* Create global error and system bus object, and create the service browser. *)
+let connect () =
+ match !connection with
+ | Some (bus, err, _) -> (bus, err, false)
+ | None ->
+ let err = Error.init () in
+ let bus = Bus.get Bus.System err in
+ if Error.is_set err then failwith "error set after getting System bus";
+ (* Create a new ServiceBrowser object which emits a signal whenever
+ * a new network service of the type specified is found on the network.
+ *)
+ let sb =
+ call_method ~bus ~err
+ ~name:"org.freedesktop.Avahi"
+ ~path:"/"
+ ~interface:"org.freedesktop.Avahi.Server"
+ ~methd:"ServiceBrowserNew"
+ [
+ Int32 (-1_l); (* interface, -1=AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC *)
+ Int32 (-1_l); (* AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC *)
+ String service; (* service type *)
+ String ""; (* XXX call GetDomainName() *)
+ UInt32 0_l; (* flags *)
+ ] in
+ let sb_path =
+ match sb with
+ | [ ObjectPath path ] -> path
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ if debug then eprintf "ServiceBrowser path = %S\n%!" sb_path;
+ (* Register a callback to accept the signals. *)
+ (* XXX This leaks memory because it is never freed. *)
+ Connection.add_filter bus (
+ fun bus msg -> got_message bus err sb_path msg
+ );
+ (* Add a match rule so we see these all signals of interest. *)
+ Bus.add_match bus
+ (String.concat "," [
+ "type='signal'";
+ "sender='org.freedesktop.Avahi.ServiceBrowser'";
+ "path='" ^ sb_path ^ "'";
+ ]) err;
+ (* This is called from the Gtk main loop whenever there is new
+ * data to read on the D-Bus socket.
+ *)
+ let callback _ =
+ if debug then eprintf "dbus callback\n%!";
+ if Connection.read_write_dispatch bus 0 then true
+ else ( (* Disconnected. *)
+ connection := None;
+ false
+ )
+ in
+ (* Get the file descriptor and attach to the Gtk main loop. *)
+ let fd = Connection.get_fd bus in
+ let channel = GMain.Io.channel_of_descr fd in
+ let io_id = GMain.Io.add_watch ~cond:[`IN] ~callback channel in
+ connection := Some (bus, err, io_id);
+ (bus, err, true)
+(* This function is called by the connection dialog and is expected
+ * to return a list of services we know about now.
+ *)
+let find_services () =
+ let bus, err, just_connected = connect () in
+ (* If we've just connected, wait briefly for the list to stablise. *)
+ if just_connected then (
+ let start_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ while Unix.gettimeofday () -. start_time < 0.5 do
+ ignore (Connection.read_write_dispatch bus 500)
+ done
+ );
+ (* Return the services we know about. *)
+ Hashtbl.fold (fun k v vs -> (k, v) :: vs) services []
+Vc_connection_dlg.find_libvirtd_with_zeroconf := find_services