path: root/virt-ctrl/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 476 deletions
diff --git a/virt-ctrl/ b/virt-ctrl/
deleted file mode 100644
index 05024c5..0000000
--- a/virt-ctrl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
-(* virt-ctrl: A graphical management tool.
- (C) Copyright 2007 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-open Printf
-module C = Libvirt.Connect
-module D = Libvirt.Domain
-module N = Libvirt.Network
-open Vc_helpers
-(* List of currently open connections. Actually it's a list of
- * (id, Libvirt.Connect.t) so that we can easily identify
- * connections by their unique ID.
- *)
-let get_conns, add_conn, del_conn =
- let conns = ref [] in
- let id = ref 0 in
- let get_conns () = !conns in
- let add_conn conn =
- incr id; let id = !id in
- conns := (id, conn) :: !conns;
- id
- in
- let del_conn id =
- conns := List.filter (fun (id', _) -> id <> id') !conns
- in
- get_conns, add_conn, del_conn
-(* Store the node_info and hostname for each connection, fetched
- * once just after we connect since these don't normally change.
- * Hash of connid -> (C.node_info, hostname option, uri)
- *)
-let static_conn_info = Hashtbl.create 13
-let open_connection uri =
- (* If this fails, let the exception escape and be printed
- * in the global exception handler.
- *)
- let conn = C.connect ~name:uri () in
- let node_info = C.get_node_info conn in
- let hostname =
- try Some (C.get_hostname conn)
- with
- | Libvirt.Not_supported "virConnectGetHostname"
- | Libvirt.Virterror _ -> None in
- (* Add it to our list of connections. *)
- let conn_id = add_conn conn in
- Hashtbl.add static_conn_info conn_id (node_info, hostname, uri)
-(* Stores the state and history for each domain.
- * Hash of (connid, domid) -> mutable domhistory structure.
- * We never delete entries in this hash table, which may be a problem
- * for very very long-lived instances of virt-ctrl.
- *)
-type domhistory = {
- (* for %CPU calculation: *)
- mutable last_cpu_time : int64; (* last virDomainInfo->cpuTime *)
- mutable last_time : float; (* exact time we measured the above *)
- (* historical data for graphs etc: *)
- mutable hist : dhentry array; (* historical data *)
- mutable hist_posn : int; (* position within array *)
-and dhentry = {
- hist_cpu : int; (* historical %CPU entry *)
- hist_mem : int64; (* historical memory entry (KB) *)
-let domhistory = Hashtbl.create 13
-let empty_dhentry = {
- hist_cpu = 0; hist_mem = 0L;
-let new_domhistory () = {
- last_cpu_time = 0L; last_time = 0.;
- hist = Array.make 0 empty_dhentry; hist_posn = 0;
-(* These set limits on the amount of history we collect. *)
-let hist_max = 86400 (* max history stored, seconds *)
-let hist_rot = 3600 (* rotation of array when we hit max *)
-(* The current state. This is used so that we can see changes that
- * have happened and add or remove parts of the model. (Previously
- * we used to recreate the whole model each time, but the problem
- * with that is we "forget" things like the selection).
- *)
-type state = connection list
-and connection = int (* connection ID *) * (active list * inactive list)
-and active = int (* domain's ID *)
-and inactive = string (* domain's name *)
-(* The types of the display columns in the main window. The interesting
- * one of the final (int) field which stores the ID of the row, either
- * connid or domid.
- *)
-type columns = string GTree.column * string GTree.column * string GTree.column * string GTree.column * string GTree.column * int GTree.column
-let debug_repopulate = false
-(* Populate the tree with the current list of connections, domains.
- * This function is called once per second.
- *)
-let repopulate (tree : GTree.view) (model : GTree.tree_store)
- (col_name_id, col_domname, col_status, col_cpu, col_mem, col_id)
- state =
- (* Which connections have been added or removed? *)
- let conns = get_conns () in
- let added, _, removed =
- let old_conn_ids = fst state
- and new_conn_ids = fst conns in
- differences old_conn_ids new_conn_ids in
- (* Remove the subtrees for any connections which have gone. *)
- if debug_repopulate then List.iter (eprintf "-connection %d\n%!") removed;
- List.iter (
- fun conn_id ->
- filter_top_level_rows model
- (fun row -> conn_id <> model#get ~row ~column:col_id)
- ) removed;
- (* Add placeholder subtree for any new connections. *)
- if debug_repopulate then List.iter (eprintf "+connection %d\n%!") added;
- List.iter (
- fun conn_id ->
- let row = model#append () in
- (* Get the connection name, usually the hostname. *)
- let name =
- match Hashtbl.find static_conn_info conn_id with
- | (_, Some hostname, _) -> hostname
- | (_, None, _) -> sprintf "Conn #%d" conn_id in
- model#set ~row ~column:col_name_id name;
- model#set ~row ~column:col_id conn_id;
- (* Expand the new row. *)
- (* XXX This doesn't work, why? - Because we haven't create subrows yet.*)
- tree#expand_row (model#get_path row)
- ) added;
- let new_state =
- (
- fun (conn_id, conn) ->
- (* Get the old list of active and inactive domains. If this
- * connection is newly created, start with empty lists.
- *)
- let old_active, old_inactive =
- try List.assoc conn_id state
- with Not_found -> [], [] in
- (* Get the top level row in the model corresponding to this
- * connection.
- *)
- let parent =
- try find_top_level_row model
- (fun row -> conn_id = model#get ~row ~column:col_id)
- with Not_found -> assert false (* Should never happen. *) in
- try
- (* Number of CPUs available. *)
- let node_info, _, _ = Hashtbl.find static_conn_info conn_id in
- let nr_cpus = C.maxcpus_of_node_info node_info in
- (* For this connection, get a current list of active domains (IDs) *)
- let active =
- let n = C.num_of_domains conn in
- let doms = C.list_domains conn n in
- Array.to_list doms in
- (* Which active domains have been added or removed? *)
- let added, _, removed = differences old_active active in
- (* Remove any active domains which have disappeared. *)
- if debug_repopulate then
- List.iter (eprintf "-active %d\n%!") removed;
- List.iter (
- fun domid ->
- filter_rows model
- (fun row -> domid <> model#get ~row ~column:col_id)
- (model#iter_children (Some parent))
- ) removed;
- (* Add any active domains which have appeared. *)
- if debug_repopulate then
- List.iter (eprintf "+active %d\n%!") added;
- List.iter (
- fun domid ->
- let domname =
- try
- let dom = D.lookup_by_id conn domid in
- D.get_name dom
- with _ -> "" in (* Ignore any transient error. *)
- let row = model#append ~parent () in
- model#set ~row ~column:col_name_id (string_of_int domid);
- model#set ~row ~column:col_domname domname;
- model#set ~row ~column:col_id domid
- ) added;
- (* Get a current list of inactive domains (names). *)
- let inactive =
- let n = C.num_of_defined_domains conn in
- let doms = C.list_defined_domains conn n in
- Array.to_list doms in
- (* Which inactive domains have been added or removed? *)
- let added, _, removed = differences old_inactive inactive in
- (* Remove any inactive domains which have disappeared. *)
- if debug_repopulate then
- List.iter (eprintf "-inactive %s\n%!") removed;
- List.iter (
- fun domname ->
- filter_rows model
- (fun row ->
- model#get ~row ~column:col_id <> -1 ||
- model#get ~row ~column:col_domname <> domname)
- (model#iter_children (Some parent))
- ) removed;
- (* Add any inactive domains which have appeared. *)
- if debug_repopulate then
- List.iter (eprintf "+inactive %s\n%!") added;
- List.iter (
- fun domname ->
- let row = model#append ~parent () in
- model#set ~row ~column:col_name_id "";
- model#set ~row ~column:col_domname domname;
- model#set ~row ~column:col_status "inactive";
- model#set ~row ~column:col_id (-1)
- ) added;
- (* Now iterate over all active domains and update their state,
- * CPU and memory.
- *)
- iter_rows model (
- fun row ->
- let domid = model#get ~row ~column:col_id in
- if domid >= 0 then ( (* active *)
- try
- let dom = D.lookup_by_id conn domid in
- let info = D.get_info dom in
- let status = string_of_domain_state info.D.state in
- model#set ~row ~column:col_status status;
- let memory = sprintf "%Ld K" info.D.memory in
- model#set ~row ~column:col_mem memory;
- (* Get domhistory. For a new domain it won't exist, so
- * create an empty one.
- *)
- let dh =
- let key = conn_id, domid in
- try Hashtbl.find domhistory key
- with Not_found ->
- let dh = new_domhistory () in
- Hashtbl.add domhistory key dh;
- dh in
- (* Measure current time and domain cpuTime as close
- * together as possible.
- *)
- let time_now = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- let cpu_now = info.D.cpu_time in
- let time_prev = dh.last_time in
- let cpu_prev =
- if dh.last_cpu_time > cpu_now then 0L (* Rebooted? *)
- else dh.last_cpu_time in
- dh.last_time <- time_now;
- dh.last_cpu_time <- cpu_now;
- let cpu_percent =
- if time_prev > 0. then (
- let cpu_now = Int64.to_float cpu_now in
- let cpu_prev = Int64.to_float cpu_prev in
- let cpu_used = cpu_now -. cpu_prev in
- let cpu_available = 1_000_000_000. *. float nr_cpus in
- let time_passed = time_now -. time_prev in
- let cpu_percent =
- 100. *. (cpu_used /. cpu_available) /. time_passed in
- let cpu_percent =
- if cpu_percent < 0. then 0.
- else if cpu_percent > 100. then 100.
- else cpu_percent in
- let cpu_percent_str = sprintf "%.1f %%" cpu_percent in
- model#set ~row ~column:col_cpu cpu_percent_str;
- int_of_float cpu_percent
- ) else -1 in
- (* Store history. *)
- let datum = { hist_cpu = cpu_percent;
- hist_mem = info.D.memory } in
- if dh.hist_posn >= hist_max then (
- (* rotate the array *)
- Array.blit dh.hist hist_rot dh.hist 0 (hist_max-hist_rot);
- dh.hist_posn <- dh.hist_posn - hist_rot;
- dh.hist.(dh.hist_posn) <- datum;
- ) else (
- let len = Array.length dh.hist in
- if dh.hist_posn < len then
- (* normal update *)
- dh.hist.(dh.hist_posn) <- datum
- else (
- (* extend the array *)
- let len' = min (max (2*len) 1) hist_max in
- let arr' = Array.make len' datum in
- Array.blit dh.hist 0 arr' 0 len;
- dh.hist <- arr';
- )
- );
- dh.hist_posn <- dh.hist_posn+1
- with
- Libvirt.Virterror _ -> () (* Ignore any transient error *)
- )
- ) (model#iter_children (Some parent));
- (* Return new state. *)
- conn_id, (active, inactive)
- with
- (* Libvirt errors here are not really fatal. They can happen
- * if the state changes at the moment we read it. If it does
- * happen, just return the old state, and next time we come
- * around to this connection it'll be fixed.
- *)
- | Libvirt.Virterror err ->
- prerr_endline (Libvirt.Virterror.to_string err);
- conn_id, (old_active, old_inactive)
- | Failure msg ->
- prerr_endline msg;
- conn_id, (old_active, old_inactive)
- ) conns in
- (* Return the updated state. *)
- new_state
-(* Make the treeview which displays the connections and domains. *)
-let make_treeview ?packing () =
- let cols = new GTree.column_list in
- let col_name_id = cols#add Gobject.Data.string in
- let col_domname = cols#add Gobject.Data.string in
- let col_status = cols#add Gobject.Data.string in
- let col_cpu = cols#add Gobject.Data.string in
- let col_mem = cols#add Gobject.Data.string in
- (* Hidden column containing the connection ID or domain ID. For
- * inactive domains, this contains -1 and col_domname is the name. *)
- let col_id = cols#add in
- let model = GTree.tree_store cols in
- (* Column sorting functions. *)
- let make_sort_func_on column =
- fun (model : GTree.model) row1 row2 ->
- let col1 = model#get ~row:row1 ~column in
- let col2 = model#get ~row:row2 ~column in
- compare col1 col2
- in
- (*model#set_default_sort_func (make_sort_func_on col_domname);*)
- model#set_sort_func 0 (make_sort_func_on col_name_id);
- model#set_sort_func 1 (make_sort_func_on col_domname);
- model#set_sort_column_id 1 `ASCENDING;
- (* Make the GtkTreeView and attach column renderers to it. *)
- let tree = GTree.view ~model ~reorderable:false ?packing () in
- let append_visible_column title column sort =
- let renderer = GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["text", column] in
- let view_col = GTree.view_column ~title ~renderer () in
- ignore (tree#append_column view_col);
- match sort with
- | None -> ()
- | Some (sort_indicator, sort_order, sort_column_id) ->
- view_col#set_sort_indicator sort_indicator;
- view_col#set_sort_order sort_order;
- view_col#set_sort_column_id sort_column_id
- in
- append_visible_column "ID" col_name_id (Some (false, `ASCENDING, 0));
- append_visible_column "Name" col_domname (Some (true, `ASCENDING, 1));
- append_visible_column "Status" col_status None;
- append_visible_column "CPU" col_cpu None;
- append_visible_column "Memory" col_mem None;
- let columns =
- col_name_id, col_domname, col_status, col_cpu, col_mem, col_id in
- let state = repopulate tree model columns [] in
- (tree, model, columns, state)
-(* Get historical data size. *)
-let get_hist_size connid domid =
- try
- let dh = Hashtbl.find domhistory (connid, domid) in
- dh.hist_posn
- with
- Not_found -> 0
-(* Get historical data entries. *)
-let _get_hist ?(latest=0) ?earliest ?(granularity=1)
- extract fold zero connid domid =
- try
- let dh = Hashtbl.find domhistory (connid, domid) in
- let earliest =
- match earliest with
- | None -> dh.hist_posn
- | Some e -> min e dh.hist_posn in
- let src = dh.hist in
- let src_start = dh.hist_posn - earliest in assert (src_start >= 0);
- let src_end = dh.hist_posn - latest in assert (src_end <= dh.hist_posn);
- (* Create a sufficiently large array to store the result. *)
- let len = (earliest-latest) / granularity in
- let r = Array.make len zero in
- if granularity = 1 then (
- for j = 0 to len-1 do
- r.(j) <- extract src.(src_start+j)
- done
- ) else (
- let i = ref src_start in
- for j = 0 to len-1 do
- let sub = Array.sub src !i (min (!i+granularity) src_end - !i) in
- let sub = extract sub in
- r.(j) <- fold sub;
- i := !i + granularity
- done
- );
- r
- with
- Not_found -> [| |]
-let get_hist_cpu ?latest ?earliest ?granularity connid domid =
- let zero = 0 in
- let extract { hist_cpu = c } = c in
- let fold a =
- let len = Array.length a in
- if len > 0 then Array.fold_left (+) zero a / len else -1 in
- _get_hist ?latest ?earliest ?granularity extract fold zero connid domid
-let get_hist_mem ?latest ?earliest ?granularity connid domid =
- let zero = 0L in
- let extract { hist_mem = m } = m in
- let fold a =
- let len = Array.length a in
- if len > 0 then
- Int64.div (Array.fold_left (Int64.add) zero a) (Int64.of_int len)
- else
- -1L in
- _get_hist ?latest ?earliest ?granularity extract fold zero connid domid