path: root/virt-top/
diff options
authorRichard W.M. Jones <>2007-09-24 16:13:58 +0100
committerRichard W.M. Jones <>2007-09-24 16:13:58 +0100
commitb2c4dbaf7a3f9da9e4236fc46cf72b0ef4ee300d (patch)
tree10dc1a590c6df3c2607a485306db1db69124fe9e /virt-top/
parent4a3610a5813163d322b304d56b41bb68dbe83513 (diff)
Added support for init files.
Diffstat (limited to 'virt-top/')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/virt-top/ b/virt-top/
index a5953f3..121c12e 100644
--- a/virt-top/
+++ b/virt-top/
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ open Printf
open ExtList
open Curses
+open Virt_top_utils
module C = Libvirt.Connect
module D = Libvirt.Domain
module N = Libvirt.Network
@@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ let (-^) = Int64.sub
let ( *^ ) = Int64.mul
let (/^) = Int64.div
+(* Sort order. *)
type sort_order =
| DomainID | DomainName | Processor | Memory | Time
| NetRX | NetTX | BlockRdRq | BlockWrRq
@@ -49,10 +52,44 @@ let printable_sort_order = function
| NetTX -> "Net TX bytes"
| BlockRdRq -> "Block read reqs"
| BlockWrRq -> "Block write reqs"
+let sort_order_of_cli = function
+ | "cpu" | "processor" -> Processor
+ | "mem" | "memory" -> Memory
+ | "time" -> Time
+ | "id" -> DomainID
+ | "name" -> DomainName
+ | "netrx" -> NetRX | "nettx" -> NetTX
+ | "blockrdrq" -> BlockRdRq | "blockwrrq" -> BlockWrRq
+ | str -> failwith (str ^ ": sort order should be: cpu|mem|time|id|name|netrx|nettx|blockrdrq|blockwrrq")
+let cli_of_sort_order = function
+ | Processor -> "cpu"
+ | Memory -> "mem"
+ | Time -> "time"
+ | DomainID -> "id"
+ | DomainName -> "name"
+ | NetRX -> "netrx"
+ | NetTX -> "nettx"
+ | BlockRdRq -> "blockrdrq"
+ | BlockWrRq -> "blockwrrq"
(* Current major display mode: TaskDisplay is the normal display. *)
type display = TaskDisplay | PCPUDisplay | BlockDisplay | NetDisplay
+let display_of_cli = function
+ | "task" -> TaskDisplay
+ | "pcpu" -> PCPUDisplay
+ | "block" -> BlockDisplay
+ | "net" -> NetDisplay
+ | str -> failwith (str ^ ": display should be task|pcpu|block|net")
+let cli_of_display = function
+ | TaskDisplay -> "task"
+ | PCPUDisplay -> "pcpu"
+ | BlockDisplay -> "block"
+ | NetDisplay -> "net"
+(* Init file. *)
+type init_file = NoInitFile | DefaultInitFile | InitFile of string
(* Settings. *)
let quit = ref false
let delay = ref 3000 (* milliseconds *)
@@ -65,6 +102,7 @@ let display_mode = ref TaskDisplay
let uri = ref None
let debug_file = ref ""
let csv_enabled = ref false
+let init_file = ref DefaultInitFile
(* Function to read command line arguments and go into curses mode. *)
let start_up () =
@@ -74,22 +112,15 @@ let start_up () =
failwith "-d: cannot set a negative delay";
delay := int_of_float (newdelay *. 1000.)
and set_uri = function "" -> uri := None | u -> uri := Some u
- and set_sort = function
- | "cpu" | "processor" -> sort_order := Processor
- | "mem" | "memory" -> sort_order := Memory
- | "time" -> sort_order := Time
- | "id" -> sort_order := DomainID
- | "name" -> sort_order := DomainName
- | "netrx" -> sort_order := NetRX | "nettx" -> sort_order := NetTX
- | "blockrdrq" -> sort_order := BlockRdRq
- | "blockwrrq" -> sort_order := BlockWrRq
- | str -> failwith (str ^ ": sort order should be: cpu|mem|time|id|name|netrx|nettx|blockrdrq|blockwrrq")
+ and set_sort order = sort_order := sort_order_of_cli order
and set_pcpu_mode () = display_mode := PCPUDisplay
and set_net_mode () = display_mode := NetDisplay
and set_block_mode () = display_mode := BlockDisplay
and set_csv filename =
(!csv_start) filename;
csv_enabled := true
+ and no_init_file () = init_file := NoInitFile
+ and set_init_file filename = init_file := InitFile filename
let argspec = Arg.align [
"-1", Arg.Unit set_pcpu_mode, " Start by displaying pCPUs (default: tasks)";
@@ -102,6 +133,8 @@ let start_up () =
"-d", Arg.Float set_delay, "delay Delay time interval (seconds)";
"--debug", Arg.Set_string debug_file, "file Send debug messages to file";
"--hist-cpu", Arg.Set_int historical_cpu_delay, "secs Historical CPU delay";
+ "--init-file", Arg.String set_init_file, "file Set name of init file";
+ "--no-init-file", Arg.Unit no_init_file, " Do not read init file";
"-n", Arg.Set_int iterations, "iterations Number of iterations to run";
"-o", Arg.String set_sort, "sort Set sort order (cpu|mem|time|id|name)";
"-s", Arg.Set secure_mode, " Secure (\"kiosk\") mode";
@@ -115,6 +148,37 @@ SUMMARY
Arg.parse argspec anon_fun usage_msg;
+ (* Read the init file. *)
+ let try_to_read_init_file filename =
+ let config = read_config_file filename in
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | _, "display", mode -> display_mode := display_of_cli mode
+ | _, "delay", secs -> set_delay (float_of_string secs)
+ | _, "hist-cpu", secs -> historical_cpu_delay := int_of_string secs
+ | _, "iterations", n -> iterations := int_of_string n
+ | _, "sort", order -> set_sort order
+ | _, "connect", uri -> set_uri uri
+ | _, "debug", filename -> debug_file := filename
+ | _, "csv", filename -> set_csv filename
+ | _, "batch", b -> batch_mode := bool_of_string b
+ | _, "secure", b -> secure_mode := bool_of_string b
+ | _, "overwrite-init-file", "false" -> no_init_file ()
+ | lineno, key, _ ->
+ eprintf "%s:%d: configuration item ``%s'' ignored\n%!"
+ filename lineno key
+ ) config
+ in
+ (match !init_file with
+ | NoInitFile -> ()
+ | DefaultInitFile ->
+ let home = try Sys.getenv "HOME" with Not_found -> "/" in
+ let filename = home // ".virt-toprc" in
+ try_to_read_init_file filename
+ | InitFile filename ->
+ try_to_read_init_file filename
+ );
(* Connect to the hypervisor before going into curses mode, since
* this is the most likely thing to fail.
@@ -1187,6 +1251,7 @@ and get_key_press state =
else if k = Char.code '1' then toggle_pcpu_display ()
else if k = Char.code '2' then toggle_net_display ()
else if k = Char.code '3' then toggle_block_display ()
+ else if k = Char.code 'W' then write_init_file ()
else unknown_command k
@@ -1327,6 +1392,77 @@ and toggle_block_display () = (* key 3 *)
| TaskDisplay | NetDisplay -> BlockDisplay
| BlockDisplay -> TaskDisplay
+(* Write an init file. *)
+and write_init_file () =
+ match !init_file with
+ | NoInitFile -> () (* Do nothing if --no-init-file *)
+ | DefaultInitFile ->
+ let home = try Sys.getenv "HOME" with Not_found -> "/" in
+ let filename = home // ".virt-toprc" in
+ _write_init_file filename
+ | InitFile filename ->
+ _write_init_file filename
+and _write_init_file filename =
+ try
+ (* Create the new file as *)
+ let chan = open_out (filename ^ ".new") in
+ let time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ let tm = Unix.localtime time in
+ let printable_date_time =
+ sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"
+ (tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900) (tm.Unix.tm_mon+1) tm.Unix.tm_mday
+ tm.Unix.tm_hour tm.Unix.tm_min tm.Unix.tm_sec in
+ let username =
+ try
+ let uid = Unix.geteuid () in
+ (Unix.getpwuid uid).Unix.pw_name
+ with
+ Not_found -> "unknown" in
+ let fp = fprintf in
+ let nl () = fp chan "\n" in
+ fp chan "# .virt-toprc virt-top configuration file\n";
+ fp chan "# generated on %s by %s\n" printable_date_time username;
+ nl ();
+ fp chan "display %s\n" (cli_of_display !display_mode);
+ fp chan "delay %g\n" (float !delay /. 1000.);
+ fp chan "hist-cpu %d\n" !historical_cpu_delay;
+ if !iterations <> -1 then fp chan "iterations %d\n" !iterations;
+ fp chan "sort %s\n" (cli_of_sort_order !sort_order);
+ (match !uri with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some uri -> fp chan "connect %s\n" uri
+ );
+ if !batch_mode = true then fp chan "batch true\n";
+ if !secure_mode = true then fp chan "secure true\n";
+ nl ();
+ fp chan "# To send debug and error messages to a file, uncomment next line\n";
+ fp chan "#debug virt-top.out\n";
+ nl ();
+ fp chan "# Enable CSV output to the named file\n";
+ fp chan "#csv virt-top.csv\n";
+ nl ();
+ fp chan "# To protect this file from being overwritten, uncomment next line\n";
+ fp chan "#overwrite-init-file false\n";
+ close_out chan;
+ (* If the file exists, rename it as filename.old. *)
+ (try Unix.rename filename (filename ^ ".old")
+ with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ());
+ (* Rename to filename. *)
+ Unix.rename (filename ^ ".new") filename;
+ print_msg (sprintf "Wrote settings to %s" filename); sleep 2
+ with
+ | Sys_error err -> print_msg "Error: %s"; sleep 2
+ | Unix.Unix_error (err, fn, str) ->
+ print_msg (sprintf "Error: %s %s %s" (Unix.error_message err) fn str);
+ sleep 2
and show_help (_, _, _, hostname,
(libvirt_major, libvirt_minor, libvirt_release)) =
clear ();