path: root/libvirt
diff options
authorRichard W.M. Jones <>2007-11-14 16:12:46 +0000
committerRichard W.M. Jones <>2007-11-14 16:12:46 +0000
commitfef20e25d936421c01b79219f35c7ef1246fa604 (patch)
tree75a4a82d2120de4759884bac3d8295ba3558d69b /libvirt
parent5c8c3d427bfc727a1eb32fe09edde1b6489f4efd (diff)
* libvirt/libvirt.mli: Added filename = string type to clarify some function signatures which take a filename. Added lots of function documentation. * libvirt/ Added VIR_FROM_OPENVZ.
Diffstat (limited to 'libvirt')
2 files changed, 119 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/libvirt/ b/libvirt/
index 7b75eb8..586aa7b 100644
--- a/libvirt/
+++ b/libvirt/
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ type uuid = string
type xml = string
+type filename = string
external get_version : ?driver:string -> unit -> int * int = "ocaml_libvirt_get_version"
let uuid_length = 16
@@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ struct
external get_max_vcpus : [>`R] t -> ?type_:string -> unit -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_max_vcpus"
external list_domains : [>`R] t -> int -> int array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_domains"
external num_of_domains : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_domains"
- external get_capabilities : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_capabilities"
+ external get_capabilities : [>`R] t -> xml = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_capabilities"
external num_of_defined_domains : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_defined_domains"
external list_defined_domains : [>`R] t -> int -> string array = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_list_defined_domains"
external num_of_networks : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_num_of_networks"
@@ -150,9 +152,9 @@ struct
external free : [>`R] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_free"
external suspend : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_suspend"
external resume : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_resume"
- external save : [>`W] t -> string -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_save"
- external restore : [>`W] Connect.t -> string -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_restore"
- external core_dump : [>`W] t -> string -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_core_dump"
+ external save : [>`W] t -> filename -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_save"
+ external restore : [>`W] Connect.t -> filename -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_restore"
+ external core_dump : [>`W] t -> filename -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_core_dump"
external shutdown : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_shutdown"
external reboot : [>`W] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_reboot"
external get_name : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_domain_get_name"
@@ -330,6 +332,7 @@ struct
let string_of_domain = function
@@ -346,6 +349,7 @@ struct
type t = {
code : code;
diff --git a/libvirt/libvirt.mli b/libvirt/libvirt.mli
index 73bfcb5..1d9da1e 100644
--- a/libvirt/libvirt.mli
+++ b/libvirt/libvirt.mli
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ type xml = string
xml-light, etc. if you want to do anything useful with the XML.
+type filename = string
+(** A filename. *)
val get_version : ?driver:string -> unit -> int * int
(** [get_version ()] returns the library version in the first part
of the tuple, and [0] in the second part.
@@ -86,24 +89,58 @@ sig
val get_type : [>`R] t -> string
+ (** Returns the name of the driver (hypervisor). *)
val get_version : [>`R] t -> int
+ (** Returns the driver version
+ [major * 1_000_000 + minor * 1000 + release]
+ *)
val get_hostname : [>`R] t -> string
+ (** Returns the hostname of the physical server. *)
val get_uri : [>`R] t -> string
+ (** Returns the canonical connection URI. *)
val get_max_vcpus : [>`R] t -> ?type_:string -> unit -> int
+ (** Returns the maximum number of virtual CPUs
+ supported by a guest VM of a particular type. *)
val list_domains : [>`R] t -> int -> int array
+ (** [list_domains conn max] returns the running domain IDs,
+ up to a maximum of [max] entries.
+ Call {!num_of_domains} first to get a value for [max].
+ *)
val num_of_domains : [>`R] t -> int
- val get_capabilities : [>`R] t -> string
+ (** Returns the number of running domains. *)
+ val get_capabilities : [>`R] t -> xml
+ (** Returns the hypervisor capabilities (as XML). *)
val num_of_defined_domains : [>`R] t -> int
+ (** Returns the number of inactive (shutdown) domains. *)
val list_defined_domains : [>`R] t -> int -> string array
+ (** [list_defined_domains conn max]
+ returns the names of the inactive domains, up to
+ a maximum of [max] entries.
+ Call {!num_of_defined_domains} first to get a value for [max].
+ *)
val num_of_networks : [>`R] t -> int
+ (** Returns the number of networks. *)
val list_networks : [>`R] t -> int -> string array
+ (** [list_networks conn max]
+ returns the names of the networks, up to a maximum
+ of [max] entries.
+ Call {!num_of_networks} first to get a value for [max].
+ *)
val num_of_defined_networks : [>`R] t -> int
+ (** Returns the number of inactive networks. *)
val list_defined_networks : [>`R] t -> int -> string array
+ (** [list_defined_networks conn max]
+ returns the names of the inactive networks, up to a maximum
+ of [max] entries.
+ Call {!num_of_defined_networks} first to get a value for [max].
+ *)
(* The name of this function is inconsistent, but the inconsistency
* is really in libvirt itself.
val get_node_info : [>`R] t -> node_info
+ (** Return information about the physical server. *)
val node_get_free_memory : [> `R] t -> int64
@@ -204,11 +241,19 @@ sig
val create_linux : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t
+ (** Create a new guest domain (not necessarily a Linux one)
+ from the given XML.
+ *)
val lookup_by_id : 'a Connect.t -> int -> 'a t
+ (** Lookup a domain by ID. *)
val lookup_by_uuid : 'a Connect.t -> uuid -> 'a t
+ (** Lookup a domain by UUID. This uses the packed byte array UUID. *)
val lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t
+ (** Lookup a domain by (string) UUID. *)
val lookup_by_name : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t
+ (** Lookup a domain by name. *)
val destroy : [>`W] t -> unit
+ (** Abruptly destroy a domain. *)
val free : [>`R] t -> unit
(** [free domain] frees the domain object in memory.
@@ -218,15 +263,25 @@ sig
val suspend : [>`W] t -> unit
+ (** Suspend a domain. *)
val resume : [>`W] t -> unit
- val save : [>`W] t -> string -> unit
- val restore : [>`W] Connect.t -> string -> unit
- val core_dump : [>`W] t -> string -> unit
+ (** Resume a domain. *)
+ val save : [>`W] t -> filename -> unit
+ (** Suspend a domain, then save it to the file. *)
+ val restore : [>`W] Connect.t -> filename -> unit
+ (** Restore a domain from a file. *)
+ val core_dump : [>`W] t -> filename -> unit
+ (** Force a domain to core dump to the named file. *)
val shutdown : [>`W] t -> unit
+ (** Shutdown a domain. *)
val reboot : [>`W] t -> unit
+ (** Reboot a domain. *)
val get_name : [>`R] t -> string
+ (** Get the domain name. *)
val get_uuid : [>`R] t -> uuid
+ (** Get the domain UUID (as a packed byte array). *)
val get_uuid_string : [>`R] t -> string
+ (** Get the domain UUID (as a printable string). *)
val get_id : [>`R] t -> int
(** [getid dom] returns the ID of the domain.
@@ -235,31 +290,67 @@ sig
val get_os_type : [>`R] t -> string
+ (** Get the operating system type. *)
val get_max_memory : [>`R] t -> int64
+ (** Get the maximum memory allocation. *)
val set_max_memory : [>`W] t -> int64 -> unit
+ (** Set the maximum memory allocation. *)
val set_memory : [>`W] t -> int64 -> unit
+ (** Set the normal memory allocation. *)
val get_info : [>`R] t -> info
+ (** Get information about a domain. *)
val get_xml_desc : [>`R] t -> xml
+ (** Get the XML description of a domain. *)
val get_scheduler_type : [>`R] t -> string * int
+ (** Get the scheduler type. *)
val get_scheduler_parameters : [>`R] t -> int -> sched_param array
+ (** Get the array of scheduler parameters. *)
val set_scheduler_parameters : [>`W] t -> sched_param array -> unit
+ (** Set the array of scheduler parameters. *)
val define_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t
+ (** Define a new domain (but don't start it up) from the XML. *)
val undefine : [>`W] t -> unit
+ (** Undefine a domain - removes its configuration. *)
val create : [>`W] t -> unit
+ (** Launch a defined (inactive) domain. *)
val get_autostart : [>`R] t -> bool
+ (** Get the autostart flag for a domain. *)
val set_autostart : [>`W] t -> bool -> unit
+ (** Set the autostart flag for a domain. *)
val set_vcpus : [>`W] t -> int -> unit
+ (** Change the number of vCPUs available to a domain. *)
val pin_vcpu : [>`W] t -> int -> string -> unit
+ (** [pin_vcpu dom vcpu bitmap] pins a domain vCPU to a bitmap of physical
+ CPUs. See the libvirt documentation for details of the
+ layout of the bitmap. *)
val get_vcpus : [>`R] t -> int -> int -> int * vcpu_info array * string
+ (** [get_vcpus dom maxinfo maplen] returns the pinning information
+ for a domain. See the libvirt documentation for details
+ of the array and bitmap returned from this function.
+ *)
val get_max_vcpus : [>`R] t -> int
+ (** Returns the maximum number of vCPUs supported for this domain. *)
val attach_device : [>`W] t -> xml -> unit
+ (** Attach a device (described by the device XML) to a domain. *)
val detach_device : [>`W] t -> xml -> unit
+ (** Detach a device (described by the device XML) from a domain. *)
val migrate : [>`W] t -> [>`W] Connect.t -> migrate_flag list ->
?dname:string -> ?uri:string -> ?bandwidth:int -> unit -> rw t
+ (** [migrate dom dconn flags ()] migrates a domain to a
+ destination host described by [dconn].
+ The optional flag [?dname] is used to rename the domain.
+ The optional flag [?uri] is used to route the migration.
+ The optional flag [?bandwidth] is used to limit the bandwidth
+ used for migration (in Mbps). *)
val block_stats : [>`R] t -> string -> block_stats
+ (** Returns block device stats. *)
val interface_stats : [>`R] t -> string -> interface_stats
+ (** Returns network interface stats. *)
external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity"
(** [const dom] turns a read/write domain handle into a read-only
@@ -278,13 +369,21 @@ sig
val lookup_by_name : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t
+ (** Lookup a network by name. *)
val lookup_by_uuid : 'a Connect.t -> uuid -> 'a t
+ (** Lookup a network by (packed) UUID. *)
val lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Connect.t -> string -> 'a t
+ (** Lookup a network by UUID string. *)
val create_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t
+ (** Create a network. *)
val define_xml : [>`W] Connect.t -> xml -> rw t
+ (** Define but don't activate a network. *)
val undefine : [>`W] t -> unit
+ (** Undefine configuration of a network. *)
val create : [>`W] t -> unit
+ (** Start up a defined (inactive) network. *)
val destroy : [>`W] t -> unit
+ (** Destroy a network. *)
val free : [>`R] t -> unit
(** [free network] frees the network object in memory.
@@ -294,12 +393,19 @@ sig
val get_name : [>`R] t -> string
+ (** Get network name. *)
val get_uuid : [>`R] t -> uuid
+ (** Get network packed UUID. *)
val get_uuid_string : [>`R] t -> string
+ (** Get network UUID as a printable string. *)
val get_xml_desc : [>`R] t -> xml
+ (** Get XML description of a network. *)
val get_bridge_name : [>`R] t -> string
+ (** Get bridge device name of a network. *)
val get_autostart : [>`R] t -> bool
+ (** Get the autostart flag for a network. *)
val set_autostart : [>`W] t -> bool -> unit
+ (** Set the autostart flag for a network. *)
external const : [>`R] t -> ro t = "%identity"
(** [const network] turns a read/write network handle into a read-only
@@ -384,6 +490,7 @@ sig
(** Subsystem / driver which produced the error. *)
val string_of_domain : domain -> string