#!/bin/bash - export LANG=C set -e # Engage in some montecarlo testing of virt-make-fs. case $((RANDOM % 4)) in 0) type="--type=ext2" ;; 1) type="--type=ext3" ;; 2) type="--type=ext4" ;; 3) type="--type=ntfs" ;; # Can't test vfat because we cannot create a tar archive # where files are owned by UID:GID 0:0. As a result, tar # in the appliance fails when trying to change the UID of # the files to some non-zero value (not supported by FAT). # 4) type="--type=vfat" ;; esac case $((RANDOM % 2)) in 0) format="--format=raw" ;; 1) format="--format=qcow2" ;; esac case $((RANDOM % 3)) in 0) partition="--partition" ;; 1) partition="--partition=gpt" ;; 2) ;; esac case $((RANDOM % 2)) in 0) ;; 1) size="--size=+1M" ;; esac if [ -n "$LIBGUESTFS_DEBUG" ]; then debug=--debug; fi params="$type $format $partition $size $debug" echo "test-virt-make-fs: parameters: $params" rm -f test.file test.tar output.img tarsize=$((RANDOM & 8191)) echo "test-virt-make-fs: size of test file: $tarsize KB" dd if=/dev/zero of=test.file bs=1024 count=$tarsize tar -c -f test.tar test.file rm test.file ./virt-make-fs $params -- test.tar output.img rm test.tar output.img