/* libguestfs-test-tool * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include <config.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <string.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <locale.h> #include <limits.h> #include <guestfs.h> #ifdef HAVE_GETTEXT #include "gettext.h" #define _(str) dgettext(PACKAGE, (str)) //#define N_(str) dgettext(PACKAGE, (str)) #else #define _(str) str //#define N_(str) str #endif #if !ENABLE_NLS #undef textdomain #define textdomain(Domainname) /* empty */ #undef bindtextdomain #define bindtextdomain(Domainname, Dirname) /* empty */ #endif #define STREQ(a,b) (strcmp((a),(b)) == 0) //#define STRCASEEQ(a,b) (strcasecmp((a),(b)) == 0) //#define STRNEQ(a,b) (strcmp((a),(b)) != 0) //#define STRCASENEQ(a,b) (strcasecmp((a),(b)) != 0) #define STREQLEN(a,b,n) (strncmp((a),(b),(n)) == 0) //#define STRCASEEQLEN(a,b,n) (strncasecmp((a),(b),(n)) == 0) //#define STRNEQLEN(a,b,n) (strncmp((a),(b),(n)) != 0) //#define STRCASENEQLEN(a,b,n) (strncasecmp((a),(b),(n)) != 0) //#define STRPREFIX(a,b) (strncmp((a),(b),strlen((b))) == 0) #ifndef P_tmpdir #define P_tmpdir "/tmp" #endif #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 600 static int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; static char tmpf[] = P_tmpdir "/libguestfs-test-tool-sda-XXXXXX"; static guestfs_h *g; static void make_files (void); static void set_qemu (const char *path, int use_wrapper); static void usage (void) { printf (_("libguestfs-test-tool: interactive test tool\n" "Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Red Hat Inc.\n" "Usage:\n" " libguestfs-test-tool [--options]\n" "Options:\n" " --help Display usage\n" " --qemudir dir Specify QEMU source directory\n" " --qemu qemu Specify QEMU binary\n" " --timeout n\n" " -t n Set launch timeout (default: %d seconds)\n" ), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); } extern char **environ; int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEBASEDIR); textdomain (PACKAGE); static const char *options = "t:?"; static const struct option long_options[] = { { "help", 0, 0, '?' }, { "qemu", 1, 0, 0 }, { "qemudir", 1, 0, 0 }, { "timeout", 1, 0, 't' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; int c; int option_index; int i; struct guestfs_version *vers; char *p; for (;;) { c = getopt_long (argc, argv, options, long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 0: /* options which are long only */ if (STREQ (long_options[option_index].name, "qemu")) set_qemu (optarg, 0); else if (STREQ (long_options[option_index].name, "qemudir")) set_qemu (optarg, 1); else { fprintf (stderr, _("libguestfs-test-tool: unknown long option: %s (%d)\n"), long_options[option_index].name, option_index); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 't': if (sscanf (optarg, "%d", &timeout) != 1 || timeout < 0) { fprintf (stderr, _("libguestfs-test-tool: invalid timeout: %s\n"), optarg); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case '?': usage (); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); default: fprintf (stderr, _("libguestfs-test-tool: unexpected command line option 0x%x\n"), c); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } make_files (); printf ("===== Test starts here =====\n"); /* Must set LIBGUESTFS_DEBUG=1 */ setenv ("LIBGUESTFS_DEBUG", "1", 1); /* Print out any environment variables which may relate to this test. */ for (i = 0; environ[i] != NULL; ++i) if (STREQLEN (environ[i], "LIBGUESTFS_", 11)) printf ("%s\n", environ[i]); for (i = 0; environ[i] != NULL; ++i) if (STREQLEN (environ[i], "FEBOOTSTRAP_", 12)) printf ("%s\n", environ[i]); printf ("TMPDIR=%s\n", getenv ("TMPDIR") ? : "(not set)"); /* Create the handle and configure it. */ g = guestfs_create (); if (g == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, _("libguestfs-test-tool: failed to create libguestfs handle\n")); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (guestfs_add_drive_opts (g, tmpf, GUESTFS_ADD_DRIVE_OPTS_FORMAT, "raw", -1) == -1) { fprintf (stderr, _("libguestfs-test-tool: failed to add drive '%s'\n"), tmpf); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Print any version info etc. */ vers = guestfs_version (g); if (vers == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, _("libguestfs-test-tool: guestfs_version failed\n")); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } printf ("library version: %"PRIi64".%"PRIi64".%"PRIi64"%s\n", vers->major, vers->minor, vers->release, vers->extra); guestfs_free_version (vers); printf ("guestfs_get_append: %s\n", guestfs_get_append (g) ? : "(null)"); p = guestfs_get_attach_method (g); printf ("guestfs_get_attach_method: %s\n", p ? : "(null)"); free (p); printf ("guestfs_get_autosync: %d\n", guestfs_get_autosync (g)); printf ("guestfs_get_direct: %d\n", guestfs_get_direct (g)); printf ("guestfs_get_memsize: %d\n", guestfs_get_memsize (g)); printf ("guestfs_get_network: %d\n", guestfs_get_network (g)); printf ("guestfs_get_path: %s\n", guestfs_get_path (g)); printf ("guestfs_get_pgroup: %d\n", guestfs_get_pgroup (g)); printf ("guestfs_get_qemu: %s\n", guestfs_get_qemu (g)); printf ("guestfs_get_recovery_proc: %d\n", guestfs_get_recovery_proc (g)); printf ("guestfs_get_selinux: %d\n", guestfs_get_selinux (g)); printf ("guestfs_get_smp: %d\n", guestfs_get_smp (g)); printf ("guestfs_get_trace: %d\n", guestfs_get_trace (g)); printf ("guestfs_get_verbose: %d\n", guestfs_get_verbose (g)); printf ("host_cpu: %s\n", host_cpu); /* Launch the guest handle. */ printf ("Launching appliance, timeout set to %d seconds.\n", timeout); fflush (stdout); alarm (timeout); if (guestfs_launch (g) == -1) { fprintf (stderr, _("libguestfs-test-tool: failed to launch appliance\n")); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } alarm (0); printf ("Guest launched OK.\n"); fflush (stdout); /* Create the filesystem and mount everything. */ if (guestfs_part_disk (g, "/dev/sda", "mbr") == -1) { fprintf (stderr, _("libguestfs-test-tool: failed to run part-disk\n")); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (guestfs_mkfs (g, "ext2", "/dev/sda1") == -1) { fprintf (stderr, _("libguestfs-test-tool: failed to mkfs.ext2\n")); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (guestfs_mount_options (g, "", "/dev/sda1", "/") == -1) { fprintf (stderr, _("libguestfs-test-tool: failed to mount /dev/sda1 on /\n")); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Touch a file. */ if (guestfs_touch (g, "/hello") == -1) { fprintf (stderr, _("libguestfs-test-tool: failed to touch file\n")); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Close the handle. */ guestfs_close (g); /* Booted and performed some simple operations -- success! */ printf ("===== TEST FINISHED OK =====\n"); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } static char qemuwrapper[] = P_tmpdir "/libguestfs-test-tool-wrapper-XXXXXX"; static void cleanup_wrapper (void) { unlink (qemuwrapper); } /* Handle the --qemu and --qemudir parameters. use_wrapper is true * in the --qemudir (source directory) case, where we have to create * a wrapper shell script. */ static void set_qemu (const char *path, int use_wrapper) { char buffer[PATH_MAX]; struct stat statbuf; int fd; FILE *fp; if (getenv ("LIBGUESTFS_QEMU")) { fprintf (stderr, _("LIBGUESTFS_QEMU environment variable is already set, so\n" "--qemu/--qemudir options cannot be used.\n")); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!use_wrapper) { if (access (path, X_OK) == -1) { fprintf (stderr, _("Binary '%s' does not exist or is not executable\n"), path); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } setenv ("LIBGUESTFS_QEMU", path, 1); return; } /* This should be a source directory, so check it. */ snprintf (buffer, sizeof buffer, "%s/pc-bios", path); if (stat (buffer, &statbuf) == -1 || !S_ISDIR (statbuf.st_mode)) { fprintf (stderr, _("%s: does not look like a qemu source directory\n"), path); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Make a wrapper script. */ fd = mkstemp (qemuwrapper); if (fd == -1) { perror (qemuwrapper); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } fchmod (fd, 0700); fp = fdopen (fd, "w"); fprintf (fp, "#!/bin/sh -\n" "qemudir='%s'\n" "\"$qemudir\"/", path); /* Select the right qemu binary for the wrapper script. */ #ifdef __i386__ fprintf (fp, "i386-softmmu/qemu"); #else fprintf (fp, host_cpu "-softmmu/qemu-system-" host_cpu); #endif fprintf (fp, " -L \"$qemudir\"/pc-bios \"$@\"\n"); fclose (fp); setenv ("LIBGUESTFS_QEMU", qemuwrapper, 1); atexit (cleanup_wrapper); } static void cleanup_tmpfiles (void) { unlink (tmpf); } static void make_files (void) { int fd; /* Allocate the sparse file for /dev/sda. */ fd = mkstemp (tmpf); if (fd == -1) { perror (tmpf); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (lseek (fd, 100 * 1024 * 1024 - 1, SEEK_SET) == -1) { perror ("lseek"); close (fd); unlink (tmpf); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (write (fd, "\0", 1) == -1) { perror ("write"); close (fd); unlink (tmpf); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } close (fd); atexit (cleanup_tmpfiles); /* Removes tmpf. */ }