(* virt-sysprep * Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *) open Unix open Printf open Sysprep_gettext.Gettext open Utils module G = Guestfs (* Finalize the list of operations modules. *) let () = Sysprep_operation.bake () (* Command line argument parsing. *) let prog = Filename.basename Sys.executable_name let debug_gc, operations, g, selinux_relabel, quiet = let debug_gc = ref false in let domain = ref None in let dryrun = ref false in let files = ref [] in let format = ref "auto" in let quiet = ref false in let libvirturi = ref "" in let operations = ref None in let selinux_relabel = ref `Auto in let trace = ref false in let verbose = ref false in let display_version () = let g = new G.guestfs () in let version = g#version () in printf "virt-sysprep %Ld.%Ld.%Ld%s\n" version.G.major version.G.minor version.G.release version.G.extra; exit 0 and add_file file = let format = match !format with "auto" -> None | fmt -> Some fmt in files := (file, format) :: !files and set_domain dom = if !domain <> None then ( eprintf (f_"%s: --domain option can only be given once\n") prog; exit 1 ); domain := Some dom and dump_pod () = Sysprep_operation.dump_pod (); exit 0 and dump_pod_options () = Sysprep_operation.dump_pod_options (); exit 0 and set_enable ops = if !operations <> None then ( eprintf (f_"%s: --enable option can only be given once\n") prog; exit 1 ); if ops = "" then ( eprintf (f_"%s: you cannot pass an empty argument to --enable\n") prog; exit 1 ); let ops = string_split "," ops in let opset = List.fold_left ( fun opset op_name -> try Sysprep_operation.add_to_set op_name opset with Not_found -> eprintf (f_"%s: --enable: '%s' is not a known operation\n") prog op_name; exit 1 ) Sysprep_operation.empty_set ops in operations := Some opset and force_selinux_relabel () = selinux_relabel := `Force and no_force_selinux_relabel () = selinux_relabel := `Never and list_operations () = Sysprep_operation.list_operations (); exit 0 in let basic_args = [ "-a", Arg.String add_file, s_"file" ^ " " ^ s_"Add disk image file"; "--add", Arg.String add_file, s_"file" ^ " " ^ s_"Add disk image file"; "-c", Arg.Set_string libvirturi, s_"uri" ^ " " ^ s_"Set libvirt URI"; "--connect", Arg.Set_string libvirturi, s_"uri" ^ " " ^ s_"Set libvirt URI"; "--debug-gc", Arg.Set debug_gc, " " ^ s_"Debug GC and memory allocations (internal)"; "-d", Arg.String set_domain, s_"domain" ^ " " ^ s_"Set libvirt guest name"; "--domain", Arg.String set_domain, s_"domain" ^ " " ^ s_"Set libvirt guest name"; "-n", Arg.Set dryrun, " " ^ s_"Perform a dry run"; "--dryrun", Arg.Set dryrun, " " ^ s_"Perform a dry run"; "--dry-run", Arg.Set dryrun, " " ^ s_"Perform a dry run"; "--dump-pod", Arg.Unit dump_pod, " " ^ s_"Dump POD (internal)"; "--dump-pod-options", Arg.Unit dump_pod_options, " " ^ s_"Dump POD for options (internal)"; "--enable", Arg.String set_enable, s_"operations" ^ " " ^ s_"Enable specific operations"; "--format", Arg.Set_string format, s_"format" ^ " " ^ s_"Set format (default: auto)"; "--list-operations", Arg.Unit list_operations, " " ^ s_"List supported operations"; "-q", Arg.Set quiet, " " ^ s_"Don't print log messages"; "--quiet", Arg.Set quiet, " " ^ s_"Don't print log messages"; "--selinux-relabel", Arg.Unit force_selinux_relabel, " " ^ s_"Force SELinux relabel"; "--no-selinux-relabel", Arg.Unit no_force_selinux_relabel, " " ^ s_"Never do SELinux relabel"; "-v", Arg.Set verbose, " " ^ s_"Enable debugging messages"; "--verbose", Arg.Set verbose, " " ^ s_"Enable debugging messages"; "-V", Arg.Unit display_version, " " ^ s_"Display version and exit"; "--version", Arg.Unit display_version, " " ^ s_"Display version and exit"; "-x", Arg.Set trace, " " ^ s_"Enable tracing of libguestfs calls"; ] in let args = basic_args @ Sysprep_operation.extra_args () in let args = List.sort (fun (a,_,_) (b,_,_) -> compare_command_line_args a b) args in let argspec = Arg.align args in let anon_fun _ = raise (Arg.Bad (s_"extra parameter on the command line")) in let usage_msg = sprintf (f_"\ %s: reset or unconfigure a virtual machine so clones can be made virt-sysprep [--options] -d domname virt-sysprep [--options] -a disk.img [-a disk.img ...] A short summary of the options is given below. For detailed help please read the man page virt-sysprep(1). ") prog in Arg.parse argspec anon_fun usage_msg; (* Check -a and -d options. *) let files = !files in let domain = !domain in let libvirturi = match !libvirturi with "" -> None | s -> Some s in let add = match files, domain with | [], None -> eprintf (f_"%s: you must give either -a or -d options\n") prog; eprintf (f_"Read virt-sysprep(1) man page for further information.\n"); exit 1 | [], Some dom -> fun (g : Guestfs.guestfs) readonly -> let allowuuid = true in let readonlydisk = "ignore" (* ignore CDs, data drives *) in ignore (g#add_domain ~readonly ?libvirturi ~allowuuid ~readonlydisk dom) | _, Some _ -> eprintf (f_"%s: you cannot give -a and -d options together\n") prog; eprintf (f_"Read virt-sysprep(1) man page for further information.\n"); exit 1 | files, None -> fun g readonly -> List.iter ( fun (file, format) -> g#add_drive ~readonly ?format file ) files in (* Dereference the rest of the args. *) let debug_gc = !debug_gc in let dryrun = !dryrun in let operations = !operations in let quiet = !quiet in let selinux_relabel = !selinux_relabel in let trace = !trace in let verbose = !verbose in if not quiet then printf (f_"Examining the guest ...\n%!"); (* Connect to libguestfs. *) let g = new G.guestfs () in if trace then g#set_trace true; if verbose then g#set_verbose true; add g dryrun; g#launch (); debug_gc, operations, g, selinux_relabel, quiet let () = (* Inspection. *) match Array.to_list (g#inspect_os ()) with | [] -> eprintf (f_"%s: no operating systems were found in the guest image\n") prog; exit 1 | roots -> List.iter ( fun root -> (* Mount up the disks, like guestfish -i. * See [ocaml/examples/inspect_vm.ml]. *) let mps = g#inspect_get_mountpoints root in let cmp (a,_) (b,_) = compare (String.length a) (String.length b) in let mps = List.sort cmp mps in List.iter ( fun (mp, dev) -> try g#mount dev mp with Guestfs.Error msg -> eprintf (f_"%s (ignored)\n") msg ) mps; (* Perform the operations. *) let flags = Sysprep_operation.perform_operations ?operations ~quiet g root in (* Parse flags. *) let relabel = ref false in List.iter (function | `Created_files -> relabel := true ) flags; (* SELinux relabel? *) let relabel = match selinux_relabel, !relabel with | `Force, _ -> true | `Never, _ -> false | `Auto, relabel -> relabel in if relabel then ( let typ = g#inspect_get_type root in let distro = g#inspect_get_distro root in match typ, distro with | "linux", ("fedora"|"rhel"|"redhat-based" |"centos"|"scientificlinux") -> g#touch "/.autorelabel" | _ -> () ); (* Unmount everything in this guest. *) g#umount_all () ) roots (* Finished. *) let () = g#shutdown (); g#close (); if debug_gc then Gc.compact (); exit 0