(* libguestfs * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) (* Please read generator/README first. *) open Printf open Types open Utils open Pr open Docstrings open Optgroups open Actions open Structs open C open Events (* Generate Python C module. *) let rec generate_python_c () = generate_header CStyle LGPLv2plus; pr "\ #include #include #include #include #include \"guestfs-py.h\" /* This list should be freed (but not the strings) after use. */ static char ** get_string_list (PyObject *obj) { size_t i, len; char **r; #ifndef HAVE_PYSTRING_ASSTRING PyObject *bytes; #endif assert (obj); if (!PyList_Check (obj)) { PyErr_SetString (PyExc_RuntimeError, \"expecting a list parameter\"); return NULL; } Py_ssize_t slen = PyList_Size (obj); if (slen == -1) { PyErr_SetString (PyExc_RuntimeError, \"get_string_list: PyList_Size failure\"); return NULL; } len = (size_t) slen; r = malloc (sizeof (char *) * (len+1)); if (r == NULL) { PyErr_SetString (PyExc_RuntimeError, \"get_string_list: out of memory\"); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { #ifdef HAVE_PYSTRING_ASSTRING r[i] = PyString_AsString (PyList_GetItem (obj, i)); #else bytes = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String (PyList_GetItem (obj, i)); r[i] = PyBytes_AS_STRING (bytes); #endif } r[len] = NULL; return r; } static PyObject * put_string_list (char * const * const argv) { PyObject *list; size_t argc, i; for (argc = 0; argv[argc] != NULL; ++argc) ; list = PyList_New (argc); for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { #ifdef HAVE_PYSTRING_ASSTRING PyList_SetItem (list, i, PyString_FromString (argv[i])); #else PyList_SetItem (list, i, PyUnicode_FromString (argv[i])); #endif } return list; } static PyObject * put_table (char * const * const argv) { PyObject *list, *item; size_t argc, i; for (argc = 0; argv[argc] != NULL; ++argc) ; list = PyList_New (argc >> 1); for (i = 0; i < argc; i += 2) { item = PyTuple_New (2); #ifdef HAVE_PYSTRING_ASSTRING PyTuple_SetItem (item, 0, PyString_FromString (argv[i])); PyTuple_SetItem (item, 1, PyString_FromString (argv[i+1])); #else PyTuple_SetItem (item, 0, PyUnicode_FromString (argv[i])); PyTuple_SetItem (item, 1, PyUnicode_FromString (argv[i+1])); #endif PyList_SetItem (list, i >> 1, item); } return list; } static void free_strings (char **argv) { size_t argc; for (argc = 0; argv[argc] != NULL; ++argc) free (argv[argc]); free (argv); } "; let emit_put_list_function typ = pr "static PyObject *\n"; pr "put_%s_list (struct guestfs_%s_list *%ss)\n" typ typ typ; pr "{\n"; pr " PyObject *list;\n"; pr " size_t i;\n"; pr "\n"; pr " list = PyList_New (%ss->len);\n" typ; pr " for (i = 0; i < %ss->len; ++i)\n" typ; pr " PyList_SetItem (list, i, put_%s (&%ss->val[i]));\n" typ typ; pr " return list;\n"; pr "};\n"; pr "\n" in (* Structures, turned into Python dictionaries. *) List.iter ( fun { s_name = typ; s_cols = cols } -> pr "static PyObject *\n"; pr "put_%s (struct guestfs_%s *%s)\n" typ typ typ; pr "{\n"; pr " PyObject *dict;\n"; pr "\n"; pr " dict = PyDict_New ();\n"; List.iter ( function | name, FString -> pr " PyDict_SetItemString (dict, \"%s\",\n" name; pr "#ifdef HAVE_PYSTRING_ASSTRING\n"; pr " PyString_FromString (%s->%s));\n" typ name; pr "#else\n"; pr " PyUnicode_FromString (%s->%s));\n" typ name; pr "#endif\n" | name, FBuffer -> pr " PyDict_SetItemString (dict, \"%s\",\n" name; pr "#ifdef HAVE_PYSTRING_ASSTRING\n"; pr " PyString_FromStringAndSize (%s->%s, %s->%s_len));\n" typ name typ name; pr "#else\n"; pr " PyBytes_FromStringAndSize (%s->%s, %s->%s_len));\n" typ name typ name; pr "#endif\n" | name, FUUID -> pr " PyDict_SetItemString (dict, \"%s\",\n" name; pr "#ifdef HAVE_PYSTRING_ASSTRING\n"; pr " PyString_FromStringAndSize (%s->%s, 32));\n" typ name; pr "#else\n"; pr " PyBytes_FromStringAndSize (%s->%s, 32));\n" typ name; pr "#endif\n" | name, (FBytes|FUInt64) -> pr " PyDict_SetItemString (dict, \"%s\",\n" name; pr " PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong (%s->%s));\n" typ name | name, FInt64 -> pr " PyDict_SetItemString (dict, \"%s\",\n" name; pr " PyLong_FromLongLong (%s->%s));\n" typ name | name, FUInt32 -> pr " PyDict_SetItemString (dict, \"%s\",\n" name; pr " PyLong_FromUnsignedLong (%s->%s));\n" typ name | name, FInt32 -> pr " PyDict_SetItemString (dict, \"%s\",\n" name; pr " PyLong_FromLong (%s->%s));\n" typ name | name, FOptPercent -> pr " if (%s->%s >= 0)\n" typ name; pr " PyDict_SetItemString (dict, \"%s\",\n" name; pr " PyFloat_FromDouble ((double) %s->%s));\n" typ name; pr " else {\n"; pr " Py_INCREF (Py_None);\n"; pr " PyDict_SetItemString (dict, \"%s\", Py_None);\n" name; pr " }\n" | name, FChar -> pr "#ifdef HAVE_PYSTRING_ASSTRING\n"; pr " PyDict_SetItemString (dict, \"%s\",\n" name; pr " PyString_FromStringAndSize (&dirent->%s, 1));\n" name; pr "#else\n"; pr " PyDict_SetItemString (dict, \"%s\",\n" name; pr " PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize (&dirent->%s, 1));\n" name; pr "#endif\n" ) cols; pr " return dict;\n"; pr "};\n"; pr "\n"; ) structs; (* Emit a put_TYPE_list function definition only if that function is used. *) List.iter ( function | typ, (RStructListOnly | RStructAndList) -> (* generate the function for typ *) emit_put_list_function typ | typ, _ -> () (* empty *) ) (rstructs_used_by all_functions); (* Python wrapper functions. *) List.iter ( fun { name = name; style = (ret, args, optargs as style); blocking = blocking; c_function = c_function; c_optarg_prefix = c_optarg_prefix } -> pr "static PyObject *\n"; pr "py_guestfs_%s (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)\n" name; pr "{\n"; if blocking then pr " PyThreadState *py_save = NULL;\n"; pr " PyObject *py_g;\n"; pr " guestfs_h *g;\n"; pr " PyObject *py_r;\n"; if optargs <> [] then ( pr " struct %s optargs_s;\n" c_function; pr " struct %s *optargs = &optargs_s;\n" c_function; ); (match ret with | RErr | RInt _ | RBool _ -> pr " int r;\n" | RInt64 _ -> pr " int64_t r;\n" | RConstString _ | RConstOptString _ -> pr " const char *r;\n" | RString _ -> pr " char *r;\n" | RStringList _ | RHashtable _ -> pr " char **r;\n" | RStruct (_, typ) -> pr " struct guestfs_%s *r;\n" typ | RStructList (_, typ) -> pr " struct guestfs_%s_list *r;\n" typ | RBufferOut _ -> pr " char *r;\n"; pr " size_t size;\n" ); List.iter ( function | Pathname n | Device n | Dev_or_Path n | String n | Key n | FileIn n | FileOut n -> pr " const char *%s;\n" n | OptString n -> pr " const char *%s;\n" n | BufferIn n -> pr " const char *%s;\n" n; pr " Py_ssize_t %s_size;\n" n | StringList n | DeviceList n -> pr " PyObject *py_%s;\n" n; pr " char **%s;\n" n | Bool n -> pr " int %s;\n" n | Int n -> pr " int %s;\n" n | Int64 n -> pr " long long %s;\n" n | Pointer (t, n) -> pr " long long %s_int64;\n" n; pr " %s %s;\n" t n ) args; (* Fetch the optional arguments as objects, so we can detect * if they are 'None'. *) List.iter ( fun optarg -> pr " PyObject *py_%s;\n" (name_of_optargt optarg) ) optargs; pr "\n"; if optargs <> [] then ( pr " optargs_s.bitmask = 0;\n"; pr "\n" ); (* Convert the required parameters. *) pr " if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, (char *) \"O"; List.iter ( function | Pathname _ | Device _ | Dev_or_Path _ | String _ | Key _ | FileIn _ | FileOut _ -> pr "s" | OptString _ -> pr "z" | StringList _ | DeviceList _ -> pr "O" | Bool _ -> pr "i" (* XXX Python has booleans? *) | Int _ -> pr "i" | Int64 _ | Pointer _ -> (* XXX Whoever thought it was a good idea to * emulate C's int/long/long long in Python? *) pr "L" | BufferIn _ -> pr "s#" ) args; (* Optional parameters. All objects, so we can detect None. *) List.iter (fun _ -> pr "O") optargs; pr ":guestfs_%s\",\n" name; pr " &py_g"; List.iter ( function | Pathname n | Device n | Dev_or_Path n | String n | Key n | FileIn n | FileOut n -> pr ", &%s" n | OptString n -> pr ", &%s" n | StringList n | DeviceList n -> pr ", &py_%s" n | Bool n -> pr ", &%s" n | Int n -> pr ", &%s" n | Int64 n -> pr ", &%s" n | Pointer (_, n) -> pr ", &%s_int64" n | BufferIn n -> pr ", &%s, &%s_size" n n ) args; List.iter ( fun optarg -> pr ", &py_%s" (name_of_optargt optarg) ) optargs; pr "))\n"; pr " return NULL;\n"; pr " g = get_handle (py_g);\n"; List.iter ( function | Pathname _ | Device _ | Dev_or_Path _ | String _ | Key _ | FileIn _ | FileOut _ | OptString _ | Bool _ | Int _ | Int64 _ | BufferIn _ -> () | StringList n | DeviceList n -> pr " %s = get_string_list (py_%s);\n" n n; pr " if (!%s) return NULL;\n" n | Pointer (t, n) -> pr " %s = (%s) (intptr_t) %s_int64;\n" n t n ) args; pr "\n"; if optargs <> [] then ( List.iter ( fun optarg -> let n = name_of_optargt optarg in let uc_n = String.uppercase n in pr " if (py_%s != Py_None) {\n" n; pr " optargs_s.bitmask |= %s_%s_BITMASK;\n" c_optarg_prefix uc_n; (match optarg with | OBool _ | OInt _ -> pr " optargs_s.%s = PyLong_AsLong (py_%s);\n" n n; pr " if (PyErr_Occurred ()) return NULL;\n" | OInt64 _ -> pr " optargs_s.%s = PyLong_AsLongLong (py_%s);\n" n n; pr " if (PyErr_Occurred ()) return NULL;\n" | OString _ -> pr "#ifdef HAVE_PYSTRING_ASSTRING\n"; pr " optargs_s.%s = PyString_AsString (py_%s);\n" n n; pr "#else\n"; pr " PyObject *bytes;\n"; pr " bytes = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String (py_%s);\n" n; pr " optargs_s.%s = PyBytes_AS_STRING (bytes);\n" n; pr "#endif\n"; | OStringList _ -> pr " optargs_s.%s = get_string_list (py_%s);\n" n n; pr " if (!optargs_s.%s) return NULL;\n" n; ); pr " }\n"; ) optargs; pr "\n" ); if blocking then ( (* Release Python GIL while running. This code is from * libvirt/python/typewrappers.h. Thanks to Dan Berrange for * showing us how to do this properly. *) pr " if (PyEval_ThreadsInitialized ())\n"; pr " py_save = PyEval_SaveThread ();\n"; pr "\n" ); pr " r = %s " c_function; generate_c_call_args ~handle:"g" style; pr ";\n"; pr "\n"; if blocking then ( pr " if (PyEval_ThreadsInitialized ())\n"; pr " PyEval_RestoreThread (py_save);\n"; pr "\n" ); List.iter ( function | Pathname _ | Device _ | Dev_or_Path _ | String _ | Key _ | FileIn _ | FileOut _ | OptString _ | Bool _ | Int _ | Int64 _ | BufferIn _ | Pointer _ -> () | StringList n | DeviceList n -> pr " free (%s);\n" n ) args; List.iter ( function | OBool _ | OInt _ | OInt64 _ | OString _ -> () | OStringList n -> pr " if (py_%s != Py_None)\n" n; pr " free ((char **) optargs_s.%s);\n" n ) optargs; (match errcode_of_ret ret with | `CannotReturnError -> () | `ErrorIsMinusOne -> pr " if (r == -1) {\n"; pr " PyErr_SetString (PyExc_RuntimeError, guestfs_last_error (g));\n"; pr " return NULL;\n"; pr " }\n" | `ErrorIsNULL -> pr " if (r == NULL) {\n"; pr " PyErr_SetString (PyExc_RuntimeError, guestfs_last_error (g));\n"; pr " return NULL;\n"; pr " }\n" ); pr "\n"; (match ret with | RErr -> pr " Py_INCREF (Py_None);\n"; pr " py_r = Py_None;\n" | RInt _ | RBool _ -> pr " py_r = PyLong_FromLong ((long) r);\n" | RInt64 _ -> pr " py_r = PyLong_FromLongLong (r);\n" | RConstString _ -> pr "#ifdef HAVE_PYSTRING_ASSTRING\n"; pr " py_r = PyString_FromString (r);\n"; pr "#else\n"; pr " py_r = PyUnicode_FromString (r);\n"; pr "#endif\n" | RConstOptString _ -> pr " if (r) {\n"; pr "#ifdef HAVE_PYSTRING_ASSTRING\n"; pr " py_r = PyString_FromString (r);\n"; pr "#else\n"; pr " py_r = PyUnicode_FromString (r);\n"; pr "#endif\n"; pr " } else {\n"; pr " Py_INCREF (Py_None);\n"; pr " py_r = Py_None;\n"; pr " }\n" | RString _ -> pr "#ifdef HAVE_PYSTRING_ASSTRING\n"; pr " py_r = PyString_FromString (r);\n"; pr "#else\n"; pr " py_r = PyUnicode_FromString (r);\n"; pr "#endif\n"; pr " free (r);\n" | RStringList _ -> pr " py_r = put_string_list (r);\n"; pr " free_strings (r);\n" | RStruct (_, typ) -> pr " py_r = put_%s (r);\n" typ; pr " guestfs_free_%s (r);\n" typ | RStructList (_, typ) -> pr " py_r = put_%s_list (r);\n" typ; pr " guestfs_free_%s_list (r);\n" typ | RHashtable n -> pr " py_r = put_table (r);\n"; pr " free_strings (r);\n" | RBufferOut _ -> pr "#ifdef HAVE_PYSTRING_ASSTRING\n"; pr " py_r = PyString_FromStringAndSize (r, size);\n"; pr "#else\n"; pr " py_r = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize (r, size);\n"; pr "#endif\n"; pr " free (r);\n" ); pr " return py_r;\n"; pr "}\n"; pr "\n" ) all_functions; (* Table of functions. *) pr "static PyMethodDef methods[] = {\n"; pr " { (char *) \"create\", py_guestfs_create, METH_VARARGS, NULL },\n"; pr " { (char *) \"close\", py_guestfs_close, METH_VARARGS, NULL },\n"; pr " { (char *) \"set_event_callback\",\n"; pr " py_guestfs_set_event_callback, METH_VARARGS, NULL },\n"; pr " { (char *) \"delete_event_callback\",\n"; pr " py_guestfs_delete_event_callback, METH_VARARGS, NULL },\n"; List.iter ( fun { name = name } -> pr " { (char *) \"%s\", py_guestfs_%s, METH_VARARGS, NULL },\n" name name ) all_functions; pr " { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }\n"; pr "};\n"; pr "\n"; (* Init function. *) pr "\ #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 static struct PyModuleDef moduledef = { PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, \"libguestfsmod\", /* m_name */ \"libguestfs module\", /* m_doc */ -1, /* m_size */ methods, /* m_methods */ NULL, /* m_reload */ NULL, /* m_traverse */ NULL, /* m_clear */ NULL, /* m_free */ }; #endif static PyObject * moduleinit (void) { PyObject *m; #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 m = PyModule_Create (&moduledef); #else m = Py_InitModule ((char *) \"libguestfsmod\", methods); #endif return m; /* m might be NULL if module init failed */ } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_libguestfsmod (void) { return moduleinit (); } #else void initlibguestfsmod (void) { (void) moduleinit (); } #endif " (* Generate Python module. *) and generate_python_py () = (* This has to appear very near the top of the file, before the large * header. *) pr "# coding: utf-8\n"; generate_header HashStyle LGPLv2plus; pr "\ \"\"\"Python bindings for libguestfs import guestfs g = guestfs.GuestFS () g.add_drive_opts (\"guest.img\", format=\"raw\") g.launch () parts = g.list_partitions () The guestfs module provides a Python binding to the libguestfs API for examining and modifying virtual machine disk images. Amongst the things this is good for: making batch configuration changes to guests, getting disk used/free statistics (see also: virt-df), migrating between virtualization systems (see also: virt-p2v), performing partial backups, performing partial guest clones, cloning guests and changing registry/UUID/hostname info, and much else besides. Libguestfs uses Linux kernel and qemu code, and can access any type of guest filesystem that Linux and qemu can, including but not limited to: ext2/3/4, btrfs, FAT and NTFS, LVM, many different disk partition schemes, qcow, qcow2, vmdk. Libguestfs provides ways to enumerate guest storage (eg. partitions, LVs, what filesystem is in each LV, etc.). It can also run commands in the context of the guest. Also you can access filesystems over FUSE. Errors which happen while using the API are turned into Python RuntimeError exceptions. To create a guestfs handle you usually have to perform the following sequence of calls: # Create the handle, call add_drive* at least once, and possibly # several times if the guest has multiple block devices: g = guestfs.GuestFS () g.add_drive_opts (\"guest.img\", format=\"raw\") # Launch the qemu subprocess and wait for it to become ready: g.launch () # Now you can issue commands, for example: logvols = g.lvs () \"\"\" import libguestfsmod "; List.iter ( fun (name, bitmask) -> pr "EVENT_%s = 0x%x\n" (String.uppercase name) bitmask ) events; pr "\n"; pr "\ class ClosedHandle(ValueError): pass class GuestFS: \"\"\"Instances of this class are libguestfs API handles.\"\"\" def __init__ (self, environment=True, close_on_exit=True): \"\"\"Create a new libguestfs handle.\"\"\" flags = 0 if not environment: flags |= 1 if not close_on_exit: flags |= 2 self._o = libguestfsmod.create (flags) def __del__ (self): if self._o: libguestfsmod.close (self._o) def _check_not_closed (self): if not self._o: raise ClosedHandle (\"GuestFS: method called on closed handle\") def close (self): \"\"\"Explicitly close the guestfs handle. The handle is closed implicitly when its reference count goes to zero (eg. when it goes out of scope or the program ends). This call is only needed if you want to force the handle to close now. After calling this, the program must not call any method on the handle (except the implicit call to __del__ which happens when the final reference is cleaned up). \"\"\" self._check_not_closed () libguestfsmod.close (self._o) self._o = None def set_event_callback (self, cb, event_bitmask): \"\"\"Register an event callback. Register \"cb\" as a callback function for all of the events in \"event_bitmask\". \"event_bitmask\" should be one or more \"guestfs.EVENT_*\" flags logically or'd together. This function returns an event handle which can be used to delete the callback (see \"delete_event_callback\"). The callback function receives 4 parameters: cb (event, event_handle, buf, array) \"event\" is one of the \"EVENT_*\" flags. \"buf\" is a message buffer (only for some types of events). \"array\" is an array of integers (only for some types of events). You should read the documentation for \"guestfs_set_event_callback\" in guestfs(3) before using this function. \"\"\" self._check_not_closed () return libguestfsmod.set_event_callback (self._o, cb, event_bitmask) def delete_event_callback (self, event_handle): \"\"\"Delete an event callback.\"\"\" self._check_not_closed () libguestfsmod.delete_event_callback (self._o, event_handle) "; List.iter ( fun ({ name = name; style = ret, args, optargs; in_docs = in_docs; longdesc = longdesc; non_c_aliases = non_c_aliases } as f) -> pr " def %s (self" name; List.iter (fun arg -> pr ", %s" (name_of_argt arg)) args; List.iter ( fun optarg -> pr ", %s=None" (name_of_optargt optarg) ) optargs; pr "):\n"; if in_docs then ( let doc = replace_str longdesc "C doc | RStringList _ -> doc ^ "\n\nThis function returns a list of strings." | RStruct (_, typ) -> doc ^ sprintf "\n\nThis function returns a dictionary, with keys matching the various fields in the guestfs_%s structure." typ | RStructList (_, typ) -> doc ^ sprintf "\n\nThis function returns a list of %ss. Each %s is represented as a dictionary." typ typ | RHashtable _ -> doc ^ "\n\nThis function returns a dictionary." in let doc = if f.protocol_limit_warning then doc ^ "\n\n" ^ protocol_limit_warning else doc in let doc = match deprecation_notice f with | None -> doc | Some txt -> doc ^ "\n\n" ^ txt in let doc = pod2text ~width:60 name doc in let doc = List.map (fun line -> replace_str line "\\" "\\\\") doc in let doc = String.concat "\n " doc in pr " \"\"\"%s\"\"\"\n" doc; ); (* Callers might pass in iterables instead of plain lists; * convert those to plain lists because the C side of things * cannot deal with iterables. (RHBZ#693306). *) List.iter ( function | Pathname _ | Device _ | Dev_or_Path _ | String _ | Key _ | FileIn _ | FileOut _ | OptString _ | Bool _ | Int _ | Int64 _ | BufferIn _ | Pointer _ -> () | StringList n | DeviceList n -> pr " %s = list (%s)\n" n n ) args; pr " self._check_not_closed ()\n"; pr " return libguestfsmod.%s (self._o" name; List.iter (fun arg -> pr ", %s" (name_of_argt arg)) (args @ args_of_optargs optargs); pr ")\n\n"; (* Aliases. *) List.iter ( fun alias -> pr " %s = %s\n\n" alias name ) non_c_aliases ) all_functions