(* libguestfs * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) (* Please read generator/README first. *) open Printf open Generator_types open Generator_utils open Generator_pr open Generator_docstrings open Generator_optgroups open Generator_actions open Generator_structs let rec generate_csharp () = generate_header CPlusPlusStyle LGPLv2plus; (* XXX Make this configurable by the C# assembly users. *) let library = "libguestfs.so.0" in pr "\ // These C# bindings are highly experimental at present. // // Firstly they only work on Linux (ie. Mono). In order to get them // to work on Windows (ie. .Net) you would need to port the library // itself to Windows first. // // The second issue is that some calls are known to be incorrect and // can cause Mono to segfault. Particularly: calls which pass or // return string[], or return any structure value. This is because // we haven't worked out the correct way to do this from C#. Also // we don't handle functions that take optional arguments at all. // // The third issue is that when compiling you get a lot of warnings. // We are not sure whether the warnings are important or not. // // Fourthly we do not routinely build or test these bindings as part // of the make && make check cycle, which means that regressions might // go unnoticed. // // Suggestions and patches are welcome. // To compile: // // gmcs Libguestfs.cs // mono Libguestfs.exe // // (You'll probably want to add a Test class / static main function // otherwise this won't do anything useful). using System; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Collections; namespace Guestfs { class Error : System.ApplicationException { public Error (string message) : base (message) {} protected Error (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) {} } class Guestfs { IntPtr _handle; [DllImport (\"%s\")] static extern IntPtr guestfs_create (); public Guestfs () { _handle = guestfs_create (); if (_handle == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Error (\"could not create guestfs handle\"); } [DllImport (\"%s\")] static extern void guestfs_close (IntPtr h); ~Guestfs () { guestfs_close (_handle); } [DllImport (\"%s\")] static extern string guestfs_last_error (IntPtr h); " library library library; (* Generate C# structure bindings. We prefix struct names with * underscore because C# cannot have conflicting struct names and * method names (eg. "class stat" and "stat"). *) List.iter ( fun (typ, cols) -> pr " [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]\n"; pr " public class _%s {\n" typ; List.iter ( function | name, FChar -> pr " char %s;\n" name | name, FString -> pr " string %s;\n" name | name, FBuffer -> pr " uint %s_len;\n" name; pr " string %s;\n" name | name, FUUID -> pr " [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst=16)]\n"; pr " string %s;\n" name | name, FUInt32 -> pr " uint %s;\n" name | name, FInt32 -> pr " int %s;\n" name | name, (FUInt64|FBytes) -> pr " ulong %s;\n" name | name, FInt64 -> pr " long %s;\n" name | name, FOptPercent -> pr " float %s; /* [0..100] or -1 */\n" name ) cols; pr " }\n"; pr "\n" ) structs; (* Generate C# function bindings. *) List.iter ( fun (name, (ret, args, optargs), _, _, _, shortdesc, _) -> let rec csharp_return_type () = match ret with | RErr -> "void" | RBool n -> "bool" | RInt n -> "int" | RInt64 n -> "long" | RConstString n | RConstOptString n | RString n | RBufferOut n -> "string" | RStruct (_,n) -> "_" ^ n | RHashtable n -> "Hashtable" | RStringList n -> "string[]" | RStructList (_,n) -> sprintf "_%s[]" n and c_return_type () = match ret with | RErr | RBool _ | RInt _ -> "int" | RInt64 _ -> "long" | RConstString _ | RConstOptString _ | RString _ | RBufferOut _ -> "string" | RStruct (_,n) -> "_" ^ n | RHashtable _ | RStringList _ -> "string[]" | RStructList (_,n) -> sprintf "_%s[]" n and c_error_comparison () = match ret with | RErr | RBool _ | RInt _ | RInt64 _ -> "== -1" | RConstString _ | RConstOptString _ | RString _ | RBufferOut _ | RStruct (_,_) | RHashtable _ | RStringList _ | RStructList (_,_) -> "== null" and generate_extern_prototype () = pr " static extern %s guestfs_%s (IntPtr h" (c_return_type ()) name; List.iter ( function | Pathname n | Device n | Dev_or_Path n | String n | OptString n | FileIn n | FileOut n | Key n | BufferIn n -> pr ", [In] string %s" n | StringList n | DeviceList n -> pr ", [In] string[] %s" n | Bool n -> pr ", bool %s" n | Int n -> pr ", int %s" n | Int64 n | Pointer (_, n) -> pr ", long %s" n ) args; pr ");\n" and generate_public_prototype () = pr " public %s %s (" (csharp_return_type ()) name; let comma = ref false in let next () = if !comma then pr ", "; comma := true in List.iter ( function | Pathname n | Device n | Dev_or_Path n | String n | OptString n | FileIn n | FileOut n | Key n | BufferIn n -> next (); pr "string %s" n | StringList n | DeviceList n -> next (); pr "string[] %s" n | Bool n -> next (); pr "bool %s" n | Int n -> next (); pr "int %s" n | Int64 n | Pointer (_, n) -> next (); pr "long %s" n ) args; pr ")\n" and generate_call () = pr "guestfs_%s (_handle" name; List.iter (fun arg -> pr ", %s" (name_of_argt arg)) args; pr ");\n"; in pr " [DllImport (\"%s\")]\n" library; generate_extern_prototype (); pr "\n"; pr " /// \n"; pr " /// %s\n" shortdesc; pr " /// \n"; generate_public_prototype (); pr " {\n"; pr " %s r;\n" (c_return_type ()); pr " r = "; generate_call (); pr " if (r %s)\n" (c_error_comparison ()); pr " throw new Error (guestfs_last_error (_handle));\n"; (match ret with | RErr -> () | RBool _ -> pr " return r != 0 ? true : false;\n" | RHashtable _ -> pr " Hashtable rr = new Hashtable ();\n"; pr " for (size_t i = 0; i < r.Length; i += 2)\n"; pr " rr.Add (r[i], r[i+1]);\n"; pr " return rr;\n" | RInt _ | RInt64 _ | RConstString _ | RConstOptString _ | RString _ | RBufferOut _ | RStruct _ | RStringList _ | RStructList _ -> pr " return r;\n" ); pr " }\n"; pr "\n"; ) all_functions_sorted; pr " } } "