(* libguestfs * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) (* Please read generator/README first. *) open Printf open Generator_types open Generator_utils open Generator_pr open Generator_docstrings open Generator_optgroups open Generator_actions open Generator_structs (* Generate the tests. *) let rec generate_tests () = generate_header CStyle GPLv2plus; pr "\ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include \"guestfs.h\" #include \"guestfs-internal.h\" static guestfs_h *g; static int suppress_error = 0; static void print_error (guestfs_h *g, void *data, const char *msg) { if (!suppress_error) fprintf (stderr, \"%%s\\n\", msg); } /* FIXME: nearly identical code appears in fish.c */ static void print_strings (char *const *argv) { size_t argc; for (argc = 0; argv[argc] != NULL; ++argc) printf (\"\\t%%s\\n\", argv[argc]); } /* static void print_table (char const *const *argv) { size_t i; for (i = 0; argv[i] != NULL; i += 2) printf (\"%%s: %%s\\n\", argv[i], argv[i+1]); } */ static int is_available (const char *group) { const char *groups[] = { group, NULL }; int r; suppress_error = 1; r = guestfs_available (g, (char **) groups); suppress_error = 0; return r == 0; } static void incr (guestfs_h *g, void *iv) { int *i = (int *) iv; (*i)++; } /* Get md5sum of the named file. */ static void md5sum (const char *filename, char *result) { char cmd[256]; snprintf (cmd, sizeof cmd, \"md5sum %%s\", filename); FILE *pp = popen (cmd, \"r\"); if (pp == NULL) { perror (cmd); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (fread (result, 1, 32, pp) != 32) { perror (\"md5sum: fread\"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (pclose (pp) != 0) { perror (\"pclose\"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } result[32] = '\\0'; } #if 0 /* <- Remove this if we add RHashtable tests in 1.14 branch. */ /* Return the value for a key in a hashtable. * Note: the return value is part of the hash and should not be freed. */ static const char * get_key (char **hash, const char *key) { size_t i; for (i = 0; hash[i] != NULL; i += 2) { if (STREQ (hash[i], key)) return hash[i+1]; } return NULL; /* key not found */ } #endif "; (* Generate a list of commands which are not tested anywhere. *) pr "static void no_test_warnings (void)\n"; pr "{\n"; let hash : (string, bool) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 13 in List.iter ( fun (_, _, _, _, tests, _, _) -> let tests = filter_map ( function | (_, (Always|If _|Unless _|IfAvailable _), test) -> Some test | (_, Disabled, _) -> None ) tests in let seq = List.concat (List.map seq_of_test tests) in let cmds_tested = List.map List.hd seq in List.iter (fun cmd -> Hashtbl.replace hash cmd true) cmds_tested ) all_functions; List.iter ( fun (name, _, _, _, _, _, _) -> if not (Hashtbl.mem hash name) then pr " fprintf (stderr, \"warning: \\\"guestfs_%s\\\" has no tests\\n\");\n" name ) all_functions; pr "}\n"; pr "\n"; (* Generate the actual tests. Note that we generate the tests * in reverse order, deliberately, so that (in general) the * newest tests run first. This makes it quicker and easier to * debug them. *) let test_names = List.map ( fun (name, _, _, flags, tests, _, _) -> mapi (generate_one_test name flags) tests ) (List.rev all_functions) in let test_names = List.concat test_names in let nr_tests = List.length test_names in pr "\ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char c = 0; unsigned long int n_failed = 0; const char *filename; int fd; int nr_tests, test_num = 0; setbuf (stdout, NULL); no_test_warnings (); g = guestfs_create (); if (g == NULL) { printf (\"guestfs_create FAILED\\n\"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } guestfs_set_error_handler (g, print_error, NULL); filename = \"test1.img\"; fd = open (filename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_NOCTTY|O_TRUNC, 0666); if (fd == -1) { perror (filename); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (ftruncate (fd, %d) == -1) { perror (\"ftruncate\"); close (fd); unlink (filename); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (close (fd) == -1) { perror (filename); unlink (filename); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (guestfs_add_drive (g, filename) == -1) { printf (\"guestfs_add_drive %%s FAILED\\n\", filename); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } filename = \"test2.img\"; fd = open (filename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_NOCTTY|O_TRUNC, 0666); if (fd == -1) { perror (filename); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (ftruncate (fd, %d) == -1) { perror (\"ftruncate\"); close (fd); unlink (filename); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (close (fd) == -1) { perror (filename); unlink (filename); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (guestfs_add_drive (g, filename) == -1) { printf (\"guestfs_add_drive %%s FAILED\\n\", filename); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } filename = \"test3.img\"; fd = open (filename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_NOCTTY|O_TRUNC, 0666); if (fd == -1) { perror (filename); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (ftruncate (fd, %d) == -1) { perror (\"ftruncate\"); close (fd); unlink (filename); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (close (fd) == -1) { perror (filename); unlink (filename); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (guestfs_add_drive (g, filename) == -1) { printf (\"guestfs_add_drive %%s FAILED\\n\", filename); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (guestfs_add_drive_ro (g, \"../images/test.iso\") == -1) { printf (\"guestfs_add_drive_ro ../images/test.iso FAILED\\n\"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Set a timeout in case qemu hangs during launch (RHBZ#505329). */ alarm (600); if (guestfs_launch (g) == -1) { printf (\"guestfs_launch FAILED\\n\"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Cancel previous alarm. */ alarm (0); /* Create ext2 filesystem on /dev/sdb1 partition. */ if (guestfs_part_disk (g, \"/dev/sdb\", \"mbr\") == -1) { printf (\"guestfs_part_disk FAILED\\n\"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (guestfs_mkfs (g, \"ext2\", \"/dev/sdb1\") == -1) { printf (\"guestfs_mkfs (/dev/sdb1) FAILED\\n\"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } nr_tests = %d; " (500 * 1024 * 1024) (50 * 1024 * 1024) (10 * 1024 * 1024) nr_tests; iteri ( fun i test_name -> pr " test_num++;\n"; pr " if (guestfs_get_verbose (g))\n"; pr " printf (\"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\\n\");\n"; pr " printf (\"%%3d/%%3d %s\\n\", test_num, nr_tests);\n" test_name; pr " if (%s () == -1) {\n" test_name; pr " printf (\"%s FAILED\\n\");\n" test_name; pr " n_failed++;\n"; pr " }\n"; ) test_names; pr "\n"; pr " /* Check close callback is called. */ int close_sentinel = 1; guestfs_set_close_callback (g, incr, &close_sentinel); guestfs_close (g); if (close_sentinel != 2) { fprintf (stderr, \"close callback was not called\\n\"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } unlink (\"test1.img\"); unlink (\"test2.img\"); unlink (\"test3.img\"); "; pr " if (n_failed > 0) {\n"; pr " printf (\"***** %%lu / %%d tests FAILED *****\\n\", n_failed, nr_tests);\n"; pr " exit (EXIT_FAILURE);\n"; pr " }\n"; pr "\n"; pr " exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);\n"; pr "}\n" and generate_one_test name flags i (init, prereq, test) = let test_name = sprintf "test_%s_%d" name i in pr "\ static int %s_skip (void) { const char *str; str = getenv (\"TEST_ONLY\"); if (str) return strstr (str, \"%s\") == NULL; str = getenv (\"SKIP_%s\"); if (str && STREQ (str, \"1\")) return 1; str = getenv (\"SKIP_TEST_%s\"); if (str && STREQ (str, \"1\")) return 1; return 0; } " test_name name (String.uppercase test_name) (String.uppercase name); (match prereq with | Disabled | Always | IfAvailable _ -> () | If code | Unless code -> pr "static int %s_prereq (void)\n" test_name; pr "{\n"; pr " %s\n" code; pr "}\n"; pr "\n"; ); pr "\ static int %s (void) { if (%s_skip ()) { printf (\" %%s skipped (reason: environment variable set)\\n\", \"%s\"); return 0; } " test_name test_name test_name; (* Optional functions should only be tested if the relevant * support is available in the daemon. *) List.iter ( function | Optional group -> pr " if (!is_available (\"%s\")) {\n" group; pr " printf (\" %%s skipped (reason: group %%s not available in daemon)\\n\", \"%s\", \"%s\");\n" test_name group; pr " return 0;\n"; pr " }\n"; | _ -> () ) flags; (match prereq with | Disabled -> pr " printf (\" %%s skipped (reason: test disabled in generator)\\n\", \"%s\");\n" test_name | If _ -> pr " if (! %s_prereq ()) {\n" test_name; pr " printf (\" %%s skipped (reason: test prerequisite)\\n\", \"%s\");\n" test_name; pr " return 0;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr "\n"; generate_one_test_body name i test_name init test; | Unless _ -> pr " if (%s_prereq ()) {\n" test_name; pr " printf (\" %%s skipped (reason: test prerequisite)\\n\", \"%s\");\n" test_name; pr " return 0;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr "\n"; generate_one_test_body name i test_name init test; | IfAvailable group -> pr " if (!is_available (\"%s\")) {\n" group; pr " printf (\" %%s skipped (reason: %%s not available)\\n\", \"%s\", \"%s\");\n" test_name group; pr " return 0;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr "\n"; generate_one_test_body name i test_name init test; | Always -> generate_one_test_body name i test_name init test ); pr " return 0;\n"; pr "}\n"; pr "\n"; test_name and generate_one_test_body name i test_name init test = (match init with | InitNone (* XXX at some point, InitNone and InitEmpty became * folded together as the same thing. Really we should * make InitNone do nothing at all, but the tests may * need to be checked to make sure this is OK. *) | InitEmpty -> pr " /* InitNone|InitEmpty for %s */\n" test_name; List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) [["blockdev_setrw"; "/dev/sda"]; ["umount_all"]; ["lvm_remove_all"]] | InitPartition -> pr " /* InitPartition for %s: create /dev/sda1 */\n" test_name; List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) [["blockdev_setrw"; "/dev/sda"]; ["umount_all"]; ["lvm_remove_all"]; ["part_disk"; "/dev/sda"; "mbr"]] | InitBasicFS -> pr " /* InitBasicFS for %s: create ext2 on /dev/sda1 */\n" test_name; List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) [["blockdev_setrw"; "/dev/sda"]; ["umount_all"]; ["lvm_remove_all"]; ["part_disk"; "/dev/sda"; "mbr"]; ["mkfs"; "ext2"; "/dev/sda1"]; ["mount_options"; ""; "/dev/sda1"; "/"]] | InitBasicFSonLVM -> pr " /* InitBasicFSonLVM for %s: create ext2 on /dev/VG/LV */\n" test_name; List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) [["blockdev_setrw"; "/dev/sda"]; ["umount_all"]; ["lvm_remove_all"]; ["part_disk"; "/dev/sda"; "mbr"]; ["pvcreate"; "/dev/sda1"]; ["vgcreate"; "VG"; "/dev/sda1"]; ["lvcreate"; "LV"; "VG"; "8"]; ["mkfs"; "ext2"; "/dev/VG/LV"]; ["mount_options"; ""; "/dev/VG/LV"; "/"]] | InitISOFS -> pr " /* InitISOFS for %s */\n" test_name; List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) [["blockdev_setrw"; "/dev/sda"]; ["umount_all"]; ["lvm_remove_all"]; ["mount_ro"; "/dev/sdd"; "/"]] | InitScratchFS -> pr " /* InitScratchFS for %s */\n" test_name; List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) [["blockdev_setrw"; "/dev/sda"]; ["umount_all"]; ["lvm_remove_all"]; ["mount_options"; ""; "/dev/sdb1"; "/"]] ); let get_seq_last = function | [] -> failwithf "%s: you cannot use [] (empty list) when expecting a command" test_name | seq -> let seq = List.rev seq in List.rev (List.tl seq), List.hd seq in match test with | TestRun seq -> pr " /* TestRun for %s (%d) */\n" name i; List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) seq | TestOutput (seq, expected) -> pr " /* TestOutput for %s (%d) */\n" name i; pr " const char *expected = \"%s\";\n" (c_quote expected); let seq, last = get_seq_last seq in let test () = pr " if (STRNEQ (r, expected)) {\n"; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: expected \\\"%%s\\\" but got \\\"%%s\\\"\\n\", expected, r);\n" test_name; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n" in List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) seq; generate_test_command_call ~test test_name last | TestOutputList (seq, expected) -> pr " /* TestOutputList for %s (%d) */\n" name i; let seq, last = get_seq_last seq in let test () = iteri ( fun i str -> pr " if (!r[%d]) {\n" i; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: short list returned from command\\n\");\n" test_name; pr " print_strings (r);\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " {\n"; pr " const char *expected = \"%s\";\n" (c_quote str); pr " if (STRNEQ (r[%d], expected)) {\n" i; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: expected \\\"%%s\\\" but got \\\"%%s\\\"\\n\", expected, r[%d]);\n" test_name i; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " }\n" ) expected; pr " if (r[%d] != NULL) {\n" (List.length expected); pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: extra elements returned from command\\n\");\n" test_name; pr " print_strings (r);\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n" in List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) seq; generate_test_command_call ~test test_name last | TestOutputListOfDevices (seq, expected) -> pr " /* TestOutputListOfDevices for %s (%d) */\n" name i; let seq, last = get_seq_last seq in let test () = iteri ( fun i str -> pr " if (!r[%d]) {\n" i; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: short list returned from command\\n\");\n" test_name; pr " print_strings (r);\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " {\n"; pr " const char *expected = \"%s\";\n" (c_quote str); pr " r[%d][5] = 's';\n" i; pr " if (STRNEQ (r[%d], expected)) {\n" i; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: expected \\\"%%s\\\" but got \\\"%%s\\\"\\n\", expected, r[%d]);\n" test_name i; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " }\n" ) expected; pr " if (r[%d] != NULL) {\n" (List.length expected); pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: extra elements returned from command\\n\");\n" test_name; pr " print_strings (r);\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n" in List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) seq; generate_test_command_call ~test test_name last | TestOutputInt (seq, expected) -> pr " /* TestOutputInt for %s (%d) */\n" name i; let seq, last = get_seq_last seq in let test () = pr " if (r != %d) {\n" expected; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: expected %d but got %%d\\n\"," test_name expected; pr " (int) r);\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n" in List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) seq; generate_test_command_call ~test test_name last | TestOutputIntOp (seq, op, expected) -> pr " /* TestOutputIntOp for %s (%d) */\n" name i; let seq, last = get_seq_last seq in let test () = pr " if (! (r %s %d)) {\n" op expected; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: expected %s %d but got %%d\\n\"," test_name op expected; pr " (int) r);\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n" in List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) seq; generate_test_command_call ~test test_name last | TestOutputTrue seq -> pr " /* TestOutputTrue for %s (%d) */\n" name i; let seq, last = get_seq_last seq in let test () = pr " if (!r) {\n"; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: expected true, got false\\n\");\n" test_name; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n" in List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) seq; generate_test_command_call ~test test_name last | TestOutputFalse seq -> pr " /* TestOutputFalse for %s (%d) */\n" name i; let seq, last = get_seq_last seq in let test () = pr " if (r) {\n"; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: expected false, got true\\n\");\n" test_name; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n" in List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) seq; generate_test_command_call ~test test_name last | TestOutputLength (seq, expected) -> pr " /* TestOutputLength for %s (%d) */\n" name i; let seq, last = get_seq_last seq in let test () = pr " int j;\n"; pr " for (j = 0; j < %d; ++j)\n" expected; pr " if (r[j] == NULL) {\n"; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: short list returned\\n\");\n" test_name; pr " print_strings (r);\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " if (r[j] != NULL) {\n"; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: long list returned\\n\");\n" test_name; pr " print_strings (r);\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n" in List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) seq; generate_test_command_call ~test test_name last | TestOutputBuffer (seq, expected) -> pr " /* TestOutputBuffer for %s (%d) */\n" name i; pr " const char *expected = \"%s\";\n" (c_quote expected); let seq, last = get_seq_last seq in let len = String.length expected in let test () = pr " if (size != %d) {\n" len; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: returned size of buffer wrong, expected %d but got %%zu\\n\", size);\n" test_name len; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " if (STRNEQLEN (r, expected, size)) {\n"; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: expected \\\"%%s\\\" but got \\\"%%s\\\"\\n\", expected, r);\n" test_name; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n" in List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) seq; generate_test_command_call ~test test_name last | TestOutputStruct (seq, checks) -> pr " /* TestOutputStruct for %s (%d) */\n" name i; let seq, last = get_seq_last seq in let test () = List.iter ( function | CompareWithInt (field, expected) -> pr " if (r->%s != %d) {\n" field expected; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: %s was %%d, expected %d\\n\",\n" test_name field expected; pr " (int) r->%s);\n" field; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n" | CompareWithIntOp (field, op, expected) -> pr " if (!(r->%s %s %d)) {\n" field op expected; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: %s was %%d, expected %s %d\\n\",\n" test_name field op expected; pr " (int) r->%s);\n" field; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n" | CompareWithString (field, expected) -> pr " if (STRNEQ (r->%s, \"%s\")) {\n" field expected; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: %s was \"%%s\", expected \"%s\"\\n\",\n" test_name field expected; pr " r->%s);\n" field; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n" | CompareFieldsIntEq (field1, field2) -> pr " if (r->%s != r->%s) {\n" field1 field2; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: %s (%%d) <> %s (%%d)\\n\",\n" test_name field1 field2; pr " (int) r->%s, (int) r->%s);\n" field1 field2; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n" | CompareFieldsStrEq (field1, field2) -> pr " if (STRNEQ (r->%s, r->%s)) {\n" field1 field2; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: %s (\"%%s\") <> %s (\"%%s\")\\n\",\n" test_name field1 field2; pr " r->%s, r->%s);\n" field1 field2; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n" ) checks in List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) seq; generate_test_command_call ~test test_name last | TestOutputFileMD5 (seq, filename) -> pr " /* TestOutputFileMD5 for %s (%d) */\n" name i; pr " char expected[33];\n"; pr " md5sum (\"%s\", expected);\n" filename; let seq, last = get_seq_last seq in let test () = pr " if (STRNEQ (r, expected)) {\n"; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: expected \\\"%%s\\\" but got \\\"%%s\\\"\\n\", expected, r);\n" test_name; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n" in List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) seq; generate_test_command_call ~test test_name last | TestOutputDevice (seq, expected) -> pr " /* TestOutputDevice for %s (%d) */\n" name i; pr " const char *expected = \"%s\";\n" (c_quote expected); let seq, last = get_seq_last seq in let test () = pr " r[5] = 's';\n"; pr " if (STRNEQ (r, expected)) {\n"; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: expected \\\"%%s\\\" but got \\\"%%s\\\"\\n\", expected, r);\n" test_name; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n" in List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) seq; generate_test_command_call ~test test_name last | TestOutputHashtable (seq, fields) -> pr " /* TestOutputHashtable for %s (%d) */\n" name i; pr " const char *key, *expected, *value;\n"; let seq, last = get_seq_last seq in let test () = List.iter ( fun (key, value) -> pr " key = \"%s\";\n" (c_quote key); pr " expected = \"%s\";\n" (c_quote value); pr " value = get_key (r, key);\n"; pr " if (value == NULL) {\n"; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: key \\\"%%s\\\" not found in hash: expecting \\\"%%s\\\"\\n\", key, expected);\n" test_name; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n"; pr " if (STRNEQ (value, expected)) {\n"; pr " fprintf (stderr, \"%s: key \\\"%%s\\\": expected \\\"%%s\\\" but got \\\"%%s\\\"\\n\", key, expected, value);\n" test_name; pr " return -1;\n"; pr " }\n"; ) fields in List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) seq; generate_test_command_call ~test test_name last | TestLastFail seq -> pr " /* TestLastFail for %s (%d) */\n" name i; let seq, last = get_seq_last seq in List.iter (generate_test_command_call test_name) seq; generate_test_command_call test_name ~expect_error:true last (* Generate the code to run a command, leaving the result in 'r'. * If you expect to get an error then you should set expect_error:true. *) and generate_test_command_call ?(expect_error = false) ?test test_name cmd = match cmd with | [] -> assert false | name :: args -> (* Look up the command to find out what args/ret it has. *) let style_ret, style_args, style_optargs = try let _, style, _, _, _, _, _ = List.find (fun (n, _, _, _, _, _, _) -> n = name) all_functions in style with Not_found -> failwithf "%s: in test, command %s was not found" test_name name in (* Match up the arguments strings and argument types. *) let args, optargs = let rec loop argts args = match argts, args with | (t::ts), (s::ss) -> let args, rest = loop ts ss in ((t, s) :: args), rest | [], ss -> [], ss | ts, [] -> failwithf "%s: in test, too few args given to function %s" test_name name in let args, optargs = loop style_args args in let optargs, rest = loop style_optargs optargs in if rest <> [] then failwithf "%s: in test, too many args given to function %s" test_name name; args, optargs in pr " {\n"; List.iter ( function | OptString n, "NULL" -> () | Pathname n, arg | Device n, arg | Dev_or_Path n, arg | String n, arg | OptString n, arg | Key n, arg -> pr " const char *%s = \"%s\";\n" n (c_quote arg); | BufferIn n, arg -> pr " const char *%s = \"%s\";\n" n (c_quote arg); pr " size_t %s_size = %d;\n" n (String.length arg) | Int _, _ | Int64 _, _ | Bool _, _ | FileIn _, _ | FileOut _, _ -> () | StringList n, "" | DeviceList n, "" -> pr " const char *const %s[1] = { NULL };\n" n | StringList n, arg | DeviceList n, arg -> let strs = string_split " " arg in iteri ( fun i str -> pr " const char *%s_%d = \"%s\";\n" n i (c_quote str); ) strs; pr " const char *const %s[] = {\n" n; iteri ( fun i _ -> pr " %s_%d,\n" n i ) strs; pr " NULL\n"; pr " };\n"; | Pointer _, _ -> (* Difficult to make these pointers in order to run a test. *) assert false ) args; if optargs <> [] then ( pr " struct guestfs_%s_argv optargs;\n" name; let _, bitmask = List.fold_left ( fun (shift, bitmask) optarg -> let is_set = match optarg with | OBool n, "" -> false | OBool n, "true" -> pr " optargs.%s = 1;\n" n; true | OBool n, "false" -> pr " optargs.%s = 0;\n" n; true | OBool n, arg -> failwithf "boolean optional arg '%s' should be empty string or \"true\" or \"false\"" n | OInt n, "" -> false | OInt n, i -> let i = try int_of_string i with Failure _ -> failwithf "integer optional arg '%s' should be empty string or number" n in pr " optargs.%s = %d;\n" n i; true | OInt64 n, "" -> false | OInt64 n, i -> let i = try Int64.of_string i with Failure _ -> failwithf "int64 optional arg '%s' should be empty string or number" n in pr " optargs.%s = %Ld;\n" n i; true | OString n, "NOARG" -> false | OString n, arg -> pr " optargs.%s = \"%s\";\n" n (c_quote arg); true in let bit = if is_set then Int64.shift_left 1L shift else 0L in let bitmask = Int64.logor bitmask bit in let shift = shift + 1 in (shift, bitmask) ) (0, 0L) optargs in pr " optargs.bitmask = UINT64_C(0x%Lx);\n" bitmask; ); (match style_ret with | RErr | RInt _ | RBool _ -> pr " int r;\n" | RInt64 _ -> pr " int64_t r;\n" | RConstString _ | RConstOptString _ -> pr " const char *r;\n" | RString _ -> pr " char *r;\n" | RStringList _ | RHashtable _ -> pr " char **r;\n"; pr " size_t i;\n" | RStruct (_, typ) -> pr " struct guestfs_%s *r;\n" typ | RStructList (_, typ) -> pr " struct guestfs_%s_list *r;\n" typ | RBufferOut _ -> pr " char *r;\n"; pr " size_t size;\n" ); pr " suppress_error = %d;\n" (if expect_error then 1 else 0); if optargs = [] then pr " r = guestfs_%s (g" name else pr " r = guestfs_%s_argv (g" name; (* Generate the parameters. *) List.iter ( function | OptString _, "NULL" -> pr ", NULL" | Pathname n, _ | Device n, _ | Dev_or_Path n, _ | String n, _ | OptString n, _ | Key n, _ -> pr ", %s" n | BufferIn n, _ -> pr ", %s, %s_size" n n | FileIn _, arg | FileOut _, arg -> pr ", \"%s\"" (c_quote arg) | StringList n, _ | DeviceList n, _ -> pr ", (char **) %s" n | Int _, arg -> let i = try int_of_string arg with Failure "int_of_string" -> failwithf "%s: expecting an int, but got '%s'" test_name arg in pr ", %d" i | Int64 _, arg -> let i = try Int64.of_string arg with Failure "int_of_string" -> failwithf "%s: expecting an int64, but got '%s'" test_name arg in pr ", %Ld" i | Bool _, arg -> let b = bool_of_string arg in pr ", %d" (if b then 1 else 0) | Pointer _, _ -> assert false ) args; (match style_ret with | RBufferOut _ -> pr ", &size" | _ -> () ); if optargs <> [] then pr ", &optargs"; pr ");\n"; (match errcode_of_ret style_ret, expect_error with | `CannotReturnError, _ -> () | `ErrorIsMinusOne, false -> pr " if (r == -1)\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; | `ErrorIsMinusOne, true -> pr " if (r != -1)\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; | `ErrorIsNULL, false -> pr " if (r == NULL)\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; | `ErrorIsNULL, true -> pr " if (r != NULL)\n"; pr " return -1;\n"; ); (* Insert the test code. *) (match test with | None -> () | Some f -> f () ); (match style_ret with | RErr | RInt _ | RInt64 _ | RBool _ | RConstString _ | RConstOptString _ -> () | RString _ | RBufferOut _ -> pr " free (r);\n" | RStringList _ | RHashtable _ -> pr " for (i = 0; r[i] != NULL; ++i)\n"; pr " free (r[i]);\n"; pr " free (r);\n" | RStruct (_, typ) -> pr " guestfs_free_%s (r);\n" typ | RStructList (_, typ) -> pr " guestfs_free_%s_list (r);\n" typ ); pr " }\n"