(* libguestfs * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) (* Please read generator/README first. *) open Types open Utils open Actions (* Check function names etc. for consistency. *) let () = let contains_uppercase str = let len = String.length str in let rec loop i = if i >= len then false else ( let c = str.[i] in if c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' then true else loop (i+1) ) in loop 0 in (* Check function names. *) List.iter ( fun { name = name } -> let len = String.length name in if len >= 7 && String.sub name 0 7 = "guestfs" then failwithf "function name %s does not need 'guestfs' prefix" name; if name = "" then failwithf "function name is empty"; if name.[0] < 'a' || name.[0] > 'z' then failwithf "function name %s must start with lowercase a-z" name; if String.contains name '-' then failwithf "function name %s should not contain '-', use '_' instead." name; (* (* Functions mustn't be named '_opts' since that is reserved for * backwards compatibility functions. *) if len >= 5 && String.sub name (len-5) 5 = "_opts" then failwithf "function name %s cannot end with _opts" name *) ) (all_functions @ fish_commands); (* Check function parameter/return names. *) List.iter ( fun { name = name; style = style } -> let check_arg_ret_name n = if contains_uppercase n then failwithf "%s param/ret %s should not contain uppercase chars" name n; if String.contains n '-' || String.contains n '_' then failwithf "%s param/ret %s should not contain '-' or '_'" name n; if n = "value" then failwithf "%s has a param/ret called 'value', which causes conflicts in the OCaml bindings, use something like 'val' or a more descriptive name" name; if n = "int" || n = "char" || n = "short" || n = "long" then failwithf "%s has a param/ret which conflicts with a C type (eg. 'int', 'char' etc.)" name; if n = "i" || n = "n" then failwithf "%s has a param/ret called 'i' or 'n', which will cause some conflicts in the generated code" name; if n = "argv" || n = "args" then failwithf "%s has a param/ret called 'argv' or 'args', which will cause some conflicts in the generated code" name; (* List Haskell, OCaml, C++ and C keywords here. * http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Keywords * http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/lex.html#operator-char * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_syntax#Reserved_keywords * Formatted via: cat c haskell ocaml|sort -u|grep -vE '_|^val$' \ * |perl -pe 's/(.+)/"$1";/'|fmt -70 * Omitting _-containing words, since they're handled above. * Omitting the OCaml reserved word, "val", is ok, * and saves us from renaming several parameters. *) let reserved = [ "and"; "as"; "asr"; "assert"; "auto"; "begin"; "break"; "case"; "char"; "class"; "const"; "constraint"; "continue"; "data"; "default"; "delete"; "deriving"; "do"; "done"; "double"; "downto"; "else"; "end"; "enum"; "exception"; "extern"; "external"; "false"; "float"; "for"; "forall"; "foreign"; "fun"; "function"; "functor"; "goto"; "hiding"; "if"; "import"; "in"; "include"; "infix"; "infixl"; "infixr"; "inherit"; "initializer"; "inline"; "instance"; "int"; "interface"; "land"; "lazy"; "let"; "long"; "lor"; "lsl"; "lsr"; "lxor"; "match"; "mdo"; "method"; "mod"; "module"; "mutable"; "new"; "newtype"; "object"; "of"; "open"; "or"; "private"; "qualified"; "rec"; "register"; "restrict"; "return"; "short"; "sig"; "signed"; "sizeof"; "static"; "struct"; "switch"; "then"; "to"; "true"; "try"; "template"; "type"; "typedef"; "union"; "unsigned"; "virtual"; "void"; "volatile"; "when"; "where"; "while"; ] in if List.mem n reserved then failwithf "%s has param/ret using reserved word %s" name n; in let ret, args, optargs = style in (match ret with | RErr -> () | RInt n | RInt64 n | RBool n | RConstString n | RConstOptString n | RString n | RStringList n | RStruct (n, _) | RStructList (n, _) | RHashtable n | RBufferOut n -> check_arg_ret_name n ); List.iter (fun arg -> check_arg_ret_name (name_of_argt arg)) args; List.iter (fun arg -> check_arg_ret_name (name_of_optargt arg)) optargs; ) all_functions; (* Maximum of 63 optargs permitted. *) List.iter ( fun { name = name; style = _, _, optargs } -> if List.length optargs > 63 then failwithf "maximum of 63 optional args allowed for %s" name; ) all_functions; (* Some parameter types not supported for daemon functions. *) List.iter ( fun { name = name; style = _, args, _ } -> let check_arg_type = function | Pointer _ -> failwithf "Pointer is not supported for daemon function %s." name | _ -> () in List.iter check_arg_type args; ) daemon_functions; (* Check short descriptions. *) List.iter ( fun { name = name; shortdesc = shortdesc } -> if shortdesc.[0] <> Char.lowercase shortdesc.[0] then failwithf "short description of %s should begin with lowercase." name; let c = shortdesc.[String.length shortdesc-1] in if c = '\n' || c = '.' then failwithf "short description of %s should not end with . or \\n." name ) (all_functions @ fish_commands); (* Check long descriptions. *) List.iter ( fun { name = name; longdesc = longdesc } -> if longdesc.[String.length longdesc-1] = '\n' then failwithf "long description of %s should not end with \\n." name ) (all_functions @ fish_commands); (* Check proc_nrs. *) List.iter ( function | { name = name; proc_nr = None } -> failwithf "daemon function %s should have proc_nr = Some n > 0" name | { name = name; proc_nr = Some n } when n <= 0 -> failwithf "daemon function %s should have proc_nr = Some n > 0" name | { proc_nr = Some _ } -> () ) daemon_functions; List.iter ( function | { name = name; proc_nr = Some _ } -> failwithf "non-daemon function %s should have proc_nr = None" name | { proc_nr = None } -> () ) non_daemon_functions; let proc_nrs = List.map ( function | { name = name; proc_nr = Some proc_nr } -> (name, proc_nr) | _ -> assert false ) daemon_functions in let proc_nrs = List.sort (fun (_,nr1) (_,nr2) -> compare nr1 nr2) proc_nrs in let rec loop = function | [] -> () | [_] -> () | (name1,nr1) :: ((name2,nr2) :: _ as rest) when nr1 < nr2 -> loop rest | (name1,nr1) :: (name2,nr2) :: _ -> failwithf "%s and %s have conflicting procedure numbers (%d, %d)" name1 name2 nr1 nr2 in loop proc_nrs; (* Check flags. *) List.iter ( fun ({ name = name; style = ret, _, _ } as f) -> List.iter ( fun n -> if contains_uppercase n then failwithf "%s: guestfish alias %s should not contain uppercase chars" name n; if String.contains n '_' then failwithf "%s: guestfish alias %s should not contain '_'" name n ) f.fish_alias; (match f.deprecated_by with | Some n -> (* 'n' must be a cross-ref to the name of another action. *) if not (List.exists ( function | { name = n' } when n = n' -> true | _ -> false ) all_functions) then failwithf "%s: deprecated_by flag must be cross-reference to another action" name | None -> () ); (match f.optional with | Some n -> if contains_uppercase n then failwithf "%s: optional group name %s should not contain uppercase chars" name n; if String.contains n '-' || String.contains n '_' then failwithf "%s: optional group name %s should not contain '-' or '_'" name n | None -> () ); if f.cancellable then ( match ret with | RConstOptString n -> failwithf "%s: Cancellable function cannot return RConstOptString" name | _ -> () ) ) (all_functions @ fish_commands); (* Non-fish functions must have correct camel_name. *) List.iter ( fun { name = name; camel_name = camel_name } -> if not (contains_uppercase camel_name) then failwithf "%s: camel case name must contain uppercase characters" name; if String.contains camel_name '_' then failwithf "%s: camel case name must not contain '_'" name; ) all_functions; (* ConfigOnly should only be specified on non_daemon_functions. *) List.iter ( function | { name = name; config_only = true } -> failwithf "%s cannot have ConfigOnly flag" name | { config_only = false } -> () ) (daemon_functions @ fish_commands); (* once_had_no_optargs can only apply if the function now has optargs. *) List.iter ( function | { name = name; once_had_no_optargs = true; style = _, _, [] } -> failwithf "%s cannot have once_had_no_optargs flag and no optargs" name | { once_had_no_optargs = false } | { style = _, _, (_::_) } -> () ) all_functions; (* Check tests. *) List.iter ( function (* Ignore functions that have no tests. We generate a * warning when the user does 'make check' instead. *) | { tests = [] } -> () | { name = name; tests = tests } -> let funcs = List.map ( fun (_, _, test) -> match seq_of_test test with | [] -> failwithf "%s has a test containing an empty sequence" name | cmds -> List.map List.hd cmds ) tests in let funcs = List.flatten funcs in let tested = List.mem name funcs in if not tested then failwithf "function %s has tests but does not test itself" name ) all_functions