#!/usr/bin/ocamlrun /usr/bin/ocaml (* Convert *.qtr (qemu block device trace) to Postscript. * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Red Hat Inc. * By Richard W.M. Jones . * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *) (* Note that we use ordinary OCaml ints, which means this program is * limited to: ~1TB disks for 32 bit machines, or effectively unlimited * for 64 bit machines. Also we make several 512 byte sector * assumptions. *) #use "topfind";; #require "extlib";; open ExtList open Scanf open Printf type op = Read | Write (* If 'true' then print debug messages. *) let debug = true (* Width of each row (in sectors) in the output. *) let row_size = 64 (* Desirable alignment (sectors). *) let alignment = 8 (* Height (in 1/72 inch) of the final image. *) let height = 6.*.72. (* Width (in 1/72 inch) of the final image. *) let width = 6.*.72. (* Reserve at left for the sector number (comes out of width). *) let sn_width = 36. let input = if Array.length Sys.argv = 2 then Sys.argv.(1) else failwith "usage: tracetops filename.qtr" (* Read the input file. *) let nb_sectors, accesses = let chan = open_in input in let nb_sectors = let summary = input_line chan in if String.length summary < 1 || summary.[0] <> 'S' then failwith (sprintf "%s: input is not a qemu block device trace file" input); sscanf summary "S %d" (fun x -> x) in if nb_sectors mod row_size <> 0 then failwith (sprintf "input nb_sectors (%d) not divisible by row size (%d)" nb_sectors row_size); (* Read the reads and writes from the remainder of the file. *) let accesses = ref [] in let rec loop () = let line = input_line chan in let rw, s, n = sscanf line "%c %d %d" (fun rw s n -> (rw, s, n)) in let rw = match rw with | 'R' -> Read | 'W' -> Write | c -> failwith (sprintf "%s: error reading input: got '%c', expecting 'R' or 'W'" input c) in if n < 0 || s < 0 || s+n > nb_sectors then failwith (sprintf "%s: s (%d), n (%d) out of range" input s n); let aligned = s mod alignment = 0 && n mod alignment = 0 in accesses := (rw, aligned, s, n) :: !accesses; loop () in (try loop () with | End_of_file -> () | Scan_failure msg -> failwith (sprintf "%s: error reading input: %s" input msg) ); close_in chan; let accesses = List.rev !accesses in if debug then ( eprintf "%s: nb_sectors = %d, accesses = %d\n" input nb_sectors (List.length accesses) ); nb_sectors, accesses (* If the accesses list contains any qtrace on/off patterns (in * guestfish: debug "qtrace /dev/vda (on|off)") then filter out the * things we want to display. Otherwise leave the whole trace. *) let accesses = let contains_qtrace_patterns = let rec loop = function | [] -> false | (Read, _, 2, 1) :: (Read, _, 21, 1) :: (Read, _, 15, 1) :: (Read, _, 2, 1) :: _ -> true | (Read, _, 2, 1) :: (Read, _, 15, 1) :: (Read, _, 21, 1) :: (Read, _, 2, 1) :: _ -> true | _ :: rest -> loop rest in loop accesses in if contains_qtrace_patterns then ( if debug then eprintf "%s: contains qtrace on/off patterns\n%!" input; let rec find_qtrace_on = function | [] -> [] | (Read, _, 2, 1) :: (Read, _, 21, 1) :: (Read, _, 15, 1) :: (Read, _, 2, 1) :: rest -> rest | (Read, _, 2, 1) :: (Read, _, 15, 1) :: (Read, _, 21, 1) :: (Read, _, 2, 1) :: rest -> eprintf "ignored 'qtrace off' pattern when expecting 'qtrace on'\n"; find_qtrace_on rest | _ :: rest -> find_qtrace_on rest and split_until_qtrace_off = function | [] -> [], [] | (Read, _, 2, 1) :: (Read, _, 15, 1) :: (Read, _, 21, 1) :: (Read, _, 2, 1) :: rest -> [], rest | (Read, _, 2, 1) :: (Read, _, 21, 1) :: (Read, _, 15, 1) :: (Read, _, 2, 1) :: rest -> eprintf "found 'qtrace on' pattern when expecting 'qtrace off'\n"; split_until_qtrace_off rest | x :: ys -> let xs, ys = split_until_qtrace_off ys in x :: xs, ys and filter_accesses xs = let xs = find_qtrace_on xs in if xs <> [] then ( let xs, ys = split_until_qtrace_off xs in let ys = filter_accesses ys in xs @ ys ) else [] in filter_accesses accesses ) else accesses let ranges = (* Given the number of sectors, make the row array. *) let nr_rows = nb_sectors / row_size in let rows = Array.make nr_rows false in List.iter ( fun (_, _, s, n) -> let i0 = s / row_size in let i1 = (s+n-1) / row_size in for i = i0 to i1 do rows.(i) <- true done; ) accesses; (* Coalesce rows into a list of ranges of rows we will draw. *) let rows = Array.to_list rows in let rows = List.mapi (fun i v -> (v, i)) rows in let ranges = (* When called, we are in the middle of a range which started at i0. *) let rec loop i0 = function | (false, _) :: (false, _) :: (true, i1) :: [] | _ :: (_, i1) :: [] | (_, i1) :: [] -> [i0, i1] | (false, _) :: (false, _) :: (true, _) :: rest | (false, _) :: (true, _) :: rest | (true, _) :: rest -> loop i0 rest | (false, i1) :: rest -> let i1 = i1 - 1 in let rest = List.dropwhile (function (v, _) -> not v) rest in (match rest with | [] -> [i0, i1] | (_, i2) :: rest -> (i0, i1) :: loop i2 rest) | [] -> assert false in loop 0 (List.tl rows) in if debug then ( eprintf "%s: rows = %d (ranges = %d)\n" input nr_rows (List.length ranges); List.iter ( fun (i0, i1) -> eprintf " %d - %d (rows %d - %d)\n" (i0 * row_size) ((i1 + 1) * row_size - 1) i0 i1 ) ranges ); ranges (* Locate where we will draw the rows and cells in the final image. *) let iter_rows, mapxy, row_height, cell_width = let nr_ranges = List.length ranges in let nr_breaks = nr_ranges - 1 in let nr_rows = List.fold_left (+) 0 (List.map (fun (i0,i1) -> i1-i0+1) ranges) in let nr_rnb = nr_rows + nr_breaks in let row_height = height /. float nr_rnb in let cell_width = (width -. sn_width) /. float row_size in if debug then ( eprintf "number of rows and breaks = %d\n" nr_rnb; eprintf "row_height x cell_width = %g x %g\n" row_height cell_width ); (* Create a higher-order function to iterate over the rows. *) let rec iter_rows f = let rec loop row = function | [] -> () | (i0,i1) :: rows -> for i = i0 to i1 do let y = float (row+i-i0) *. row_height in f y (Some i) done; (* Call an extra time for the break. *) let y = float (row+i1-i0+1) *. row_height in if rows <> [] then f y None; (* extra +1 here is to skip the break *) loop (row+i1-i0+1+1) rows in loop 0 ranges in (* Create a hash which maps from the row number to the position * where we draw the row. If the row is not drawn, the hash value * is missing. *) let row_y = Hashtbl.create nr_rows in iter_rows ( fun y -> function | Some i -> Hashtbl.replace row_y i y | None -> () ); (* Create a function which maps from the sector number to the final * position that we will draw it. *) let mapxy s = let r = s / row_size in let y = try Hashtbl.find row_y r with Not_found -> assert false in let x = sn_width +. cell_width *. float (s mod row_size) in x, y in iter_rows, mapxy, row_height, cell_width (* Start the PostScript file. *) let () = printf "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n"; printf "%%%%BoundingBox: -10 -10 %g %g\n" (width +. 10.) (height +. row_height +. 20.); printf "%%%%Creator: tracetops.ml (part of libguestfs)\n"; printf "%%%%Title: %s\n" input; printf "%%%%LanguageLevel: 2\n"; printf "%%%%Pages: 1\n"; printf "%%%%Page: 1 1\n"; printf "\n"; printf "/min { 2 copy gt { exch } if pop } def\n"; printf "/max { 2 copy lt { exch } if pop } def\n"; (* Function for drawing cells. *) printf "/cell {\n"; printf " newpath\n"; printf " moveto\n"; printf " %g 0 rlineto\n" cell_width; printf " 0 %g rlineto\n" row_height; printf " -%g 0 rlineto\n" cell_width; printf " closepath\n"; printf " gsave fill grestore 0.75 setgray stroke\n"; printf "} def\n"; (* Define colours for different cell types. *) printf "/unalignedread { 0.95 0.95 0 setrgbcolor } def\n"; printf "/unalignedwrite { 0.95 0 0 setrgbcolor } def\n"; printf "/alignedread { 0 0.95 0 setrgbcolor } def\n"; printf "/alignedwrite { 0 0 0.95 setrgbcolor } def\n"; (* Get width of text. *) printf "/textwidth { stringwidth pop } def\n"; (* Draw the outline. *) printf "/outline {\n"; printf " newpath\n"; printf " %g 0 moveto\n" sn_width; printf " %g 0 lineto\n" width; printf " %g %g lineto\n" width height; printf " %g %g lineto\n" sn_width height; printf " closepath\n"; printf " 0.5 setlinewidth 0.3 setgray stroke\n"; printf "} def\n"; (* Draw the outline breaks. *) printf "/breaks {\n"; iter_rows ( fun y -> function | Some _ -> () | None -> let f xmin xmax = let yll = y +. row_height /. 3. -. 2. in let ylr = y +. row_height /. 2. -. 2. in let yur = y +. 2. *. row_height /. 3. in let yul = y +. row_height /. 2. in printf " newpath\n"; printf " %g %g moveto\n" xmin yll; printf " %g %g lineto\n" xmax ylr; printf " %g %g lineto\n" xmax yur; printf " %g %g lineto\n" xmin yul; printf " closepath\n"; printf " 1 setgray fill\n"; printf " newpath\n"; printf " %g %g moveto\n" xmin yll; printf " %g %g lineto\n" xmax ylr; printf " %g %g moveto\n" xmax yur; printf " %g %g lineto\n" xmin yul; printf " closepath\n"; printf " 0.5 setlinewidth 0.3 setgray stroke\n" in f (sn_width -. 6.) (sn_width +. 6.); f (width -. 6.) (width +. 6.) ); printf "} def\n"; (* Draw the labels. *) printf "/labels {\n"; printf " /Courier findfont\n"; printf " 0.75 %g mul 10 min scalefont\n" row_height; printf " setfont\n"; iter_rows ( fun y -> function | Some i -> let sector = i * row_size in printf " newpath\n"; printf " /s { (%d) } def\n" sector; printf " %g s textwidth sub 4 sub %g moveto\n" sn_width (y +. 2.); printf " s show\n" | None -> () ); printf "} def\n"; (* Print the key. *) printf "/key {\n"; printf " /Times-Roman findfont\n"; printf " 10. scalefont\n"; printf " setfont\n"; let x = sn_width and y = height +. 10. in printf " unalignedwrite %g %g cell\n" x y; let x = x +. cell_width +. 4. in printf " newpath %g %g moveto (unaligned write) 0.3 setgray show\n" x y; let x = x +. 72. in printf " unalignedread %g %g cell\n" x y; let x = x +. cell_width +. 4. in printf " newpath %g %g moveto (unaligned read) 0.3 setgray show\n" x y; let x = x +. 72. in printf " alignedwrite %g %g cell\n" x y; let x = x +. cell_width +. 4. in printf " newpath %g %g moveto (aligned write) 0.3 setgray show\n" x y; let x = x +. 72. in printf " alignedread %g %g cell\n" x y; let x = x +. cell_width +. 4. in printf " newpath %g %g moveto (aligned read) 0.3 setgray show\n" x y; printf "} def\n"; printf "\n" (* Draw the accesses. *) let () = (* Sort the accesses so unaligned ones are displayed at the end (on * top of aligned ones) and writes on top of reads. This isn't * really perfect, but it'll do. *) let cmp (rw, aligned, s, n) (rw', aligned', s', n') = let r = compare rw rw' (* Write later *) in if r <> 0 then r else ( let r = compare aligned' aligned (* unaligned later *) in if r <> 0 then r else compare (n, s) (n', s') ) in let accesses = List.sort ~cmp accesses in List.iter ( fun op -> let col, s, n = match op with | Read, false, s, n -> "unalignedread", s, n | Write, false, s, n -> "unalignedwrite", s, n | Read, true, s, n -> "alignedread", s, n | Write, true, s, n -> "alignedwrite", s, n in for i = s to s+n-1 do let x, y = mapxy i in printf "%s %g %g cell\n" col x y done; printf "\n" ) accesses (* Finish off the PostScript output. *) let () = printf "outline breaks labels key\n"; printf "%%%%EOF\n"