path: root/fuse/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fuse/')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fuse/ b/fuse/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..fffd851f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuse/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+#!/bin/bash -
+# libguestfs
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+unset CDPATH
+set -e
+#set -v
+if [ -z "$top_builddir" ]; then
+ echo "$0: error: environment variable \$top_builddir must be set"
+ exit 1
+nr_stages=$(grep "^stage " $0 | wc -l)
+# Allow top_builddir to be a relative path, but also make it absolute,
+# and move to that directory for the initial phase of the script.
+top_builddir=$(cd "$top_builddir" > /dev/null; pwd)
+# Set libguestfs up for running locally.
+export LIBGUESTFS_PATH="$top_builddir/appliance"
+# Paths to the other programs and files. NB: Must be absolute paths.
+if [ ! -x "$guestfish" -o ! -x "$guestmount" ]; then
+ echo "$0: error: guestfish or guestmount are not available"
+ exit 1
+# Ensure everything is cleaned up on exit.
+rm -f "$image"
+mkdir -p "$mp"
+fusermount -u "$mp" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||:
+function cleanup ()
+ status=$?
+ set +e
+ [ $status = 0 ] || echo "*** FAILED ***"
+ echo "Unmounting filesystem and cleaning up."
+ # Move out of the mountpoint (otherwise our cwd will prevent the
+ # mountpoint from being unmounted).
+ cd "$top_builddir"
+ # Who's using this? Should be no one, but see below.
+ if [ -x /sbin/fuser ]; then /sbin/fuser "$mp"; fi
+ # If you run this and you have GNOME running at the same time,
+ # then randomly /usr/libexec/gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor will decide
+ # to do whatever it does in the mountpoint directory, preventing
+ # you from unmounting it! Hence the need for this loop.
+ count=10
+ while ! fusermount -u "$mp" && [ $count -gt 0 ]; do
+ sleep 1
+ ((count--))
+ done
+ rm -f "$image"
+ rm -rf "$mp"
+ exit $status
+trap cleanup INT TERM QUIT EXIT
+function stage ()
+ echo "test-fuse: $s/$nr_stages:" "$@" "..."
+ ((s++))
+stage Create filesystem with some inital content
+$guestfish <<EOF
+ sparse "$image" 10M
+ run
+ part-disk /dev/sda mbr
+ mkfs ext2 /dev/sda1
+ mount /dev/sda1 /
+ write-file /hello.txt hello 0
+ write-file /world.txt "hello world" 0
+ touch /empty
+stage Mounting the filesystem
+$guestmount -a "$image" -m /dev/sda1 "$mp"
+stage Changing into mounted directory
+cd "$mp"
+stage Checking initial files exist
+[ -n "$(echo *)" ]
+[ "$(ls empty hello.txt world.txt)" = "empty
+world.txt" ]
+stage Checking initial files contain expected content
+[ "$(cat hello.txt)" = "hello" ]
+[ "$(cat world.txt)" = "hello world" ]
+cat empty ;# should print nothing
+[ -z "$(cat empty)" ]
+stage Checking file modes of initial content
+[ "$(stat -c %a empty)" = "644" ]
+[ "$(stat -c %a hello.txt)" = "644" ]
+[ "$(stat -c %a world.txt)" = "644" ]
+stage Checking sizes of initial content
+[ "$(stat -c %s empty)" -eq 0 ]
+[ "$(stat -c %s hello.txt)" -eq 5 ]
+[ "$(stat -c %s world.txt)" -eq 11 ]
+stage Checking unlink
+touch new
+rm -f new ;# force because file is "owned" by root
+stage Checking symbolic link
+ln -s hello.txt symlink
+[ -L symlink ]
+stage Checking readlink
+[ "$(readlink symlink)" = "hello.txt" ]
+stage Checking hard link
+[ "$(stat -c %h hello.txt)" -eq 1 ]
+ln hello.txt link
+[ "$(stat -c %h link)" -eq 2 ]
+[ "$(stat -c %h hello.txt)" -eq 2 ]
+rm -f link
+[ ! -e link ]
+# This fails because of caching. The problem is that the linked file
+# ("hello.txt") is cached with a link count of 2. unlink("link")
+# invalidates the cache for "link", but _not_ for "hello.txt" which
+# still has the now-incorrect cached value. However there's not much
+# we can do about this since searching for all linked inodes of a file
+# is an O(n) operation.
+#[ "$(stat -c %h hello.txt)" -eq 1 ]
+stage Checking mkdir
+mkdir newdir
+[ -d newdir ]
+stage Checking rmdir
+rmdir newdir
+[ ! -e newdir ]
+stage Checking rename
+touch old
+mv old new
+[ -f new ]
+[ ! -e old ]
+rm -f new
+stage Checking chmod
+touch new
+chmod a+x new
+[ -x new ]
+chmod a-x new
+[ ! -x new ]
+chmod a-w new
+[ ! -w new ]
+chmod a+w new
+[ -w new ]
+chmod a-r new
+[ ! -r new ]
+chmod a+r new
+[ -r new ]
+rm -f new
+stage Checking truncate
+truncate -s 10000 truncated
+[ "$(stat -c %s truncated)" -eq 10000 ]
+truncate -c -s 1000 truncated
+[ "$(stat -c %s truncated)" -eq 1000 ]
+truncate -c -s 10 truncated
+[ "$(stat -c %s truncated)" -eq 10 ]
+truncate -c -s 0 truncated
+[ "$(stat -c %s truncated)" -eq 0 ]
+rm -f truncated
+stage Checking utimens and timestamps
+for ts in 12345 1234567 987654321; do
+ # NB: It's not possible to set the ctime with touch.
+ touch -a -d @$ts timestamp
+ [ "$(stat -c %X timestamp)" -eq $ts ]
+ touch -m -d @$ts timestamp
+ [ "$(stat -c %Y timestamp)" -eq $ts ]
+ touch -d @$ts timestamp
+ [ "$(stat -c %X timestamp)" -eq $ts ]
+ [ "$(stat -c %Y timestamp)" -eq $ts ]
+# These ones are not yet tested by the current script:
+#stage XXX statfs/statvfs
+#stage XXX xattr operations
+# These ones cannot easily be tested by the current script, eg because
+# this script doesn't run as root:
+#stage XXX fsync
+#stage XXX chown
+#stage XXX mknod