path: root/sysprep
diff options
authorRichard W.M. Jones <>2012-03-31 21:41:10 +0100
committerRichard W.M. Jones <>2012-03-31 23:02:47 +0100
commitad43dde9c87a6c3d58c626d2fa42dd68c2e15e01 (patch)
tree2d5669db939a1c7d4e107d8ff8bbe4fcb8a818fd /sysprep
parent026f616650c41e42b7c3058a8637fe2d76bfb793 (diff)
sysprep: Implement 'script' operation for running general scripts against the guest.
Diffstat (limited to 'sysprep')
2 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sysprep/ b/sysprep/
index 034252e0..d2303a68 100644
--- a/sysprep/
+++ b/sysprep/
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ SOURCES += \ \ \ \
+ \ \ \ \
@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ OBJECTS = \
sysprep_operation_net_hwaddr.cmx \
sysprep_operation_random_seed.cmx \
sysprep_operation_rhn_systemid.cmx \
+ sysprep_operation_script.cmx \
sysprep_operation_smolt_uuid.cmx \
sysprep_operation_ssh_hostkeys.cmx \
sysprep_operation_udev_persistent_net.cmx \
diff --git a/sysprep/ b/sysprep/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14a00ebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysprep/
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+(* virt-sysprep
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+open Printf
+open Unix
+open Utils
+open Sysprep_operation
+module G = Guestfs
+let scriptdir = ref None
+let set_scriptdir dir =
+ if !scriptdir <> None then (
+ eprintf "virt-sysprep: --scriptdir cannot be used more than once\n";
+ exit 1
+ );
+ scriptdir := Some dir
+let scripts = ref []
+let add_script script =
+ (* Sanity check that the script is executable. *)
+ let statbuf = stat script in
+ if statbuf.st_perm land 0o555 = 0 then (
+ eprintf "virt-sysprep: script: %s: script is not executable\n" script;
+ exit 1
+ );
+ scripts := script :: !scripts
+let rec script_perform (g : Guestfs.guestfs) root =
+ let scripts = List.rev !scripts in
+ if scripts <> [] then (
+ (* Create a temporary directory? *)
+ let scriptdir, cleanup =
+ match !scriptdir with
+ | Some dir -> dir, false
+ | None ->
+ let tmpdir = Filename.temp_dir_name in
+ let tmpdir = tmpdir // string_random8 () in
+ mkdir tmpdir 0o755;
+ tmpdir, true in
+ (* Mount the directory locally. *)
+ g#mount_local scriptdir;
+ (* Run the script(s)/program(s). *)
+ run_scripts scriptdir scripts;
+ (* Run FUSE. *)
+ g#mount_local_run ();
+ (* Remote temporary directory / mountpoint. *)
+ if cleanup then rmdir scriptdir
+ );
+ []
+(* Run the scripts in the background and make sure they call
+ * fusermount afterwards.
+ *)
+and run_scripts mp scripts =
+ let sh = "/bin/bash" in
+ let cmd =
+ sprintf "\
+set -e
+sysprep_unmount ()
+ cd /
+ count=10
+ while ! fusermount -u %s && [ $count -gt 0 ]; do
+ sleep 1
+ ((count--))
+ done
+trap sysprep_unmount INT TERM QUIT EXIT ERR\n" (Filename.quote mp) ^
+ String.concat "\n" scripts in
+ let args = [| sh; "-c"; cmd |] in
+ let pid = fork () in
+ if pid = 0 then ( (* child *)
+ chdir mp;
+ execv sh args
+ )
+let script_op = {
+ name = "script";
+ pod_description = "\
+The C<script> module lets you run arbitrary shell scripts or programs
+against the guest.
+Note this feature requires FUSE support. You may have to enable
+this in your host, for example by adding the current user to the
+C<fuse> group, or by loading a kernel module.
+Use one or more I<--script> parameters to specify scripts or programs
+that will be run against the guest.
+The script or program is run with its current directory being the
+guest's root directory, so relative paths should be used. For
+example: C<rm etc/resolv.conf> in the script would remove a Linux
+guest's DNS configuration file, but C<rm /etc/resolv.conf> would
+(try to) remove the host's file.
+Normally a temporary mount point for the guest is used, but you
+can choose a specific one by using the I<--scriptdir> parameter.";
+ extra_args = [
+ ("--scriptdir", Arg.String set_scriptdir, "dir Mount point on host"),
+ "\
+The mount point (an empty directory on the host) used when
+the C<script> operation is enabled and one or more scripts
+are specified using I<--script> parameter(s).
+Note that C<scriptdir> B<must> be an absolute path.
+If I<--scriptdir> is not specified then a temporary mountpoint
+will be created.";
+ ("--script", Arg.String add_script, "script Script or program to run on guest"),
+ "\
+Run the named C<script> (a shell script or program) against the
+guest. The script can be any program on the host. The script's
+current directory will be the guest's root directory.";
+ ];
+ perform = script_perform;
+let () = register_operation script_op