path: root/src
diff options
authorRichard Jones <>2010-09-03 12:15:00 +0100
committerRichard Jones <>2010-09-04 13:38:03 +0100
commit2c61e04c4599536fee771431fb1ebc8384523b2a (patch)
tree4d09707b244ba16df45e3ee4a1a8e7d80546ae5f /src
parent2d8fd7dacd77361bc385be42112289faafb5c60d (diff)
PHP bindings.
Note that these are not complete on 32 bit architectures. PHP doesn't offer any convenient 64 bit type (on 32 bit). Therefore you should always use these PHP bindings on 64 bit.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 435 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 1d5707dd..2a5ecfbc 100755
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -11978,6 +11978,431 @@ namespace Guestfs
+and generate_php_h () =
+ generate_header CStyle LGPLv2plus;
+ pr "\
+#define PHP_GUESTFS_PHP_H 1
+#ifdef ZTS
+#include \"TSRM.h\"
+#define PHP_GUESTFS_PHP_EXTNAME \"guestfs_php\"
+#define PHP_GUESTFS_PHP_VERSION \"1.0\"
+PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION (guestfs_php);
+#define PHP_GUESTFS_HANDLE_RES_NAME \"guestfs_h\"
+PHP_FUNCTION (guestfs_create);
+PHP_FUNCTION (guestfs_last_error);
+ List.iter (
+ fun (shortname, style, _, _, _, _, _) ->
+ pr "PHP_FUNCTION (guestfs_%s);\n" shortname
+ ) all_functions_sorted;
+ pr "\
+extern zend_module_entry guestfs_php_module_entry;
+#define phpext_guestfs_php_ptr &guestfs_php_module_entry
+#endif /* PHP_GUESTFS_PHP_H */
+and generate_php_c () =
+ generate_header CStyle LGPLv2plus;
+ pr "\
+/* NOTE: Be very careful with all macros in PHP header files. The
+ * morons who wrote them aren't good at making them safe for inclusion
+ * in arbitrary places in C code, eg. not using 'do ... while(0)'
+ * or parenthesizing any of the arguments.
+ */
+/* NOTE (2): Some parts of the API can't be used on 32 bit platforms.
+ * Any 64 bit numbers will be truncated. There's no easy way around
+ * this in PHP.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <php.h>
+#include <php_guestfs_php.h>
+#include \"guestfs.h\"
+static int res_guestfs_h;
+static void
+guestfs_php_handle_dtor (zend_rsrc_list_entry *rsrc TSRMLS_DC)
+ guestfs_h *g = (guestfs_h *) rsrc->ptr;
+ if (g != NULL)
+ guestfs_close (g);
+PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION (guestfs_php)
+ res_guestfs_h =
+ zend_register_list_destructors_ex (guestfs_php_handle_dtor,
+static function_entry guestfs_php_functions[] = {
+ PHP_FE (guestfs_create, NULL)
+ PHP_FE (guestfs_last_error, NULL)
+ List.iter (
+ fun (shortname, style, _, _, _, _, _) ->
+ pr " PHP_FE (guestfs_%s, NULL)\n" shortname
+ ) all_functions_sorted;
+ pr " { NULL, NULL, NULL }
+zend_module_entry guestfs_php_module_entry = {
+#if ZEND_MODULE_API_NO >= 20010901
+ guestfs_php_functions,
+ PHP_MINIT (guestfs_php),
+#if ZEND_MODULE_API_NO >= 20010901
+ZEND_GET_MODULE (guestfs_php)
+PHP_FUNCTION (guestfs_create)
+ guestfs_h *g = guestfs_create ();
+ if (g == NULL) {
+ }
+ guestfs_set_error_handler (g, NULL, NULL);
+ ZEND_REGISTER_RESOURCE (return_value, g, res_guestfs_h);
+PHP_FUNCTION (guestfs_last_error)
+ zval *z_g;
+ guestfs_h *g;
+ if (zend_parse_parameters (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, \"r\",
+ &z_g) == FAILURE) {
+ }
+ res_guestfs_h);
+ if (g == NULL) {
+ }
+ const char *err = guestfs_last_error (g);
+ if (err) {
+ RETURN_STRING (err, 1);
+ } else {
+ }
+ (* Now generate the PHP bindings for each action. *)
+ List.iter (
+ fun (shortname, style, _, _, _, _, _) ->
+ pr "PHP_FUNCTION (guestfs_%s)\n" shortname;
+ pr "{\n";
+ pr " zval *z_g;\n";
+ pr " guestfs_h *g;\n";
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | String n | Device n | Pathname n | Dev_or_Path n
+ | FileIn n | FileOut n | Key n
+ | OptString n
+ | BufferIn n ->
+ pr " char *%s;\n" n;
+ pr " int %s_size;\n" n
+ | StringList n
+ | DeviceList n ->
+ pr " zval *z_%s;\n" n;
+ pr " char **%s;\n" n;
+ | Bool n ->
+ pr " zend_bool %s;\n" n
+ | Int n | Int64 n ->
+ pr " long %s;\n" n
+ ) (snd style);
+ pr "\n";
+ (* Parse the parameters. *)
+ let param_string = String.concat "" (
+ (
+ function
+ | String n | Device n | Pathname n | Dev_or_Path n
+ | FileIn n | FileOut n | BufferIn n | Key n -> "s"
+ | OptString n -> "s!"
+ | StringList n | DeviceList n -> "a"
+ | Bool n -> "b"
+ | Int n | Int64 n -> "l"
+ ) (snd style)
+ ) in
+ pr " if (zend_parse_parameters (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, \"r%s\",\n"
+ param_string;
+ pr " &z_g";
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | String n | Device n | Pathname n | Dev_or_Path n
+ | FileIn n | FileOut n | BufferIn n | Key n
+ | OptString n ->
+ pr ", &%s, &%s_size" n n
+ | StringList n | DeviceList n ->
+ pr ", &z_%s" n
+ | Bool n ->
+ pr ", &%s" n
+ | Int n | Int64 n ->
+ pr ", &%s" n
+ ) (snd style);
+ pr ") == FAILURE) {\n";
+ pr " RETURN_FALSE;\n";
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr "\n";
+ pr " ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE (g, guestfs_h *, &z_g, -1, PHP_GUESTFS_HANDLE_RES_NAME,\n";
+ pr " res_guestfs_h);\n";
+ pr " if (g == NULL) {\n";
+ pr " RETURN_FALSE;\n";
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr "\n";
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | String n | Device n | Pathname n | Dev_or_Path n
+ | FileIn n | FileOut n | Key n
+ | OptString n ->
+ (* Just need to check the string doesn't contain any ASCII
+ * NUL characters, which won't be supported by the C API.
+ *)
+ pr " if (strlen (%s) != %s_size) {\n" n n;
+ pr " fprintf (stderr, \"libguestfs: %s: parameter '%s' contains embedded ASCII NUL.\\n\");\n" shortname n;
+ pr " RETURN_FALSE;\n";
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr "\n"
+ | BufferIn n -> ()
+ | StringList n
+ | DeviceList n ->
+ (* Convert array to list of strings.
+ *
+ *)
+ pr " {\n";
+ pr " HashTable *a;\n";
+ pr " int n;\n";
+ pr " HashPosition p;\n";
+ pr " zval **d;\n";
+ pr " size_t c = 0;\n";
+ pr "\n";
+ pr " a = Z_ARRVAL_P (z_%s);\n" n;
+ pr " n = zend_hash_num_elements (a);\n";
+ pr " %s = safe_emalloc (n + 1, sizeof (char *), 0);\n" n;
+ pr " for (zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex (a, &p);\n";
+ pr " zend_hash_get_current_data_ex (a, (void **) &d, &p) == SUCCESS;\n";
+ pr " zend_hash_move_forward_ex (a, &p)) {\n";
+ pr " zval t = **d;\n";
+ pr " zval_copy_ctor (&t);\n";
+ pr " convert_to_string (&t);\n";
+ pr " %s[c] = Z_STRVAL (t);\n" n;
+ pr " c++;\n";
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr " %s[c] = NULL;\n" n;
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr "\n"
+ | Bool n | Int n | Int64 n -> ()
+ ) (snd style);
+ (* Return value. *)
+ let error_code =
+ match fst style with
+ | RErr -> pr " int r;\n"; "-1"
+ | RBool _
+ | RInt _ -> pr " int r;\n"; "-1"
+ | RInt64 _ -> pr " int64_t r;\n"; "-1"
+ | RConstString _ -> pr " const char *r;\n"; "NULL"
+ | RConstOptString _ -> pr " const char *r;\n"; "NULL"
+ | RString _ ->
+ pr " char *r;\n"; "NULL"
+ | RStringList _ ->
+ pr " char **r;\n"; "NULL"
+ | RStruct (_, typ) ->
+ pr " struct guestfs_%s *r;\n" typ; "NULL"
+ | RStructList (_, typ) ->
+ pr " struct guestfs_%s_list *r;\n" typ; "NULL"
+ | RHashtable _ ->
+ pr " char **r;\n"; "NULL"
+ | RBufferOut _ ->
+ pr " char *r;\n";
+ pr " size_t size;\n";
+ "NULL" in
+ (* Call the function. *)
+ pr " r = guestfs_%s " shortname;
+ generate_c_call_args ~handle:"g" style;
+ pr ";\n";
+ pr "\n";
+ (* Free up parameters. *)
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | String n | Device n | Pathname n | Dev_or_Path n
+ | FileIn n | FileOut n | Key n
+ | OptString n -> ()
+ | BufferIn n -> ()
+ | StringList n
+ | DeviceList n ->
+ pr " {\n";
+ pr " size_t c = 0;\n";
+ pr "\n";
+ pr " for (c = 0; %s[c] != NULL; ++c)\n" n;
+ pr " efree (%s[c]);\n" n;
+ pr " efree (%s);\n" n;
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr "\n"
+ | Bool n | Int n | Int64 n -> ()
+ ) (snd style);
+ (* Check for errors. *)
+ pr " if (r == %s) {\n" error_code;
+ pr " RETURN_FALSE;\n";
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr "\n";
+ (* Convert the return value. *)
+ (match fst style with
+ | RErr ->
+ pr " RETURN_TRUE;\n"
+ | RBool _ ->
+ pr " RETURN_BOOL (r);\n"
+ | RInt _ ->
+ pr " RETURN_LONG (r);\n"
+ | RInt64 _ ->
+ pr " RETURN_LONG (r);\n"
+ | RConstString _ ->
+ pr " RETURN_STRING (r, 1);\n"
+ | RConstOptString _ ->
+ pr " if (r) { RETURN_STRING (r, 1); }\n";
+ pr " else { RETURN_NULL (); }\n"
+ | RString _ ->
+ pr " char *r_copy = estrdup (r);\n";
+ pr " free (r);\n";
+ pr " RETURN_STRING (r_copy, 0);\n"
+ | RBufferOut _ ->
+ pr " char *r_copy = estrndup (r, size);\n";
+ pr " free (r);\n";
+ pr " RETURN_STRING (r_copy, 0);\n"
+ | RStringList _ ->
+ pr " size_t c = 0;\n";
+ pr " array_init (return_value);\n";
+ pr " for (c = 0; r[c] != NULL; ++c) {\n";
+ pr " add_next_index_string (return_value, r[c], 1);\n";
+ pr " free (r[c]);\n";
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr " free (r);\n";
+ | RHashtable _ ->
+ pr " size_t c = 0;\n";
+ pr " array_init (return_value);\n";
+ pr " for (c = 0; r[c] != NULL; c += 2) {\n";
+ pr " add_assoc_string (return_value, r[c], r[c+1], 1);\n";
+ pr " free (r[c]);\n";
+ pr " free (r[c+1]);\n";
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr " free (r);\n";
+ | RStruct (_, typ) ->
+ let cols = cols_of_struct typ in
+ generate_php_struct_code typ cols
+ | RStructList (_, typ) ->
+ let cols = cols_of_struct typ in
+ generate_php_struct_list_code typ cols
+ );
+ pr "}\n";
+ pr "\n"
+ ) all_functions_sorted
+and generate_php_struct_code typ cols =
+ pr " array_init (return_value);\n";
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | name, FString ->
+ pr " add_assoc_string (return_value, \"%s\", r->%s, 1);\n" name name
+ | name, FBuffer ->
+ pr " add_assoc_stringl (return_value, \"%s\", r->%s, r->%s_len, 1);\n"
+ name name name
+ | name, FUUID ->
+ pr " add_assoc_stringl (return_value, \"%s\", r->%s, 32, 1);\n"
+ name name
+ | name, (FBytes|FUInt64|FInt64|FInt32|FUInt32) ->
+ pr " add_assoc_long (return_value, \"%s\", r->%s);\n"
+ name name
+ | name, FChar ->
+ pr " add_assoc_stringl (return_value, \"%s\", &r->%s, 1, 1);\n"
+ name name
+ | name, FOptPercent ->
+ pr " add_assoc_double (return_value, \"%s\", r->%s);\n"
+ name name
+ ) cols;
+ pr " guestfs_free_%s (r);\n" typ
+and generate_php_struct_list_code typ cols =
+ pr " array_init (return_value);\n";
+ pr " size_t c = 0;\n";
+ pr " for (c = 0; c < r->len; ++c) {\n";
+ pr " zval *z_elem;\n";
+ pr " ALLOC_INIT_ZVAL (z_elem);\n";
+ pr " array_init (z_elem);\n";
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | name, FString ->
+ pr " add_assoc_string (z_elem, \"%s\", r->val[c].%s, 1);\n"
+ name name
+ | name, FBuffer ->
+ pr " add_assoc_stringl (z_elem, \"%s\", r->val[c].%s, r->val[c].%s_len, 1);\n"
+ name name name
+ | name, FUUID ->
+ pr " add_assoc_stringl (z_elem, \"%s\", r->val[c].%s, 32, 1);\n"
+ name name
+ | name, (FBytes|FUInt64|FInt64|FInt32|FUInt32) ->
+ pr " add_assoc_long (z_elem, \"%s\", r->val[c].%s);\n"
+ name name
+ | name, FChar ->
+ pr " add_assoc_stringl (z_elem, \"%s\", &r->val[c].%s, 1, 1);\n"
+ name name
+ | name, FOptPercent ->
+ pr " add_assoc_double (z_elem, \"%s\", r->val[c].%s);\n"
+ name name
+ ) cols;
+ pr " add_next_index_zval (return_value, z_elem);\n";
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr " guestfs_free_%s_list (r);\n" typ
and generate_bindtests () =
generate_header CStyle LGPLv2plus;
@@ -12517,6 +12942,8 @@ Run it from the top source directory using the command
output_to "haskell/Guestfs.hs" generate_haskell_hs;
output_to "haskell/Bindtests.hs" generate_haskell_bindtests;
output_to "csharp/Libguestfs.cs" generate_csharp;
+ output_to "php/extension/php_guestfs_php.h" generate_php_h;
+ output_to "php/extension/guestfs_php.c" generate_php_c;
(* Always generate this file last, and unconditionally. It's used
* by the Makefile to know when we must re-run the generator.
diff --git a/src/guestfs.pod b/src/guestfs.pod
index 24d5aef1..82fd7a1b 100644
--- a/src/guestfs.pod
+++ b/src/guestfs.pod
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ FUSE.
Libguestfs is a library that can be linked with C and C++ management
programs (or management programs written in OCaml, Perl, Python, Ruby,
-Java, Haskell or C#). You can also use it from shell scripts or the
+Java, PHP, Haskell or C#). You can also use it from shell scripts or the
command line.
You don't need to be root to use libguestfs, although obviously you do
@@ -626,6 +626,13 @@ For documentation see the file C<guestfs.mli>.
For documentation see L<Sys::Guestfs(3)>.
+=item B<PHP>
+For documentation see C<README-PHP> supplied with libguestfs
+sources or in the php-libguestfs package for your distribution.
+The PHP binding only works correctly on 64 bit machines.
=item B<Python>
For documentation do: