path: root/resize/
diff options
authorRichard W.M. Jones <>2011-10-25 19:03:38 +0100
committerRichard W.M. Jones <>2011-10-26 10:07:26 +0100
commit119e67a92e74c3e657133c751a4f92d40924d787 (patch)
treec146d504b5439ff6fad01333697b02fc2eff4c14 /resize/
parentf4b3351692c5740242414b6b84588a22094b75bb (diff)
virt-resize: Handle extended and logical partitions (RHBZ#642821).
Diffstat (limited to 'resize/')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/resize/ b/resize/
index 275e7e02..9976ff44 100644
--- a/resize/
+++ b/resize/
@@ -271,7 +271,13 @@ let parttype, parttype_string =
| _ ->
error "%s: unknown partition table type\nvirt-resize only supports MBR (DOS) and GPT partition tables." infile
-(* Build a data structure describing the source disk's partition layout. *)
+(* Build a data structure describing the source disk's partition layout.
+ *
+ * NOTE: For MBR, only primary/extended partitions are tracked here.
+ * Logical partitions are contained within an extended partition, and
+ * we don't track them (they are just copied within the extended
+ * partition). For the same reason we cannot resize logical partitions.
+ *)
type partition = {
p_name : string; (* Device name, like /dev/sda1. *)
p_part : G.partition; (* SOURCE partition data from libguestfs. *)
@@ -289,6 +295,7 @@ and partition_content =
| ContentUnknown (* undetermined *)
| ContentPV of int64 (* physical volume (size of PV) *)
| ContentFS of string * int64 (* mountable filesystem (FS type, FS size) *)
+ | ContentExtendedPartition (* MBR extended partition *)
and partition_operation =
| OpCopy (* copy it as-is, no resizing *)
| OpIgnore (* ignore it (create on target, but don't
@@ -309,10 +316,12 @@ and string_of_partition_content = function
| ContentUnknown -> "unknown data"
| ContentPV sz -> sprintf "LVM PV (%Ld bytes)" sz
| ContentFS (fs, sz) -> sprintf "filesystem %s (%Ld bytes)" fs sz
+ | ContentExtendedPartition -> "extended partition"
and string_of_partition_content_no_size = function
| ContentUnknown -> "unknown data"
| ContentPV _ -> sprintf "LVM PV"
| ContentFS (fs, _) -> sprintf "filesystem %s" fs
+ | ContentExtendedPartition -> "extended partition"
let get_partition_content =
let pvs_full = Array.to_list (g#pvs_full ()) in
@@ -341,12 +350,26 @@ let get_partition_content =
G.Error _ -> ContentUnknown
+let is_extended_partition = function
+ | Some (0x05|0x0f) -> true
+ | _ -> false
let partitions : partition list =
let parts = Array.to_list (g#part_list "/dev/sda") in
if List.length parts = 0 then
error "the source disk has no partitions";
+ (* Filter out logical partitions. See note above. *)
+ let parts =
+ match parttype with
+ | GPT -> parts
+ | MBR ->
+ List.filter (function
+ | { G.part_num = part_num } when part_num >= 5_l -> false
+ | _ -> true
+ ) parts in
let partitions = (
fun ({ G.part_num = part_num } as part) ->
@@ -356,7 +379,9 @@ let partitions : partition list =
let mbr_id =
try Some (g#part_get_mbr_id "/dev/sda" part_num)
with G.Error _ -> None in
- let typ = get_partition_content name in
+ let typ =
+ if is_extended_partition mbr_id then ContentExtendedPartition
+ else get_partition_content name in
{ p_name = name; p_part = part;
p_bootable = bootable; p_mbr_id = mbr_id; p_type = typ;
@@ -408,7 +433,8 @@ type logvol = {
lv_type : logvol_content;
mutable lv_operation : logvol_operation
-and logvol_content = partition_content (* except ContentPV cannot occur *)
+ (* ContentPV, ContentExtendedPartition cannot occur here *)
+and logvol_content = partition_content
and logvol_operation =
| LVOpNone (* nothing *)
| LVOpExpand (* expand it *)
@@ -423,7 +449,10 @@ let lvs =
let lvs = (
fun name ->
let typ = get_partition_content name in
- assert (match typ with ContentPV _ -> false | _ -> true);
+ assert (
+ match typ with ContentPV _ | ContentExtendedPartition -> false
+ | _ -> true
+ );
{ lv_name = name; lv_type = typ; lv_operation = LVOpNone }
) lvs in
@@ -456,6 +485,7 @@ let can_expand_content =
| ContentFS (("ntfs"), _) when !ntfs_available -> true
| ContentFS (("btrfs"), _) when !btrfs_available -> true
| ContentFS (_, _) -> false
+ | ContentExtendedPartition -> false
fun _ -> false
@@ -468,6 +498,7 @@ let expand_content_method =
| ContentFS (("ntfs"), _) when !ntfs_available -> NTFSResize
| ContentFS (("btrfs"), _) when !btrfs_available -> BtrfsFilesystemResize
| ContentFS (_, _) -> assert false
+ | ContentExtendedPartition -> assert false
fun _ -> assert false
@@ -559,6 +590,9 @@ let mark_partition_for_resize ~option ?(force = false) p newsize =
error "%s: This partition has contains a %s filesystem which will be damaged by shrinking it below %Ld bytes (user asked to shrink it to %Ld bytes). If you want to shrink this partition, you need to use the '--resize-force' option, but that could destroy any data on this partition. (This error came from '%s' option on the command line.)"
name fstype size newsize option
| ContentFS _ -> ()
+ | ContentExtendedPartition ->
+ error "%s: This extended partition contains logical partitions which might be damaged by shrinking it. If you want to shrink this partition, you need to use the '--resize-force' option, but that could destroy logical partitions within this partition. (This error came from '%s' option on the command line.)"
+ name option
p.p_operation <- OpResize newsize
@@ -926,17 +960,7 @@ let partitions =
let () =
List.iter (
fun p ->
- g#part_add "/dev/sdb" "primary" p.p_target_start p.p_target_end;
- (* Set bootable and MBR IDs *)
- if p.p_bootable then
- g#part_set_bootable "/dev/sdb" p.p_target_partnum true;
- (match p.p_mbr_id with
- | None -> ()
- | Some mbr_id ->
- g#part_set_mbr_id "/dev/sdb" p.p_target_partnum mbr_id
- );
+ g#part_add "/dev/sdb" "primary" p.p_target_start p.p_target_end
) partitions
(* Copy over the data. *)
@@ -962,11 +986,39 @@ let () =
if not quiet then
printf "Copying %s ...\n%!" source;
- g#copy_size source target copysize;
+ (match p.p_type with
+ | ContentUnknown | ContentPV _ | ContentFS _ ->
+ g#copy_device_to_device ~size:copysize source target
+ | ContentExtendedPartition ->
+ (* You can't just copy an extended partition by name, eg.
+ * source = "/dev/sda2", because the device name only covers
+ * the first 1K of the partition. Instead, copy the
+ * source bytes from the parent disk (/dev/sda).
+ *)
+ let srcoffset = p.p_part.G.part_start in
+ g#copy_device_to_device ~srcoffset ~size:copysize "/dev/sda" target
+ )
| _ -> ()
) partitions
+(* Set bootable and MBR IDs. Do this *after* copying over the data,
+ * so that we can magically change the primary partition to an extended
+ * partition if necessary.
+ *)
+let () =
+ List.iter (
+ fun p ->
+ if p.p_bootable then
+ g#part_set_bootable "/dev/sdb" p.p_target_partnum true;
+ (match p.p_mbr_id with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some mbr_id ->
+ g#part_set_mbr_id "/dev/sdb" p.p_target_partnum mbr_id
+ );
+ ) partitions
(* Fix the bootloader if we aligned the first partition. *)
let () =
if align_first_partition_and_fix_bootloader then (