path: root/inspector
diff options
authorRichard Jones <>2009-12-31 11:20:56 +0000
committerRichard Jones <>2009-12-31 11:20:56 +0000
commit2e2eb15df010bbcc605c86b0714ad1ca796fc96d (patch)
tree8878e3beea77438687a2bfc371366a5781abee40 /inspector
parent9ff1c97f04e8c0e513262893df71da0d31b34637 (diff)
Remove separate, combine this with
This commit combines the previously separate "" program which generated bindings for virt-inspector. Having two separate programs caused no end of troubles for developers, so we now combine them into a single program. NOTE: OCaml xml-light is now *required* in order to rebuild the generated code.
Diffstat (limited to 'inspector')
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 648 deletions
diff --git a/inspector/ b/inspector/
index 08787258..dadbeee9 100644
--- a/inspector/
+++ b/inspector/
@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ include $(top_srcdir)/
run-inspector-locally \
- virt-inspector \
+ virt-inspector
dist_doc_DATA = \
virt-inspector.rng \
@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ bin_SCRIPTS = virt-inspector
man_MANS = virt-inspector.1
noinst_DATA = \
- $(top_builddir)/html/virt-inspector.1.html stamp-inspector-generator
+ $(top_builddir)/html/virt-inspector.1.html
virt-inspector.1: virt-inspector
$(POD2MAN) \
@@ -57,15 +56,4 @@ TESTS_ENVIRONMENT = $(XMLLINT) --noout --relaxng virt-inspector.rng
- cd $(top_srcdir) && \
- ocaml -warn-error A \
- inspector/
- touch $@
- touch $@
diff --git a/inspector/ b/inspector/
deleted file mode 100644
index 20d2b01b..00000000
--- a/inspector/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,634 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ocaml
-(* libguestfs
- * Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *)
-(* This program generates language bindings for virt-inspector, so
- * you can use it from programs (other than Perl programs).
- *
- * At compile time, the bindings are generated from the file
- * [virt-inspector.rng], which is the RELAX NG schema that describes
- * the output of the [virt-inspector --xml] command.
- *
- * At run time, code using these bindings runs the external
- * [virt-inspector --xml] command, and parses the XML that this
- * generates into language-specific structures.
- *)
-(* Unlike src/, we allow ourselves to go wild here and use
- * a reasonable number of OCaml libraries. NOTE TO DEVELOPERS: You
- * still have to detect the libraries in and add them to
- * inspector/
- *)
-#load "unix.cma";;
-#directory "+xml-light";;
-#load "xml-light.cma";;
-open Printf
-module StringMap = Map.Make (String)
-let failwithf fs = ksprintf failwith fs
-let unique = let i = ref 0 in fun () -> incr i; !i
-(* Check we're running from the right directory. *)
-let () =
- if not (Sys.file_exists "HACKING") then (
- eprintf "You are probably running this from the wrong directory.\n";
- exit 1
- )
-let input = "inspector/virt-inspector.rng"
-(* Read the input file and parse it into internal structures. This is
- * by no means a complete RELAX NG parser, but is just enough to be
- * able to parse the specific input file.
- *)
-type rng =
- | Element of string * rng list (* <element name=name/> *)
- | Attribute of string * rng list (* <attribute name=name/> *)
- | Interleave of rng list (* <interleave/> *)
- | ZeroOrMore of rng (* <zeroOrMore/> *)
- | OneOrMore of rng (* <oneOrMore/> *)
- | Optional of rng (* <optional/> *)
- | Choice of string list (* <choice><value/>*</choice> *)
- | Value of string (* <value>str</value> *)
- | Text (* <text/> *)
-let rec string_of_rng = function
- | Element (name, xs) ->
- "Element (\"" ^ name ^ "\", (" ^ string_of_rng_list xs ^ "))"
- | Attribute (name, xs) ->
- "Attribute (\"" ^ name ^ "\", (" ^ string_of_rng_list xs ^ "))"
- | Interleave xs -> "Interleave (" ^ string_of_rng_list xs ^ ")"
- | ZeroOrMore rng -> "ZeroOrMore (" ^ string_of_rng rng ^ ")"
- | OneOrMore rng -> "OneOrMore (" ^ string_of_rng rng ^ ")"
- | Optional rng -> "Optional (" ^ string_of_rng rng ^ ")"
- | Choice values -> "Choice [" ^ String.concat ", " values ^ "]"
- | Value value -> "Value \"" ^ value ^ "\""
- | Text -> "Text"
-and string_of_rng_list xs =
- String.concat ", " ( string_of_rng xs)
-let rec parse_rng ?defines context = function
- | [] -> []
- | Xml.Element ("element", ["name", name], children) :: rest ->
- Element (name, parse_rng ?defines context children)
- :: parse_rng ?defines context rest
- | Xml.Element ("attribute", ["name", name], children) :: rest ->
- Attribute (name, parse_rng ?defines context children)
- :: parse_rng ?defines context rest
- | Xml.Element ("interleave", [], children) :: rest ->
- Interleave (parse_rng ?defines context children)
- :: parse_rng ?defines context rest
- | Xml.Element ("zeroOrMore", [], [child]) :: rest ->
- let rng = parse_rng ?defines context [child] in
- (match rng with
- | [child] -> ZeroOrMore child :: parse_rng ?defines context rest
- | _ ->
- failwithf "%s: <zeroOrMore> contains more than one child element"
- context
- )
- | Xml.Element ("oneOrMore", [], [child]) :: rest ->
- let rng = parse_rng ?defines context [child] in
- (match rng with
- | [child] -> OneOrMore child :: parse_rng ?defines context rest
- | _ ->
- failwithf "%s: <oneOrMore> contains more than one child element"
- context
- )
- | Xml.Element ("optional", [], [child]) :: rest ->
- let rng = parse_rng ?defines context [child] in
- (match rng with
- | [child] -> Optional child :: parse_rng ?defines context rest
- | _ ->
- failwithf "%s: <optional> contains more than one child element"
- context
- )
- | Xml.Element ("choice", [], children) :: rest ->
- let values = (
- function Xml.Element ("value", [], [Xml.PCData value]) -> value
- | _ ->
- failwithf "%s: can't handle anything except <value> in <choice>"
- context
- ) children in
- Choice values
- :: parse_rng ?defines context rest
- | Xml.Element ("value", [], [Xml.PCData value]) :: rest ->
- Value value :: parse_rng ?defines context rest
- | Xml.Element ("text", [], []) :: rest ->
- Text :: parse_rng ?defines context rest
- | Xml.Element ("ref", ["name", name], []) :: rest ->
- (* Look up the reference. Because of limitations in this parser,
- * we can't handle arbitrarily nested <ref> yet. You can only
- * use <ref> from inside <start>.
- *)
- (match defines with
- | None ->
- failwithf "%s: contains <ref>, but no refs are defined yet" context
- | Some map ->
- let rng = StringMap.find name map in
- rng @ parse_rng ?defines context rest
- )
- | x :: _ ->
- failwithf "%s: can't handle '%s' in schema" context (Xml.to_string x)
-let grammar =
- let xml = Xml.parse_file input in
- match xml with
- | Xml.Element ("grammar", _,
- Xml.Element ("start", _, gram) :: defines) ->
- (* The <define/> elements are referenced in the <start> section,
- * so build a map of those first.
- *)
- let defines = List.fold_left (
- fun map ->
- function Xml.Element ("define", ["name", name], defn) ->
- StringMap.add name defn map
- | _ ->
- failwithf "%s: expected <define name=name/>" input
- ) StringMap.empty defines in
- let defines = StringMap.mapi parse_rng defines in
- (* Parse the <start> clause, passing the defines. *)
- parse_rng ~defines "<start>" gram
- | _ ->
- failwithf "%s: input is not <grammar><start/><define>*</grammar>" input
-(* 'pr' prints to the current output file. *)
-let chan = ref stdout
-let pr fs = ksprintf (output_string !chan) fs
-(* Generate a header block in a number of standard styles. *)
-type comment_style = CStyle | HashStyle | OCamlStyle | HaskellStyle
-type license = GPLv2 | LGPLv2
-let generate_header comment license =
- let c = match comment with
- | CStyle -> pr "/* "; " *"
- | HashStyle -> pr "# "; "#"
- | OCamlStyle -> pr "(* "; " *"
- | HaskellStyle -> pr "{- "; " " in
- pr "libguestfs generated file\n";
- pr "%s WARNING: THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY 'inspector/'\n" c;
- pr "%s FROM THE RELAX NG SCHEMA AT '%s'.\n" c input;
- pr "%s\n" c;
- pr "%s Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat Inc.\n" c;
- pr "%s\n" c;
- (match license with
- | GPLv2 ->
- pr "%s This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n" c;
- pr "%s it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n" c;
- pr "%s the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n" c;
- pr "%s (at your option) any later version.\n" c;
- pr "%s\n" c;
- pr "%s This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n" c;
- pr "%s but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n" c;
- pr "%s GNU General Public License for more details.\n" c;
- pr "%s\n" c;
- pr "%s You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along\n" c;
- pr "%s with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\n" c;
- pr "%s 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.\n" c;
- | LGPLv2 ->
- pr "%s This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n" c;
- pr "%s modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public\n" c;
- pr "%s License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\n" c;
- pr "%s version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n" c;
- pr "%s\n" c;
- pr "%s This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n" c;
- pr "%s but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n" c;
- pr "%s Lesser General Public License for more details.\n" c;
- pr "%s\n" c;
- pr "%s You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\n" c;
- pr "%s License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software\n" c;
- pr "%s Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA\n" c;
- );
- (match comment with
- | CStyle -> pr " */\n"
- | HashStyle -> ()
- | OCamlStyle -> pr " *)\n"
- | HaskellStyle -> pr "-}\n"
- );
- pr "\n"
-let name_of_field = function
- | Element (name, _) | Attribute (name, _)
- | ZeroOrMore (Element (name, _))
- | OneOrMore (Element (name, _))
- | Optional (Element (name, _)) -> name
- | Optional (Attribute (name, _)) -> name
- | Text -> (* an unnamed field in an element *)
- "data"
- | rng ->
- failwithf "name_of_field failed at: %s" (string_of_rng rng)
-(* At the moment this function only generates OCaml types. However we
- * should parameterize it later so it can generate types/structs in a
- * variety of languages.
- *)
-let generate_types xs =
- (* A simple type is one that can be printed out directly, eg.
- * "string option". A complex type is one which has a name and has
- * to be defined via another toplevel definition, eg. a struct.
- *
- * generate_type generates code for either simple or complex types.
- * In the simple case, it returns the string ("string option"). In
- * the complex case, it returns the name ("mountpoint"). In the
- * complex case it has to print out the definition before returning,
- * so it should only be called when we are at the beginning of a
- * new line (BOL context).
- *)
- let rec generate_type = function
- | Text -> (* string *)
- "string", true
- | Choice values -> (* [`val1|`val2|...] *)
- "[" ^ String.concat "|" ( ((^)"`") values) ^ "]", true
- | ZeroOrMore rng -> (* <rng> list *)
- let t, is_simple = generate_type rng in
- t ^ " list (* 0 or more *)", is_simple
- | OneOrMore rng -> (* <rng> list *)
- let t, is_simple = generate_type rng in
- t ^ " list (* 1 or more *)", is_simple
- (* virt-inspector hack: bool *)
- | Optional (Attribute (name, [Value "1"])) ->
- "bool", true
- | Optional rng -> (* <rng> list *)
- let t, is_simple = generate_type rng in
- t ^ " option", is_simple
- (* type name = { fields ... } *)
- | Element (name, fields) when is_attrs_interleave fields ->
- generate_type_struct name (get_attrs_interleave fields)
- | Element (name, [field]) (* type name = field *)
- | Attribute (name, [field]) ->
- let t, is_simple = generate_type field in
- if is_simple then (t, true)
- else (
- pr "type %s = %s\n" name t;
- name, false
- )
- | Element (name, fields) -> (* type name = { fields ... } *)
- generate_type_struct name fields
- | rng ->
- failwithf "generate_type failed at: %s" (string_of_rng rng)
- and is_attrs_interleave = function
- | [Interleave _] -> true
- | Attribute _ :: fields -> is_attrs_interleave fields
- | Optional (Attribute _) :: fields -> is_attrs_interleave fields
- | _ -> false
- and get_attrs_interleave = function
- | [Interleave fields] -> fields
- | ((Attribute _) as field) :: fields
- | ((Optional (Attribute _)) as field) :: fields ->
- field :: get_attrs_interleave fields
- | _ -> assert false
- and generate_types xs =
- List.iter (fun x -> ignore (generate_type x)) xs
- and generate_type_struct name fields =
- (* Calculate the types of the fields first. We have to do this
- * before printing anything so we are still in BOL context.
- *)
- let types = fst ( generate_type fields) in
- (* Special case of a struct containing just a string and another
- * field. Turn it into an assoc list.
- *)
- match types with
- | ["string"; other] ->
- let fname1, fname2 =
- match fields with
- | [f1; f2] -> name_of_field f1, name_of_field f2
- | _ -> assert false in
- pr "type %s = string * %s (* %s -> %s *)\n" name other fname1 fname2;
- name, false
- | types ->
- pr "type %s = {\n" name;
- List.iter (
- fun (field, ftype) ->
- let fname = name_of_field field in
- pr " %s_%s : %s;\n" name fname ftype
- ) (List.combine fields types);
- pr "}\n";
- (* Return the name of this type, and
- * false because it's not a simple type.
- *)
- name, false
- in
- generate_types xs
-let generate_parsers xs =
- (* As for generate_type above, generate_parser makes a parser for
- * some type, and returns the name of the parser it has generated.
- * Because it (may) need to print something, it should always be
- * called in BOL context.
- *)
- let rec generate_parser = function
- | Text -> (* string *)
- "string_child_or_empty"
- | Choice values -> (* [`val1|`val2|...] *)
- sprintf "(fun x -> match Xml.pcdata (first_child x) with %s | str -> failwith (\"unexpected field value: \" ^ str))"
- (String.concat "|"
- ( (fun v -> sprintf "%S -> `%s" v v) values))
- | ZeroOrMore rng -> (* <rng> list *)
- let pa = generate_parser rng in
- sprintf "(fun x -> %s (Xml.children x))" pa
- | OneOrMore rng -> (* <rng> list *)
- let pa = generate_parser rng in
- sprintf "(fun x -> %s (Xml.children x))" pa
- (* virt-inspector hack: bool *)
- | Optional (Attribute (name, [Value "1"])) ->
- sprintf "(fun x -> try ignore (Xml.attrib x %S); true with Xml.No_attribute _ -> false)" name
- | Optional rng -> (* <rng> list *)
- let pa = generate_parser rng in
- sprintf "(function None -> None | Some x -> Some (%s x))" pa
- (* type name = { fields ... } *)
- | Element (name, fields) when is_attrs_interleave fields ->
- generate_parser_struct name (get_attrs_interleave fields)
- | Element (name, [field]) -> (* type name = field *)
- let pa = generate_parser field in
- let parser_name = sprintf "parse_%s_%d" name (unique ()) in
- pr "let %s =\n" parser_name;
- pr " %s\n" pa;
- pr "let parse_%s = %s\n" name parser_name;
- parser_name
- | Attribute (name, [field]) ->
- let pa = generate_parser field in
- let parser_name = sprintf "parse_%s_%d" name (unique ()) in
- pr "let %s =\n" parser_name;
- pr " %s\n" pa;
- pr "let parse_%s = %s\n" name parser_name;
- parser_name
- | Element (name, fields) -> (* type name = { fields ... } *)
- generate_parser_struct name ([], fields)
- | rng ->
- failwithf "generate_parser failed at: %s" (string_of_rng rng)
- and is_attrs_interleave = function
- | [Interleave _] -> true
- | Attribute _ :: fields -> is_attrs_interleave fields
- | Optional (Attribute _) :: fields -> is_attrs_interleave fields
- | _ -> false
- and get_attrs_interleave = function
- | [Interleave fields] -> [], fields
- | ((Attribute _) as field) :: fields
- | ((Optional (Attribute _)) as field) :: fields ->
- let attrs, interleaves = get_attrs_interleave fields in
- (field :: attrs), interleaves
- | _ -> assert false
- and generate_parsers xs =
- List.iter (fun x -> ignore (generate_parser x)) xs
- and generate_parser_struct name (attrs, interleaves) =
- (* Generate parsers for the fields first. We have to do this
- * before printing anything so we are still in BOL context.
- *)
- let fields = attrs @ interleaves in
- let pas = generate_parser fields in
- (* Generate an intermediate tuple from all the fields first.
- * If the type is just a string + another field, then we will
- * return this directly, otherwise it is turned into a record.
- *
- * RELAX NG note: This code treats <interleave> and plain lists of
- * fields the same. In other words, it doesn't bother enforcing
- * any ordering of fields in the XML.
- *)
- pr "let parse_%s x =\n" name;
- pr " let t = (\n ";
- let comma = ref false in
- List.iter (
- fun x ->
- if !comma then pr ",\n ";
- comma := true;
- match x with
- | Optional (Attribute (fname, [field])), pa ->
- pr "%s x" pa
- | Optional (Element (fname, [field])), pa ->
- pr "%s (optional_child %S x)" pa fname
- | Attribute (fname, [Text]), _ ->
- pr "attribute %S x" fname
- | (ZeroOrMore _ | OneOrMore _), pa ->
- pr "%s x" pa
- | Text, pa ->
- pr "%s x" pa
- | (field, pa) ->
- let fname = name_of_field field in
- pr "%s (child %S x)" pa fname
- ) (List.combine fields pas);
- pr "\n ) in\n";
- (match fields with
- | [Element (_, [Text]) | Attribute (_, [Text]); _] ->
- pr " t\n"
- | _ ->
- pr " (Obj.magic t : %s)\n" name
- List.iter (
- function
- | (Optional (Attribute (fname, [field])), pa) ->
- pr " %s_%s =\n" name fname;
- pr " %s x;\n" pa
- | (Optional (Element (fname, [field])), pa) ->
- pr " %s_%s =\n" name fname;
- pr " (let x = optional_child %S x in\n" fname;
- pr " %s x);\n" pa
- | (field, pa) ->
- let fname = name_of_field field in
- pr " %s_%s =\n" name fname;
- pr " (let x = child %S x in\n" fname;
- pr " %s x);\n" pa
- ) (List.combine fields pas);
- pr "}\n"
- );
- sprintf "parse_%s" name
- in
- generate_parsers xs
-(* Generate ocaml/guestfs_inspector.mli. *)
-let generate_ocaml_mli () =
- generate_header OCamlStyle LGPLv2;
- pr "\
-(** This is an OCaml language binding to the external [virt-inspector]
- program.
- For more information, please read the man page [virt-inspector(1)].
- generate_types grammar;
- pr "(** The nested information returned from the {!inspect} function. *)\n";
- pr "\n";
- pr "\
-val inspect : ?connect:string -> ?xml:string -> string list -> operatingsystems
-(** To inspect a libvirt domain called [name], pass a singleton
- list: [inspect [name]]. When using libvirt only, you may
- optionally pass a libvirt URI using [inspect ~connect:uri ...].
- To inspect a disk image or images, pass a list of the filenames
- of the disk images: [inspect filenames]
- This function inspects the given guest or disk images and
- returns a list of operating system(s) found and a large amount
- of information about them. In the vast majority of cases,
- a virtual machine only contains a single operating system.
- If the optional [~xml] parameter is given, then this function
- skips running the external virt-inspector program and just
- parses the given XML directly (which is expected to be XML
- produced from a previous run of virt-inspector). The list of
- names and connect URI are ignored in this case.
- This function can throw a wide variety of exceptions, for example
- if the external virt-inspector program cannot be found, or if
- it doesn't generate valid XML.
-(* Generate ocaml/ *)
-let generate_ocaml_ml () =
- generate_header OCamlStyle LGPLv2;
- pr "open Unix\n";
- pr "\n";
- generate_types grammar;
- pr "\n";
- pr "\
-(* Misc functions which are used by the parser code below. *)
-let first_child = function
- | Xml.Element (_, _, c::_) -> c
- | Xml.Element (name, _, []) ->
- failwith (\"expected <\" ^ name ^ \"/> to have a child node\")
- | Xml.PCData str ->
- failwith (\"expected XML tag, but read PCDATA '\" ^ str ^ \"' instead\")
-let string_child_or_empty = function
- | Xml.Element (_, _, [Xml.PCData s]) -> s
- | Xml.Element (_, _, []) -> \"\"
- | Xml.Element (x, _, _) ->
- failwith (\"expected XML tag with a single PCDATA child, but got \" ^
- x ^ \" instead\")
- | Xml.PCData str ->
- failwith (\"expected XML tag, but read PCDATA '\" ^ str ^ \"' instead\")
-let optional_child name xml =
- let children = Xml.children xml in
- try
- Some (List.find (function
- | Xml.Element (n, _, _) when n = name -> true
- | _ -> false) children)
- with
- Not_found -> None
-let child name xml =
- match optional_child name xml with
- | Some c -> c
- | None ->
- failwith (\"mandatory field <\" ^ name ^ \"/> missing in XML output\")
-let attribute name xml =
- try Xml.attrib xml name
- with Xml.No_attribute _ ->
- failwith (\"mandatory attribute \" ^ name ^ \" missing in XML output\")
- generate_parsers grammar;
- pr "\n";
- pr "\
-(* Run external virt-inspector, then use parser to parse the XML. *)
-let inspect ?connect ?xml names =
- let xml =
- match xml with
- | None ->
- if names = [] then invalid_arg \"inspect: no names given\";
- let cmd = [ \"virt-inspector\"; \"--xml\" ] @
- (match connect with None -> [] | Some uri -> [ \"--connect\"; uri ]) @
- names in
- let cmd = Filename.quote cmd in
- let cmd = String.concat \" \" cmd in
- let chan = open_process_in cmd in
- let xml = Xml.parse_in chan in
- (match close_process_in chan with
- | WEXITED 0 -> ()
- | WEXITED _ -> failwith \"external virt-inspector command failed\"
- failwith (\"external virt-inspector command died or stopped on sig \" ^
- string_of_int i)
- );
- xml
- | Some doc ->
- Xml.parse_string doc in
- parse_operatingsystems xml
-let files_equal n1 n2 =
- let cmd = sprintf "cmp -s %s %s" (Filename.quote n1) (Filename.quote n2) in
- match Sys.command cmd with
- | 0 -> true
- | 1 -> false
- | i -> failwithf "%s: failed with error code %d" cmd i
-let output_to filename =
- let filename_new = filename ^ ".new" in
- chan := open_out filename_new;
- let close () =
- close_out !chan;
- chan := stdout;
- (* Is the new file different from the current file? *)
- if Sys.file_exists filename && files_equal filename filename_new then
- Unix.unlink filename_new (* same, so skip it *)
- else (
- (* different, overwrite old one *)
- (try Unix.chmod filename 0o644 with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ());
- Unix.rename filename_new filename;
- Unix.chmod filename 0o444;
- printf "written %s\n%!" filename;
- )
- in
- close
-(* Output. *)
-let () =
- let close = output_to "ocaml/guestfs_inspector.mli" in
- generate_ocaml_mli ();
- close ();
- let close = output_to "ocaml/" in
- generate_ocaml_ml ();
- close ()