path: root/inspector/virt-inspector
diff options
authorRichard Jones <>2009-09-23 12:37:26 +0100
committerRichard Jones <>2009-09-23 12:37:26 +0100
commitb488436cc54288fcae8988493749f2e6c87f274c (patch)
tree6d5e8bbbd56048507c64490e623b18f9c7e1cd62 /inspector/virt-inspector
parent75b6338da3e6e33c02b931623f074ab5a76a1788 (diff)
Rename virt-[tool].pl as virt-[tool]
Diffstat (limited to 'inspector/virt-inspector')
1 files changed, 874 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/inspector/virt-inspector b/inspector/virt-inspector
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..86b1795b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inspector/virt-inspector
@@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# virt-inspector
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Sys::Guestfs;
+use Sys::Guestfs::Lib qw(open_guest get_partitions resolve_windows_path
+ inspect_all_partitions inspect_partition
+ inspect_operating_systems mount_operating_system inspect_in_detail);
+use Pod::Usage;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use XML::Writer;
+use Locale::TextDomain 'libguestfs';
+# Optional:
+eval "use YAML::Any;";
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+virt-inspector - Display OS version, kernel, drivers, mount points, applications, etc. in a virtual machine
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ virt-inspector [--connect URI] domname
+ virt-inspector guest.img [guest.img ...]
+B<virt-inspector> examines a virtual machine and tries to determine
+the version of the OS, the kernel version, what drivers are installed,
+whether the virtual machine is fully virtualized (FV) or
+para-virtualized (PV), what applications are installed and more.
+Virt-inspector can produce output in several formats, including a
+readable text report, and XML for feeding into other programs.
+Virt-inspector should only be run on I<inactive> virtual machines.
+The program tries to determine that the machine is inactive and will
+refuse to run if it thinks you are trying to inspect a running domain.
+In the normal usage, use C<virt-inspector domname> where C<domname> is
+the libvirt domain (see: C<virsh list --all>).
+You can also run virt-inspector directly on disk images from a single
+virtual machine. Use C<virt-inspector guest.img>. In rare cases a
+domain has several block devices, in which case you should list them
+one after another, with the first corresponding to the guest's
+C</dev/sda>, the second to the guest's C</dev/sdb> and so on.
+Virt-inspector can only inspect and report upon I<one domain at a
+time>. To inspect several virtual machines, you have to run
+virt-inspector several times (for example, from a shell script
+Because virt-inspector needs direct access to guest images, it won't
+normally work over remote libvirt connections.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+my $help;
+=item B<--help>
+Display brief help.
+my $version;
+=item B<--version>
+Display version number and exit.
+my $uri;
+=item B<--connect URI> | B<-c URI>
+If using libvirt, connect to the given I<URI>. If omitted,
+then we connect to the default libvirt hypervisor.
+Libvirt is only used if you specify a C<domname> on the
+command line. If you specify guest block devices directly,
+then libvirt is not used at all.
+my $output = "text";
+The following options select the output format. Use only one of them.
+The default is a readable text report.
+=over 4
+=item B<--text> (default)
+Plain text report.
+=item B<--none>
+Produce no output at all.
+=item B<--xml>
+If you select I<--xml> then you get XML output which can be fed
+to other programs.
+=item B<--yaml>
+If you select I<--yaml> then you get YAML output which can be fed
+to other programs.
+=item B<--perl>
+If you select I<--perl> then you get Perl structures output which
+can be used directly in another Perl program.
+=item B<--fish>
+=item B<--ro-fish>
+If you select I<--fish> then we print a L<guestfish(1)> command
+line which will automatically mount up the filesystems on the
+correct mount points. Try this for example:
+ guestfish $(virt-inspector --fish guest.img)
+I<--ro-fish> is the same, but the I<--ro> option is passed to
+guestfish so that the filesystems are mounted read-only.
+=item B<--query>
+In "query mode" we answer common questions about the guest, such
+as whether it is fullvirt or needs a Xen hypervisor to run.
+See section I<QUERY MODE> below.
+my $windows_registry;
+=item B<--windows-registry>
+If this item is passed, I<and> the guest is Windows, I<and> the
+external program C<reged> is available (see SEE ALSO section), then we
+attempt to parse the Windows registry. This allows much more
+information to be gathered for Windows guests.
+This is quite an expensive and slow operation, so we don't do it by
+GetOptions ("help|?" => \$help,
+ "version" => \$version,
+ "connect|c=s" => \$uri,
+ "text" => sub { $output = "text" },
+ "none" => sub { $output = "none" },
+ "xml" => sub { $output = "xml" },
+ "yaml" => sub { $output = "yaml" },
+ "perl" => sub { $output = "perl" },
+ "fish" => sub { $output = "fish" },
+ "guestfish" => sub { $output = "fish" },
+ "ro-fish" => sub { $output = "ro-fish" },
+ "ro-guestfish" => sub { $output = "ro-fish" },
+ "query" => sub { $output = "query" },
+ "windows-registry" => \$windows_registry,
+ ) or pod2usage (2);
+pod2usage (1) if $help;
+if ($version) {
+ my $g = Sys::Guestfs->new ();
+ my %h = $g->version ();
+ print "$h{major}.$h{minor}.$h{release}$h{extra}\n";
+ exit
+pod2usage (__"virt-inspector: no image or VM names given") if @ARGV == 0;
+my $rw = 0;
+$rw = 1 if $output eq "fish";
+my $g;
+my @images;
+if ($uri) {
+ my ($conn, $dom);
+ ($g, $conn, $dom, @images) =
+ open_guest (\@ARGV, rw => $rw, address => $uri);
+} else {
+ my ($conn, $dom);
+ ($g, $conn, $dom, @images) =
+ open_guest (\@ARGV, rw => $rw);
+$g->launch ();
+ Operating system(s)
+ -------------------
+ Linux (distro + version)
+ Windows (version)
+ |
+ |
+ +--- Filesystems ---------- Installed apps --- Kernel & drivers
+ ----------- -------------- ----------------
+ mount point => device List of apps Extra information
+ mount point => device and versions about kernel(s)
+ ... and drivers
+ swap => swap device
+ (plus lots of extra information
+ about each filesystem)
+The output of virt-inspector is a complex two-level data structure.
+At the top level is a list of the operating systems installed on the
+guest. (For the vast majority of guests, only a single OS is
+installed.) The data returned for the OS includes the name (Linux,
+Windows), the distribution and version.
+The diagram above shows what we return for each OS.
+With the I<--xml> option the output is mapped into an XML document.
+Unfortunately there is no clear schema for this document
+(contributions welcome) but you can get an idea of the format by
+looking at other documents and as a last resort the source for this
+With the I<--fish> or I<--ro-fish> option the mount points are mapped to
+L<guestfish(1)> command line parameters, so that you can go in
+afterwards and inspect the guest with everything mounted in the
+right place. For example:
+ guestfish $(virt-inspector --ro-fish guest.img)
+ ==> guestfish --ro -a guest.img -m /dev/VG/LV:/ -m /dev/sda1:/boot
+# List of possible filesystems.
+my @partitions = get_partitions ($g);
+# Now query each one to build up a picture of what's in it.
+my %fses =
+ inspect_all_partitions ($g, \@partitions,
+ use_windows_registry => $windows_registry);
+#print "fses -----------\n";
+#print Dumper(\%fses);
+my $oses = inspect_operating_systems ($g, \%fses);
+#print "oses -----------\n";
+#print Dumper($oses);
+# Mount up the disks so we can check for applications
+# and kernels. Skip this if the output is "*fish" because
+# we don't need to know.
+if ($output !~ /.*fish$/) {
+ my $root_dev;
+ foreach $root_dev (sort keys %$oses) {
+ my $os = $oses->{$root_dev};
+ mount_operating_system ($g, $os);
+ inspect_in_detail ($g, $os);
+ $g->umount_all ();
+ }
+# Output.
+if ($output eq "fish" || $output eq "ro-fish") {
+ my @osdevs = keys %$oses;
+ # This only works if there is a single OS.
+ die __"--fish output is only possible with a single OS\n" if @osdevs != 1;
+ my $root_dev = $osdevs[0];
+ if ($output eq "ro-fish") {
+ print "--ro ";
+ }
+ print "-a $_ " foreach @images;
+ my $mounts = $oses->{$root_dev}->{mounts};
+ # Have to mount / first. Luckily '/' is early in the ASCII
+ # character set, so this should be OK.
+ foreach (sort keys %$mounts) {
+ print "-m $mounts->{$_}:$_ " if $_ ne "swap" && $_ ne "none";
+ }
+ print "\n"
+# Perl output.
+elsif ($output eq "perl") {
+ print Dumper(%$oses);
+# YAML output
+elsif ($output eq "yaml") {
+ die __"virt-inspector: no YAML support\n"
+ unless exists $INC{"YAML/"};
+ print Dump(%$oses);
+# Plain text output (the default).
+elsif ($output eq "text") {
+ output_text ();
+# XML output.
+elsif ($output eq "xml") {
+ output_xml ();
+# Query mode.
+elsif ($output eq "query") {
+ output_query ();
+sub output_text
+ output_text_os ($oses->{$_}) foreach sort keys %$oses;
+sub output_text_os
+ my $os = shift;
+ print $os->{os}, " " if exists $os->{os};
+ print $os->{distro}, " " if exists $os->{distro};
+ print $os->{arch}, " " if exists $os->{arch};
+ print $os->{major_version} if exists $os->{major_version};
+ print ".", $os->{minor_version} if exists $os->{minor_version};
+ print " ";
+ print "on ", $os->{root_device}, ":\n";
+ print __" Mountpoints:\n";
+ my $mounts = $os->{mounts};
+ foreach (sort keys %$mounts) {
+ printf " %-30s %s\n", $mounts->{$_}, $_
+ }
+ print __" Filesystems:\n";
+ my $filesystems = $os->{filesystems};
+ foreach (sort keys %$filesystems) {
+ print " $_:\n";
+ print " label: $filesystems->{$_}{label}\n"
+ if exists $filesystems->{$_}{label};
+ print " UUID: $filesystems->{$_}{uuid}\n"
+ if exists $filesystems->{$_}{uuid};
+ print " type: $filesystems->{$_}{fstype}\n"
+ if exists $filesystems->{$_}{fstype};
+ print " content: $filesystems->{$_}{content}\n"
+ if exists $filesystems->{$_}{content};
+ }
+ if (exists $os->{modprobe_aliases}) {
+ my %aliases = %{$os->{modprobe_aliases}};
+ my @keys = sort keys %aliases;
+ if (@keys) {
+ print __" Modprobe aliases:\n";
+ foreach (@keys) {
+ printf " %-30s %s\n", $_, $aliases{$_}->{modulename}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $os->{initrd_modules}) {
+ my %modvers = %{$os->{initrd_modules}};
+ my @keys = sort keys %modvers;
+ if (@keys) {
+ print __" Initrd modules:\n";
+ foreach (@keys) {
+ my @modules = @{$modvers{$_}};
+ print " $_:\n";
+ print " $_\n" foreach @modules;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print __" Applications:\n";
+ my @apps = @{$os->{apps}};
+ foreach (@apps) {
+ print " $_->{name} $_->{version}\n"
+ }
+ print __" Kernels:\n";
+ my @kernels = @{$os->{kernels}};
+ foreach (@kernels) {
+ print " $_->{version} ($_->{arch})\n";
+ my @modules = @{$_->{modules}};
+ foreach (@modules) {
+ print " $_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $os->{root}->{registry}) {
+ print __" Windows Registry entries:\n";
+ # These are just lumps of text - dump them out.
+ foreach (@{$os->{root}->{registry}}) {
+ print "$_\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub output_xml
+ my $xml = new XML::Writer(DATA_MODE => 1, DATA_INDENT => 2);
+ $xml->startTag("operatingsystems");
+ output_xml_os ($oses->{$_}, $xml) foreach sort keys %$oses;
+ $xml->endTag("operatingsystems");
+ $xml->end();
+sub output_xml_os
+ my ($os, $xml) = @_;
+ $xml->startTag("operatingsystem");
+ foreach ( [ "name" => "os" ],
+ [ "distro" => "distro" ],
+ [ "arch" => "arch" ],
+ [ "major_version" => "major_version" ],
+ [ "minor_version" => "minor_version" ],
+ [ "package_format" => "package_format" ],
+ [ "package_management" => "package_management" ],
+ [ "root" => "root_device" ] ) {
+ $xml->dataElement($_->[0], $os->{$_->[1]}) if exists $os->{$_->[1]};
+ }
+ $xml->startTag("mountpoints");
+ my $mounts = $os->{mounts};
+ foreach (sort keys %$mounts) {
+ $xml->dataElement("mountpoint", $_, "dev" => $mounts->{$_});
+ }
+ $xml->endTag("mountpoints");
+ $xml->startTag("filesystems");
+ my $filesystems = $os->{filesystems};
+ foreach (sort keys %$filesystems) {
+ $xml->startTag("filesystem", "dev" => $_);
+ foreach my $field ( [ "label" => "label" ],
+ [ "uuid" => "uuid" ],
+ [ "type" => "fstype" ],
+ [ "content" => "content" ],
+ [ "spec" => "spec" ] ) {
+ $xml->dataElement($field->[0], $filesystems->{$_}{$field->[1]})
+ if exists $filesystems->{$_}{$field->[1]};
+ }
+ $xml->endTag("filesystem");
+ }
+ $xml->endTag("filesystems");
+ if (exists $os->{modprobe_aliases}) {
+ my %aliases = %{$os->{modprobe_aliases}};
+ my @keys = sort keys %aliases;
+ if (@keys) {
+ $xml->startTag("modprobealiases");
+ foreach (@keys) {
+ $xml->startTag("alias", "device" => $_);
+ foreach my $field ( [ "modulename" => "modulename" ],
+ [ "augeas" => "augeas" ],
+ [ "file" => "file" ] ) {
+ $xml->dataElement($field->[0], $aliases{$_}->{$field->[1]});
+ }
+ $xml->endTag("alias");
+ }
+ $xml->endTag("modprobealiases");
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $os->{initrd_modules}) {
+ my %modvers = %{$os->{initrd_modules}};
+ my @keys = sort keys %modvers;
+ if (@keys) {
+ $xml->startTag("initrds");
+ foreach (@keys) {
+ my @modules = @{$modvers{$_}};
+ $xml->startTag("initrd", "version" => $_);
+ $xml->dataElement("module", $_) foreach @modules;
+ $xml->endTag("initrd");
+ }
+ $xml->endTag("initrds");
+ }
+ }
+ $xml->startTag("applications");
+ my @apps = @{$os->{apps}};
+ foreach (@apps) {
+ $xml->startTag("application");
+ $xml->dataElement("name", $_->{name});
+ $xml->dataElement("version", $_->{version});
+ $xml->endTag("application");
+ }
+ $xml->endTag("applications");
+ if(defined($os->{boot}) && defined($os->{boot}->{configs})) {
+ my $default = $os->{boot}->{default};
+ my $configs = $os->{boot}->{configs};
+ $xml->startTag("boot");
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$configs); $i++) {
+ my $config = $configs->[$i];
+ my @attrs = ();
+ push(@attrs, ("default" => 1)) if($default == $i);
+ $xml->startTag("config", @attrs);
+ $xml->dataElement("title", $config->{title});
+ $xml->dataElement("kernel", $config->{kernel}->{version})
+ if(defined($config->{kernel}));
+ $xml->dataElement("cmdline", $config->{cmdline})
+ if(defined($config->{cmdline}));
+ $xml->endTag("config");
+ }
+ $xml->endTag("boot");
+ }
+ $xml->startTag("kernels");
+ my @kernels = @{$os->{kernels}};
+ foreach (@kernels) {
+ $xml->startTag("kernel",
+ "version" => $_->{version},
+ "arch" => $_->{arch});
+ $xml->startTag("modules");
+ my @modules = @{$_->{modules}};
+ foreach (@modules) {
+ $xml->dataElement("module", $_);
+ }
+ $xml->endTag("modules");
+ $xml->dataElement("path", $_->{path}) if(defined($_->{path}));
+ $xml->dataElement("package", $_->{package}) if(defined($_->{package}));
+ $xml->endTag("kernel");
+ }
+ $xml->endTag("kernels");
+ if (exists $os->{root}->{registry}) {
+ $xml->startTag("windowsregistryentries");
+ # These are just lumps of text - dump them out.
+ foreach (@{$os->{root}->{registry}}) {
+ $xml->dataElement("windowsregistryentry", $_);
+ }
+ $xml->endTag("windowsregistryentries");
+ }
+ $xml->endTag("operatingsystem");
+=head1 QUERY MODE
+When you use C<virt-inspector --query>, the output is a series of
+lines of the form:
+ windows=no
+ linux=yes
+ fullvirt=yes
+ xen_pv_drivers=no
+(each answer is usually C<yes> or C<no>, or the line is completely
+missing if we could not determine the answer at all).
+If the guest is multiboot, you can get apparently conflicting answers
+(eg. C<windows=yes> and C<linux=yes>, or a guest which is both
+fullvirt and has a Xen PV kernel). This is normal, and just means
+that the guest can do both things, although it might require operator
+intervention such as selecting a boot option when the guest is
+This section describes the full range of answers possible.
+=over 4
+sub output_query
+ output_query_windows ();
+ output_query_linux ();
+ output_query_rhel ();
+ output_query_fedora ();
+ output_query_debian ();
+ output_query_fullvirt ();
+ output_query_xen_domU_kernel ();
+ output_query_xen_pv_drivers ();
+ output_query_virtio_drivers ();
+ output_query_kernel_arch ();
+ output_query_userspace_arch ();
+=item windows=(yes|no)
+Answer C<yes> if Microsoft Windows is installed in the guest.
+sub output_query_windows
+ my $windows = "no";
+ foreach my $os (keys %$oses) {
+ $windows="yes" if $oses->{$os}->{os} eq "windows";
+ }
+ print "windows=$windows\n";
+=item linux=(yes|no)
+Answer C<yes> if a Linux kernel is installed in the guest.
+sub output_query_linux
+ my $linux = "no";
+ foreach my $os (keys %$oses) {
+ $linux="yes" if $oses->{$os}->{os} eq "linux";
+ }
+ print "linux=$linux\n";
+=item rhel=(yes|no)
+Answer C<yes> if the guest contains Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
+sub output_query_rhel
+ my $rhel = "no";
+ foreach my $os (keys %$oses) {
+ $rhel="yes" if ($oses->{$os}->{os} eq "linux" &&
+ $oses->{$os}->{distro} eq "rhel");
+ }
+ print "rhel=$rhel\n";
+=item fedora=(yes|no)
+Answer C<yes> if the guest contains the Fedora Linux distribution.
+sub output_query_fedora
+ my $fedora = "no";
+ foreach my $os (keys %$oses) {
+ $fedora="yes" if $oses->{$os}->{os} eq "linux" && $oses->{$os}->{distro} eq "fedora";
+ }
+ print "fedora=$fedora\n";
+=item debian=(yes|no)
+Answer C<yes> if the guest contains the Debian Linux distribution.
+sub output_query_debian
+ my $debian = "no";
+ foreach my $os (keys %$oses) {
+ $debian="yes" if $oses->{$os}->{os} eq "linux" && $oses->{$os}->{distro} eq "debian";
+ }
+ print "debian=$debian\n";
+=item fullvirt=(yes|no)
+Answer C<yes> if there is at least one operating system kernel
+installed in the guest which runs fully virtualized. Such a guest
+would require a hypervisor which supports full system virtualization.
+sub output_query_fullvirt
+ # The assumption is full-virt, unless all installed kernels
+ # are identified as paravirt.
+ # XXX Fails on Windows guests.
+ foreach my $os (keys %$oses) {
+ foreach my $kernel (@{$oses->{$os}->{kernels}}) {
+ my $is_pv = $kernel->{version} =~ m/xen/;
+ unless ($is_pv) {
+ print "fullvirt=yes\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print "fullvirt=no\n";
+=item xen_domU_kernel=(yes|no)
+Answer C<yes> if there is at least one Linux kernel installed in
+the guest which is compiled as a Xen DomU (a Xen paravirtualized
+sub output_query_xen_domU_kernel
+ foreach my $os (keys %$oses) {
+ foreach my $kernel (@{$oses->{$os}->{kernels}}) {
+ my $is_xen = $kernel->{version} =~ m/xen/;
+ if ($is_xen) {
+ print "xen_domU_kernel=yes\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print "xen_domU_kernel=no\n";
+=item xen_pv_drivers=(yes|no)
+Answer C<yes> if the guest has Xen paravirtualized drivers installed
+(usually the kernel itself will be fully virtualized, but the PV
+drivers have been installed by the administrator for performance
+sub output_query_xen_pv_drivers
+ foreach my $os (keys %$oses) {
+ foreach my $kernel (@{$oses->{$os}->{kernels}}) {
+ foreach my $module (@{$kernel->{modules}}) {
+ if ($module =~ m/xen-/) {
+ print "xen_pv_drivers=yes\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print "xen_pv_drivers=no\n";
+=item virtio_drivers=(yes|no)
+Answer C<yes> if the guest has virtio paravirtualized drivers
+installed. Virtio drivers are commonly used to improve the
+performance of KVM.
+sub output_query_virtio_drivers
+ foreach my $os (keys %$oses) {
+ foreach my $kernel (@{$oses->{$os}->{kernels}}) {
+ foreach my $module (@{$kernel->{modules}}) {
+ if ($module =~ m/virtio_/) {
+ print "virtio_drivers=yes\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print "virtio_drivers=no\n";
+=item userspace_arch=(x86_64|...)
+Print the architecture of userspace.
+NB. For multi-boot VMs this can print several lines.
+sub output_query_userspace_arch
+ my %arches;
+ foreach my $os (keys %$oses) {
+ $arches{$oses->{$os}->{arch}} = 1 if exists $oses->{$os}->{arch};
+ }
+ foreach (sort keys %arches) {
+ print "userspace_arch=$_\n";
+ }
+=item kernel_arch=(x86_64|...)
+Print the architecture of the kernel.
+NB. For multi-boot VMs this can print several lines.
+sub output_query_kernel_arch
+ my %arches;
+ foreach my $os (keys %$oses) {
+ foreach my $kernel (@{$oses->{$os}->{kernels}}) {
+ $arches{$kernel->{arch}} = 1 if exists $kernel->{arch};
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (sort keys %arches) {
+ print "kernel_arch=$_\n";
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+For Windows registry parsing we require the C<reged> program
+from L<>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Richard W.M. Jones L<>
+Matthew Booth L<>
+Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat Inc.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.