path: root/df
diff options
authorRichard Jones <>2009-07-10 13:04:17 +0100
committerRichard Jones <>2009-07-10 13:04:17 +0100
commite547e639b14072bc238cf161669bc3d94a8d6e13 (patch)
treeacedb1d00b124483a57e34296afb72fafbc493b0 /df
parentca75b55ec25f8ae3463702f16cdeb95ebde2916a (diff)
Working version of virt-df.
Diffstat (limited to 'df')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/df/ b/df/
index a4664a82..2d666a03 100755
--- a/df/
+++ b/df/
@@ -39,16 +39,34 @@ virt-df - Display free space on virtual filesystems
virt-df [--options]
- virt-df [--options] guest [guest ...]
+ virt-df [--options] domname
virt-df [--options] disk.img [disk.img ...]
+C<virt-df> is a command line tool to display free space on virtual
+machine filesystems. Unlike other tools, it doesn't just display the
+amount of space allocated to a virtual machine, but can look inside
+the virtual machine to see how much space is really being used.
+It is like the L<df(1)> command, but for virtual machines, except that
+it also works for Windows virtual machines.
+If used without any arguments, C<virt-df> checks with libvirt to get a
+list of all active and inactive guests, and performs a C<df>-type
+operation on each one in turn, printing out the results.
+If used with any argument(s), C<virt-df> performs a C<df>-type
+operation on either the single named libvirt domain, or on the disk
+image(s) listed on the command line (which must all belong to a single
+VM). In this mode (with arguments), C<virt-df> will I<only work for a
+single guest>. If you want to run on multiple guests, then you have
+to invoke C<virt-df> multiple times.
+Use the C<--csv> option to get a format which can be easily parsed by
+other programs. Other options are mostly similar to standard C<df>
+options. See below for the complete list.
=head1 OPTIONS
@@ -68,60 +86,216 @@ my $uri;
=item B<--connect URI> | B<-c URI>
-If using libvirt, connect to the given I<URI>. If omitted,
-then we connect to the default libvirt hypervisor.
+If using libvirt, connect to the given I<URI>. If omitted, then we
+connect to the default libvirt hypervisor.
-Libvirt is only used if you specify a C<domname> on the
-command line. If you specify guest block devices directly,
-then libvirt is not used at all.
+If you specify guest block devices directly, then libvirt is not used
+at all.
-GetOptions ("help|?" => \$help,
- "connect|c=s" => \$uri,
- ) or pod2usage (2);
-pod2usage (1) if $help;
-pod2usage ("$0: no image or VM names given") if @ARGV == 0;
+my $csv;
-# my $g;
-# if ($uri) {
-# $g = open_guest (\@ARGV, rw => $rw, address => $uri);
-# } else {
-# $g = open_guest (\@ARGV, rw => $rw);
-# }
+=item B<--csv>
-# $g->launch ();
-# $g->wait_ready ();
+Write out the results in CSV format (comma-separated values).
+This format can be imported easily into databases and spreadsheets.
-# # List of possible filesystems.
-# my @partitions = get_partitions ($g);
-# # Now query each one to build up a picture of what's in it.
-# my %fses =
-# inspect_all_partitions ($g, \@partitions,
-# use_windows_registry => $windows_registry);
+my $human;
-# #print "fses -----------\n";
-# #print Dumper(\%fses);
+=item B<--human-readable> | B<-h>
-# my $oses = inspect_operating_systems ($g, \%fses);
+Print sizes in human-readable format.
-# #print "oses -----------\n";
-# #print Dumper($oses);
+my $inodes;
-# # Mount up the disks and check for applications.
+=item B<--inodes> | B<-i>
-# my $root_dev;
-# foreach $root_dev (sort keys %$oses) {
-# my $os = $oses->{$root_dev};
-# mount_operating_system ($g, $os);
-# inspect_in_detail ($g, $os);
-# $g->umount_all ();
-# }
+Print inodes instead of blocks.
+GetOptions ("help|?" => \$help,
+ "connect|c=s" => \$uri,
+ "csv" => \$csv,
+ "human-readable|human|h" => \$human,
+ "inodes|i" => \$inodes,
+ ) or pod2usage (2);
+pod2usage (1) if $help;
+# Open the guest handle.
+if (@ARGV == 0) {
+ my $conn;
+ if ($uri) {
+ $conn = Sys::Virt->new (readonly => 1, address => $uri);
+ } else {
+ $conn = Sys::Virt->new (readonly => 1);
+ }
+ my @doms = $conn->list_defined_domains ();
+ push @doms, $conn->list_domains ();
+ my @domnames = map { $_->get_name () } @doms;
+ if (@domnames) {
+ print_title ();
+ foreach (@domnames) {
+ do_df ($_);
+ }
+ }
+} else {
+ print_title ();
+ do_df (@ARGV);
+sub do_df
+ my $g;
+ if ($uri) {
+ $g = open_guest (\@_, address => $uri);
+ } else {
+ $g = open_guest (\@_);
+ }
+ $g->launch ();
+ $g->wait_ready ();
+ my @partitions = get_partitions ($g);
+ # Think of a printable name for this domain. Just choose the
+ # first parameter passed to this function, which will work for
+ # most cases (it'll either be the domain name or the first disk
+ # image name).
+ my $domname = $_[0];
+ # Mount each partition in turn, and if mountable, do a statvfs on it.
+ foreach my $partition (@partitions) {
+ my %stat;
+ eval {
+ $g->mount_ro ($partition, "/");
+ %stat = $g->statvfs ("/");
+ };
+ if (!$@) {
+ print_stat ($domname, $partition, \%stat);
+ }
+ $g->umount_all ();
+ }
+sub print_stat
+ my $domname = shift;
+ my $partition = shift;
+ my $stat = shift;
+ my @cols = ($domname, $partition);
+ if (!$inodes) {
+ my $bsize = $stat->{bsize}; # block size
+ my $blocks = $stat->{blocks}; # total number of blocks
+ my $bfree = $stat->{bfree}; # blocks free (total)
+ my $bavail = $stat->{bavail}; # blocks free (for non-root users)
+ my $factor = $bsize / 1024;
+ push @cols, $blocks*$factor; # total 1K blocks
+ push @cols, ($blocks-$bfree)*$factor; # total 1K blocks used
+ push @cols, $bavail*$factor; # total 1K blocks available
+ # XXX %used column comes out different from the native 'df'
+ # program. Need to check how 'df' calculates this.
+ push @cols, 100.0 - 100.0 * $bavail / $blocks;
+ if ($human) {
+ $cols[2] = human_size ($cols[2]);
+ $cols[3] = human_size ($cols[3]);
+ $cols[4] = human_size ($cols[4]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $files = $stat->{files}; # total number of inodes
+ my $ffree = $stat->{ffree}; # inodes free (total)
+ my $favail = $stat->{favail}; # inodes free (for non-root users)
+ push @cols, $files;
+ push @cols, $files-$ffree;
+ push @cols, $ffree;
+ # XXX %used column comes out different from the native 'df'
+ # program. Need to check how 'df' calculates this.
+ push @cols, 100.0 - 100.0 * $favail / $files;
+ }
+ print_cols (@cols);
+sub print_title
+ my @cols = ("Virtual Machine", "Filesystem");
+ if (!$inodes) {
+ if (!$human) {
+ push @cols, "1K-blocks";
+ } else {
+ push @cols, "Size";
+ }
+ push @cols, "Used";
+ push @cols, "Available";
+ push @cols, "Use%";
+ } else {
+ push @cols, "Inodes";
+ push @cols, "IUsed";
+ push @cols, "IFree";
+ push @cols, "IUse%";
+ }
+ if (!$csv) {
+ # ignore $cols[0] in this mode
+ printf "%-36s%10s %10s %10s %5s\n",
+ $cols[1], $cols[2], $cols[3], $cols[4], $cols[5];
+ } else {
+ print (join (",", @cols), "\n");
+ }
+sub print_cols
+ if (!$csv) {
+ my $label = sprintf "%s:%s", $_[0], $_[1];
+ printf ("%-36s", $label);
+ print "\n"," "x32 if length ($label) > 36;
+ my $percent = sprintf "%3.1f%%", $_[5];
+ printf ("%10s %10s %10s %5s\n", $_[2], $_[3], $_[4], $percent);
+ } else {
+ printf ("\"%s\",\"%s\",%d,%d,%d,%.1f%%\n", @_);
+ }
+# Convert a number of 1K blocks to a human-readable number.
+sub human_size
+ local $_ = shift;
+ if ($_ < 1024) {
+ sprintf "%dK", $_;
+ } elsif ($_ < 1024 * 1024) {
+ sprintf "%.1fM", ($_ / 1024);
+ } else {
+ sprintf "%.1fG", ($_ / 1024 / 1024);
+ }
=head1 SEE ALSO
@@ -129,9 +303,6 @@ L<Sys::Guestfs::Lib(3)>,
-For Windows registry parsing we require the C<reged> program
-from L<>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Richard W.M. Jones L<>