diff options
authorRichard W.M. Jones <>2010-10-03 21:18:25 +0100
committerRichard W.M. Jones <>2010-10-03 21:18:25 +0100
commit67636f721056d2f2250b0ff8acd981a0294536a9 (patch)
parent1a3324ea2b0f4a4e04f99c4efb5af1d4cc256731 (diff)
ocaml: Add alternate object-oriented programming style.
In original style: let () = let filename = Sys.argv.(1) in let g = Guestfs.create () in Guestfs.add_drive_ro g filename; Guestfs.launch g; let roots = Guestfs.inspect_os g in print_endline (Guestfs.inspect_get_product_name g roots.(0)) The same code in the new OO style: let () = let filename = Sys.argv.(1) in let g = new Guestfs.guestfs in g#add_drive_ro filename; g#launch (); let roots = g#inspect_os () in print_endline (g#inspect_get_product_name roots.(0))
2 files changed, 72 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/generator/ b/generator/
index a4e4fa99..e5dfc686 100644
--- a/generator/
+++ b/generator/
@@ -91,7 +91,40 @@ val clear_progress_callback : t -> unit
generate_ocaml_prototype name style;
pr "(** %s *)\n" shortdesc;
pr "\n"
- ) all_functions_sorted
+ ) all_functions_sorted;
+ pr "\
+(** {2 Object-oriented API}
+ This is an alternate way of calling the API using an object-oriented
+ style, so you can use [g#add_drive filename] instead of
+ [Guestfs.add_drive g filename]. Apart from the different style,
+ it offers exactly the same functionality.
+ Note that methods that take no parameters (except the implicit handle)
+ get an extra unit [()] parameter. This is so you can create a
+ closure from the method easily. For example [g#get_verbose ()]
+ calls the method, whereas [g#get_verbose] is a function. *)
+class guestfs : object
+ method close : unit -> unit
+ method set_progress_callback : progress_cb -> unit
+ method clear_progress_callback : unit -> unit
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | name, ((_, []) as style), _, _, _, _, _ ->
+ pr " method %s : unit -> " name;
+ generate_ocaml_function_type style;
+ pr "\n"
+ | name, style, _, _, _, _, _ ->
+ pr " method %s : " name;
+ generate_ocaml_function_type style;
+ pr "\n"
+ ) all_functions_sorted;
+ pr " end\n"
(* Generate the OCaml bindings implementation. *)
and generate_ocaml_ml () =
@@ -126,7 +159,27 @@ let () =
List.iter (
fun (name, style, _, _, _, shortdesc, _) ->
generate_ocaml_prototype ~is_external:true name style;
- ) all_functions_sorted
+ ) all_functions_sorted;
+ (* OO API. *)
+ pr "
+class guestfs =
+ let g = create () in
+ object
+ method close () = close g
+ method set_progress_callback = set_progress_callback g
+ method clear_progress_callback () = clear_progress_callback g
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | name, (_, []), _, _, _, _, _ -> (* no params? add explicit unit *)
+ pr " method %s () = %s g\n" name name
+ | name, _, _, _, _, _, _ ->
+ pr " method %s = %s g\n" name name
+ ) all_functions_sorted;
+ pr " end\n"
(* Generate the OCaml bindings C implementation. *)
and generate_ocaml_c () =
@@ -457,6 +510,16 @@ and generate_ocaml_structure_decls () =
and generate_ocaml_prototype ?(is_external = false) name style =
if is_external then pr "external " else pr "val ";
pr "%s : t -> " name;
+ generate_ocaml_function_type style;
+ if is_external then (
+ pr " = ";
+ if List.length (snd style) + 1 > 5 then
+ pr "\"ocaml_guestfs_%s_byte\" " name;
+ pr "\"ocaml_guestfs_%s\"" name
+ );
+ pr "\n"
+and generate_ocaml_function_type style =
List.iter (
| Pathname _ | Device _ | Dev_or_Path _ | String _ | FileIn _ | FileOut _
@@ -479,11 +542,4 @@ and generate_ocaml_prototype ?(is_external = false) name style =
| RStruct (_, typ) -> pr "%s" typ
| RStructList (_, typ) -> pr "%s array" typ
| RHashtable _ -> pr "(string * string) list"
- );
- if is_external then (
- pr " = ";
- if List.length (snd style) + 1 > 5 then
- pr "\"ocaml_guestfs_%s_byte\" " name;
- pr "\"ocaml_guestfs_%s\"" name
- );
- pr "\n"
+ )
diff --git a/ocaml/t/ b/ocaml/t/
index 779e1c0f..523f764c 100644
--- a/ocaml/t/
+++ b/ocaml/t/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(* libguestfs OCaml bindings
- * Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Red Hat Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -17,3 +17,8 @@
let _ = Guestfs.create
+(* Also try the OO style. *)
+let _ =
+ let g = new Guestfs.guestfs in
+ g#get_verbose ()