if __FILE__ == $0 if Dir.getwd =~ /test\/server$/ Dir.chdir("..") end $:.unshift '../lib' $puppetbase = ".." end require 'puppet' require 'puppet/server' require 'puppet/client' require 'test/unit' require 'puppettest.rb' class TestMaster < Test::Unit::TestCase include ServerTest def teardown super print "\n\n\n\n" if Puppet[:debug] end # run through all of the existing test files and make sure everything # works def test_files count = 0 textfiles { |file| Puppet.err :mark Puppet.debug("parsing %s" % file) client = nil master = nil # create our master assert_nothing_raised() { # this is the default server setup master = Puppet::Server::Master.new( :File => file, :UseNodes => false, :Local => true ) } # and our client assert_nothing_raised() { client = Puppet::Client::MasterClient.new( :Master => master ) } # pull our configuration a few times assert_nothing_raised() { client.getconfig stopservices Puppet::Type.allclear } assert_nothing_raised() { client.getconfig stopservices Puppet::Type.allclear } assert_nothing_raised() { client.getconfig stopservices Puppet::Type.allclear } # only test three files; that's plenty if count > 3 break end count += 1 } end def test_defaultmanifest textfiles { |file| Puppet[:manifest] = file client = nil master = nil assert_nothing_raised() { # this is the default server setup master = Puppet::Server::Master.new( :File => file, :UseNodes => false, :Local => true ) } assert_nothing_raised() { client = Puppet::Client::MasterClient.new( :Master => master ) } # pull our configuration assert_nothing_raised() { client.getconfig stopservices Puppet::Type.allclear } break } end def test_filereread manifest = mktestmanifest() file2 = @createdfile + "2" @@tmpfiles << file2 client = master = nil assert_nothing_raised() { # this is the default server setup master = Puppet::Server::Master.new( :File => manifest, :UseNodes => false, :Local => true, :FileTimeout => 0.5 ) } assert_nothing_raised() { client = Puppet::Client::MasterClient.new( :Master => master ) } assert_nothing_raised { client.getconfig client.apply } assert(FileTest.exists?(@createdfile), "Created file %s does not exist" % @createdfile) sleep 1 Puppet::Type.allclear File.open(manifest, "w") { |f| f.puts "file { \"%s\": create => true }\n" % file2 } assert_nothing_raised { client.getconfig client.apply } assert(FileTest.exists?(file2), "Second file %s does not exist" % file2) end end # $Id$