#!/usr/bin/env ruby $:.unshift("../lib").unshift("../../lib") if __FILE__ =~ /\.rb$/ require 'mocha' require 'puppettest' require 'puppettest/resourcetesting' require 'puppettest/parsertesting' require 'puppettest/servertest' require 'puppet/network/handler/node' module NodeTesting include PuppetTest Node = Puppet::Network::Handler::Node SimpleNode = Puppet::Node def mk_node_mapper # First, make sure our nodesearch command works as we expect # Make a nodemapper mapper = tempfile() ruby = %x{which ruby}.chomp File.open(mapper, "w") { |f| f.puts "#!#{ruby} require 'yaml' name = ARGV.last.chomp result = {} if name =~ /a/ result[:parameters] = {'one' => ARGV.last + '1', 'two' => ARGV.last + '2'} end if name =~ /p/ result['classes'] = [1,2,3].collect { |n| ARGV.last + n.to_s } end puts YAML.dump(result) " } File.chmod(0755, mapper) mapper end def mk_searcher(name) searcher = Object.new searcher.extend(Node.node_source(name)) searcher.meta_def(:newnode) do |name, *args| SimpleNode.new(name, *args) end searcher end def mk_node_source @node_info = {} @node_source = Node.newnode_source(:testing, :fact_merge => true) do def nodesearch(key) if info = @node_info[key] SimpleNode.new(info) else nil end end end Puppet[:node_source] = "testing" cleanup { Node.rm_node_source(:testing) } end end class TestNodeHandler < Test::Unit::TestCase include NodeTesting def setup super mk_node_source end # Make sure that the handler includes the appropriate # node source. def test_initialize # First try it when passing in the node source handler = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not specify a node source") do handler = Node.new(:Source => :testing) end assert(handler.metaclass.included_modules.include?(@node_source), "Handler did not include node source") # Now use the Puppet[:node_source] Puppet[:node_source] = "testing" assert_nothing_raised("Could not specify a node source") do handler = Node.new() end assert(handler.metaclass.included_modules.include?(@node_source), "Handler did not include node source") # And make sure we throw an exception when an invalid node source is used assert_raise(ArgumentError, "Accepted an invalid node source") do handler = Node.new(:Source => "invalid") end end # Make sure we can find and we cache a fact handler. def test_fact_handler handler = Node.new fhandler = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not retrieve the fact handler") do fhandler = handler.send(:fact_handler) end assert_instance_of(Puppet::Network::Handler::Facts, fhandler, "Did not get a fact handler back") # Now call it again, making sure we're caching the value. fhandler2 = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not retrieve the fact handler") do fhandler2 = handler.send(:fact_handler) end assert_instance_of(Puppet::Network::Handler::Facts, fhandler2, "Did not get a fact handler on the second run") assert_equal(fhandler.object_id, fhandler2.object_id, "Did not cache fact handler") end # Make sure we can get node facts from the fact handler. def test_node_facts # Check the case where we find the node. handler = Node.new fhandler = handler.send(:fact_handler) fhandler.expects(:get).with("present").returns("a" => "b") result = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not get facts from fact handler") do result = handler.send(:node_facts, "present") end assert_equal({"a" => "b"}, result, "Did not get correct facts back") # Now try the case where the fact handler knows nothing about our host fhandler.expects(:get).with('missing').returns(nil) result = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not get facts from fact handler when host is missing") do result = handler.send(:node_facts, "missing") end assert_equal({}, result, "Did not get empty hash when no facts are known") end # Test our simple shorthand def test_newnode SimpleNode.expects(:new).with("stuff") handler = Node.new handler.send(:newnode, "stuff") end # Make sure we can build up the correct node names to search for def test_node_names handler = Node.new # Verify that the handler asks for the facts if we don't pass them in handler.expects(:node_facts).with("testing").returns({}) handler.send(:node_names, "testing") handler = Node.new # Test it first with no parameters assert_equal(%w{testing}, handler.send(:node_names, "testing"), "Node names did not default to an array including just the node name") # Now test it with a fully qualified name assert_equal(%w{testing.domain.com testing}, handler.send(:node_names, "testing.domain.com"), "Fully qualified names did not get turned into multiple names, longest first") # And try it with a short name + domain fact assert_equal(%w{testing host.domain.com host}, handler.send(:node_names, "testing", "domain" => "domain.com", "hostname" => "host"), "The domain fact was not used to build up an fqdn") # And with an fqdn assert_equal(%w{testing host.domain.com host}, handler.send(:node_names, "testing", "fqdn" => "host.domain.com"), "The fqdn was not used") # And make sure the fqdn beats the domain assert_equal(%w{testing host.other.com host}, handler.send(:node_names, "testing", "domain" => "domain.com", "fqdn" => "host.other.com"), "The domain was used in preference to the fqdn") end # Make sure we can retrieve a whole node by name. def test_details_when_we_find_nodes handler = Node.new # Make sure we get the facts first handler.expects(:node_facts).with("host").returns(:facts) # Find the node names handler.expects(:node_names).with("host", :facts).returns(%w{a b c}) # Iterate across them handler.expects(:nodesearch).with("a").returns(nil) handler.expects(:nodesearch).with("b").returns(nil) # Create an example node to return node = SimpleNode.new("host") # Make sure its source is set node.expects(:source=).with(handler.source) # And that the names are retained node.expects(:names=).with(%w{a b c}) # And make sure we actually get it back handler.expects(:nodesearch).with("c").returns(node) handler.expects(:fact_merge?).returns(true) # Make sure we merge the facts with the node's parameters. node.expects(:fact_merge).with(:facts) # Now call the method result = nil assert_nothing_raised("could not call 'details'") do result = handler.details("host") end assert_equal(node, result, "Did not get correct node back") end # But make sure we pass through to creating default nodes when appropriate. def test_details_using_default_node handler = Node.new # Make sure we get the facts first handler.expects(:node_facts).with("host").returns(:facts) # Find the node names handler.expects(:node_names).with("host", :facts).returns([]) # Create an example node to return node = SimpleNode.new("host") # Make sure its source is set node.expects(:source=).with(handler.source) # And make sure we actually get it back handler.expects(:nodesearch).with("default").returns(node) # This time, have it return false handler.expects(:fact_merge?).returns(false) # And because fact_merge was false, we don't merge them. node.expects(:fact_merge).never # Now call the method result = nil assert_nothing_raised("could not call 'details'") do result = handler.details("host") end assert_equal(node, result, "Did not get correct node back") end # Make sure our handler behaves rationally when it comes to getting environment data. def test_environment # What happens when we can't find the node handler = Node.new handler.expects(:details).with("fake").returns(nil) result = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not call 'Node.environment'") do result = handler.environment("fake") end assert_nil(result, "Got an environment for a node we could not find") # Now for nodes we can find handler = Node.new node = SimpleNode.new("fake") handler.expects(:details).with("fake").returns(node) node.expects(:environment).returns("dev") result = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not call 'Node.environment'") do result = handler.environment("fake") end assert_equal("dev", result, "Did not get environment back") end # Make sure our handler behaves rationally when it comes to getting parameter data. def test_parameters # What happens when we can't find the node handler = Node.new handler.expects(:details).with("fake").returns(nil) result = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not call 'Node.parameters'") do result = handler.parameters("fake") end assert_nil(result, "Got parameters for a node we could not find") # Now for nodes we can find handler = Node.new node = SimpleNode.new("fake") handler.expects(:details).with("fake").returns(node) node.expects(:parameters).returns({"a" => "b"}) result = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not call 'Node.parameters'") do result = handler.parameters("fake") end assert_equal({"a" => "b"}, result, "Did not get parameters back") end def test_classes # What happens when we can't find the node handler = Node.new handler.expects(:details).with("fake").returns(nil) result = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not call 'Node.classes'") do result = handler.classes("fake") end assert_nil(result, "Got classes for a node we could not find") # Now for nodes we can find handler = Node.new node = SimpleNode.new("fake") handler.expects(:details).with("fake").returns(node) node.expects(:classes).returns(%w{yay foo}) result = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not call 'Node.classes'") do result = handler.classes("fake") end assert_equal(%w{yay foo}, result, "Did not get classes back") end # We reuse the filetimeout for the node caching timeout. def test_node_caching handler = Node.new node = Object.new node.metaclass.instance_eval do attr_accessor :time, :name end node.time = Time.now node.name = "yay" # Make sure caching works normally assert_nothing_raised("Could not cache node") do handler.send(:cache, node) end assert_equal(node.object_id, handler.send(:cached?, "yay").object_id, "Did not get node back from the cache") # And that it's returned if we ask for it, instead of creating a new node. assert_equal(node.object_id, handler.details("yay").object_id, "Did not use cached node") # Now set the node's time to be a long time ago node.time = Time.now - 50000 assert(! handler.send(:cached?, "yay"), "Timed-out node was returned from cache") end end # Test our configuration object. class TestNodeSources < Test::Unit::TestCase include NodeTesting def test_node_sources mod = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not add new search type") do mod = Node.newnode_source(:testing) do def nodesearch(name) end end end assert_equal(mod, Node.node_source(:testing), "Did not get node_source back") cleanup do Node.rm_node_source(:testing) assert(! Node.const_defined?("Testing"), "Did not remove constant") end end def test_external_node_source source = Node.node_source(:external) assert(source, "Could not find external node source") mapper = mk_node_mapper searcher = mk_searcher(:external) assert(searcher.fact_merge?, "External node source does not merge facts") # Make sure it gives the right response assert_equal({'classes' => %w{apple1 apple2 apple3}, :parameters => {"one" => "apple1", "two" => "apple2"}}, YAML.load(%x{#{mapper} apple})) # First make sure we get nil back by default assert_nothing_raised { assert_nil(searcher.nodesearch("apple"), "Interp#nodesearch_external defaulted to a non-nil response") } assert_nothing_raised { Puppet[:external_nodes] = mapper } node = nil # Both 'a' and 'p', so we get classes and parameters assert_nothing_raised { node = searcher.nodesearch("apple") } assert_equal("apple", node.name, "node name was not set correctly for apple") assert_equal(%w{apple1 apple2 apple3}, node.classes, "node classes were not set correctly for apple") assert_equal( {"one" => "apple1", "two" => "apple2"}, node.parameters, "node parameters were not set correctly for apple") # A 'p' but no 'a', so we only get classes assert_nothing_raised { node = searcher.nodesearch("plum") } assert_equal("plum", node.name, "node name was not set correctly for plum") assert_equal(%w{plum1 plum2 plum3}, node.classes, "node classes were not set correctly for plum") assert_equal({}, node.parameters, "node parameters were not set correctly for plum") # An 'a' but no 'p', so we only get parameters. assert_nothing_raised { node = searcher.nodesearch("guava")} # no p's, thus no classes assert_equal("guava", node.name, "node name was not set correctly for guava") assert_equal([], node.classes, "node classes were not set correctly for guava") assert_equal({"one" => "guava1", "two" => "guava2"}, node.parameters, "node parameters were not set correctly for guava") assert_nothing_raised { node = searcher.nodesearch("honeydew")} # neither, thus nil assert_nil(node) end # Make sure a nodesearch with arguments works def test_nodesearch_external_arguments mapper = mk_node_mapper Puppet[:external_nodes] = "#{mapper} -s something -p somethingelse" searcher = mk_searcher(:external) node = nil assert_nothing_raised do node = searcher.nodesearch("apple") end assert_instance_of(SimpleNode, node, "did not create node") end # A wrapper test, to make sure we're correctly calling the external search method. def test_nodesearch_external_functional mapper = mk_node_mapper searcher = mk_searcher(:external) Puppet[:external_nodes] = mapper node = nil assert_nothing_raised do node = searcher.nodesearch("apple") end assert_instance_of(SimpleNode, node, "did not create node") end # This can stay in the main test suite because it doesn't actually use ldapsearch, # it just overrides the method so it behaves as though it were hitting ldap. def test_ldap_nodesearch source = Node.node_source(:ldap) assert(source, "Could not find ldap node source") searcher = mk_searcher(:ldap) assert(searcher.fact_merge?, "LDAP node source does not merge facts") nodetable = {} # Override the ldapsearch definition, so we don't have to actually set it up. searcher.meta_def(:ldapsearch) do |name| nodetable[name] end # Make sure we get nothing for nonexistent hosts node = nil assert_nothing_raised do node = searcher.nodesearch("nosuchhost") end assert_nil(node, "Got a node for a non-existent host") # Now add a base node with some classes and parameters nodetable["base"] = [nil, %w{one two}, {"base" => "true"}] assert_nothing_raised do node = searcher.nodesearch("base") end assert_instance_of(SimpleNode, node, "Did not get node from ldap nodesearch") assert_equal("base", node.name, "node name was not set") assert_equal(%w{one two}, node.classes, "node classes were not set") assert_equal({"base" => "true"}, node.parameters, "node parameters were not set") # Now use a different with this as the base nodetable["middle"] = ["base", %w{three}, {"center" => "boo"}] assert_nothing_raised do node = searcher.nodesearch("middle") end assert_instance_of(SimpleNode, node, "Did not get node from ldap nodesearch") assert_equal("middle", node.name, "node name was not set") assert_equal(%w{one two three}.sort, node.classes.sort, "node classes were not set correctly with a parent node") assert_equal({"base" => "true", "center" => "boo"}, node.parameters, "node parameters were not set correctly with a parent node") # And one further, to make sure we fully recurse nodetable["top"] = ["middle", %w{four five}, {"master" => "far"}] assert_nothing_raised do node = searcher.nodesearch("top") end assert_instance_of(SimpleNode, node, "Did not get node from ldap nodesearch") assert_equal("top", node.name, "node name was not set") assert_equal(%w{one two three four five}.sort, node.classes.sort, "node classes were not set correctly with the top node") assert_equal({"base" => "true", "center" => "boo", "master" => "far"}, node.parameters, "node parameters were not set correctly with the top node") end # Make sure we always get a node back from the 'none' nodesource. def test_nodesource_none source = Node.node_source(:none) assert(source, "Could not find 'none' node source") searcher = mk_searcher(:none) assert(searcher.fact_merge?, "'none' node source does not merge facts") # Run a couple of node names through it node = nil %w{ 0:0:0:3:a:f host host.domain.com}.each do |name| assert_nothing_raised("Could not create an empty node with name '%s'" % name) do node = searcher.nodesearch(name) end assert_instance_of(SimpleNode, node, "Did not get a simple node back for %s" % name) assert_equal(name, node.name, "Name was not set correctly") end end end class LdapNodeTest < PuppetTest::TestCase include NodeTesting include PuppetTest::ServerTest include PuppetTest::ParserTesting include PuppetTest::ResourceTesting AST = Puppet::Parser::AST confine "LDAP is not available" => Puppet.features.ldap? confine "No LDAP test data for networks other than Luke's" => Facter.value(:domain) == "madstop.com" def ldapconnect @ldap = LDAP::Conn.new("ldap", 389) @ldap.set_option( LDAP::LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3 ) @ldap.simple_bind("", "") return @ldap end def ldaphost(name) node = NodeDef.new(:name => name) parent = nil found = false @ldap.search( "ou=hosts, dc=madstop, dc=com", 2, "(&(objectclass=puppetclient)(cn=%s))" % name ) do |entry| node.classes = entry.vals("puppetclass") || [] node.parameters = entry.to_hash.inject({}) do |hash, ary| if ary[1].length == 1 hash[ary[0]] = ary[1].shift else hash[ary[0]] = ary[1] end hash end parent = node.parameters["parentnode"] found = true end raise "Could not find node %s" % name unless found return node, parent end def test_ldapsearch Puppet[:ldapbase] = "ou=hosts, dc=madstop, dc=com" Puppet[:ldapnodes] = true searcher = Object.new searcher.extend(Node.node_source(:ldap)) ldapconnect() # Make sure we get nil and nil back when we search for something missing parent, classes, parameters = nil assert_nothing_raised do parent, classes, parameters = searcher.ldapsearch("nosuchhost") end assert_nil(parent, "Got a parent for a non-existent host") assert_nil(classes, "Got classes for a non-existent host") # Make sure we can find 'culain' in ldap assert_nothing_raised do parent, classes, parameters = searcher.ldapsearch("culain") end node, realparent = ldaphost("culain") assert_equal(realparent, parent, "did not get correct parent node from ldap") assert_equal(node.classes, classes, "did not get correct ldap classes from ldap") assert_equal(node.parameters, parameters, "did not get correct ldap parameters from ldap") # Now compare when we specify the attributes to get. Puppet[:ldapattrs] = "cn" assert_nothing_raised do parent, classes, parameters = searcher.ldapsearch("culain") end assert_equal(realparent, parent, "did not get correct parent node from ldap") assert_equal(node.classes, classes, "did not get correct ldap classes from ldap") list = %w{cn puppetclass parentnode dn} should = node.parameters.inject({}) { |h, a| h[a[0]] = a[1] if list.include?(a[0]); h } assert_equal(should, parameters, "did not get correct ldap parameters from ldap") end end class LdapReconnectTests < PuppetTest::TestCase include NodeTesting include PuppetTest::ServerTest include PuppetTest::ParserTesting include PuppetTest::ResourceTesting AST = Puppet::Parser::AST confine "Not running on culain as root" => (Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.uid == 0 and Facter.value("hostname") == "culain") def test_ldapreconnect Puppet[:ldapbase] = "ou=hosts, dc=madstop, dc=com" Puppet[:ldapnodes] = true searcher = Object.new searcher.extend(Node.node_source(:ldap)) hostname = "culain.madstop.com" # look for our host assert_nothing_raised { parent, classes = searcher.nodesearch(hostname) } # Now restart ldap system("/etc/init.d/slapd restart 2>/dev/null >/dev/null") sleep(1) # and look again assert_nothing_raised { parent, classes = searcher.nodesearch(hostname) } # Now stop ldap system("/etc/init.d/slapd stop 2>/dev/null >/dev/null") cleanup do system("/etc/init.d/slapd start 2>/dev/null >/dev/null") end # And make sure we actually fail here assert_raise(Puppet::Error) { parent, classes = searcher.nodesearch(hostname) } end end