#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/puppettest' require 'puppet' require 'puppet/parser/interpreter' require 'puppet/parser/parser' require 'puppet/network/client' require 'puppet/network/handler' require 'puppettest' class TestSnippets < Test::Unit::TestCase include PuppetTest def setup super @file = Puppet::Type.type(:file) end def self.snippetdir PuppetTest.datadir "snippets" end def assert_file(path, msg = nil) unless file = @file[path] msg ||= "Could not find file %s" % path raise msg end end def assert_mode_equal(mode, path) unless file = @file[path] raise "Could not find file %s" % path end unless mode == file.should(:mode) raise "Mode for %s is incorrect: %o vs %o" % [path, mode, file.should(:mode)] end end def snippet(name) File.join(self.class.snippetdir, name) end def file2ast(file) parser = Puppet::Parser::Parser.new() parser.file = file ast = parser.parse return ast end def snippet2ast(text) parser = Puppet::Parser::Parser.new() parser.string = text ast = parser.parse return ast end def client args = { :Listen => false } Puppet::Network::Client.new(args) end def ast2scope(ast) interp = Puppet::Parser::Interpreter.new( :ast => ast, :client => client() ) scope = Puppet::Parser::Scope.new() ast.evaluate(scope) return scope end def scope2objs(scope) objs = scope.to_trans end def snippet2scope(snippet) ast = snippet2ast(snippet) scope = ast2scope(ast) end def snippet2objs(snippet) ast = snippet2ast(snippet) scope = ast2scope(ast) objs = scope2objs(scope) end def properties(type) properties = type.validproperties end def metaparams(type) mparams = [] Puppet::Type.eachmetaparam { |param| mparams.push param } mparams end def params(type) params = [] type.parameters.each { |name,property| params.push name } params end def randthing(thing,type) list = self.send(thing,type) list[rand(list.length)] end def randeach(type) [:properties, :metaparams, :params].collect { |thing| randthing(thing,type) } end @@snippets = { true => [ %{File { mode => 755 }} ], } def disabled_test_defaults Puppet::Type.eachtype { |type| next if type.name == :puppet or type.name == :component rands = randeach(type) name = type.name.to_s.capitalize [0..1, 0..2].each { |range| params = rands[range] paramstr = params.collect { |param| "%s => fake" % param }.join(", ") str = "%s { %s }" % [name, paramstr] scope = nil assert_nothing_raised { scope = snippet2scope(str) } defaults = nil assert_nothing_raised { defaults = scope.lookupdefaults(name) } p defaults params.each { |param| puts "%s => '%s'" % [name,param] assert(defaults.include?(param)) } } } end # this is here in case no tests get defined; otherwise we get a warning def test_nothing end def snippet_filecreate %w{a b c d}.each { |letter| path = "/tmp/create%stest" % letter assert_file(path) if %w{a b}.include?(letter) assert_mode_equal(0755, path) end } end def snippet_simpledefaults path = "/tmp/defaulttest" assert_file(path) assert_mode_equal(0755, path) end def snippet_simpleselector files = %w{a b c d}.collect { |letter| path = "/tmp/snippetselect%stest" % letter assert_file(path) assert_mode_equal(0755, path) } end def snippet_classpathtest path = "/tmp/classtest" file = @catalog.resource(:file, path) assert(file, "did not create file %s" % path) assert_nothing_raised { assert_equal( "//testing/Mytype[componentname]/File[/tmp/classtest]", file.path) } end def snippet_argumentdefaults path1 = "/tmp/argumenttest1" path2 = "/tmp/argumenttest2" file1 = @file[path1] file2 = @file[path2] assert_file(path1) assert_mode_equal(0755, path1) assert_file(path2) assert_mode_equal(0644, path2) end def snippet_casestatement paths = %w{ /tmp/existsfile /tmp/existsfile2 /tmp/existsfile3 /tmp/existsfile4 /tmp/existsfile5 } paths.each { |path| file = @file[path] assert(file, "File %s is missing" % path) assert_mode_equal(0755, path) } end def snippet_implicititeration paths = %w{a b c d e f g h}.collect { |l| "/tmp/iteration%stest" % l } paths.each { |path| file = @file[path] assert_file(path) assert_mode_equal(0755, path) } end def snippet_multipleinstances paths = %w{a b c}.collect { |l| "/tmp/multipleinstances%s" % l } paths.each { |path| assert_file(path) assert_mode_equal(0755, path) } end def snippet_namevartest file = "/tmp/testfiletest" dir = "/tmp/testdirtest" assert_file(file) assert_file(dir) assert_equal(:directory, @file[dir].should(:ensure), "Directory is not set to be a directory") end def snippet_scopetest file = "/tmp/scopetest" assert_file(file) assert_mode_equal(0755, file) end def snippet_selectorvalues nums = %w{1 2 3 4 5} files = nums.collect { |n| "/tmp/selectorvalues%s" % n } files.each { |f| assert_file(f) assert_mode_equal(0755, f) } end def snippet_singleselector nums = %w{1 2 3} files = nums.collect { |n| "/tmp/singleselector%s" % n } files.each { |f| assert_file(f) assert_mode_equal(0755, f) } end def snippet_falsevalues file = "/tmp/falsevaluesfalse" assert_file(file) end def disabled_snippet_classargtest [1,2].each { |num| file = "/tmp/classargtest%s" % num assert_file(file) assert_mode_equal(0755, file) } end def snippet_classheirarchy [1,2,3].each { |num| file = "/tmp/classheir%s" % num assert_file(file) assert_mode_equal(0755, file) } end def snippet_singleary [1,2,3,4].each { |num| file = "/tmp/singleary%s" % num assert_file(file) } end def snippet_classincludes [1,2,3].each { |num| file = "/tmp/classincludes%s" % num assert_file(file) assert_mode_equal(0755, file) } end def snippet_componentmetaparams ["/tmp/component1", "/tmp/component2"].each { |file| assert_file(file) } end def snippet_aliastest %w{/tmp/aliastest /tmp/aliastest2 /tmp/aliastest3}.each { |file| assert_file(file) } end def snippet_singlequote { 1 => 'a $quote', 2 => 'some "\yayness\"' }.each { |count, str| path = "/tmp/singlequote%s" % count assert_file(path) assert_equal(str, @file[path].should(:content)) } end # There's no way to actually retrieve the list of classes from the # transaction. def snippet_tag end # Make sure that set tags are correctly in place, yo. def snippet_tagged tags = {"testing" => true, "yayness" => false, "both" => false, "bothtrue" => true, "define" => true} tags.each do |tag, retval| assert_file("/tmp/tagged#{tag}#{retval.to_s}") end end def snippet_defineoverrides file = "/tmp/defineoverrides1" assert_file(file) assert_mode_equal(0755, file) end def snippet_deepclassheirarchy 5.times { |i| i += 1 file = "/tmp/deepclassheir%s" % i assert_file(file) } end def snippet_emptyclass # There's nothing to check other than that it works end def snippet_emptyexec assert(Puppet::Type.type(:exec)["touch /tmp/emptyexectest"], "Did not create exec") end def snippet_multisubs path = "/tmp/multisubtest" assert_file(path) file = @file[path] assert_equal("sub2", file.should(:content), "sub2 did not override content") assert_mode_equal(0755, path) end def snippet_collection assert_file("/tmp/colltest1") assert_nil(@file["/tmp/colltest2"], "Incorrectly collected file") end def snippet_virtualresources %w{1 2 3 4}.each do |num| assert_file("/tmp/virtualtest#{num}") end end def snippet_componentrequire %w{1 2}.each do |num| assert_file("/tmp/testing_component_requires#{num}", "#{num} does not exist") end end def snippet_realize_defined_types assert_file("/tmp/realize_defined_test1") assert_file("/tmp/realize_defined_test2") end def snippet_fqparents assert_file("/tmp/fqparent1", "Did not make file from parent class") assert_file("/tmp/fqparent2", "Did not make file from subclass") end def snippet_fqdefinition assert_file("/tmp/fqdefinition", "Did not make file from fully-qualified definition") end def snippet_subclass_name_duplication assert_file("/tmp/subclass_name_duplication1", "Did not make first file from duplicate subclass names") assert_file("/tmp/subclass_name_duplication2", "Did not make second file from duplicate subclass names") end # Iterate across each of the snippets and create a test. Dir.entries(snippetdir).sort.each { |file| next if file =~ /^\./ mname = "snippet_" + file.sub(/\.pp$/, '') if self.method_defined?(mname) #eval("alias %s %s" % [testname, mname]) testname = ("test_" + mname).intern self.send(:define_method, testname) { Puppet[:manifest] = snippet(file) facts = { "hostname" => "testhost", "domain" => "domain.com", "ipaddress" => "", "fqdn" => "testhost.domain.com" } node = Puppet::Node.new("testhost") node.merge(facts) catalog = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not compile catalog") { catalog = Puppet::Node::Catalog.find(node) } assert_nothing_raised("Could not convert catalog") { catalog = catalog.to_ral } Puppet::Type.eachtype { |type| type.each { |obj| # don't worry about this for now #unless obj.name == "puppet[top]" or # obj.is_a?(Puppet.type(:schedule)) # assert(obj.parent, "%s has no parent" % obj.name) #end assert(obj.name) } } @catalog = catalog assert_nothing_raised { self.send(mname) } } mname = mname.intern end } end