#!/usr/bin/env ruby $:.unshift("../lib").unshift("../../lib") if __FILE__ =~ /\.rb$/ require 'puppettest' require 'puppettest/resourcetesting' require 'puppettest/railstesting' class TestResource < Test::Unit::TestCase include PuppetTest include PuppetTest::ParserTesting include PuppetTest::ResourceTesting include PuppetTest::RailsTesting Parser = Puppet::Parser AST = Parser::AST def setup super Puppet[:trace] = false @interp, @scope, @source = mkclassframing end def test_initialize args = {:type => "resource", :title => "testing", :source => @source, :scope => @scope} # Check our arg requirements args.each do |name, value| try = args.dup try.delete(name) assert_raise(Puppet::DevError) do Parser::Resource.new(try) end end args[:params] = paramify @source, :one => "yay", :three => "rah" res = nil assert_nothing_raised do res = Parser::Resource.new(args) end # Make sure it got the parameters correctly. assert_equal("yay", res[:one]) assert_equal("rah", res[:three]) assert_equal({:one => "yay", :three => "rah"}, res.to_hash) end def test_override res = mkresource # Now verify we can't override with any random class assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError) do res.set paramify(@scope.findclass("other"), "one" => "boo").shift end # And that we can with a subclass assert_nothing_raised do res.set paramify(@scope.findclass("sub1"), "one" => "boo").shift end # And that a different subclass can override a different parameter assert_nothing_raised do res.set paramify(@scope.findclass("sub2"), "three" => "boo").shift end # But not the same one assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError) do res.set paramify(@scope.findclass("sub2"), "one" => "something").shift end end def test_merge # Start with the normal one res = mkresource # Now create a resource from a different scope other = mkresource :source => other, :params => {"one" => "boo"} # Make sure we can't merge it assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError) do res.merge(other) end # Make one from a subscope other = mkresource :source => "sub1", :params => {"one" => "boo"} # Make sure it merges assert_nothing_raised do res.merge(other) end assert_equal("boo", res["one"]) end def test_paramcheck # First make a builtin resource res = nil assert_nothing_raised do res = Parser::Resource.new :type => "file", :title => tempfile(), :source => @source, :scope => @scope end %w{path group source schedule subscribe}.each do |param| assert_nothing_raised("Param %s was considered invalid" % param) do res.paramcheck(param) end end %w{this bad noness}.each do |param| assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError, "%s was considered valid" % param) do res.paramcheck(param) end end # Now create a defined resource assert_nothing_raised do res = Parser::Resource.new :type => "resource", :title => "yay", :source => @source, :scope => @scope end %w{one two three schedule subscribe}.each do |param| assert_nothing_raised("Param %s was considered invalid" % param) do res.paramcheck(param) end end %w{this bad noness}.each do |param| assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError, "%s was considered valid" % param) do res.paramcheck(param) end end end def test_to_trans # First try translating a builtin resource res = Parser::Resource.new :type => "file", :title => "/tmp", :source => @source, :scope => @scope, :params => paramify(@source, :owner => "nobody", :mode => "644") obj = nil assert_nothing_raised do obj = res.to_trans end assert_instance_of(Puppet::TransObject, obj) assert_equal(obj.type, res.type) assert_equal(obj.name, res.title) # TransObjects use strings, resources use symbols hash = obj.to_hash.inject({}) { |h,a| h[a[0].intern] = a[1]; h } assert_equal(hash, res.to_hash) end def test_adddefaults # Set some defaults at the top level top = {:one => "fun", :two => "shoe"} @scope.setdefaults("resource", paramify(@source, top)) # Make a resource at that level res = Parser::Resource.new :type => "resource", :title => "yay", :source => @source, :scope => @scope # Add the defaults assert_nothing_raised do res.adddefaults end # And make sure we got them top.each do |p, v| assert_equal(v, res[p]) end # Now got a bit lower other = @scope.newscope # And create a resource lowerres = Parser::Resource.new :type => "resource", :title => "funtest", :source => @source, :scope => other assert_nothing_raised do lowerres.adddefaults end # And check top.each do |p, v| assert_equal(v, lowerres[p]) end # Now add some of our own defaults lower = {:one => "shun", :three => "free"} other.setdefaults("resource", paramify(@source, lower)) otherres = Parser::Resource.new :type => "resource", :title => "yaytest", :source => @source, :scope => other should = top.dup # Make sure the lower defaults beat the higher ones. lower.each do |p, v| should[p] = v end otherres.adddefaults should.each do |p,v| assert_equal(v, otherres[p]) end end def test_evaluate # Make a definition that we know will, um, do something @interp.newdefine "evaltest", :arguments => [%w{one}, ["two", stringobj("755")]], :code => resourcedef("file", "/tmp", "owner" => varref("one"), "mode" => varref("two")) res = Parser::Resource.new :type => "evaltest", :title => "yay", :source => @source, :scope => @scope, :params => paramify(@source, :one => "nobody") # Now try evaluating ret = nil assert_nothing_raised do ret = res.evaluate end # Make sure we can find our object now result = @scope.findresource("File[/tmp]") # Now make sure we got the code we expected. assert_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::Resource, result) assert_equal("file", result.type) assert_equal("/tmp", result.title) assert_equal("nobody", result["owner"]) assert_equal("755", result["mode"]) # And that we cannot find the old resource assert_nil(@scope.findresource("Evaltest[yay]"), "Evaluated resource was not deleted") end def test_addoverrides # First create an override for an object that doesn't yet exist over1 = mkresource :source => "sub1", :params => {:one => "yay"} assert_nothing_raised do @scope.setoverride(over1) end assert(over1.override, "Override was not marked so") # Now make the resource res = mkresource :source => "base", :params => {:one => "rah", :three => "foo"} # And add it to our scope @scope.setresource(res) # And make sure over1 has not yet taken affect assert_equal("foo", res[:three], "Lost value") # Now add an immediately binding override over2 = mkresource :source => "sub1", :params => {:three => "yay"} assert_nothing_raised do @scope.setoverride(over2) end # And make sure it worked assert_equal("yay", res[:three], "Override 2 was ignored") # Now add our late-binding override assert_nothing_raised do res.addoverrides end # And make sure they're still around assert_equal("yay", res[:one], "Override 1 lost") assert_equal("yay", res[:three], "Override 2 lost") # And finally, make sure that there are no remaining overrides assert_nothing_raised do res.addoverrides end end def test_proxymethods res = Parser::Resource.new :type => "evaltest", :title => "yay", :source => @source, :scope => @scope assert_equal("evaltest", res.type) assert_equal("yay", res.title) assert_equal(false, res.builtin?) end def test_addmetaparams mkevaltest @interp res = Parser::Resource.new :type => "evaltest", :title => "yay", :source => @source, :scope => @scope, :params => paramify(@source, :tag => "yay") assert_nil(res[:schedule], "Got schedule already") assert_nothing_raised do res.addmetaparams end @scope.setvar("schedule", "daily") # This is so we can test that it won't override already-set metaparams @scope.setvar("tag", "funtest") assert_nothing_raised do res.addmetaparams end assert_equal("daily", res[:schedule], "Did not get metaparam") assert_equal("yay", res[:tag], "Overrode explicitly-set metaparam") assert_nil(res[:noop], "Got invalid metaparam") end def test_reference_conversion # First try it as a normal string ref = Parser::Resource::Reference.new(:type => "file", :title => "/tmp/ref1") # Now create an obj that uses it res = mkresource :type => "file", :title => "/tmp/resource", :params => {:require => ref} trans = nil assert_nothing_raised do trans = res.to_trans end assert_instance_of(Array, trans["require"]) assert_equal(["file", "/tmp/ref1"], trans["require"]) # Now try it when using an array of references. two = Parser::Resource::Reference.new(:type => "file", :title => "/tmp/ref2") res = mkresource :type => "file", :title => "/tmp/resource2", :params => {:require => [ref, two]} trans = nil assert_nothing_raised do trans = res.to_trans end assert_instance_of(Array, trans["require"][0]) trans["require"].each do |val| assert_instance_of(Array, val) assert_equal("file", val[0]) assert(val[1] =~ /\/tmp\/ref[0-9]/, "Was %s instead of the file name" % val[1]) end end # This is a bit of a weird one -- the user should not actually know # that components exist, so we want references to act like they're not # builtin def test_components_are_not_builtin ref = Parser::Resource::Reference.new(:type => "component", :title => "yay") assert_nil(ref.builtintype, "Component was considered builtin") end if Puppet.features.rails? # Compare a parser resource to a rails resource. def compare_resources(host, res, updating, options = {}) # to_rails now expects to be passed a resource, else it will create a new one newobj = host.resources.find_by_restype_and_title(res.type, res.title) assert_nothing_raised do newobj = res.to_rails(host, newobj) end assert_instance_of(Puppet::Rails::Resource, newobj) newobj.save if updating tail = "on update" else tail = "" end # Make sure we find our object and only our object count = 0 obj = nil Puppet::Rails::Resource.find(:all).each do |obj| assert_equal(newobj.id, obj.id, "Found object has a different id than generated object %s" % tail) count += 1 [:title, :restype, :line, :exported].each do |param| if param == :restype method = :type else method = param end assert_equal(res.send(method), obj[param], "attribute %s was not set correctly in rails %s" % [param, tail]) end end assert_equal(1, count, "Got too many resources %s" % tail) # Now make sure we can find it again assert_nothing_raised do obj = Puppet::Rails::Resource.find_by_restype_and_title( res.type, res.title, :include => :param_names ) end assert_instance_of(Puppet::Rails::Resource, obj) # Make sure we get the parameters back params = options[:params] || [obj.param_names.collect { |p| p.name }, res.to_hash.keys].flatten.collect { |n| n.to_s }.uniq params.each do |name| param = obj.param_names.find_by_name(name) if res[name] assert(param, "resource did not keep %s %s" % [name, tail]) else assert(! param, "resource did not delete %s %s" % [name, tail]) end if param values = param.param_values.collect { |pv| pv.value } should = res[param.name] should = [should] unless should.is_a?(Array) assert_equal(should, values, "%s was different %s" % [param.name, tail]) end end end def test_to_rails railsteardown railsinit res = mkresource :type => "file", :title => "/tmp/testing", :source => @source, :scope => @scope, :params => {:owner => "root", :source => ["/tmp/A", "/tmp/B"], :mode => "755"} res.line = 50 # We also need a Rails Host to store under host = Puppet::Rails::Host.new(:name => Facter.hostname) compare_resources(host, res, false, :params => %w{owner source mode}) # Now make some changes to our resource. We're removing the mode, # changing the source, and adding 'check'. res = mkresource :type => "file", :title => "/tmp/testing", :source => @source, :scope => @scope, :params => {:owner => "bin", :source => ["/tmp/A", "/tmp/C"], :check => "checksum"} res.line = 75 res.exported = true compare_resources(host, res, true, :params => %w{owner source mode check}) end end # #472. Really, this still isn't the best behaviour, but at least # it's consistent with what we have elsewhere. def test_defaults_from_parent_classes # Make a parent class with some defaults in it @interp.newclass("base", :code => defaultobj("file", :owner => "root", :group => "root") ) # Now a mid-level class with some different values @interp.newclass("middle", :parent => "base", :code => defaultobj("file", :owner => "bin", :mode => "755") ) # Now a lower class with its own defaults plus a resource @interp.newclass("bottom", :parent => "middle", :code => AST::ASTArray.new(:children => [ defaultobj("file", :owner => "adm", :recurse => "true"), resourcedef("file", "/tmp/yayness", {}) ]) ) # Now evaluate the class. assert_nothing_raised("Failed to evaluate class tree") do @scope.evalclasses("bottom") end # Make sure our resource got created. res = @scope.findresource("File[/tmp/yayness]") assert_nothing_raised("Could not add defaults") do res.adddefaults end assert(res, "could not find resource") {:owner => "adm", :recurse => "true", :group => "root", :mode => "755"}.each do |param, value| assert_equal(value, res[param], "%s => %s did not inherit correctly" % [param, value]) end end # The second part of #539 - make sure resources pass the arguments # correctly. def test_title_with_definitions define = @interp.newdefine "yayness", :code => resourcedef("file", "/tmp", "owner" => varref("name"), "mode" => varref("title")) klass = @interp.findclass("", "") should = {:name => :owner, :title => :mode} [ {:name => "one", :title => "two"}, {:title => "three"}, ].each do |hash| scope = mkscope :interp => @interp args = {:type => "yayness", :title => hash[:title], :source => klass, :scope => scope} if hash[:name] args[:params] = {:name => hash[:name]} else args[:params] = {} # override the defaults end res = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not create res with %s" % hash.inspect) do res = mkresource(args) end assert_nothing_raised("Could not eval res with %s" % hash.inspect) do res.evaluate end made = scope.findresource("File[/tmp]") assert(made, "Did not create resource with %s" % hash.inspect) should.each do |orig, param| assert_equal(hash[orig] || hash[:title], made[param], "%s was not set correctly with %s" % [param, hash.inspect]) end end end end # $Id$