#!/usr/bin/env ruby $:.unshift("../lib").unshift("../../lib") if __FILE__ =~ /\.rb$/ require 'puppettest' require 'puppettest/resourcetesting' class TestResource < PuppetTest::TestCase include PuppetTest include PuppetTest::ParserTesting include PuppetTest::ResourceTesting Parser = Puppet::Parser AST = Parser::AST Resource = Puppet::Parser::Resource Reference = Puppet::Parser::Resource::Reference def setup super Puppet[:trace] = false end def teardown mocha_verify end def test_initialize args = {:type => "resource", :title => "testing", :scope => mkscope} # Check our arg requirements args.each do |name, value| try = args.dup try.delete(name) assert_raise(ArgumentError, "Did not fail when %s was missing" % name) do Parser::Resource.new(try) end end res = nil assert_nothing_raised do res = Parser::Resource.new(args) end ref = res.instance_variable_get("@ref") assert_equal("resource", ref.type, "did not set resource type") assert_equal("testing", ref.title, "did not set resource title") end def test_merge res = mkresource other = mkresource # First try the case where the resource is not allowed to override res.source = "source1" other.source = "source2" other.source.expects(:child_of?).with("source1").returns(false) assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError, "Allowed unrelated resources to override") do res.merge(other) end # Next try it when the sources are equal. res.source = "source3" other.source = res.source other.source.expects(:child_of?).with("source3").never params = {:a => :b, :c => :d} other.expects(:params).returns(params) res.expects(:override_parameter).with(:b) res.expects(:override_parameter).with(:d) res.merge(other) # And then parentage is involved other = mkresource res.source = "source3" other.source = "source4" other.source.expects(:child_of?).with("source3").returns(true) params = {:a => :b, :c => :d} other.expects(:params).returns(params) res.expects(:override_parameter).with(:b) res.expects(:override_parameter).with(:d) res.merge(other) end # the [] method def test_array_accessors res = mkresource params = res.instance_variable_get("@params") assert_nil(res[:missing], "Found a missing parameter somehow") params[:something] = stub(:value => "yay") assert_equal("yay", res[:something], "Did not correctly call value on the parameter") res.expects(:title).returns(:mytitle) assert_equal(:mytitle, res[:title], "Did not call title when asked for it as a param") end # Make sure any defaults stored in the scope get added to our resource. def test_add_defaults res = mkresource params = res.instance_variable_get("@params") params[:a] = :b res.scope.expects(:lookupdefaults).with(res.type).returns(:a => :replaced, :c => :d) res.expects(:debug) res.send(:add_defaults) assert_equal(:d, params[:c], "Did not set default") assert_equal(:b, params[:a], "Replaced parameter with default") end def test_finish res = mkresource res.expects(:add_overrides) res.expects(:add_defaults) res.expects(:add_metaparams) res.expects(:validate) res.finish end # Make sure we paramcheck our params def test_validate res = mkresource params = res.instance_variable_get("@params") params[:one] = :two params[:three] = :four res.expects(:paramcheck).with(:one) res.expects(:paramcheck).with(:three) res.send(:validate) end def test_override_parameter res = mkresource params = res.instance_variable_get("@params") # There are three cases, with the second having two options: # No existing parameter. param = stub(:name => "myparam") res.send(:override_parameter, param) assert_equal(param, params["myparam"], "Override was not added to param list") # An existing parameter that we can override. source = stub(:child_of? => true) # Start out without addition params["param2"] = stub(:source => :whatever) param = stub(:name => "param2", :source => source, :add => false) res.send(:override_parameter, param) assert_equal(param, params["param2"], "Override was not added to param list") # Try with addition. params["param2"] = stub(:value => :a, :source => :whatever) param = stub(:name => "param2", :source => source, :add => true, :value => :b) param.expects(:value=).with([:a, :b]) res.send(:override_parameter, param) assert_equal(param, params["param2"], "Override was not added to param list") # And finally, make sure we throw an exception when the sources aren't related source = stub(:child_of? => false) params["param2"] = stub(:source => :whatever, :file => :f, :line => :l) old = params["param2"] param = stub(:name => "param2", :source => source, :file => :f, :line => :l) assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError, "Did not fail when params conflicted") do res.send(:override_parameter, param) end assert_equal(old, params["param2"], "Param was replaced irrespective of conflict") end def test_set_parameter res = mkresource params = res.instance_variable_get("@params") # First test the simple case: It's already a parameter param = mock('param') param.expects(:is_a?).with(Resource::Param).returns(true) param.expects(:name).returns("pname") res.send(:set_parameter, param) assert_equal(param, params["pname"], "Parameter was not added to hash") # Now the case where there's no value but it's not a param param = mock('param') param.expects(:is_a?).with(Resource::Param).returns(false) assert_raise(ArgumentError, "Did not fail when a non-param was passed") do res.send(:set_parameter, param) end # and the case where a value is passed in param = stub :name => "pname", :value => "whatever" Resource::Param.expects(:new).with(:name => "pname", :value => "myvalue", :source => res.source).returns(param) res.send(:set_parameter, "pname", "myvalue") assert_equal(param, params["pname"], "Did not put param in hash") end def test_paramcheck # There are three cases here: # It's a valid parameter res = mkresource ref = mock('ref') res.instance_variable_set("@ref", ref) klass = mock("class") ref.expects(:typeclass).returns(klass).times(4) klass.expects(:validattr?).with("good").returns(true) assert(res.send(:paramcheck, :good), "Did not allow valid param") # It's name or title klass.expects(:validattr?).with("name").returns(false) assert(res.send(:paramcheck, :name), "Did not allow name") klass.expects(:validattr?).with("title").returns(false) assert(res.send(:paramcheck, :title), "Did not allow title") # It's not actually allowed klass.expects(:validattr?).with("other").returns(false) res.expects(:fail) ref.expects(:type) res.send(:paramcheck, :other) end def test_to_transobject # First try translating a builtin resource. Make sure we use some references # and arrays, to make sure they translate correctly. source = mock("source") scope = mkscope scope.stubs(:tags).returns([]) refs = [] 4.times { |i| refs << Puppet::Parser::Resource::Reference.new(:title => "file%s" % i, :type => "file") } res = Parser::Resource.new :type => "file", :title => "/tmp", :source => source, :scope => scope, :params => paramify(source, :owner => "nobody", :group => %w{you me}, :require => refs[0], :ignore => %w{svn}, :subscribe => [refs[1], refs[2]], :notify => [refs[3]]) obj = nil assert_nothing_raised do obj = res.to_trans end assert_instance_of(Puppet::TransObject, obj) assert_equal(obj.type, res.type) assert_equal(obj.name, res.title) # TransObjects use strings, resources use symbols assert_equal("nobody", obj["owner"], "Single-value string was not passed correctly") assert_equal(%w{you me}, obj["group"], "Array of strings was not passed correctly") assert_equal("svn", obj["ignore"], "Array with single string was not turned into single value") assert_equal(["file", refs[0].title], obj["require"], "Resource reference was not passed correctly") assert_equal([["file", refs[1].title], ["file", refs[2].title]], obj["subscribe"], "Array of resource references was not passed correctly") assert_equal(["file", refs[3].title], obj["notify"], "Array with single resource reference was not turned into single value") end # FIXME This isn't a great test, but I need to move on. def test_to_transbucket bucket = mock("transbucket") source = mock("source") scope = mkscope res = Parser::Resource.new :type => "mydefine", :title => "yay", :source => source, :scope => scope result = res.to_trans assert_equal("yay", result.name, "did not set bucket name correctly") assert_equal("mydefine", result.type, "did not set bucket type correctly") end def test_evaluate # First try the most common case, we're not a builtin type. res = mkresource ref = res.instance_variable_get("@ref") type = mock("type") ref.expects(:definedtype).returns(type) res.expects(:finish) res.scope = mock("scope") config = mock("config") res.scope.expects(:compile).returns(config) config.expects(:delete_resource).with(res) args = {:scope => res.scope, :resource => res} type.expects(:evaluate).with(args) res.evaluate end def test_add_overrides # Try it with nil res = mkresource res.scope = mock('scope') config = mock("config") res.scope.expects(:compile).returns(config) config.expects(:resource_overrides).with(res).returns(nil) res.expects(:merge).never res.send(:add_overrides) # And an empty array res = mkresource res.scope = mock('scope') config = mock("config") res.scope.expects(:compile).returns(config) config.expects(:resource_overrides).with(res).returns([]) res.expects(:merge).never res.send(:add_overrides) # And with some overrides res = mkresource res.scope = mock('scope') config = mock("config") res.scope.expects(:compile).returns(config) returns = %w{a b} config.expects(:resource_overrides).with(res).returns(returns) res.expects(:merge).with("a") res.expects(:merge).with("b") res.send(:add_overrides) assert(returns.empty?, "Did not clear overrides") end def test_proxymethods res = Parser::Resource.new :type => "evaltest", :title => "yay", :source => mock("source"), :scope => mkscope assert_equal("evaltest", res.type) assert_equal("yay", res.title) assert_equal(false, res.builtin?) end def test_add_metaparams res = mkresource params = res.instance_variable_get("@params") params[:a] = :b Puppet::Type.expects(:eachmetaparam).multiple_yields(:a, :b, :c) res.scope.expects(:lookupvar).with("b", false).returns(:something) res.scope.expects(:lookupvar).with("c", false).returns(:undefined) res.expects(:set_parameter).with(:b, :something) res.send(:add_metaparams) assert_nil(params[:c], "A value was created somehow for an unset metaparam") end def test_reference_conversion # First try it as a normal string ref = Parser::Resource::Reference.new(:type => "file", :title => "/tmp/ref1") # Now create an obj that uses it res = mkresource :type => "file", :title => "/tmp/resource", :params => {:require => ref} res.scope = mkscope trans = nil assert_nothing_raised do trans = res.to_trans end assert_instance_of(Array, trans["require"]) assert_equal(["file", "/tmp/ref1"], trans["require"]) # Now try it when using an array of references. two = Parser::Resource::Reference.new(:type => "file", :title => "/tmp/ref2") res = mkresource :type => "file", :title => "/tmp/resource2", :params => {:require => [ref, two]} res.scope = mkscope trans = nil assert_nothing_raised do trans = res.to_trans end assert_instance_of(Array, trans["require"][0]) trans["require"].each do |val| assert_instance_of(Array, val) assert_equal("file", val[0]) assert(val[1] =~ /\/tmp\/ref[0-9]/, "Was %s instead of the file name" % val[1]) end end # This is a bit of a weird one -- the user should not actually know # that components exist, so we want references to act like they're not # builtin def test_components_are_not_builtin ref = Parser::Resource::Reference.new(:type => "component", :title => "yay") assert_nil(ref.builtintype, "Definition was considered builtin") end # The second part of #539 - make sure resources pass the arguments # correctly. def test_title_with_definitions parser = mkparser define = parser.newdefine "yayness", :code => resourcedef("file", "/tmp", "owner" => varref("name"), "mode" => varref("title")) klass = parser.findclass("", "") should = {:name => :owner, :title => :mode} [ {:name => "one", :title => "two"}, {:title => "three"}, ].each do |hash| config = mkcompile parser args = {:type => "yayness", :title => hash[:title], :source => klass, :scope => config.topscope} if hash[:name] args[:params] = {:name => hash[:name]} else args[:params] = {} # override the defaults end res = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not create res with %s" % hash.inspect) do res = mkresource(args) end assert_nothing_raised("Could not eval res with %s" % hash.inspect) do res.evaluate end made = config.topscope.findresource("File[/tmp]") assert(made, "Did not create resource with %s" % hash.inspect) should.each do |orig, param| assert_equal(hash[orig] || hash[:title], made[param], "%s was not set correctly with %s" % [param, hash.inspect]) end end end # part of #629 -- the undef keyword. Make sure 'undef' params get skipped. def test_undef_and_to_hash res = mkresource :type => "file", :title => "/tmp/testing", :source => mock("source"), :scope => mkscope, :params => {:owner => :undef, :mode => "755"} hash = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not convert resource with undef to hash") do hash = res.to_hash end assert_nil(hash[:owner], "got a value for an undef parameter") end # #643 - Make sure virtual defines result in virtual resources def test_virtual_defines parser = mkparser define = parser.newdefine("yayness", :code => resourcedef("file", varref("name"), "mode" => "644")) config = mkcompile(parser) res = mkresource :type => "yayness", :title => "foo", :params => {}, :scope => config.topscope res.virtual = true result = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not evaluate defined resource") do result = res.evaluate end scope = res.scope newres = scope.findresource("File[foo]") assert(newres, "Could not find resource") assert(newres.virtual?, "Virtual defined resource generated non-virtual resources") # Now try it with exported resources res = mkresource :type => "yayness", :title => "bar", :params => {}, :scope => config.topscope res.exported = true result = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not evaluate exported resource") do result = res.evaluate end scope = res.scope newres = scope.findresource("File[bar]") assert(newres, "Could not find resource") assert(newres.exported?, "Exported defined resource generated non-exported resources") assert(newres.virtual?, "Exported defined resource generated non-virtual resources") end # Make sure tags behave appropriately. def test_tags scope_resource = stub 'scope_resource', :tags => %w{srone srtwo} scope = stub 'scope', :resource => scope_resource resource = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new(:type => "file", :title => "yay", :scope => scope, :source => mock('source')) # Make sure we get the scope resource's tags, plus the type and title %w{srone srtwo yay file}.each do |tag| assert(resource.tags.include?(tag), "Did not tag resource with %s" % tag) end # make sure we can only set legal tags ["an invalid tag", "-anotherinvalid", "bad*tag"].each do |tag| assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError, "Tag #{tag} was considered valid") do resource.tag tag end end # make sure good tags make it through. tags = %w{good-tag yaytag GoodTag another_tag a ab A} tags.each do |tag| assert_nothing_raised("Tag #{tag} was considered invalid") do resource.tag tag end end # make sure we get each of them. ptags = resource.tags tags.each do |tag| assert(ptags.include?(tag), "missing #{tag}") end end end