#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/puppettest' require 'mocha' require 'puppet' require 'puppet/parser/parser' require 'puppettest' require 'puppettest/support/utils' class TestParser < Test::Unit::TestCase include PuppetTest include PuppetTest::ParserTesting include PuppetTest::Support::Utils def setup super Puppet[:parseonly] = true #@lexer = Puppet::Parser::Lexer.new() end def test_each_file textfiles { |file| parser = mkparser Puppet.debug("parsing %s" % file) if __FILE__ == $0 assert_nothing_raised() { parser.file = file parser.parse } Puppet::Type.eachtype { |type| type.each { |obj| assert(obj.file, "File is not set on %s" % obj.ref) assert(obj.name, "Name is not set on %s" % obj.ref) assert(obj.line, "Line is not set on %s" % obj.ref) } } Puppet::Type.allclear } end def test_failers failers { |file| parser = mkparser Puppet.debug("parsing failer %s" % file) if __FILE__ == $0 assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError, "Did not fail while parsing %s" % file) { parser.file = file ast = parser.parse config = mkcompiler(parser) config.compile #ast.classes[""].evaluate config.topscope } Puppet::Type.allclear } end def test_arrayrvalues parser = mkparser ret = nil file = tempfile() assert_nothing_raised { parser.string = "file { \"#{file}\": mode => [755, 640] }" } assert_nothing_raised { ret = parser.parse } end def mkmanifest(file) name = File.join(tmpdir, "file%s" % rand(100)) @@tmpfiles << name File.open(file, "w") { |f| f.puts "file { \"%s\": ensure => file, mode => 755 }\n" % name } end def test_importglobbing basedir = File.join(tmpdir(), "importesting") @@tmpfiles << basedir Dir.mkdir(basedir) subdir = "subdir" Dir.mkdir(File.join(basedir, subdir)) manifest = File.join(basedir, "manifest") File.open(manifest, "w") { |f| f.puts "import \"%s/*\"" % subdir } 4.times { |i| path = File.join(basedir, subdir, "subfile%s" % i) mkmanifest(path) } assert_nothing_raised("Could not parse multiple files") { parser = mkparser parser.file = manifest parser.parse } end def test_nonexistent_import basedir = File.join(tmpdir(), "importesting") @@tmpfiles << basedir Dir.mkdir(basedir) manifest = File.join(basedir, "manifest") File.open(manifest, "w") do |f| f.puts "import \" no such file \"" end assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError) { parser = mkparser parser.file = manifest parser.parse } end def test_trailingcomma path = tempfile() str = %{file { "#{path}": ensure => file, } } parser = mkparser parser.string = str assert_nothing_raised("Could not parse trailing comma") { parser.parse } end def test_importedclasses imported = tempfile() importer = tempfile() made = tempfile() File.open(imported, "w") do |f| f.puts %{class foo { file { "#{made}": ensure => file }}} end File.open(importer, "w") do |f| f.puts %{import "#{imported}"\ninclude foo} end parser = mkparser parser.file = importer # Make sure it parses fine assert_nothing_raised { parser.parse } # Now make sure it actually does the work assert_creates(importer, made) end # Make sure fully qualified and unqualified files can be imported def test_fqfilesandlocalfiles dir = tempfile() Dir.mkdir(dir) importer = File.join(dir, "site.pp") fullfile = File.join(dir, "full.pp") localfile = File.join(dir, "local.pp") files = [] File.open(importer, "w") do |f| f.puts %{import "#{fullfile}"\ninclude full\nimport "local.pp"\ninclude local} end fullmaker = tempfile() files << fullmaker File.open(fullfile, "w") do |f| f.puts %{class full { file { "#{fullmaker}": ensure => file }}} end localmaker = tempfile() files << localmaker File.open(localfile, "w") do |f| f.puts %{class local { file { "#{localmaker}": ensure => file }}} end parser = mkparser parser.file = importer # Make sure it parses assert_nothing_raised { parser.parse } # Now make sure it actually does the work assert_creates(importer, *files) end # Make sure the parser adds '.pp' when necessary def test_addingpp dir = tempfile() Dir.mkdir(dir) importer = File.join(dir, "site.pp") localfile = File.join(dir, "local.pp") files = [] File.open(importer, "w") do |f| f.puts %{import "local"\ninclude local} end file = tempfile() files << file File.open(localfile, "w") do |f| f.puts %{class local { file { "#{file}": ensure => file }}} end parser = mkparser parser.file = importer assert_nothing_raised { parser.parse } end # Make sure that file importing changes file relative names. def test_changingrelativenames dir = tempfile() Dir.mkdir(dir) Dir.mkdir(File.join(dir, "subdir")) top = File.join(dir, "site.pp") subone = File.join(dir, "subdir/subone") subtwo = File.join(dir, "subdir/subtwo") files = [] file = tempfile() files << file File.open(subone + ".pp", "w") do |f| f.puts %{class one { file { "#{file}": ensure => file }}} end otherfile = tempfile() files << otherfile File.open(subtwo + ".pp", "w") do |f| f.puts %{import "subone"\n class two inherits one { file { "#{otherfile}": ensure => file } }} end File.open(top, "w") do |f| f.puts %{import "subdir/subtwo"} end parser = mkparser parser.file = top assert_nothing_raised { parser.parse } end # Defaults are purely syntactical, so it doesn't make sense to be able to # collect them. def test_uncollectabledefaults string = "@Port { protocols => tcp }" assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError) { mkparser.parse(string) } end # Verify that we can parse collections def test_collecting text = "Port <| |>" parser = mkparser parser.string = text ret = nil assert_nothing_raised { ret = parser.parse } ret.classes[""].code.each do |obj| assert_instance_of(AST::Collection, obj) end end def test_emptyfile file = tempfile() File.open(file, "w") do |f| f.puts %{} end parser = mkparser parser.file = file assert_nothing_raised { parser.parse } end def test_multiple_nodes_named file = tempfile() other = tempfile() File.open(file, "w") do |f| f.puts %{ node nodeA, nodeB { file { "#{other}": ensure => file } } } end parser = mkparser parser.file = file ast = nil assert_nothing_raised { ast = parser.parse } end def test_emptyarrays str = %{$var = []\n} parser = mkparser parser.string = str # Make sure it parses fine assert_nothing_raised { parser.parse } end # Make sure function names aren't reserved words. def test_functionnamecollision str = %{tag yayness tag(rahness) file { "/tmp/yayness": tag => "rahness", ensure => exists } } parser = mkparser parser.string = str # Make sure it parses fine assert_nothing_raised { parser.parse } end def test_metaparams_in_definition_prototypes parser = mkparser assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError) { parser.parse %{define mydef($schedule) {}} } assert_nothing_raised { parser.parse %{define adef($schedule = false) {}} parser.parse %{define mydef($schedule = daily) {}} } end def test_parsingif parser = mkparser exec = proc do |val| %{exec { "/bin/echo #{val}": logoutput => true }} end str1 = %{if true { #{exec.call("true")} }} ret = nil assert_nothing_raised { ret = parser.parse(str1).classes[""].code[0] } assert_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::AST::IfStatement, ret) parser = mkparser str2 = %{if true { #{exec.call("true")} } else { #{exec.call("false")} }} assert_nothing_raised { ret = parser.parse(str2).classes[""].code[0] } assert_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::AST::IfStatement, ret) assert_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::AST::Else, ret.else) end def test_hostclass parser = mkparser assert_nothing_raised { parser.parse %{class myclass { class other {} }} } assert(parser.classes["myclass"], "Could not find myclass") assert(parser.classes["myclass::other"], "Could not find myclass::other") assert_nothing_raised { parser.parse "class base {} class container { class deep::sub inherits base {} }" } sub = parser.classes["container::deep::sub"] assert(sub, "Could not find sub") # Now try it with a parent class being a fq class assert_nothing_raised { parser.parse "class container::one inherits container::deep::sub {}" } sub = parser.classes["container::one"] assert(sub, "Could not find one") assert_equal("container::deep::sub", sub.parentclass) # Finally, try including a qualified class assert_nothing_raised("Could not include fully qualified class") { parser.parse "include container::deep::sub" } end def test_topnamespace parser = mkparser # Make sure we put the top-level code into a class called "" in # the "" namespace assert_nothing_raised do out = parser.parse "" assert_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::Parser::ASTSet, out) assert_nil(parser.classes[""], "Got a 'main' class when we had no code") end # Now try something a touch more complicated parser.initvars assert_nothing_raised do out = parser.parse "Exec { path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin' }" assert_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::Parser::ASTSet, out) assert_equal("", parser.classes[""].classname) assert_equal("", parser.classes[""].namespace) end end # Make sure virtual and exported resources work appropriately. def test_virtualresources tests = [:virtual] if Puppet.features.rails? Puppet[:storeconfigs] = true tests << :exported end tests.each do |form| parser = mkparser if form == :virtual at = "@" else at = "@@" end check = proc do |res, msg| if res.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::Resource) txt = res.ref else txt = res.class end # Real resources get marked virtual when exported if form == :virtual or res.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::Resource) assert(res.virtual, "#{msg} #{at}#{txt} is not virtual") end if form == :virtual assert(! res.exported, "#{msg} #{at}#{txt} is exported") else assert(res.exported, "#{msg} #{at}#{txt} is not exported") end end ret = nil assert_nothing_raised do ret = parser.parse("#{at}file { '/tmp/testing': owner => root }") end assert_instance_of(AST::ASTArray, ret.classes[""].code) resdef = ret.classes[""].code[0] assert_instance_of(AST::Resource, resdef) assert_equal("/tmp/testing", resdef.title.value) # We always get an astarray back, so... check.call(resdef, "simple resource") # Now let's try it with multiple resources in the same spec assert_nothing_raised do ret = parser.parse("#{at}file { ['/tmp/1', '/tmp/2']: owner => root }") end ret.classes[""].each do |res| assert_instance_of(AST::Resource, res) check.call(res, "multiresource") end end end def test_collections tests = [:virtual] if Puppet.features.rails? Puppet[:storeconfigs] = true tests << :exported end tests.each do |form| parser = mkparser if form == :virtual arrow = "<||>" else arrow = "<<||>>" end ret = nil assert_nothing_raised do ret = parser.parse("File #{arrow}") end coll = ret.classes[""].code[0] assert_instance_of(AST::Collection, coll) assert_equal(form, coll.form) end end def test_collectionexpressions %w{== !=}.each do |oper| str = "File <| title #{oper} '/tmp/testing' |>" parser = mkparser res = nil assert_nothing_raised do res = parser.parse(str).classes[""].code[0] end assert_instance_of(AST::Collection, res) query = res.query assert_instance_of(AST::CollExpr, query) assert_equal(:virtual, query.form) assert_equal("title", query.test1.value) assert_equal("/tmp/testing", query.test2.value) assert_equal(oper, query.oper) end end def test_collectionstatements %w{and or}.each do |joiner| str = "File <| title == '/tmp/testing' #{joiner} owner == root |>" parser = mkparser res = nil assert_nothing_raised do res = parser.parse(str).classes[""].code[0] end assert_instance_of(AST::Collection, res) query = res.query assert_instance_of(AST::CollExpr, query) assert_equal(joiner, query.oper) assert_instance_of(AST::CollExpr, query.test1) assert_instance_of(AST::CollExpr, query.test2) end end def test_collectionstatements_with_parens [ "(title == '/tmp/testing' and owner == root) or owner == wheel", "(title == '/tmp/testing')" ].each do |test| str = "File <| #{test} |>" parser = mkparser res = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not parse '#{test}'") do res = parser.parse(str).classes[""].code[0] end assert_instance_of(AST::Collection, res) query = res.query assert_instance_of(AST::CollExpr, query) #assert_equal(joiner, query.oper) #assert_instance_of(AST::CollExpr, query.test1) #assert_instance_of(AST::CollExpr, query.test2) end end # We've had problems with files other than site.pp importing into main. def test_importing_into_main top = tempfile() other = tempfile() File.open(top, "w") do |f| f.puts "import '#{other}'" end file = tempfile() File.open(other, "w") do |f| f.puts "file { '#{file}': ensure => present }" end Puppet[:manifest] = top interp = Puppet::Parser::Interpreter.new code = nil assert_nothing_raised do code = interp.compile(mknode).extract.flatten end assert(code.length == 1, "Did not get the file") assert_instance_of(Puppet::TransObject, code[0]) end def test_fully_qualified_definitions parser = mkparser assert_nothing_raised("Could not parse fully-qualified definition") { parser.parse %{define one::two { }} } assert(parser.definitions["one::two"], "Could not find one::two with no namespace") # Now try using the definition assert_nothing_raised("Could not parse fully-qualified definition usage") { parser.parse %{one::two { yayness: }} } end # #524 def test_functions_with_no_arguments parser = mkparser assert_nothing_raised("Could not parse statement function with no args") { parser.parse %{tag()} } assert_nothing_raised("Could not parse rvalue function with no args") { parser.parse %{$testing = template()} } end # #774 def test_fully_qualified_collection_statement parser = mkparser assert_nothing_raised("Could not parse fully qualified collection statement") { parser.parse %{Foo::Bar <||>} } end def test_module_import basedir = File.join(tmpdir(), "module-import") @@tmpfiles << basedir Dir.mkdir(basedir) modfiles = [ "init.pp", "mani1.pp", "mani2.pp", "sub/smani1.pp", "sub/smani2.pp" ] modpath = File.join(basedir, "modules") Puppet[:modulepath] = modpath modname = "amod" manipath = File::join(modpath, modname, Puppet::Module::MANIFESTS) FileUtils::mkdir_p(File::join(manipath, "sub")) targets = [] modfiles.each do |fname| target = File::join(basedir, File::basename(fname, '.pp')) targets << target txt = %[ file { '#{target}': content => "#{fname}" } ] if fname == "init.pp" txt = %[import 'mani1' \nimport '#{modname}/mani2'\nimport '#{modname}/sub/*.pp'\n ] + txt end File::open(File::join(manipath, fname), "w") do |f| f.puts txt end end manifest_texts = [ "import '#{modname}'", "import '#{modname}/init'", "import '#{modname}/init.pp'" ] manifest = File.join(modpath, "manifest.pp") manifest_texts.each do |txt| Puppet::Type.allclear File.open(manifest, "w") { |f| f.puts txt } assert_nothing_raised { parser = mkparser parser.file = manifest parser.parse } assert_creates(manifest, *targets) end end # #544 def test_ignoreimports parser = mkparser assert(! Puppet[:ignoreimport], ":ignoreimport defaulted to true") assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError, "Did not fail on missing import") do parser.parse("import 'nosuchfile'") end assert_nothing_raised("could not set :ignoreimport") do Puppet[:ignoreimport] = true end assert_nothing_raised("Parser did not follow :ignoreimports") do parser.parse("import 'nosuchfile'") end end def test_multiple_imports_on_one_line one = tempfile two = tempfile base = tempfile File.open(one, "w") { |f| f.puts "$var = value" } File.open(two, "w") { |f| f.puts "$var = value" } File.open(base, "w") { |f| f.puts "import '#{one}', '#{two}'" } parser = mkparser parser.file = base # Importing is logged at debug time. Puppet::Util::Log.level = :debug assert_nothing_raised("Parser could not import multiple files at once") do parser.parse end [one, two].each do |file| assert(@logs.detect { |l| l.message =~ /importing '#{file}'/}, "did not import %s" % file) end end def test_cannot_assign_qualified_variables parser = mkparser assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError, "successfully assigned a qualified variable") do parser.parse("$one::two = yay") end end # #588 def test_globbing_with_directories dir = tempfile Dir.mkdir(dir) subdir = File.join(dir, "subdir") Dir.mkdir(subdir) file = File.join(dir, "file.pp") maker = tempfile File.open(file, "w") { |f| f.puts "file { '#{maker}': ensure => file }" } parser = mkparser assert_nothing_raised("Globbing failed when it matched a directory") do parser.import("%s/*" % dir) end end # #629 - undef keyword def test_undef parser = mkparser result = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not parse assignment to undef") { result = parser.parse %{$variable = undef} } main = result.classes[""].code children = main.children assert_instance_of(AST::VarDef, main.children[0]) assert_instance_of(AST::Undef, main.children[0].value) end # Prompted by #729 -- parsing should not modify the interpreter. def test_parse parser = mkparser str = "file { '/tmp/yay': ensure => file }\nclass yay {}\nnode foo {}\ndefine bar {}\n" result = nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not parse") do result = parser.parse(str) end assert_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::Parser::ASTSet, result, "Did not get a ASTSet back from parsing") assert_instance_of(AST::HostClass, result.classes["yay"], "Did not create 'yay' class") assert_instance_of(AST::HostClass, result.classes[""], "Did not create main class") assert_instance_of(AST::Definition, result.definitions["bar"], "Did not create 'bar' definition") assert_instance_of(AST::Node, result.nodes["foo"], "Did not create 'foo' node") end # Make sure our node gets added to the node table. def test_newnode parser = mkparser # First just try calling it directly assert_nothing_raised { parser.newnode("mynode", :code => :yay) } assert_equal(:yay, parser.nodes["mynode"].code) # Now make sure that trying to redefine it throws an error. assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError) { parser.newnode("mynode", {}) } # Now try one with no code assert_nothing_raised { parser.newnode("simplenode", :parent => :foo) } # Now define the parent node parser.newnode(:foo) # And make sure we get things back correctly assert_equal(:foo, parser.nodes["simplenode"].parentclass) assert_nil(parser.nodes["simplenode"].code) # Now make sure that trying to redefine it throws an error. assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError) { parser.newnode("mynode", {}) } # Test multiple names names = ["one", "two", "three"] assert_nothing_raised { parser.newnode(names, {:code => :yay, :parent => :foo}) } names.each do |name| assert_equal(:yay, parser.nodes[name].code) assert_equal(:foo, parser.nodes[name].parentclass) # Now make sure that trying to redefine it throws an error. assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError) { parser.newnode(name, {}) } end end def test_newdefine parser = mkparser assert_nothing_raised { parser.newdefine("mydefine", :code => :yay, :arguments => ["a", stringobj("b")]) } mydefine = parser.definitions["mydefine"] assert(mydefine, "Could not find definition") assert_equal("", mydefine.namespace) assert_equal("mydefine", mydefine.classname) assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError) do parser.newdefine("mydefine", :code => :yay, :arguments => ["a", stringobj("b")]) end # Now define the same thing in a different scope assert_nothing_raised { parser.newdefine("other::mydefine", :code => :other, :arguments => ["a", stringobj("b")]) } other = parser.definitions["other::mydefine"] assert(other, "Could not find definition") assert(parser.definitions["other::mydefine"], "Could not find other::mydefine") assert_equal(:other, other.code) assert_equal("other", other.namespace) assert_equal("other::mydefine", other.classname) end def test_newclass scope = mkscope parser = scope.compiler.parser mkcode = proc do |ary| classes = ary.collect do |string| AST::FlatString.new(:value => string) end AST::ASTArray.new(:children => classes) end # First make sure that code is being appended code = mkcode.call(%w{original code}) klass = nil assert_nothing_raised { klass = parser.newclass("myclass", :code => code) } assert(klass, "Did not return class") assert(parser.classes["myclass"], "Could not find definition") assert_equal("myclass", parser.classes["myclass"].classname) assert_equal(%w{original code}, parser.classes["myclass"].code.evaluate(scope)) # Newclass behaves differently than the others -- it just appends # the code to the existing class. code = mkcode.call(%w{something new}) assert_nothing_raised do klass = parser.newclass("myclass", :code => code) end assert(klass, "Did not return class when appending") assert_equal(%w{original code something new}, parser.classes["myclass"].code.evaluate(scope)) # Now create the same class name in a different scope assert_nothing_raised { klass = parser.newclass("other::myclass", :code => mkcode.call(%w{something diff})) } assert(klass, "Did not return class") other = parser.classes["other::myclass"] assert(other, "Could not find class") assert_equal("other::myclass", other.classname) assert_equal("other::myclass", other.namespace) assert_equal(%w{something diff}, other.code.evaluate(scope)) # Make sure newclass deals correctly with nodes with no code klass = parser.newclass("nocode") assert(klass, "Did not return class") assert_nothing_raised do klass = parser.newclass("nocode", :code => mkcode.call(%w{yay test})) end assert(klass, "Did not return class with no code") assert_equal(%w{yay test}, parser.classes["nocode"].code.evaluate(scope)) # Then try merging something into nothing parser.newclass("nocode2", :code => mkcode.call(%w{foo test})) assert(klass, "Did not return class with no code") assert_nothing_raised do klass = parser.newclass("nocode2") end assert(klass, "Did not return class with no code") assert_equal(%w{foo test}, parser.classes["nocode2"].code.evaluate(scope)) # And lastly, nothing and nothing klass = parser.newclass("nocode3") assert(klass, "Did not return class with no code") assert_nothing_raised do klass = parser.newclass("nocode3") end assert(klass, "Did not return class with no code") assert_nil(parser.classes["nocode3"].code) end # Make sure you can't have classes and defines with the same name in the # same scope. def test_classes_beat_defines parser = mkparser assert_nothing_raised { parser.newclass("yay::funtest") } assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError) do parser.newdefine("yay::funtest") end assert_nothing_raised { parser.newdefine("yay::yaytest") } assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError) do parser.newclass("yay::yaytest") end end def test_namesplit parser = mkparser assert_nothing_raised do {"base::sub" => %w{base sub}, "main" => ["", "main"], "one::two::three::four" => ["one::two::three", "four"], }.each do |name, ary| result = parser.namesplit(name) assert_equal(ary, result, "%s split to %s" % [name, result]) end end end # Now make sure we get appropriate behaviour with parent class conflicts. def test_newclass_parentage parser = mkparser parser.newclass("base1") parser.newclass("one::two::three") # First create it with no parentclass. assert_nothing_raised { parser.newclass("sub") } assert(parser.classes["sub"], "Could not find definition") assert_nil(parser.classes["sub"].parentclass) # Make sure we can't set the parent class to ourself. assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError) { parser.newclass("sub", :parent => "sub") } # Now create another one, with a parentclass. assert_nothing_raised { parser.newclass("sub", :parent => "base1") } # Make sure we get the right parent class, and make sure it's not an object. assert_equal("base1", parser.classes["sub"].parentclass) # Now make sure we get a failure if we try to conflict. assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError) { parser.newclass("sub", :parent => "one::two::three") } # Make sure that failure didn't screw us up in any way. assert_equal("base1", parser.classes["sub"].parentclass) # But make sure we can create a class with a fq parent assert_nothing_raised { parser.newclass("another", :parent => "one::two::three") } assert_equal("one::two::three", parser.classes["another"].parentclass) end def test_fqfind parser = mkparser table = {} # Define a bunch of things. %w{a c a::b a::b::c a::c a::b::c::d a::b::c::d::e::f c::d}.each do |string| table[string] = string end check = proc do |namespace, hash| hash.each do |thing, result| assert_equal(result, parser.fqfind(namespace, thing, table), "Could not find %s in %s" % [thing, namespace]) end end # Now let's do some test lookups. # First do something really simple check.call "a", "b" => "a::b", "b::c" => "a::b::c", "d" => nil, "::c" => "c" check.call "a::b", "c" => "a::b::c", "b" => "a::b", "a" => "a" check.call "a::b::c::d::e", "c" => "a::b::c", "::c" => "c", "c::d" => "a::b::c::d", "::c::d" => "c::d" check.call "", "a" => "a", "a::c" => "a::c" end # Setup a module. def mk_module(name, files = {}) mdir = File.join(@dir, name) mandir = File.join(mdir, "manifests") FileUtils.mkdir_p mandir if defs = files[:define] files.delete(:define) end Dir.chdir(mandir) do files.each do |file, classes| File.open("%s.pp" % file, "w") do |f| classes.each { |klass| if defs f.puts "define %s {}" % klass else f.puts "class %s {}" % klass end } end end end end # #596 - make sure classes and definitions load automatically if they're in modules, so we don't have to manually load each one. def test_module_autoloading @dir = tempfile Puppet[:modulepath] = @dir FileUtils.mkdir_p @dir parser = mkparser # Make sure we fail like normal for actually missing classes assert_nil(parser.findclass("", "nosuchclass"), "Did not return nil on missing classes") # test the simple case -- the module class itself name = "simple" mk_module(name, :init => [name]) # Try to load the module automatically now klass = parser.findclass("", name) assert_instance_of(AST::HostClass, klass, "Did not autoload class from module init file") assert_equal(name, klass.classname, "Incorrect class was returned") # Try loading the simple module when we're in something other than the base namespace. parser = mkparser klass = parser.findclass("something::else", name) assert_instance_of(AST::HostClass, klass, "Did not autoload class from module init file") assert_equal(name, klass.classname, "Incorrect class was returned") # Now try it with a definition as the base file name = "simpdef" mk_module(name, :define => true, :init => [name]) klass = parser.finddefine("", name) assert_instance_of(AST::Definition, klass, "Did not autoload class from module init file") assert_equal(name, klass.classname, "Incorrect class was returned") # Now try it with namespace classes where both classes are in the init file parser = mkparser modname = "both" name = "sub" mk_module(modname, :init => %w{both both::sub}) # First try it with a namespace klass = parser.findclass("both", name) assert_instance_of(AST::HostClass, klass, "Did not autoload sub class from module init file with a namespace") assert_equal("both::sub", klass.classname, "Incorrect class was returned") # Now try it using the fully qualified name parser = mkparser klass = parser.findclass("", "both::sub") assert_instance_of(AST::HostClass, klass, "Did not autoload sub class from module init file with no namespace") assert_equal("both::sub", klass.classname, "Incorrect class was returned") # Now try it with the class in a different file parser = mkparser modname = "separate" name = "sub" mk_module(modname, :init => %w{separate}, :sub => %w{separate::sub}) # First try it with a namespace klass = parser.findclass("separate", name) assert_instance_of(AST::HostClass, klass, "Did not autoload sub class from separate file with a namespace") assert_equal("separate::sub", klass.classname, "Incorrect class was returned") # Now try it using the fully qualified name parser = mkparser klass = parser.findclass("", "separate::sub") assert_instance_of(AST::HostClass, klass, "Did not autoload sub class from separate file with no namespace") assert_equal("separate::sub", klass.classname, "Incorrect class was returned") # Now make sure we don't get a failure when there's no module file parser = mkparser modname = "alone" name = "sub" mk_module(modname, :sub => %w{alone::sub}) # First try it with a namespace assert_nothing_raised("Could not autoload file when module file is missing") do klass = parser.findclass("alone", name) end assert_instance_of(AST::HostClass, klass, "Did not autoload sub class from alone file with a namespace") assert_equal("alone::sub", klass.classname, "Incorrect class was returned") # Now try it using the fully qualified name parser = mkparser klass = parser.findclass("", "alone::sub") assert_instance_of(AST::HostClass, klass, "Did not autoload sub class from alone file with no namespace") assert_equal("alone::sub", klass.classname, "Incorrect class was returned") # and with the definition in its own file name = "mymod" mk_module(name, :define => true, :mydefine => ["mymod::mydefine"]) klass = parser.finddefine("", "mymod::mydefine") assert_instance_of(AST::Definition, klass, "Did not autoload definition from its own file") assert_equal("mymod::mydefine", klass.classname, "Incorrect definition was returned") end # Make sure class, node, and define methods are case-insensitive def test_structure_case_insensitivity parser = mkparser result = nil assert_nothing_raised do result = parser.newclass "Yayness" end assert_equal(result, parser.findclass("", "yayNess")) assert_nothing_raised do result = parser.newdefine "FunTest" end assert_equal(result, parser.finddefine("", "fUntEst"), "%s was not matched" % "fUntEst") end def test_manifests_with_multiple_environments parser = mkparser :environment => "something" # We use an exception to cut short the processing to simplify our stubbing #Puppet::Module.expects(:find_manifests).with("test", {:cwd => ".", :environment => "something"}).raises(Puppet::ParseError) Puppet::Module.expects(:find_manifests).with("test", {:cwd => ".", :environment => "something"}).returns([]) assert_raise(Puppet::ImportError) do parser.import("test") end end def test_watch_file_only_once FileTest.stubs(:exists?).returns(true) parser = mkparser parser.watch_file("doh") parser.watch_file("doh") assert_equal(1, parser.files.select { |name, file| file.file == "doh" }.length, "Length of watched 'doh' files was not 1") end end