#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require 'puppet/transaction' describe Puppet::Transaction do it "should match resources by name, not title, when prefetching" do @catalog = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new @transaction = Puppet::Transaction.new(@catalog) # Have both a title and name resource = Puppet::Type.type(:sshkey).create :title => "foo", :name => "bar", :type => :dsa, :key => "eh" @catalog.add_resource resource resource.provider.class.expects(:prefetch).with("bar" => resource) @transaction.prefetch end end describe Puppet::Transaction, " when determining tags" do before do @config = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new @transaction = Puppet::Transaction.new(@config) end it "should default to the tags specified in the :tags setting" do Puppet.expects(:[]).with(:tags).returns("one") @transaction.tags.should == %w{one} end it "should split tags based on ','" do Puppet.expects(:[]).with(:tags).returns("one,two") @transaction.tags.should == %w{one two} end it "should use any tags set after creation" do Puppet.expects(:[]).with(:tags).never @transaction.tags = %w{one two} @transaction.tags.should == %w{one two} end it "should always convert assigned tags to an array" do @transaction.tags = "one::two" @transaction.tags.should == %w{one::two} end end