#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Created by Luke Kanies on 2007-11-1. # Copyright (c) 2006. All rights reserved. require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require 'puppet/simple_graph' describe Puppet::SimpleGraph do it "should return the number of its vertices as its length" do @graph = Puppet::SimpleGraph.new @graph.add_vertex("one") @graph.add_vertex("two") @graph.size.should == 2 end it "should consider itself a directed graph" do Puppet::SimpleGraph.new.directed?.should be_true end it "should provide a method for reversing the graph" do @graph = Puppet::SimpleGraph.new @graph.add_edge(:one, :two) @graph.reversal.edge?(:two, :one).should be_true end it "should be able to produce a dot graph" do @graph = Puppet::SimpleGraph.new @graph.add_edge(:one, :two) proc { @graph.to_dot_graph }.should_not raise_error end end describe Puppet::SimpleGraph, " when managing vertices" do before do @graph = Puppet::SimpleGraph.new end it "should provide a method to add a vertex" do @graph.add_vertex(:test) @graph.vertex?(:test).should be_true end it "should ignore already-present vertices when asked to add a vertex" do @graph.add_vertex(:test) proc { @graph.add_vertex(:test) }.should_not raise_error end it "should return true when asked if a vertex is present" do @graph.add_vertex(:test) @graph.vertex?(:test).should be_true end it "should return false when asked if a non-vertex is present" do @graph.vertex?(:test).should be_false end it "should return all set vertices when asked" do @graph.add_vertex(:one) @graph.add_vertex(:two) @graph.vertices.length.should == 2 @graph.vertices.should include(:one) @graph.vertices.should include(:two) end it "should remove a given vertex when asked" do @graph.add_vertex(:one) @graph.remove_vertex!(:one) @graph.vertex?(:one).should be_false end it "should do nothing when a non-vertex is asked to be removed" do proc { @graph.remove_vertex!(:one) }.should_not raise_error end end describe Puppet::SimpleGraph, " when managing edges" do before do @graph = Puppet::SimpleGraph.new end it "should provide a method to test whether a given vertex pair is an edge" do @graph.should respond_to(:edge?) end it "should provide a method to add an edge as an instance of the edge class" do edge = Puppet::Relationship.new(:one, :two) @graph.add_edge(edge) @graph.edge?(:one, :two).should be_true end it "should provide a method to add an edge by specifying the two vertices" do @graph.add_edge(:one, :two) @graph.edge?(:one, :two).should be_true end it "should provide a method to add an edge by specifying the two vertices and a label" do @graph.add_edge(:one, :two, :stuff => :awesome) @graph.edge?(:one, :two).should be_true end it "should provide a method for retrieving an edge label" do edge = Puppet::Relationship.new(:one, :two, :stuff => :awesome) @graph.add_edge(edge) @graph.edge_label(:one, :two).should == {:stuff => :awesome} end it "should provide a method for retrieving an edge" do edge = Puppet::Relationship.new(:one, :two) @graph.add_edge(edge) @graph.edge(:one, :two).should equal(edge) end it "should add the edge source as a vertex if it is not already" do edge = Puppet::Relationship.new(:one, :two) @graph.add_edge(edge) @graph.vertex?(:one).should be_true end it "should add the edge target as a vertex if it is not already" do edge = Puppet::Relationship.new(:one, :two) @graph.add_edge(edge) @graph.vertex?(:two).should be_true end it "should return all edges as edge instances when asked" do one = Puppet::Relationship.new(:one, :two) two = Puppet::Relationship.new(:two, :three) @graph.add_edge(one) @graph.add_edge(two) edges = @graph.edges edges.length.should == 2 edges.should include(one) edges.should include(two) end it "should remove an edge when asked" do edge = Puppet::Relationship.new(:one, :two) @graph.add_edge(edge) @graph.remove_edge!(edge) @graph.edge?(edge.source, edge.target).should be_false end it "should remove all related edges when a vertex is removed" do one = Puppet::Relationship.new(:one, :two) two = Puppet::Relationship.new(:two, :three) @graph.add_edge(one) @graph.add_edge(two) @graph.remove_vertex!(:two) @graph.edge?(:one, :two).should be_false @graph.edge?(:two, :three).should be_false @graph.edges.length.should == 0 end end describe Puppet::SimpleGraph, " when finding adjacent vertices" do before do @graph = Puppet::SimpleGraph.new @one_two = Puppet::Relationship.new(:one, :two) @two_three = Puppet::Relationship.new(:two, :three) @one_three = Puppet::Relationship.new(:one, :three) @graph.add_edge(@one_two) @graph.add_edge(@one_three) @graph.add_edge(@two_three) end it "should return adjacent vertices" do adj = @graph.adjacent(:one) adj.should be_include(:three) adj.should be_include(:two) end it "should default to finding :out vertices" do @graph.adjacent(:two).should == [:three] end it "should support selecting :in vertices" do @graph.adjacent(:two, :direction => :in).should == [:one] end it "should default to returning the matching vertices as an array of vertices" do @graph.adjacent(:two).should == [:three] end it "should support returning an array of matching edges" do @graph.adjacent(:two, :type => :edges).should == [@two_three] end end describe Puppet::SimpleGraph, " when clearing" do before do @graph = Puppet::SimpleGraph.new one = Puppet::Relationship.new(:one, :two) two = Puppet::Relationship.new(:two, :three) @graph.add_edge(one) @graph.add_edge(two) @graph.clear end it "should remove all vertices" do @graph.vertices.should be_empty end it "should remove all edges" do @graph.edges.should be_empty end end describe Puppet::SimpleGraph, " when reversing graphs" do before do @graph = Puppet::SimpleGraph.new end it "should provide a method for reversing the graph" do @graph.add_edge(:one, :two) @graph.reversal.edge?(:two, :one).should be_true end it "should add all vertices to the reversed graph" do @graph.add_edge(:one, :two) @graph.vertex?(:one).should be_true @graph.vertex?(:two).should be_true end it "should retain labels on edges" do @graph.add_edge(:one, :two, :stuff => :awesome) edge = @graph.reversal.edge(:two, :one) edge.label.should == {:stuff => :awesome} end end describe Puppet::SimpleGraph, " when sorting the graph" do before do @graph = Puppet::SimpleGraph.new end def add_edges(hash) hash.each do |a,b| @graph.add_edge(a, b) end end it "should sort the graph topologically" do add_edges :a => :b, :b => :c @graph.topsort.should == [:a, :b, :c] end it "should fail on two-vertex loops" do add_edges :a => :b, :b => :a proc { @graph.topsort }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should fail on multi-vertex loops" do add_edges :a => :b, :b => :c, :c => :a proc { @graph.topsort }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should fail when a larger tree contains a small cycle" do add_edges :a => :b, :b => :a, :c => :a, :d => :c proc { @graph.topsort }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should succeed on trees with no cycles" do add_edges :a => :b, :b => :e, :c => :a, :d => :c proc { @graph.topsort }.should_not raise_error end # Our graph's add_edge method is smart enough not to add # duplicate edges, so we use the objects, which it doesn't # check. it "should be able to sort graphs with duplicate edges" do one = Puppet::Relationship.new(:a, :b) @graph.add_edge(one) two = Puppet::Relationship.new(:a, :b) @graph.add_edge(two) proc { @graph.topsort }.should_not raise_error end end