#!/usr/bin/env ruby Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) { (s = lambda { |f| File.exist?(f) ? require(f) : Dir.chdir("..") { s.call(f) } }).call("spec/spec_helper.rb") } require 'puppet/reports' require 'puppettest' tagmail = Puppet::Reports.report(:tagmail) describe tagmail do extend PuppetTest before do @processor = Puppet::Transaction::Report.new @processor.extend(Puppet::Reports.report(:tagmail)) end passers = File.join(datadir, "reports", "tagmail_passers.conf") File.readlines(passers).each do |line| it "should be able to parse '#{line.inspect}'" do @processor.parse(line) end end failers = File.join(datadir, "reports", "tagmail_failers.conf") File.readlines(failers).each do |line| it "should not be able to parse '#{line.inspect}'" do lambda { @processor.parse(line) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end { "tag: abuse@domain.com" => [%w{abuse@domain.com}, %w{tag}, []], "tag, other: abuse@domain.com" => [%w{abuse@domain.com}, %w{tag other}, []], "tag-other: abuse@domain.com" => [%w{abuse@domain.com}, %w{tag-other}, []], "tag, !other: abuse@domain.com" => [%w{abuse@domain.com}, %w{tag}, %w{other}], "tag, !other, one, !two: abuse@domain.com" => [%w{abuse@domain.com}, %w{tag one}, %w{other two}], "tag: abuse@domain.com, other@domain.com" => [%w{abuse@domain.com other@domain.com}, %w{tag}, []] }.each do |line, results| it "should parse '#{line}' as #{results.inspect}" do @processor.parse(line).shift.should == results end end describe "when matching logs" do before do @processor << Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => :notice, :message => "first", :tags => %w{one}) @processor << Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => :notice, :message => "second", :tags => %w{one two}) @processor << Puppet::Util::Log.new(:level => :notice, :message => "third", :tags => %w{one two three}) end def match(pos = [], neg = []) pos = Array(pos) neg = Array(neg) result = @processor.match([[%w{abuse@domain.com}, pos, neg]]) actual_result = result.shift if actual_result actual_result[1] else nil end end it "should match all messages when provided the 'all' tag as a positive matcher" do results = match("all") %w{first second third}.each do |str| results.should be_include(str) end end it "should remove messages that match a negated tag" do match("all", "three").should_not be_include("third") end it "should find any messages tagged with a provided tag" do results = match("two") results.should be_include("second") results.should be_include("third") results.should_not be_include("first") end it "should allow negation of specific tags from a specific tag list" do results = match("two", "three") results.should be_include("second") results.should_not be_include("third") end it "should allow a tag to negate all matches" do results = match([], "one") results.should be_nil end end end