#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' describe Puppet::Node::Catalog, " when compiling" do it "should accept tags" do config = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("mynode") config.tag("one") config.tags.should == %w{one} end it "should accept multiple tags at once" do config = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("mynode") config.tag("one", "two") config.tags.should == %w{one two} end it "should convert all tags to strings" do config = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("mynode") config.tag("one", :two) config.tags.should == %w{one two} end it "should tag with both the qualified name and the split name" do config = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("mynode") config.tag("one::two") config.tags.include?("one").should be_true config.tags.include?("one::two").should be_true end it "should accept classes" do config = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("mynode") config.add_class("one") config.classes.should == %w{one} config.add_class("two", "three") config.classes.should == %w{one two three} end it "should tag itself with passed class names" do config = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("mynode") config.add_class("one") config.tags.should == %w{one} end end describe Puppet::Node::Catalog, " when extracting" do it "should return extraction result as the method result" do config = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("mynode") config.expects(:extraction_format).returns(:whatever) config.expects(:extract_to_whatever).returns(:result) config.extract.should == :result end end describe Puppet::Node::Catalog, " when extracting transobjects" do def mkscope @parser = Puppet::Parser::Parser.new :Code => "" @node = Puppet::Node.new("mynode") @compiler = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.new(@node, @parser) # XXX This is ridiculous. @compiler.send(:evaluate_main) @scope = @compiler.topscope end def mkresource(type, name) Puppet::Parser::Resource.new(:type => type, :title => name, :source => @source, :scope => @scope) end it "should always create a TransBucket for the 'main' class" do config = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("mynode") @scope = mkscope @source = mock 'source' main = mkresource("class", :main) config.add_vertex(main) bucket = mock 'bucket' bucket.expects(:classes=).with(config.classes) main.stubs(:builtin?).returns(false) main.expects(:to_transbucket).returns(bucket) config.extract_to_transportable.should equal(bucket) end # This isn't really a spec-style test, but I don't know how better to do it. it "should transform the resource graph into a tree of TransBuckets and TransObjects" do config = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("mynode") @scope = mkscope @source = mock 'source' defined = mkresource("class", :main) builtin = mkresource("file", "/yay") config.add_edge(defined, builtin) bucket = [] bucket.expects(:classes=).with(config.classes) defined.stubs(:builtin?).returns(false) defined.expects(:to_transbucket).returns(bucket) builtin.expects(:to_transobject).returns(:builtin) config.extract_to_transportable.should == [:builtin] end # Now try it with a more complicated graph -- a three tier graph, each tier it "should transform arbitrarily deep graphs into isomorphic trees" do config = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("mynode") @scope = mkscope @scope.stubs(:tags).returns([]) @source = mock 'source' # Create our scopes. top = mkresource "class", :main topbucket = [] topbucket.expects(:classes=).with([]) top.expects(:to_trans).returns(topbucket) topres = mkresource "file", "/top" topres.expects(:to_trans).returns(:topres) config.add_edge top, topres middle = mkresource "class", "middle" middle.expects(:to_trans).returns([]) config.add_edge top, middle midres = mkresource "file", "/mid" midres.expects(:to_trans).returns(:midres) config.add_edge middle, midres bottom = mkresource "class", "bottom" bottom.expects(:to_trans).returns([]) config.add_edge middle, bottom botres = mkresource "file", "/bot" botres.expects(:to_trans).returns(:botres) config.add_edge bottom, botres toparray = config.extract_to_transportable # This is annoying; it should look like: # [[[:botres], :midres], :topres] # but we can't guarantee sort order. toparray.include?(:topres).should be_true midarray = toparray.find { |t| t.is_a?(Array) } midarray.include?(:midres).should be_true botarray = midarray.find { |t| t.is_a?(Array) } botarray.include?(:botres).should be_true end end describe Puppet::Node::Catalog, " when converting to a transobject catalog" do class TestResource attr_accessor :name, :virtual, :builtin def initialize(name, options = {}) @name = name options.each { |p,v| send(p.to_s + "=", v) } end def ref if builtin? "File[%s]" % name else "Class[%s]" % name end end def virtual? virtual end def builtin? builtin end def to_transobject Puppet::TransObject.new(name, builtin? ? "file" : "class") end end before do @original = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("mynode") @original.tag(*%w{one two three}) @original.add_class *%w{four five six} @top = TestResource.new 'top' @topobject = TestResource.new 'topobject', :builtin => true @virtual = TestResource.new 'virtual', :virtual => true @virtualobject = TestResource.new 'virtualobject', :builtin => true, :virtual => true @middle = TestResource.new 'middle' @middleobject = TestResource.new 'middleobject', :builtin => true @bottom = TestResource.new 'bottom' @bottomobject = TestResource.new 'bottomobject', :builtin => true @resources = [@top, @topobject, @middle, @middleobject, @bottom, @bottomobject] @original.add_edge(@top, @topobject) @original.add_edge(@top, @virtual) @original.add_edge(@virtual, @virtualobject) @original.add_edge(@top, @middle) @original.add_edge(@middle, @middleobject) @original.add_edge(@middle, @bottom) @original.add_edge(@bottom, @bottomobject) @catalog = @original.to_transportable end it "should add all resources as TransObjects" do @resources.each { |resource| @catalog.resource(resource.ref).should be_instance_of(Puppet::TransObject) } end it "should not extract defined virtual resources" do @catalog.vertices.find { |v| v.name == "virtual" }.should be_nil end it "should not extract builtin virtual resources" do @catalog.vertices.find { |v| v.name == "virtualobject" }.should be_nil end it "should copy the tag list to the new catalog" do @catalog.tags.sort.should == @original.tags.sort end it "should copy the class list to the new catalog" do @catalog.classes.should == @original.classes end it "should duplicate the original edges" do @original.edges.each do |edge| next if edge.source.virtual? or edge.target.virtual? source = @catalog.resource(edge.source.ref) target = @catalog.resource(edge.target.ref) source.should_not be_nil target.should_not be_nil @catalog.edge?(source, target).should be_true end end it "should set itself as the catalog for each converted resource" do @catalog.vertices.each { |v| v.catalog.object_id.should equal(@catalog.object_id) } end end describe Puppet::Node::Catalog, " when converting to a RAL catalog" do before do @original = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("mynode") @original.tag(*%w{one two three}) @original.add_class *%w{four five six} @top = Puppet::TransObject.new 'top', "class" @topobject = Puppet::TransObject.new '/topobject', "file" @middle = Puppet::TransObject.new 'middle', "class" @middleobject = Puppet::TransObject.new '/middleobject', "file" @bottom = Puppet::TransObject.new 'bottom', "class" @bottomobject = Puppet::TransObject.new '/bottomobject', "file" @resources = [@top, @topobject, @middle, @middleobject, @bottom, @bottomobject] @original.add_resource(*@resources) @original.add_edge(@top, @topobject) @original.add_edge(@top, @middle) @original.add_edge(@middle, @middleobject) @original.add_edge(@middle, @bottom) @original.add_edge(@bottom, @bottomobject) @catalog = @original.to_ral end it "should add all resources as RAL instances" do @resources.each { |resource| @catalog.resource(resource.ref).should be_instance_of(Puppet::Type) } end it "should copy the tag list to the new catalog" do @catalog.tags.sort.should == @original.tags.sort end it "should copy the class list to the new catalog" do @catalog.classes.should == @original.classes end it "should duplicate the original edges" do @original.edges.each do |edge| @catalog.edge?(@catalog.resource(edge.source.ref), @catalog.resource(edge.target.ref)).should be_true end end it "should set itself as the catalog for each converted resource" do @catalog.vertices.each { |v| v.catalog.object_id.should equal(@catalog.object_id) } end it "should convert parser resources to transobjects and set the catalog" do catalog = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("mynode") result = mock 'catalog' result.stub_everything Puppet::Node::Catalog.expects(:new).returns result trans = mock 'trans' resource = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new(:scope => mock("scope"), :source => mock("source"), :type => :file, :title => "/eh") resource.expects(:to_transobject).returns trans trans.expects(:catalog=).with result trans.stub_everything catalog.add_resource(resource) catalog.to_ral end # This tests #931. it "should not lose track of resources whose names vary" do changer = Puppet::TransObject.new 'changer', 'test' config = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new('test') config.add_resource(changer) config.add_resource(@top) config.add_edge(@top, changer) resource = stub 'resource', :name => "changer2", :title => "changer2", :ref => "Test[changer2]", :catalog= => nil, :remove => nil #changer is going to get duplicated as part of a fix for aliases 1094 changer.expects(:dup).returns(changer) changer.expects(:to_type).returns(resource) newconfig = nil proc { @catalog = config.to_ral }.should_not raise_error @catalog.resource("Test[changer2]").should equal(resource) end after do # Remove all resource instances. @catalog.clear(true) end end describe Puppet::Node::Catalog, " when functioning as a resource container" do before do @catalog = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("host") @one = stub 'resource1', :ref => "Me[one]", :catalog= => nil, :title => "one", :[] => "one" @two = stub 'resource2', :ref => "Me[two]", :catalog= => nil, :title => "two", :[] => "two" @dupe = stub 'resource3', :ref => "Me[one]", :catalog= => nil, :title => "one", :[] => "one" end it "should provide a method to add one or more resources" do @catalog.add_resource @one, @two @catalog.resource(@one.ref).should equal(@one) @catalog.resource(@two.ref).should equal(@two) end it "should set itself as the resource's catalog if it is not a relationship graph" do @one.expects(:catalog=).with(@catalog) @catalog.add_resource @one end it "should not set itself as the resource's catalog if it is a relationship graph" do @one.expects(:catalog=).never @catalog.is_relationship_graph = true @catalog.add_resource @one end it "should make all vertices available by resource reference" do @catalog.add_resource(@one) @catalog.resource(@one.ref).should equal(@one) @catalog.vertices.find { |r| r.ref == @one.ref }.should equal(@one) end it "should canonize how resources are referred to during retrieval when both type and title are provided" do @catalog.add_resource(@one) @catalog.resource("me", "one").should equal(@one) end it "should canonize how resources are referred to during retrieval when just the title is provided" do @catalog.add_resource(@one) @catalog.resource("me[one]", nil).should equal(@one) end it "should not allow two resources with the same resource reference" do @catalog.add_resource(@one) # These are used to build the failure @dupe.stubs(:file) @dupe.stubs(:line) @one.stubs(:file) @one.stubs(:line) proc { @catalog.add_resource(@dupe) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not store objects that do not respond to :ref" do proc { @catalog.add_resource("thing") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should remove all resources when asked" do @catalog.add_resource @one @catalog.add_resource @two @one.expects :remove @two.expects :remove @catalog.clear(true) end it "should support a mechanism for finishing resources" do @one.expects :finish @two.expects :finish @catalog.add_resource @one @catalog.add_resource @two @catalog.finalize end it "should make default resources when finalizing" do @catalog.expects(:make_default_resources) @catalog.finalize end it "should add default resources to the catalog upon creation" do @catalog.make_default_resources @catalog.resource(:schedule, "daily").should_not be_nil end it "should optionally support an initialization block and should finalize after such blocks" do @one.expects :finish @two.expects :finish config = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("host") do |conf| conf.add_resource @one conf.add_resource @two end end it "should inform the resource that it is the resource's catalog" do @one.expects(:catalog=).with(@catalog) @catalog.add_resource @one end it "should be able to find resources by reference" do @catalog.add_resource @one @catalog.resource(@one.ref).should equal(@one) end it "should be able to find resources by reference or by type/title tuple" do @catalog.add_resource @one @catalog.resource("me", "one").should equal(@one) end it "should have a mechanism for removing resources" do @catalog.add_resource @one @one.expects :remove @catalog.remove_resource(@one) @catalog.resource(@one.ref).should be_nil @catalog.vertex?(@one).should be_false end it "should have a method for creating aliases for resources" do @catalog.add_resource @one @catalog.alias(@one, "other") @catalog.resource("me", "other").should equal(@one) end it "should ignore conflicting aliases that point to the aliased resource" do @catalog.alias(@one, "other") lambda { @catalog.alias(@one, "other") }.should_not raise_error end it "should create aliases for resources isomorphic resources whose names do not match their titles" do resource = Puppet::Type::File.create(:title => "testing", :path => "/something") @catalog.add_resource(resource) @catalog.resource(:file, "/something").should equal(resource) end it "should not create aliases for resources non-isomorphic resources whose names do not match their titles" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).create(:title => "testing", :command => "echo", :path => %w{/bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin}) @catalog.add_resource(resource) # Yay, I've already got a 'should' method @catalog.resource(:exec, "echo").object_id.should == nil.object_id end # This test is the same as the previous, but the behaviour should be explicit. it "should alias using the class name from the resource reference, not the resource class name" do @catalog.add_resource @one @catalog.alias(@one, "other") @catalog.resource("me", "other").should equal(@one) end it "should ignore conflicting aliases that point to the aliased resource" do @catalog.alias(@one, "other") lambda { @catalog.alias(@one, "other") }.should_not raise_error end it "should fail to add an alias if the aliased name already exists" do @catalog.add_resource @one proc { @catalog.alias @two, "one" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not fail when a resource has duplicate aliases created" do @catalog.add_resource @one proc { @catalog.alias @one, "one" }.should_not raise_error end it "should not create aliases that point back to the resource" do @catalog.alias(@one, "one") @catalog.resource(:me, "one").should be_nil end it "should be able to look resources up by their aliases" do @catalog.add_resource @one @catalog.alias @one, "two" @catalog.resource(:me, "two").should equal(@one) end it "should remove resource aliases when the target resource is removed" do @catalog.add_resource @one @catalog.alias(@one, "other") @one.expects :remove @catalog.remove_resource(@one) @catalog.resource("me", "other").should be_nil end it "should add an alias for the namevar when the title and name differ on isomorphic resource types" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).create :path => "/something", :title => "other", :content => "blah" resource.expects(:isomorphic?).returns(true) @catalog.add_resource(resource) @catalog.resource(:file, "other").should equal(resource) @catalog.resource(:file, "/something").ref.should == resource.ref end it "should not add an alias for the namevar when the title and name differ on non-isomorphic resource types" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:file).create :path => "/something", :title => "other", :content => "blah" resource.expects(:isomorphic?).returns(false) @catalog.add_resource(resource) @catalog.resource(:file, resource.title).should equal(resource) # We can't use .should here, because the resources respond to that method. if @catalog.resource(:file, resource.name) raise "Aliased non-isomorphic resource" end end end describe Puppet::Node::Catalog do before :each do @catalog = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("host") @catalog.retrieval_duration = Time.now @transaction = mock 'transaction' Puppet::Transaction.stubs(:new).returns(@transaction) @transaction.stubs(:evaluate) @transaction.stubs(:cleanup) @transaction.stubs(:addtimes) end describe Puppet::Node::Catalog, " when applying" do it "should create and evaluate a transaction" do @transaction.expects(:evaluate) @catalog.apply end it "should provide the catalog time to the transaction" do @transaction.expects(:addtimes).with do |arg| arg[:config_retrieval].should be_instance_of(Time) true end @catalog.apply end it "should clean up the transaction" do @transaction.expects :cleanup @catalog.apply end it "should return the transaction" do @catalog.apply.should equal(@transaction) end it "should yield the transaction if a block is provided" do @catalog.apply do |trans| trans.should equal(@transaction) end end it "should default to not being a host catalog" do @catalog.host_config.should be_nil end it "should pass supplied tags on to the transaction" do @transaction.expects(:tags=).with(%w{one two}) @catalog.apply(:tags => %w{one two}) end it "should set ignoreschedules on the transaction if specified in apply()" do @transaction.expects(:ignoreschedules=).with(true) @catalog.apply(:ignoreschedules => true) end end describe Puppet::Node::Catalog, " when applying host catalogs" do # super() doesn't work in the setup method for some reason before do @catalog.host_config = true Puppet::Util::Storage.stubs(:store) end it "should send a report if reporting is enabled" do Puppet[:report] = true @transaction.expects :send_report @transaction.stubs :any_failed? => false @catalog.apply end it "should send a report if report summaries are enabled" do Puppet[:summarize] = true @transaction.expects :send_report @transaction.stubs :any_failed? => false @catalog.apply end it "should initialize the state database before applying a catalog" do Puppet::Util::Storage.expects(:load) # Short-circuit the apply, so we know we're loading before the transaction Puppet::Transaction.expects(:new).raises ArgumentError proc { @catalog.apply }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should sync the state database after applying" do Puppet::Util::Storage.expects(:store) @transaction.stubs :any_failed? => false @catalog.apply end after { Puppet.settings.clear } end describe Puppet::Node::Catalog, " when applying non-host catalogs" do before do @catalog.host_config = false end it "should never send reports" do Puppet[:report] = true Puppet[:summarize] = true @transaction.expects(:send_report).never @catalog.apply end it "should never modify the state database" do Puppet::Util::Storage.expects(:load).never Puppet::Util::Storage.expects(:store).never @catalog.apply end after { Puppet.settings.clear } end end describe Puppet::Node::Catalog, " when creating a relationship graph" do before do Puppet::Type.type(:component) @catalog = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("host") @compone = Puppet::Type::Component.create :name => "one" @comptwo = Puppet::Type::Component.create :name => "two", :require => ["class", "one"] @file = Puppet::Type.type(:file) @one = @file.create :path => "/one" @two = @file.create :path => "/two" @sub = @file.create :path => "/two/subdir" @catalog.add_edge @compone, @one @catalog.add_edge @comptwo, @two @three = @file.create :path => "/three" @four = @file.create :path => "/four", :require => ["file", "/three"] @five = @file.create :path => "/five" @catalog.add_resource @compone, @comptwo, @one, @two, @three, @four, @five, @sub @relationships = @catalog.relationship_graph end it "should fail when trying to create a relationship graph for a relationship graph" do proc { @relationships.relationship_graph }.should raise_error(Puppet::DevError) end it "should be able to create a relationship graph" do @relationships.should be_instance_of(Puppet::Node::Catalog) end it "should copy its host_config setting to the relationship graph" do config = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new config.host_config = true config.relationship_graph.host_config.should be_true end it "should not have any components" do @relationships.vertices.find { |r| r.instance_of?(Puppet::Type::Component) }.should be_nil end it "should have all non-component resources from the catalog" do # The failures print out too much info, so i just do a class comparison @relationships.vertex?(@five).should be_true end it "should have all resource relationships set as edges" do @relationships.edge?(@three, @four).should be_true end it "should copy component relationships to all contained resources" do @relationships.edge?(@one, @two).should be_true end it "should add automatic relationships to the relationship graph" do @relationships.edge?(@two, @sub).should be_true end it "should get removed when the catalog is cleaned up" do @relationships.expects(:clear).with(false) @catalog.clear @catalog.instance_variable_get("@relationship_graph").should be_nil end it "should create a new relationship graph after clearing the old one" do @relationships.expects(:clear).with(false) @catalog.clear @catalog.relationship_graph.should be_instance_of(Puppet::Node::Catalog) end it "should look up resources in the relationship graph if not found in the main catalog" do five = stub 'five', :ref => "File[five]", :catalog= => nil, :title => "five", :[] => "five" @relationships.add_resource five @catalog.resource(five.ref).should equal(five) end it "should provide a method to create additional resources that also registers the resource" do args = {:name => "/yay", :ensure => :file} resource = stub 'file', :ref => "File[/yay]", :catalog= => @catalog, :title => "/yay", :[] => "/yay" Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:create).with(args).returns(resource) @catalog.create_resource :file, args @catalog.resource("File[/yay]").should equal(resource) end it "should provide a mechanism for creating implicit resources" do args = {:name => "/yay", :ensure => :file} resource = stub 'file', :ref => "File[/yay]", :catalog= => @catalog, :title => "/yay", :[] => "/yay" Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:create).with(args).returns(resource) resource.expects(:implicit=).with(true) @catalog.create_implicit_resource :file, args @catalog.resource("File[/yay]").should equal(resource) end it "should add implicit resources to the relationship graph if there is one" do args = {:name => "/yay", :ensure => :file} resource = stub 'file', :ref => "File[/yay]", :catalog= => @catalog, :title => "/yay", :[] => "/yay" resource.expects(:implicit=).with(true) Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:create).with(args).returns(resource) # build the graph relgraph = @catalog.relationship_graph @catalog.create_implicit_resource :file, args relgraph.resource("File[/yay]").should equal(resource) end it "should remove resources created mid-transaction" do args = {:name => "/yay", :ensure => :file} resource = stub 'file', :ref => "File[/yay]", :catalog= => @catalog, :title => "/yay", :[] => "/yay" @transaction = mock 'transaction' Puppet::Transaction.stubs(:new).returns(@transaction) @transaction.stubs(:evaluate) @transaction.stubs(:cleanup) @transaction.stubs(:addtimes) Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:create).with(args).returns(resource) resource.expects :remove @catalog.apply do |trans| @catalog.create_resource :file, args @catalog.resource("File[/yay]").should equal(resource) end @catalog.resource("File[/yay]").should be_nil end it "should remove resources from the relationship graph if it exists" do @catalog.remove_resource(@one) @catalog.relationship_graph.vertex?(@one).should be_false end end describe Puppet::Node::Catalog, " when writing dot files" do before do @catalog = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("host") @name = :test @file = File.join(Puppet[:graphdir], @name.to_s + ".dot") end it "should only write when it is a host catalog" do File.expects(:open).with(@file).never @catalog.host_config = false Puppet[:graph] = true @catalog.write_graph(@name) end it "should only write when graphing is enabled" do File.expects(:open).with(@file).never @catalog.host_config = true Puppet[:graph] = false @catalog.write_graph(@name) end it "should write a dot file based on the passed name" do File.expects(:open).with(@file, "w").yields(stub("file", :puts => nil)) @catalog.expects(:to_dot).with("name" => @name.to_s.capitalize) @catalog.host_config = true Puppet[:graph] = true @catalog.write_graph(@name) end after do Puppet.settings.clear end end describe Puppet::Node::Catalog, " when indirecting" do before do @indirection = stub 'indirection', :name => :catalog Puppet::Util::Cacher.invalidate end it "should redirect to the indirection for retrieval" do Puppet::Node::Catalog.stubs(:indirection).returns(@indirection) @indirection.expects(:find) Puppet::Node::Catalog.find(:myconfig) end it "should default to the 'compiler' terminus" do Puppet::Node::Catalog.indirection.terminus_class.should == :compiler end after do Puppet::Util::Cacher.invalidate end end describe Puppet::Node::Catalog, " when converting to yaml" do before do @catalog = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("me") @catalog.add_edge("one", "two") end it "should be able to be dumped to yaml" do YAML.dump(@catalog).should be_instance_of(String) end end describe Puppet::Node::Catalog, " when converting from yaml" do before do @catalog = Puppet::Node::Catalog.new("me") @catalog.add_edge("one", "two") text = YAML.dump(@catalog) @newcatalog = YAML.load(text) end it "should get converted back to a catalog" do @newcatalog.should be_instance_of(Puppet::Node::Catalog) end it "should have all vertices" do @newcatalog.vertex?("one").should be_true @newcatalog.vertex?("two").should be_true end it "should have all edges" do @newcatalog.edge?("one", "two").should be_true end end