#!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' describe "Puppet::Resource::Ral" do describe "find", :fails_on_windows => true do before do @request = stub 'request', :key => "user/root" end it "should find an existing instance" do my_resource = stub "my user resource" wrong_instance = stub "wrong user", :name => "bob" my_instance = stub "my user", :name => "root", :to_resource => my_resource require 'puppet/type/user' Puppet::Type::User.expects(:instances).returns([ wrong_instance, my_instance, wrong_instance ]) Puppet::Resource::Ral.new.find(@request).should == my_resource end it "if there is no instance, it should create one", :'fails_on_ruby_1.9.2' => true do wrong_instance = stub "wrong user", :name => "bob" require 'puppet/type/user' Puppet::Type::User.expects(:instances).returns([ wrong_instance, wrong_instance ]) result = Puppet::Resource::Ral.new.find(@request) result.should be_is_a(Puppet::Resource) result.title.should == "root" end end describe "search" do before do @request = stub 'request', :key => "user/", :options => {} end it "should convert ral resources into regular resources" do my_resource = stub "my user resource" my_instance = stub "my user", :name => "root", :to_resource => my_resource require 'puppet/type/user' Puppet::Type::User.expects(:instances).returns([ my_instance ]) Puppet::Resource::Ral.new.search(@request).should == [my_resource] end it "should filter results by name if there's a name in the key" do my_resource = stub "my user resource" my_resource.stubs(:to_resource).returns(my_resource) my_resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns("root") wrong_resource = stub "wrong resource" wrong_resource.stubs(:to_resource).returns(wrong_resource) wrong_resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns("bad") my_instance = stub "my user", :to_resource => my_resource wrong_instance = stub "wrong user", :to_resource => wrong_resource @request = stub 'request', :key => "user/root", :options => {} require 'puppet/type/user' Puppet::Type::User.expects(:instances).returns([ my_instance, wrong_instance ]) Puppet::Resource::Ral.new.search(@request).should == [my_resource] end it "should filter results by query parameters" do wrong_resource = stub "my user resource" wrong_resource.stubs(:to_resource).returns(wrong_resource) wrong_resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns("root") my_resource = stub "wrong resource" my_resource.stubs(:to_resource).returns(my_resource) my_resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns("bob") my_instance = stub "my user", :to_resource => my_resource wrong_instance = stub "wrong user", :to_resource => wrong_resource @request = stub 'request', :key => "user/", :options => {:name => "bob"} require 'puppet/type/user' Puppet::Type::User.expects(:instances).returns([ my_instance, wrong_instance ]) Puppet::Resource::Ral.new.search(@request).should == [my_resource] end it "should return sorted results" do a_resource = stub "alice resource" a_resource.stubs(:to_resource).returns(a_resource) a_resource.stubs(:title).returns("alice") b_resource = stub "bob resource" b_resource.stubs(:to_resource).returns(b_resource) b_resource.stubs(:title).returns("bob") a_instance = stub "alice user", :to_resource => a_resource b_instance = stub "bob user", :to_resource => b_resource @request = stub 'request', :key => "user/", :options => {} require 'puppet/type/user' Puppet::Type::User.expects(:instances).returns([ b_instance, a_instance ]) Puppet::Resource::Ral.new.search(@request).should == [a_resource, b_resource] end end describe "save" do before do @rebuilt_res = stub 'rebuilt instance' @ral_res = stub 'ral resource', :to_resource => @rebuilt_res @instance = stub 'instance', :to_ral => @ral_res @request = stub 'request', :key => "user/", :instance => @instance @catalog = stub 'catalog' Puppet::Resource::Catalog.stubs(:new).returns(@catalog) @catalog.stubs(:apply) @catalog.stubs(:add_resource) end it "should apply a new catalog with a ral object in it" do Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:new).returns(@catalog) @catalog.expects(:add_resource).with(@ral_res) @catalog.expects(:apply) Puppet::Resource::Ral.new.save(@request) end it "should return a regular resource that used to be the ral resource" do Puppet::Resource::Ral.new.save(@request).should == @rebuilt_res end end end