unless defined?(SPEC_HELPER_IS_LOADED) SPEC_HELPER_IS_LOADED = 1 dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH.unshift("#{dir}/") $LOAD_PATH.unshift("#{dir}/lib") # a spec-specific test lib dir $LOAD_PATH.unshift("#{dir}/../lib") $LOAD_PATH.unshift("#{dir}/../test/lib") # Add the old test dir, so that we can still find our local mocha and spec # include any gems in vendor/gems Dir["#{dir}/../vendor/gems/**"].each do |path| libpath = File.join(path, "lib") if File.directory?(libpath) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(libpath) else $LOAD_PATH.unshift(path) end end require 'puppettest' require 'puppettest/runnable_test' require 'mocha' gem 'rspec', '>=1.2.9' require 'spec/autorun' # So everyone else doesn't have to include this base constant. module PuppetSpec FIXTURE_DIR = File.join(dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "fixtures") unless defined?(FIXTURE_DIR) end # load any monkey-patches Dir["#{dir}/monkey_patches/*.rb"].map { |file| require file } Spec::Runner.configure do |config| config.mock_with :mocha # config.prepend_before :all do # setup_mocks_for_rspec # setup if respond_to? :setup # end # config.prepend_after :each do Puppet.settings.clear Puppet::Node::Environment.clear Puppet::Util::Storage.clear if defined?($tmpfiles) $tmpfiles.each do |file| file = File.expand_path(file) if Puppet.features.posix? and file !~ /^\/tmp/ and file !~ /^\/var\/folders/ puts "Not deleting tmpfile #{file} outside of /tmp or /var/folders" next elsif Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? tempdir = File.expand_path(File.join(Dir::LOCAL_APPDATA, "Temp")) if file !~ /^#{tempdir}/ puts "Not deleting tmpfile #{file} outside of #{tempdir}" next end end if FileTest.exist?(file) system("chmod -R 755 '#{file}'") system("rm -rf '#{file}'") end end $tmpfiles.clear end @logs.clear Puppet::Util::Log.close_all end config.prepend_before :each do # these globals are set by Application $puppet_application_mode = nil $puppet_application_name = nil # Set the confdir and vardir to gibberish so that tests # have to be correctly mocked. Puppet[:confdir] = "/dev/null" Puppet[:vardir] = "/dev/null" # Avoid opening ports to the outside world Puppet.settings[:bindaddress] = "" @logs = [] Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(@logs) end end # We need this because the RAL uses 'should' as a method. This # allows us the same behaviour but with a different method name. class Object alias :must :should end end