#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require 'puppet/defaults' describe "Puppet defaults" do after { Puppet.settings.clear } describe "when setting the :factpath" do it "should add the :factpath to Facter's search paths" do Facter.expects(:search).with("/my/fact/path") Puppet.settings[:factpath] = "/my/fact/path" end end describe "when setting the :certname" do it "should fail if the certname is not downcased" do lambda { Puppet.settings[:certname] = "Host.Domain.Com" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "when configuring the :crl" do it "should warn if :cacrl is set to false" do Puppet.expects(:warning) Puppet.settings[:cacrl] = 'false' end end it "should have a clientyamldir setting" do Puppet.settings[:clientyamldir].should_not be_nil end it "should have different values for the yamldir and clientyamldir" do Puppet.settings[:yamldir].should_not == Puppet.settings[:clientyamldir] end # See #1232 it "should not specify a user or group for the clientyamldir" do Puppet.settings.element(:clientyamldir).owner.should be_nil Puppet.settings.element(:clientyamldir).group.should be_nil end # See #1232 it "should not specify a user or group for the rundir" do Puppet.settings.element(:rundir).owner.should be_nil Puppet.settings.element(:rundir).group.should be_nil end it "should default to yaml as the catalog format" do Puppet.settings[:catalog_format].should == "yaml" end it "should default to for its bind address and 'webrick' for its server type" do Puppet.settings[:servertype] = "webrick" Puppet.settings[:bindaddress].should == "" end it "should default to for its bind address if the server is webrick" do Puppet.settings[:servertype] = "webrick" Puppet.settings[:bindaddress].should == "" end it "should default to for its bind address if the server is mongrel" do Puppet.settings[:servertype] = "mongrel" Puppet.settings[:bindaddress].should == "" end it "should allow specification of a different bind address" do Puppet.settings[:bindaddress] = "" Puppet.settings[:bindaddress].should == "" end [:factdest, :pluginpath].each do |setting| it "should force the #{setting} to be a directory" do Puppet.settings[setting].should =~ /\/$/ end end [:modulepath, :pluginpath, :factpath].each do |setting| it "should configure '#{setting}' not to be a file setting, so multi-directory settings are acceptable" do Puppet.settings.element(setting).should be_instance_of(Puppet::Util::Settings::CElement) end end end