require 'puppet/util/instance_loader' # Manage Reference Documentation. class Puppet::Util::Reference include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::Docs extend Puppet::Util::InstanceLoader instance_load(:reference, 'puppet/reference') def self.footer "\n\n----------------\n\n*This page autogenerated on %s*\n" % end def self.modes %w{pdf trac text} end def self.newreference(name, options = {}, &block) ref =, options, &block) instance_hash(:reference)[symbolize(name)] = ref ref end def*sections) depth = 4 # Use the minimum depth sections.each do |name| section = reference(name) or raise "Could not find section %s" % name depth = section.depth if section.depth < depth end text = ".. contents:: :depth: 2\n\n" end def self.pdf(text) puts "creating pdf""/tmp/puppetdoc.txt", "w") do |f| f.puts text end rst2latex = %x{which rst2latex} if $? != 0 or rst2latex =~ /no / rst2latex = %x{which} end if $? != 0 or rst2latex =~ /no / raise "Could not find rst2latex" end rst2latex.chomp! cmd = %{#{rst2latex} /tmp/puppetdoc.txt > /tmp/puppetdoc.tex} output = %x{#{cmd}} unless $? == 0 $stderr.puts "rst2latex failed" $stderr.puts output exit(1) end $stderr.puts output # Now convert to pdf puts "handling pdf" Dir.chdir("/tmp") do %x{texi2pdf puppetdoc.tex >/dev/null 2>/dev/null} end #if FileTest.exists?("/tmp/puppetdoc.pdf") #"/tmp/puppetdoc.pdf", "/export/apache/docroots/") #end end def self.references instance_loader(:reference).loadall loaded_instances(:reference).sort { |a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s } end HEADER_LEVELS = [nil, "=", "-", "+", "'", "~"] attr_accessor :page, :depth, :header, :title, :dynamic attr_writer :doc def doc if defined?(@doc) return "%s - %s" % [@name, @doc] else return @title end end def dynamic? self.dynamic end def h(name, level) return "%s\n%s\n\n" % [name, HEADER_LEVELS[level] * name.to_s.length] end def initialize(name, options = {}, &block) @name = name options.each do |option, value| send(option.to_s + "=", value) end meta_def(:generate, &block) # Now handle the defaults @title ||= "%s Reference" % @name.to_s.capitalize @page ||= @title.gsub(/\s+/, '') @depth ||= 2 @header ||= "" end # Indent every line in the chunk except those which begin with '..'. def indent(text, tab) return text.gsub(/(^|\A)/, tab).gsub(/^ +\.\./, "..") end def option(name, value) ":%s: %s\n" % [name.to_s.capitalize, value] end def paramwrap(name, text, options = {}) options[:level] ||= 5 #str = "%s : " % name str = h(name, options[:level]) if options[:namevar] str += "- **namevar**\n\n" end str += text #str += text.gsub(/\n/, "\n ") str += "\n\n" return str end # Remove all trac links. def strip_trac(text) text.gsub(/`\w+\s+([^`]+)`:trac:/) { |m| $1 } end def text puts output end def to_rest(withcontents = true) # First the header text = h(@title, 1) text += "\n\n**This page is autogenerated; any changes will get overwritten** *(last generated on #{})*\n\n" if withcontents text += ".. contents:: :depth: %s\n\n" % @depth end text += @header text += generate() if withcontents text += self.class.footer end return text end def to_text(withcontents = true) strip_trac(to_rest(withcontents)) end def to_trac(with_contents = true) "{{{\n#!rst\n#{self.to_rest(with_contents)}\n}}}" end def trac"/tmp/puppetdoc.txt", "w") do |f| f.puts self.to_trac end puts "Writing %s reference to trac as %s" % [@name, @page] cmd = %{sudo trac-admin /opt/rl/trac/puppet wiki import %s /tmp/puppetdoc.txt} % output = %x{#{cmd}} unless $? == 0 $stderr.puts "trac-admin failed" $stderr.puts output exit(1) end unless output =~ /^\s+/ $stderr.puts output end end end