require 'syslog' # Pass feedback to the user. Log levels are modeled after syslog's, and it is # expected that that will be the most common log destination. Supports # multiple destinations, one of which is a remote server. class Puppet::Util::Log include Puppet::Util @levels = [:debug,:info,:notice,:warning,:err,:alert,:emerg,:crit] @loglevel = 2 @desttypes = {} # A type of log destination. class Destination class << self attr_accessor :name end def self.initvars @matches = [] end # Mark the things we're supposed to match. def self.match(obj) @matches ||= [] @matches << obj end # See whether we match a given thing. def self.match?(obj) # Convert single-word strings into symbols like :console and :syslog if obj.is_a? String and obj =~ /^\w+$/ obj = obj.downcase.intern end @matches.each do |thing| # Search for direct matches or class matches return true if thing === obj or thing == obj.class.to_s end return false end def name if defined? @name return @name else return end end # Set how to handle a message. def self.sethandler(&block) define_method(:handle, &block) end # Mark how to initialize our object. def self.setinit(&block) define_method(:initialize, &block) end end # Create a new destination type. def self.newdesttype(name, options = {}, &block) dest = genclass(name, :parent => Destination, :prefix => "Dest", :block => block, :hash => @desttypes, :attributes => options ) dest.match( return dest end @destinations = {} class << self include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::ClassGen end # Reset all logs to basics. Basically just closes all files and undefs # all of the other objects. def Log.close(dest = nil) if dest if @destinations.include?(dest) if @destinations.respond_to?(:close) @destinations[dest].close end @destinations.delete(dest) end else @destinations.each { |name, dest| if dest.respond_to?(:flush) dest.flush end if dest.respond_to?(:close) dest.close end } @destinations = {} end end # Flush any log destinations that support such operations. def Log.flush @destinations.each { |type, dest| if dest.respond_to?(:flush) dest.flush end } end # Create a new log message. The primary role of this method is to # avoid creating log messages below the loglevel. def Log.create(hash) unless hash.include?(:level) raise Puppet::DevError, "Logs require a level" end unless @levels.index(hash[:level]) raise Puppet::DevError, "Invalid log level %s" % hash[:level] end if @levels.index(hash[:level]) >= @loglevel return else return nil end end def Log.destinations return @destinations.keys end # Yield each valid level in turn def Log.eachlevel @levels.each { |level| yield level } end # Return the current log level. def Log.level return @levels[@loglevel] end # Set the current log level. def Log.level=(level) unless level.is_a?(Symbol) level = level.intern end unless @levels.include?(level) raise Puppet::DevError, "Invalid loglevel %s" % level end @loglevel = @levels.index(level) end def Log.levels @levels.dup end newdesttype :syslog do def close Syslog.close end def initialize if Syslog.opened? Syslog.close end name = Puppet[:name] name = "puppet-#{name}" unless name =~ /puppet/ options = Syslog::LOG_PID | Syslog::LOG_NDELAY # XXX This should really be configurable. str = Puppet[:syslogfacility] begin facility = Syslog.const_get("LOG_#{str.upcase}") rescue NameError raise Puppet::Error, "Invalid syslog facility %s" % str end @syslog =, options, facility) end def handle(msg) # XXX Syslog currently has a bug that makes it so you # cannot log a message with a '%' in it. So, we get rid # of them. if msg.source == "Puppet" @syslog.send(msg.level, msg.to_s.gsub("%", '%%')) else @syslog.send(msg.level, "(%s) %s" % [msg.source.to_s.gsub("%", ""), msg.to_s.gsub("%", '%%') ] ) end end end newdesttype :file do match(/^\//) def close if defined? @file @file.close @file = nil end end def flush if defined? @file @file.flush end end def initialize(path) @name = path # first make sure the directory exists # We can't just use 'Config.use' here, because they've # specified a "special" destination. unless FileTest.exist?(File.dirname(path)) Puppet.recmkdir(File.dirname(path)) "Creating log directory %s" % File.dirname(path) end # create the log file, if it doesn't already exist file =, File::WRONLY|File::CREAT|File::APPEND) @file = file @autoflush = Puppet[:autoflush] end def handle(msg) @file.puts("%s %s (%s): %s" % [msg.time, msg.source, msg.level, msg.to_s]) @file.flush if @autoflush end end newdesttype :console do PINK = {:console => "", :html => "FFA0A0"} GREEN = {:console => "", :html => "00CD00"} YELLOW = {:console => "", :html => "FFFF60"} SLATE = {:console => "", :html => "80A0FF"} ORANGE = {:console => "", :html => "FFA500"} BLUE = {:console => "", :html => "40FFFF"} RESET = {:console => "", :html => ""} @@colormap = { :debug => SLATE, :info => GREEN, :notice => PINK, :warning => ORANGE, :err => YELLOW, :alert => BLUE, :emerg => RESET, :crit => RESET } def colorize(level, str) case Puppet[:color] when false: str when true, :ansi, "ansi": console_color(level, str) when :html, "html": html_color(level, str) end end def console_color(level, str) @@colormap[level][:console] + str + RESET[:console] end def html_color(level, str) %{%s} % [@@colormap[level][:html], str] end def initialize # Flush output immediately. $stdout.sync = true end def handle(msg) if msg.source == "Puppet" puts colorize(msg.level, "%s: %s" % [msg.level, msg.to_s]) else puts colorize(msg.level, "%s: %s: %s" % [msg.level, msg.source, msg.to_s]) end end end newdesttype :host do def initialize(host) "Treating %s as a hostname" % host args = {} if host =~ /:(\d+)/ args[:Port] = $1 args[:Server] = host.sub(/:\d+/, '') else args[:Server] = host end @name = host @driver = end def handle(msg) unless msg.is_a?(String) or msg.remote unless defined? @hostname @hostname = Facter["hostname"].value end unless defined? @domain @domain = Facter["domain"].value if @domain @hostname += "." + @domain end end if msg.source =~ /^\// msg.source = @hostname + ":" + msg.source elsif msg.source == "Puppet" msg.source = @hostname + " " + msg.source else msg.source = @hostname + " " + msg.source end begin #puts "would have sent %s" % msg #puts "would have sent %s" % # CGI.escape(YAML.dump(msg)) begin tmp = CGI.escape(YAML.dump(msg)) rescue => detail puts "Could not dump: %s" % detail.to_s return end # Add the hostname to the source @driver.addlog(tmp) rescue => detail if Puppet[:trace] puts detail.backtrace end Puppet.err detail Puppet::Util::Log.close(self) end end end end # Log to a transaction report. newdesttype :report do match "Puppet::Transaction::Report" def initialize(report) @report = report end def handle(msg) # Only add messages from objects, since anything else is # probably unrelated to this run. if msg.objectsource? @report.newlog(msg) end end end # Log to an array, just for testing. newdesttype :array do match "Array" def initialize(array) @array = array end def handle(msg) @array << msg end end # Create a new log destination. def Log.newdestination(dest) # Each destination can only occur once. if @destinations.find { |name, obj| == dest } return end name, type = @desttypes.find do |name, klass| klass.match?(dest) end unless type raise Puppet::DevError, "Unknown destination type %s" % dest end begin if type.instance_method(:initialize).arity == 1 @destinations[dest] = else @destinations[dest] = end rescue => detail if Puppet[:debug] puts detail.backtrace end # If this was our only destination, then add the console back in. if @destinations.empty? and (dest != :console and dest != "console") newdestination(:console) end end end # Route the actual message. FIXME There are lots of things this method # should do, like caching, storing messages when there are not yet # destinations, a bit more. It's worth noting that there's a potential # for a loop here, if the machine somehow gets the destination set as # itself. def Log.newmessage(msg) if @levels.index(msg.level) < @loglevel return end @destinations.each do |name, dest| threadlock(dest) do dest.handle(msg) end end end def Log.sendlevel?(level) @levels.index(level) >= @loglevel end # Reopen all of our logs. def Log.reopen Puppet.notice "Reopening log files" types = @destinations.keys @destinations.each { |type, dest| if dest.respond_to?(:close) dest.close end } @destinations.clear # We need to make sure we always end up with some kind of destination begin types.each { |type| Log.newdestination(type) } rescue => detail if @destinations.empty? Log.newdestination(:syslog) Puppet.err detail.to_s end end end # Is the passed level a valid log level? def self.validlevel?(level) @levels.include?(level) end attr_accessor :level, :message, :time, :tags, :remote attr_reader :source def initialize(args) unless args.include?(:level) && args.include?(:message) raise Puppet::DevError, "Puppet::Util::Log called incorrectly" end if args[:level].class == String @level = args[:level].intern elsif args[:level].class == Symbol @level = args[:level] else raise Puppet::DevError, "Level is not a string or symbol: #{args[:level].class}" end # Just return unless we're actually at a level we should send #return unless self.class.sendlevel?(@level) @message = args[:message].to_s @time = # this should include the host name, and probly lots of other # stuff, at some point unless self.class.validlevel?(level) raise Puppet::DevError, "Invalid message level #{level}" end if args.include?(:tags) @tags = args[:tags] end if args.include?(:source) self.source = args[:source] else @source = "Puppet" end Log.newmessage(self) end # Was the source of this log an object? def objectsource? if defined? @objectsource and @objectsource @objectsource else false end end # If they pass a source in to us, we make sure it is a string, and # we retrieve any tags we can. def source=(source) # We can't store the actual source, we just store the path. # We can't just check for whether it responds to :path, because # plenty of providers respond to that in their normal function. if source.is_a?(Puppet::Element) and source.respond_to?(:path) @objectsource = true @source = source.path else @objectsource = false @source = source.to_s end unless defined? @tags and @tags if source.respond_to?(:tags) @tags = source.tags end end end def tagged?(tag) @tags.detect { |t| t.to_s == tag.to_s } end def to_report "%s %s (%s): %s" % [self.time, self.source, self.level, self.to_s] end def to_s return @message end end # $Id$