require 'puppet/util/warnings' # Autoload paths, either based on names or all at once. class Puppet::Util::Autoload include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::Warnings @autoloaders = {} @loaded = [] class << self attr_reader :autoloaders private :autoloaders end # Send [], []=, and :clear to the @autloaders hash Puppet::Util.classproxy self, :autoloaders, "[]", "[]=" # List all loaded files. def self.list_loaded @loaded.sort { |a,b| a[0] <=> b[0] }.collect do |path, hash| "%s: %s" % [path, hash[:file]] end end # Has a given path been loaded? This is used for testing whether a # changed file should be loaded or just ignored. This is only # used in network/client/master, when downloading plugins, to # see if a given plugin is currently loaded and thus should be # reloaded. def self.loaded?(path) path = path.to_s.sub(/\.rb$/, '') @loaded.include?(path) end # Save the fact that a given path has been loaded. This is so # we can load downloaded plugins if they've already been loaded # into memory. def self.loaded(file) @loaded << file unless @loaded.include?(file) end attr_accessor :object, :path, :objwarn, :wrap def initialize(obj, path, options = {}) @path = path.to_s if @path !~ /^\w/ raise ArgumentError, "Autoload paths cannot be fully qualified" end @object = obj self.class[obj] = self options.each do |opt, value| opt = opt.intern if opt.is_a? String begin self.send(opt.to_s + "=", value) rescue NoMethodError raise ArgumentError, "%s is not a valid option" % opt end end unless defined? @wrap @wrap = true end end # Load a single plugin by name. We use 'load' here so we can reload a # given plugin. def load(name) path = name.to_s + ".rb" eachdir do |dir| file = File.join(dir, path) next unless FileTest.exists?(file) begin Kernel.load file, @wrap name = symbolize(name) loaded name, file return true rescue LoadError => detail # I have no idea what's going on here, but different versions # of ruby are raising different errors on missing files. unless detail.to_s =~ /^no such file/i warn "Could not autoload %s: %s" % [name, detail] if Puppet[:trace] puts detail.backtrace end end return false end end return false end # Mark the named object as loaded. Note that this supports unqualified # queries, while we store the result as a qualified query in the class. def loaded(name, file) self.class.loaded(File.join(@path, name.to_s)) end # Indicate whether the specfied plugin has been loaded. def loaded?(name) self.class.loaded?(File.join(@path, name.to_s)) end # Load all instances that we can. This uses require, rather than load, # so that already-loaded files don't get reloaded unnecessarily. def loadall # Load every instance of everything we can find. eachdir do |dir| Dir.glob("#{dir}/*.rb").each do |file| name = File.basename(file).sub(".rb", '').intern next if loaded?(name) begin Kernel.require file loaded(name, file) rescue => detail if Puppet[:trace] puts detail.backtrace end warn "Could not autoload %s: %s" % [file.inspect, detail] end end end end # Yield each subdir in turn. def eachdir searchpath.each do |dir| subdir = File.join(dir, @path) yield subdir if end end # The list of directories to search through for loadable plugins. def searchpath # JJM: Search for optional lib directories in each module bundle. module_lib_dirs = Puppet[:modulepath].split(":").collect do |d| Dir.glob("%s/*/{plugins,lib}" % d).select do |f| end end.flatten [module_lib_dirs, Puppet[:libdir], $:].flatten end end