#-- # Copyright (C) 2008 Jeffrey J McCune. # This program and entire repository is free software; you can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU # General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # Author: Jeff McCune Puppet::Type.newtype(:mcx) do @doc = "MCX object management using DirectoryService on OS X. Original Author: Jeff McCune The default provider of this type merely manages the XML plist as reported by the dscl -mcxexport command. This is similar to the content property of the file type in Puppet. The recommended method of using this type is to use Work Group Manager to manage users and groups on the local computer, record the resulting puppet manifest using the command 'ralsh mcx' then deploying this to other machines. " feature :manages_content, \ "The provider can manage MCXSettings as a string.", :methods => [:content, :content=] ensurable do desc "Create or remove the MCX setting." newvalue(:present) do provider.create end newvalue(:absent) do provider.destroy end end newparam(:name) do desc "The name of the resource being managed. The default naming convention follows Directory Service paths:: /Computers/localhost /Groups/admin /Users/localadmin The ds_type and ds_name type parameters are not necessary if the default naming convention is followed." isnamevar end newparam(:ds_type) do desc "The DirectoryService type this MCX setting attaches to." newvalues(:user, :group, :computer, :computerlist) end newparam(:ds_name) do desc "The name to attach the MCX Setting to. e.g. 'localhost' when ds_type => computer. This setting is not required, as it may be parsed so long as the resource name is parseable. e.g. /Groups/admin where 'group' is the dstype." end newproperty(:content, :required_features => :manages_content) do desc "The XML Plist. The value of MCXSettings in DirectoryService. This is the standard output from the system command: dscl localhost -mcxexport /Local/Default// Note that ds_type is capitalized and plural in the dscl command." end # JJM Yes, this is not DRY at all. Because of the code blocks # autorequire must be done this way. I think. def setup_autorequire(type) # value returns a Symbol name = value(:name) ds_type = value(:ds_type) ds_name = value(:ds_name) if ds_type == type rval = [ ds_name.to_s ] else rval = [ ] end rval end autorequire(:user) do setup_autorequire(:user) end autorequire(:group) do setup_autorequire(:group) end autorequire(:computer) do setup_autorequire(:computer) end end