require 'puppet/ssl' # The tedious class that does all the manipulations to the # certificate to correctly sign it. Yay. class Puppet::SSL::CertificateFactory # How we convert from various units to the required seconds. UNITMAP = { "y" => 365 * 24 * 60 * 60, "d" => 24 * 60 * 60, "h" => 60 * 60, "s" => 1 } attr_reader :name, :cert_type, :csr, :issuer, :serial def initialize(cert_type, csr, issuer, serial) @cert_type, @csr, @issuer, @serial = cert_type, csr, issuer, serial @name = @csr.subject end # Actually generate our certificate. def result @cert = @cert.version = 2 # X509v3 @cert.subject = @csr.subject @cert.issuer = @issuer.subject @cert.public_key = @csr.public_key @cert.serial = @serial build_extensions set_ttl @cert end private # This is pretty ugly, but I'm not really sure it's even possible to do # it any other way. def build_extensions @ef = @ef.subject_certificate = @cert if @issuer.is_a?(OpenSSL::X509::Request) # It's a self-signed cert @ef.issuer_certificate = @cert else @ef.issuer_certificate = @issuer end @subject_alt_name = [] @key_usage = nil @ext_key_usage = nil @extensions = [] method = "add_#{@cert_type.to_s}_extensions" begin send(method) rescue NoMethodError raise ArgumentError, "#{@cert_type} is an invalid certificate type" end @extensions << @ef.create_extension("nsComment", "Puppet Ruby/OpenSSL Generated Certificate") @extensions << @ef.create_extension("basicConstraints", @basic_constraint, true) @extensions << @ef.create_extension("subjectKeyIdentifier", "hash") @extensions << @ef.create_extension("keyUsage", @key_usage.join(",")) if @key_usage @extensions << @ef.create_extension("extendedKeyUsage", @ext_key_usage.join(",")) if @ext_key_usage @extensions << @ef.create_extension("subjectAltName", @subject_alt_name.join(",")) if ! @subject_alt_name.empty? @cert.extensions = @extensions # for some reason this _must_ be the last extension added @extensions << @ef.create_extension("authorityKeyIdentifier", "keyid:always,issuer:always") if @cert_type == :ca end # TTL for new certificates in seconds. If config param :ca_ttl is set, # use that, otherwise use :ca_days for backwards compatibility def ttl ttl = Puppet.settings[:ca_ttl] return ttl unless ttl.is_a?(String) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid ca_ttl #{ttl}" unless ttl =~ /^(\d+)(y|d|h|s)$/ $1.to_i * UNITMAP[$2] end def set_ttl # Make the certificate valid as of yesterday, because # so many people's clocks are out of sync. from = - (60*60*24) @cert.not_before = from @cert.not_after = from + ttl end # Woot! We're a CA. def add_ca_extensions @basic_constraint = "CA:TRUE" @key_usage = %w{cRLSign keyCertSign} end # We're a terminal CA, probably not self-signed. def add_terminalsubca_extensions @basic_constraint = "CA:TRUE,pathlen:0" @key_usage = %w{cRLSign keyCertSign} end # We're a normal server. def add_server_extensions @basic_constraint = "CA:FALSE" dnsnames = Puppet[:certdnsnames] name = @name.to_s.sub(%r{/CN=},'') if dnsnames != "" dnsnames.split(':').each { |d| @subject_alt_name << 'DNS:' + d } @subject_alt_name << 'DNS:' + name # Add the fqdn as an alias elsif name == Facter.value(:fqdn) # we're a CA server, and thus probably the server @subject_alt_name << 'DNS:' + "puppet" # Add 'puppet' as an alias @subject_alt_name << 'DNS:' + name # Add the fqdn as an alias @subject_alt_name << 'DNS:' + name.sub(/^[^.]+./, "puppet.") # add puppet.domain as an alias end @key_usage = %w{digitalSignature keyEncipherment} @ext_key_usage = %w{serverAuth clientAuth emailProtection} end # Um, no idea. def add_ocsp_extensions @basic_constraint = "CA:FALSE" @key_usage = %w{nonRepudiation digitalSignature} @ext_key_usage = %w{serverAuth OCSPSigning} end # Normal client. def add_client_extensions @basic_constraint = "CA:FALSE" @key_usage = %w{nonRepudiation digitalSignature keyEncipherment} @ext_key_usage = %w{clientAuth emailProtection} @extensions << @ef.create_extension("nsCertType", "client,email") end end