config = Puppet::Util::Reference.newreference(:configuration, :depth => 1, :doc => "A reference for all configuration parameters") do docs = {} Puppet.settings.each do |name, object| docs[name] = object end str = "" docs.sort { |a, b| a[0].to_s <=> b[0].to_s }.each do |name, object| # Make each name an anchor header = name.to_s str += h(header, 3) # Print the doc string itself begin str += object.desc.gsub(/\n/, " ") rescue => detail puts detail.backtrace puts detail end str += "\n\n" # Now print the data about the item. str += "" val = object.default if name.to_s == "vardir" val = "/var/puppet" elsif name.to_s == "confdir" val = "/etc/puppet" end # Leave out the section information; it was apparently confusing people. #str += "- **Section**: %s\n" % object.section unless val == "" str += "- **Default**: %s\n" % val end str += "\n" end return str end config.header = " Specifying Configuration Parameters ----------------------------------- On The Command-Line +++++++++++++++++++ Every Puppet executable (with the exception of ``puppetdoc``) accepts all of the parameters below, but not all of the arguments make sense for every executable. I have tried to be as thorough as possible in the descriptions of the arguments, so it should be obvious whether an argument is appropriate or not. These parameters can be supplied to the executables either as command-line options or in the configuration file. For instance, the command-line invocation below would set the configuration directory to ``/private/puppet``:: $ puppetd --confdir=/private/puppet Note that boolean options are turned on and off with a slightly different syntax on the command line:: $ puppetd --storeconfigs $ puppetd --no-storeconfigs The invocations above will enable and disable, respectively, the storage of the client configuration. Configuration Files +++++++++++++++++++ As mentioned above, the configuration parameters can also be stored in a configuration file, located in the configuration directory. As root, the default configuration directory is ``/etc/puppet``, and as a regular user, the default configuration directory is ``~user/.puppet``. As of 0.23.0, all executables look for ``puppet.conf`` in their configuration directory (although they previously looked for separate files). For example, ``puppet.conf`` is located at ``/etc/puppet/puppet.conf`` as root and ``~user/.puppet/puppet.conf`` as a regular user by default. All executables will set any parameters set within the ``main`` section, while each executable will also look for a section named for the executable and load those parameters. For example, ``puppetd`` will look for a section named ``puppetd``, and ``puppetmasterd`` looks for a section named ``puppetmasterd``. This allows you to use a single configuration file to customize the settings for all of your executables. File Format ''''''''''' The file follows INI-style formatting. Here is an example of a very simple ``puppet.conf`` file:: [main] confdir = /private/puppet storeconfigs = true Note that boolean parameters must be explicitly specified as `true` or `false` as seen above. If you need to change file parameters (e.g., reset the mode or owner), do so within curly braces on the same line:: [main] myfile = /tmp/whatever {owner = root, mode = 644} If you're starting out with a fresh configuration, you may wish to let the executable generate a template configuration file for you by invoking the executable in question with the `--genconfig` command. The executable will print a template configuration to standard output, which can be redirected to a file like so:: $ puppetd --genconfig > /etc/puppet/puppet.conf Note that this invocation will replace the contents of any pre-existing `puppet.conf` file, so make a backup of your present config if it contains valuable information. Like the `--genconfig` argument, the executables also accept a `--genmanifest` argument, which will generate a manifest that can be used to manage all of Puppet's directories and files and prints it to standard output. This can likewise be redirected to a file:: $ puppetd --genmanifest > /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp Puppet can also create user and group accounts for itself (one `puppet` group and one `puppet` user) if it is invoked as `root` with the `--mkusers` argument:: $ puppetd --mkusers Signals ------- The ``puppetd`` and ``puppetmasterd`` executables catch some signals for special handling. Both daemons catch (``SIGHUP``), which forces the server to restart tself. Predictably, interrupt and terminate (``SIGINT`` and ``SIGTERM``) will shut down the server, whether it be an instance of ``puppetd`` or ``puppetmasterd``. Sending the ``SIGUSR1`` signal to an instance of ``puppetd`` will cause it to immediately begin a new configuration transaction with the server. This signal has no effect on ``puppetmasterd``. Configuration Parameter Reference --------------------------------- Below is a list of all documented parameters. Not all of them are valid with all Puppet executables, but the executables will ignore any inappropriate values. "