require 'puppet/provider/parsedfile' Puppet::Type.type(:ssh_authorized_key).provide(:parsed, :parent => Puppet::Provider::ParsedFile, :filetype => :flat, :default_target => '' ) do desc "Parse and generate authorized_keys files for SSH." text_line :comment, :match => /^#/ text_line :blank, :match => /^\s+/ record_line :parsed, :fields => %w{options type key name}, :optional => %w{options}, :rts => /^\s+/, :match => /^(?:(.+) )?(ssh-dss|ssh-rsa) ([^ ]+)(?: (.+))?$/, :post_parse => proc { |record| if record[:options].nil? record[:options] = [:absent] else record[:options] = Puppet::Type::Ssh_authorized_key::ProviderParsed.parse_options(record[:options]) end }, :pre_gen => proc { |record| if record[:options].include?(:absent) record[:options] = "" else record[:options] = record[:options].join(',') end } record_line :key_v1, :fields => %w{options bits exponent modulus name}, :optional => %w{options}, :rts => /^\s+/, :match => /^(?:(.+) )?(\d+) (\d+) (\d+)(?: (.+))?$/ def target @resource.should(:target) end def user @resource.should(:user) end def dir_perm # Determine correct permission for created directory and file # we can afford more restrictive permissions when the user is known if target if user 0700 else 0755 end end end def file_perm if target if user 0600 else 0644 end end end def target if user File.expand_path("~%s/.ssh/authorized_keys" % user) elsif target = @resource.should(:target) target end end def user @resource.should(:user) end def dir_perm # Determine correct permission for created directory and file # we can afford more restrictive permissions when the user is known if target if user 0700 else 0755 end end end def file_perm if target if user 0600 else 0644 end end end def flush # As path expansion had to be moved in the provider, we cannot generate new file # resources and thus have to chown and chmod here. It smells hackish. # Create target's parent directory if nonexistant if target dir = File.dirname(target) if not File.exist? dir Puppet.debug("Creating directory %s which did not exist" % dir) Dir.mkdir(dir, dir_perm) end end # Generate the file super # Ensure correct permissions if target and user uid = Puppet::Util.uid(user) if uid File.chown(uid, nil, dir) File.chown(uid, nil, target) else raise Puppet::Error, "Specified user does not exist" end end if target File.chmod(file_perm, target) end end # parse sshv2 option strings, wich is a comma separated list of # either key="values" elements or bare-word elements def self.parse_options(options) result = [] scanner = while !scanner.eos? scanner.skip(/[ \t]*/) # scan a long option if out = scanner.scan(/[-a-z0-9A-Z_]+=\".*?\"/) or out = scanner.scan(/[-a-z0-9A-Z_]+/) result << out else # found an unscannable token, let's abort break end # eat a comma scanner.skip(/[ \t]*,[ \t]*/) end result end end