Puppet::Type.type(:service).provide :base do desc "The simplest form of service support. You have to specify enough about your service for this to work; the minimum you can specify is a binary for starting the process, and this same binary will be searched for in the process table to stop the service. It is preferable to specify start, stop, and status commands, akin to how you would do so using ``init``. " commands :kill => "kill" def self.instances [] end # Get the process ID for a running process. Requires the 'pattern' # parameter. def getpid @resource.fail "Either stop/status commands or a pattern must be specified" unless @resource[:pattern] ps = Facter["ps"].value @resource.fail "You must upgrade Facter to a version that includes 'ps'" unless ps and ps != "" regex = Regexp.new(@resource[:pattern]) self.debug "Executing '#{ps}'" IO.popen(ps) { |table| table.each { |line| if regex.match(line) ary = line.sub(/^\s+/, '').split(/\s+/) return ary[1] end } } return nil end # How to restart the process. def restart if @resource[:restart] or restartcmd ucommand(:restart) else self.stop self.start end end # There is no default command, which causes other methods to be used def restartcmd end # Check if the process is running. Prefer the 'status' parameter, # then 'statuscmd' method, then look in the process table. We give # the object the option to not return a status command, which might # happen if, for instance, it has an init script (and thus responds to # 'statuscmd') but does not have 'hasstatus' enabled. def status if @resource[:status] or statuscmd # Don't fail when the exit status is not 0. ucommand(:status, false) # Expicitly calling exitstatus to facilitate testing if $CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus == 0 return :running else return :stopped end elsif pid = self.getpid self.debug "PID is #{pid}" return :running else return :stopped end end # There is no default command, which causes other methods to be used def statuscmd end # Run the 'start' parameter command, or the specified 'startcmd'. def start ucommand(:start) end # The command used to start. Generated if the 'binary' argument # is passed. def startcmd if @resource[:binary] return @resource[:binary] else raise Puppet::Error, "Services must specify a start command or a binary" end end # Stop the service. If a 'stop' parameter is specified, it # takes precedence; otherwise checks if the object responds to # a 'stopcmd' method, and if so runs that; otherwise, looks # for the process in the process table. # This method will generally not be overridden by submodules. def stop if @resource[:stop] or stopcmd ucommand(:stop) else pid = getpid unless pid self.info "#{self.name} is not running" return false end begin output = kill pid rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail @resource.fail "Could not kill #{self.name}, PID #{pid}: #{output}" end return true end end # There is no default command, which causes other methods to be used def stopcmd end # A simple wrapper so execution failures are a bit more informative. def texecute(type, command, fof = true) begin # #565: Services generally produce no output, so squelch them. execute(command, :failonfail => fof, :squelch => true) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail @resource.fail "Could not #{type} #{@resource.ref}: #{detail}" end return nil end # Use either a specified command or the default for our provider. def ucommand(type, fof = true) if c = @resource[type] cmd = [c] else cmd = [send("#{type}cmd")].flatten end return texecute(type, cmd, fof) end end